HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12428 P 979 ...... ." t1 "f~1"1' It tv / L' ) /) I i ~"t:' . ..z '-1.~::'/) f crt! / :2 / - 5- <; ._ N.Y.B.T.U, Form 8002 -. BarpiD.... Solo: 1l<<lI. willaC_qalnslGIIIIIU'" Acu.. lndivldua1orCorpondoDlsil\&le.1I<<C) . , , Co.'\fSULT YOUR LAWYER BEt'OlIE SIGNING TIllS INI.-nt~'T - TIllS INSTlWMD'T SHOULD BE USED BY LA WYERS ONLY. . . I . THIS INDENTURE, made this .;be day of December, two thousand and five BETWEEN USA JACKSON & STEVEN JACKSON, being married to each other. residing at 20 I S Gabriella Coon Maniwck. NY 11952 as to an undivided one-balf (1/1) party of the first part, and 1470 ROUTE 48 CORP.. residing at 1470 Route 48 Mattituck, NY 11952 pany of the second pan, WITNESSE11I, that the lIany of the first pan, in consideration of ten dollars and otber valuable consideration paid by the purty of the second pan. does hereby grant and release unto the party of the second pan, the heirs or successors and assigns of the party of the second pan forever, ALL that certain plot. pieoe or parcel of land. with the buildings and improvements thereon erected. siwate. lying and being at Mattiwck. Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York. bounded and described as follows: SEE SCHEDULE "A" ANNEXED HERETO, ,,' BEING AND INTENDED TO BE the same premises described in the deed of the parties of the first pan herein by deed from Arthur P. Foster, dated 10/25/1999, recorded in the Suffolk County Clerk's Office on 11/09/1999. in Liber 12000, Page 557; , J . TOGETHER with all right, title and interest, if any, of the party of the first pari in and 10 any streets and roads abutting the above described premises to the center lines thereof; TOGE11IER with the appurtenances, and also all the estate and rights of the party of the first pan in and to said premises; TO HAVE AND TO HOI,D the premises herein granted unto the party of the second pan. the heirs or successors and assigns of the party of the second pan forever, AND the party of the firsl[ part covenants that the pany of the first pan has not done or suffered anything whereby the said premises have been encumbered in any way whateVer, except as aforesaid. AND the party of the first part. in compliance with Section 13 of the Lien Law, covenants that the pany of the firsl pan will receive the consideration for this conveyance and will hold the right to ..... '\, . receive such consideration as a lI'USt fund to I!e appli,ed first for the purpose of paying the cost of lite improvement and will apply lite same first to lite payment of lite cost of improvement before using any part of lite total of lite 'same for any other purpose. '. The word .pany" shall be I:Onstruc:d as if it read "panics" whenever lite sense of litis indenture so requires. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the pany of the first pan has duly executed this deed lite day and year first above written. --- JACKSON IN PRESENCE OF: - .~:::::::. ~.i j{~;L. , STEVEN JACKSON STATE OF NEW YORK" COUNTY OF SUFFOLK SS: On the ;;..~ -t day of December in the year 2005, before me. the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for said State. personally appeared . LISA JACKSON & STEVEN JACKSON personally known to me or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be lite individuals whose names are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that they executed same in their capacities, and that by tbeir signatures on the instrument. the individuals, or lite person upon behalf of which the individuals acted. executed lite instrument. ~ ~.fA'YVl- (signawre and office of the person taking acknowledgment) .' I.AWRENCE HANDELMAN ',' ....., PullIlo, 618_ ttI New YIIIl ':t...~:.~ No. >>-4848&71 .,w;..., QudIIed In...... CounIy ~,.,,/ ., ~IDII EIIplI8lI'ellr..".. ~ .... '.., " c . ( n... No: RH05304317 SCHEDULE A - DESCRIPTION AMENDED U/07/05 ALL that: certain plot, piece or parcel of land, situate, lying and being at Mattltuck, Town of Southald, County of Suffolk ilnd State of New Yol1c, bOunded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a monument on the line of Sound Avenue about 180 feet westerly along said southerly line from the westerly line of Cox Neck Road, said point of beginning being the northwesterly comer of land now or formerl" of Grimes and the northeasterly corner of premises to be described herein; and from said point of beginning; RUNNI~IG THENCE along the said land now Dr formerly of Grimes South 19 degrees 52 minutes 20 seconds East, 248.29 feet; RUNNI~IG THENCE South 68 degrees 1111 minutes 40 seconds West, 176.20 feet to land now or formerly of Meglio; RUNNING TtiENCE alDng said lands NOlth" 21 degree 49 minutes 20 seconds West, 325 feet to said southerly line of Sound Avenue; THENC!: along said southerly line of Sound Avenue SDUth 89 degrees 13 minutes 40 seconds East, 200 feet to the poll'll: or place of BEGINNING. Certincate of Title . . .. -. ,G>Q ( '. ..' J '1 .'Number OfPBS';' . - TORlmNS Serli"; :..:.:::. .' . RECORDED: 2006 Jari 05 -09:58:'49 RM'" '. . . . " , . ClitRI('OF. . 9Jf~OCK 'COlIITY " . 1...IIi.O~12~~ .- P 971 o.Tt 05-219117 " '. '~1iIiCRle hi --'- ":', . .:" . , Pr!or elf. II. '." ',0" , . . '- 'D.ed ( ~ort."3. In.iruincill . ,'21::' Deed I MOr1gl.oT8X SI.mp " . . .. FEns :" . '. Rccord!nll iFilinll Slll~'I" ,::' , Foe. i Fllins Pco_ , H~ndling TP.S84, _ ." . ','. ... . . . , , - - " Mortglgp AmI., \.) : '. ;', Dosia 'n.x' '.. f ". '. .. . --~~" BA7~ Ii (~I\jnly) nA-S217 (SIIIlo) .....,..-,- 2; Additlonli1'R,t -, ..,. . .- . ...------ ~--- . ' , glib Tolui ~~:----.. Nnl8t(on ': ~ ,Sub Tqlal ' - ~ ' -....------:- -~- . - " " Speol As.il, ,. {I, ' , - Spcc,/Add, i--__._ -'-- '. ',." . ToT,'M1"O. T/,X', :.'. ' . . --~--- , 0,;1' Tnwn, . Onol Cnnllly , t1eld,rOr-A'PlN.rtion7! :::.. _, :,l . ,Tr.n~~crT.,,' '-'. (;ttI,-l?_~_ '. Man.ioll Tn '. .' . '-...1...-.. ___'" 11'. properly covered- by 11,1. 11I0'1110.0 i. or w,lII bB Improv." hY,R OnB fir Iwo fri'nily. dwelling only. . ' '. ' '. . YP.S' .0rNCJ ' If NO, ..... aPI'....prl.1o IIIX c'.lIseon 1'.'10" ..' of III Is inolnrm..l.' . '. R..I',T.S,A: -.~ :E)-::::::- - -.- - Gum,", nr Ed: Amdo.lf Certified Cnpl' : 'Ilog, Copy .. ~ O!L- , , -- OIlier :~T:IT(j~~L'~-QYt .~ , 8tlm" Ileal I'roparty TIIX Service Agerioy Vorificalion Disl; 8aofiOl( , n loc:k . _ " Lot 1000 12100 CI500 003000 , " . , Community Prcsclvrilir COllsidOlr.tlol\ AmOIlIll'$, Dalu : CPF "rax: Due '. .loU".I. ,; ~f8i:/it)n"'DiccllaraoilR:DI'!l8~~...Ei'l'p.mPDrty'Owner. MRilinll.Addl1lllG . .:..:.J ........~:. '... -.', IlKCORll"inETllnN1'O:. .. " . . ~(II/~~'.~; -~.')a;",~/' ~_ }'3/o:5:' :.~~/~ ~riq,,'. rr.I~j:J..~'f,,-c k..1 IJ;Y~~ 1195J-- ,8 Title Com,loI1Y'll1rol'IIJII-t;II;;:" " Co.Nlme , . '/...: ~d~, . . .ritlo #I S . _ . . ~, ~. .: . - ~Suffolk CO~:hty'~ecord~ng & r:ndorseiri~nt Page. 111i. ilOge funns p~n1 offlle ottiiched _ , _0 -e E.. t:/ ' ,~ : _,__~..:..-....: 1"8.le by: (SI'IDFYTYPE OF INSTIUJMENr) '.'- '. L'/I ' 'm'. ,~ ,M..::..:... , , VDC:I?IIII,tln!I___ TD 'in .- -..:._------ .... ------ , . . '~" ,"- }..j . sc... ;:I'c.. c k. G if') r" GJ~~ ~ ' Jo..'cf< G;',. . ''f'70 . ~~ TO. lfv- CoF'P. ~, . , 'nlC pn:lllise.~ hereiil. is si11l81e<i in _, SUFFOLK. COUN!Y. NEW YORK. .' III the To~hip of So..... t-Ao 16/__~:..--___~ .- In 100 VILLAGE - or HAMLET /If . 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 111111111111111111111111 SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK RECORDS OFFICE RECORDING PAGB Type of Xnstrument: DBBDS/DDD Number lof Pages: 4 Receipt Number : 06-0000975 TRANSF:&:R TAX NUMBER: 05..21987 Recorded: At: 01/05/2006 09.58.49 AM LIBBR: PAGB: D00012428 979 District. Section. Block. Lot: 1000 121.00 05.00 003.000 1I!Y.JI:INBD AND CHARGBD AS FOLLOWS Deed AIIIloun t: $400.000.00 Received. the Following Fees For Above :Instrument Bxempt ExeD;lt Page/F:iling $12.011 NO Handling $5.00 NO COE $5.01) NO NYS SRCHG $15.00 NO EA-CTY $5.01) NO !lA-STATE $165.00 NO TP-584 $5.0t) NO Cert.Copies $0.00 NO RPT $30.011 NO SCTII $0.00 NO Transf.,r tax $1.600.04) NO COIIIDI.Pres $5.000.00 NO Fees Paid $6.842.00 TRANSPBlit TAX NUMBER: 05-21987 TH:IS PAGB XS A PART 01' THE XNSTRUJIBNT THXS XS NOT A BXLL FOR COUNTY USE ONLY 1''-1, 1,~, g, g:j C2.Dot.D__od I .f 1 -5 I&&.' ~ Diy ~ C3._ I J. ~.'-I. "f, glcu_1 IJ. 7. ~, -- PiEAsE TYPE OFf PRESS FiRMLY WHEN WRITING ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS: htl.p:/1 www.orps.stale.ny.us.or PHONE (518) 473-7222 REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT STATE OF NEW YORK &TAlE IOMD OF REAL PIIOPUlTV SERVICE. C1. SWIS I:od. RP - 5217 Rf.JJI1 II' JIIfJ PROPERTYINFOR~TION 1."'-L 7470 Loudon mIm' NUMIE1I L Southold aIVOIIICMN Z. ._, L 7470 Route 48 Carp. Name IASTNME/CO''''AN'f il"':.ti 4R I [T Mattituck. 11952 """"" ...... -- L ....'NAAMrICC.....INt ,....- 3. T.. IncI~1lI wIwI fuhn Tcr Billl '" IQ bllIflt ...... If ..her th.. b_ od_.Ial_m aI farm) L - LAP NIIM' I COIlPNP ~I'" ...... L Ilna:tT"~HAND.I~;""" C1I'1'QHlthWII IoTAlI ..""" 5.:;,_ L Ixl Sin ......,.!IT ...... lOR 1 . . 1 .1 .9 ""'" lOnIy.,.."'.__."'"'eppIy: 4A......ning -.. _ SubdMllan_ExIIIa .. Subdlvilion Apprvwl_ RequirM fgr Tr...... 4C. P..... Approved "" Su_n with Mop.......dId D D D &. Inclulll .... .......... rA A__ .1lIII'C. I Roll ~ '1..A....d on the... ,1 I, aI Pen:... 011 D Pert ale P....I ..- ....... L Jackson LAsr~/COIIII'\lW'I Lisa -,- L Jackson LAST NMIE ,COMPANY Steven -,- A~ Onol'.mily_ B 2 or 3 F....iIy Retidentlel C Ro.ldsnlill Veclnt lMd o Non-flnidlntill V,CIni lIncI I SALE INFORM~ n. SIll. CollIn.. 0-. r, ~ _ullural I ~ Commt.oIIIy S...a "c:amr-c;al J Ind_ O _..... K _ Sarvic. H EnterUinmena / Amuternent L FarMt -...--.--: e. Ownarah;p Type 10 eo_mtnlum I. Naw Construction on Vecant Land 100\. "-1Iy Lacarod w111lln 1ft ""........., 01_ t-. Buyer .... . dildo.... notIct Indiclting - thII the property II in 1ft Agricullural Dillrlct D D D D 7. a.a 1M beue below whIoh...- _.taIy ..........he.. of '1M property II.......... of ....: 09 124 120041 MarIUl 1_ y. 11. aIIIII one or..... "'.... .. dkI_ H .........10 tnI...t.: $lIe Botwaon Aallltl""'l Dr Farmar Rulatlvn 511e acw.n Relltld CompInlel or Pel'lJ'llflln S....... One of the ..,.. la.1Io . Seller Buywr ar SIllier is Government Agency or lending Inldtudon Dead Type .... W....roy 0( IIargain Ind _ ISpeclfy B_ Salo 01 F_" ...I..M th.n F. 1_\Spedfy_ Slgnlllcenl Qlanga In "'-1Iy _ T...bIo __ and Sal. Data s.II 01 BwI..... I, IncIudod In !tile Prico OItMIr Unus....1 FICtOl'l Affecting Sill Prico ISPIICifv BIllow. Nan. 12. 0... of .... I y......, J ~ 1 .I.,:~ 1 19$1 ManCh lla., V.. 13. fill.,.. Prlcll 4 0 000 0 . ".0,0 I , , . (Full StIe Prlcl II lIle IOlIIII'naUIII paid far the property Induellng ,.....onII pI'OIJefty. T'hiIlJlvment may bo In the farm aI CIIh. ather PRlPIRY or ;aocII. or the ....mptlon 01 mortgIlget or oIher obllultlanlJ ",... muttd to '1M nurlSt ""* ,."., MIOunt. L. ,..-.........."'- I none. 0 , 0 I ._Inl_......_ . ASSESSMENT INFORMATION - Dahl .hauld _ "'" 1_ Finol Auaum.nt Roll and Till Bill .....1 e of 1/2 interest as tenant in ""'..'01 1'. V., .. W",I1I'- .... from I ~ $1 17 T............. va.. kif . ----a. ~ ......, 1 whIah lnfDn.....n....... '. ....- ; ; , 1" PrIIperty ell. 14. 8. 41-LJ ...__...;.. I Mattituck 211. T.. _ ..._ fAal.._ OIma...han....._____1I ~ 11100-121.00-05.00-003.000 I I CERTlfJCATIOE:] -- I cortIfy 11III.1 11....1.... II.... . __... tIIh fiIrm.... ......1IIId ....- fill ... bull 06 q ........... _ _11IIII1 .-lIIIII............ 011111)' .......,_ _...., "'..................... wlII..1bjoct _ Itllllo __ nl............... _..10........... _lIIqal ___ BUYER BUYER'S ATTllIIM!Y '~cf? ~ 1.p.~/65 IU'tDI "GIU~TUI&: DATI /110' ~dc- Lfl II1lI!I'NUMHIIl IrJlUrllAMllW1Hl1ALII ~11vw<- I ~:.~~~:= v~~ I- Gogqins William C. ......... -- 631 298-4200 -...""'" TtLIP'HONI! ..u.... ~I STATl /If(V ...""'" p-f.>> /o( "XP/'Of NEW YORK STATE COPY