HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12365 P 273 f~ l~ lJ)?JLP;7 f ;17 I) 1- 5- L/-,3 , Stanclard N.Y.B.T.U. Form 8002-Blrgein and Sale 0eecI with Covlllllnlallglllnlt Gf8nlol'l Acl8-Unlform Acknowledgmenl Form 3290 CONS:UL T YOUR lAWYER BEFORE SIGNING THIS DOCUMENT-THIS INSTRUMENT SHOULD BE USED BY lAWYERS ONLY THIS INDENTURE, made this ~ day of January, In the ytIlIr 2005 BE"nNEEN NoFo Devlopers, LLC 15 Maple Road, Baiting Hollow. New York 11933 party of the first part. and Eugene Burger and Ann Burger 2215 Pinelree Road, Cutchogue, New York 11935 party of the second part, WITIIIESSETH, that the party of the firsl part, in considerstion of ten and 00/100 (S10.00) dollars, paid by the party of the second part, does hersby grsnt and rslease unto the party of the second part, the heirs or SlICCIlSSOrs and assigns of the party of lhe second part forever, ALL that certain p10~ piece or parcel 01 land, with the bulklings and improvements therson enscted, silllale, lying and being in the SEE SCHEDULE 'A' ATTACHED HERETO AND MADE A PART HEREOF TOGE:THER with all right, tilIe and intersB~ if any, of the party of the first part in and to any sIreat:s and roads abutting the above described prsmises to the center line thersof; TOGETHER with the appurtenances and aU tha estate and rightS of the party of the first partin and to said pramlsas: TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the prsmises herein grsnled unto the party of the second part, the heirs or successors and assigns of the party of the second partfcl/'eVllr. AND the party of the first part covenants that the party of the first part has not done or suffered anything whersby lI1e said prsmlses have been encumbered In any way whallIver, except as aforesaid. AND the party of the first part, in compliance with Sedion 13 of the Lien Law, covenants that the party of the first part will receive the considerstion for this conveyance and will hold the right to receive such conslderstion es a bUst fund tll be applied first for tha purpose of paying the cost of the Improvement and wUl apply the same firslto the paymtlnt of the cost of the improvement befors using eny part of thelolal of the same for any other purpose. The word "party" shall be construed as if to read "parties" whenever the sense of this Indenturs so requires. IN WnrNESS WHEREOF, the party of the first part has duly executed this deed the day and year lirst above wrilllln. IN PRIESENCE OF NoFo Developers. LL~ &- By: Christopher Calderone - TO BE USED ONL V WHEN THE ACKNOWJ l'IVll"ENT IS MADE IN NEW VORK STATE Sl8te of NllW YOl1I. County of Suffolk II.: On the 1/tJ: dey of Jan,uary. In the yelIr 2005 before me, the undonigned. pel'llOfl8lly a__ Chriatop/ler.Calderane personally kMMl to me or proved to me on the .... of aetlalaClOly evidence to be the Individum(l) whole nameCI) II Ca..) lublcribed to the willlln IllIlrUment and acknowledged to me 11181 hellhaJlhey eacuted the 181M In hialherllhelr capaclIy(..). and that by hlllherlthelr 1!gnaIll"CI) on the 1_1nt, the individualCI) or ilia p81'1011 upon beha~ of which the IndlvlclualCa) acted. _:uted the Inltrument. P.t4~~~'" -R,~o~ (sign8lure and ofIic:e of Indlviduallaldng Ihe ac:knowlaclgmant) Sl8ta of NIW York. County of IS.: On the dey of In the year before me. the uncleralgned. peraonally appeared person8lly kMMl to me or proved to me on the bel" of I8IIaIIIClOry evidence to be ilia Indlvidual(s) __ name(l) is (ara) sublalbad 10 the within Instrument and ac:knowlaclged to me Ih8I helahallhay lIll1ICUled the _ In hlalhtlrlllHllr capacity(I_). and that by hlalherIIIHIlr signaturaCI) on the Inllrumanl, the InclJvidua/(I) or the person upon behalf of which the IndIvIdual(l) acted, aec:uted Iha InIlrumant. (Iignatura and ofIica of Indlvlclual taldng the acknowledgment :ro BE USED ONL V WHEN THE ACKNOWLEDGMENT IS MADE OUTSIDE NEW VORK STATE Slale (or District of Columbia, Territory, or Foreign Country) of On the day of personally appured personaUy known to me or proved to me on the basil of aaUaflIdllry evidence to be the indlvlduel(s) whose neme(s) il (are) subsc:r1bed to the within instrument end acknowledged to me that hellhelll1ey eqcul8d the same in hillherltheir capacity(ies) and that by hislherlthelr IIIgnalure(l) on the Instrument. the Indivldual(s) or person upon behalf of which the indlVidual(l) acted. executed the inltrument. and thetsuch individual made luch eppearance before the undarslgned in the in the year before me, the undersigned, (lnMlllhe Cily or oIhIr poIIlicallubd_1 (.....:=~~WId& No. 01FA4I&01... OJ~lIfIed In 8uIfaIk Counlf r.,'"mlnlon ExpI_ AprIl~' ""7 in (anell_the SlaIa or Country or olher plloalhe ~mont --I (slgnatunt ancl_ oI_oIla11Jng aclulclloladgment) BARGAIN AND SALE DEED WITH COVENANTS AGAINST GRANTOR'S ACTS SECTION BLOCK LOT COUNTY OR TOWN STREET ADDRESS Tl1la NO.~"-S- J 1'1 ~ TO RETURN BY MAIL TO: SAFE HARBOR TITLE AGENCY 11129 Main Street PDrt JefFel'lOn. NY 11777 _1hiI~_"~_) . . Stewart Title Insurance Company Tille No: 24-8-1193 Schedule A Description ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, situate, lying and being at Mattituck, Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the southwesterly side of Sound Avenue, said point being the following four (4) courses and distances tiom the southerly side ofMlcld1e Road and the easterly side of land now or fonnerly of Foster, land now or fonnerly of Kousourous: I) THENCE South 89 degrees 13 minutes 40 seconds east, 39.50 feet; 2) THENCE along an arc of a curve bearing to the right having a radius of944.93 feet, a distance of 128.10 feet; 3) THENCE south 72 dcgn:cs46 minutes 00 seconds cast, 352.10 feet; 4) THENCE south 68 dcgr=s 40 minutes 30 seconds east, 488.40 feet to the true point or place of BEGINNING; RUNNING THENCE from said point of beginning along the southerly side of Sound A"enue the follo\ving two (2) courses and distances: I) south 68 degrccs 40 minutes 30 seconds east, 137.00 feet; 2) south 73 degrees 47 minutes 50 seconds east, 182.71 feet; RUNNING THENCE south 43 degrees 29 minutes 57 seconds weSt 229.52 feet; RUNNING TIIENCE south 43 degrees 57 minutes 48 seconds west, 177.28 feet; RUNNING THENCE north 50 degrees 54 minutes 59 seconds west, 200.52 feet; RUNNING THENCE north 26 degrees 27 minutes 44 seconds east, 299.90 feet to the soulhwesterly side of Sound AV<enUIC at the point or plKC ofBEG~NNIl'iG. Being" and intended to be the IIlIIIIl premi_ a8 ccnveyed to party of the first part by deed dated 12/22/03 and recorded 1/6/04 in Liber 12293 Page 360. TOGETHER with all right, title and interest of the party of the first part, in and to the land lying in the street in front of and adjoining said pn:mises. " . . - ~. ., Ci:2 ] Number of p"... 'rORRENS .+ 1lEC000DED 2005 J.. 11 12:08:29 PH EMrd P.Roulne ClERK IF 5UFFll.K COUNIV L ??oo12365 P 273 Ort 04-23906 SerIaI'_ CeniRcale . Prilli' Ctf. II Deed' Mort.. InslnImcnl Jr: Deed / Mort.. Tax'SIIIIIIP . FEES Recordilll' Filinl SID/llpI Pale / Fllina. Foe Mon.. Ami, I. Buic Tax Handlinl TI'-Sa4 2, Additionll Tu Nalllion Sub Tolll EA-S2 17 (OOUllly) EA-S217 (SIIIe) _ Sub TOIlI Olher Sub TDlII ~ SpocJAssil, Or Spoe./Add. TOT. MTO. TAX nUll Town_ Duol Cnunty_ Hold for Apportionmenl __ T.....rer Tu Il/.tnJ, DO Molllion Tax The property cuvered by Ihis mDltPlle is or will be improved by lone or lwu flmify dwellina only. VES OlNO_ If~O. see Ipproprille!IX clluso on plao' Olhis~1. Com U I Prescrv. RP.T.5.A. Camm. or ElIL 30-& SQ2- Amdovil C..,iRed COlli>' Rea- Copy ORAND TOTAL .:0:= Roall'ropcrty Till< Service Agency Veri ncaliOll .IliCf._. _ $:~linn __ : A Itrk __ . Lot ~mp 05000809 1000 12100 0500 004003 ODIC (~08~:~ lnilillls ~ 7 SltisrlclionslOischargeslReleuel List Property Owners Mamllll Add RECORD '" RETURN TO: William Goggins, Esq. P.O. Box 65 Kattituck, NY 11952 CPF Tax Due Improvod ,/ VICini I.llId TO TO 'm " ~ . Title Company Information Co. Nlm. stewart 'l!1tle .Insurance Qo." _ . Tille fj 24-8-1193 - Suffolk County Recordirig &.Endorsement Page 1his page fonns JIIII1 oflbe BIIIIchcd Deed (SPF.OFY 11'PE OF JNS'IRUME~'f) nllde by: NOFo Dwelopers, LLC The premises herein is silUBled in SUFFOLK COUNTY. NEW YORK. In the Towllship of SOUthold In the VILLAGE , or HAMLET of TO Eugene Burger and AM Burger OOXI.:S S THRU 9 MUST BE TYPED OR PR1NlED IN BI.ACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDING OR FlUNG. IOVERI IIIIIIIIIIIIII~ 11111111111 UII ~~III~IIIIIIIII 111111111111 mlllll SUFFOLK COUNTY CLBRK RECORDS OFFICE RECORDDlG PAGE Type of :[nstrument. DBEDS/DDD Number o:f Pages. 4 Receipt NUmber . 05-0003662 TRABSFER TAX NmlBER: 04-23906 Recorded.. At. 01/11/2005 12.08.29 PM LIBER: PAGE: D00012365 273 District, 1000 Section. Block. 121.00 05.00 BXAIIINBD AlII) CHARGED AS FOLLOWS $350,000.00 Lot. 004.003 Deed. Amol,IDt. Received. the Following Pee. For Abova Instrument ....-.pt E:"-.pt Page/Filing $12 . 00 110 IlaDdliDsJ $5.00 110 COB $5.00 110 DS SRCHG $15.00 110 BA- C'1'Y $5.00 110 BA-STATB $75.00 110 TP-584 $5.00 110 Cert.Copie. $0.00 110 RPT $30.00 110 SCTM $0.00 110 Tr_sfe1~ tax $1,400.00 110 Ccma.Pre. $4,000.00 110 Pe.. Paid $5,552.00 'l'RANSI'BR TAX NlJIIBBR. 04-23906 THIS PAGE IS A PAR'!' 011' 'l'BB IHS'l'RtlJIBNT TRIS IS HO'l' A BILL Edward. P.Romaine C01.lDty Clerk, Suffolk C01.IDty PleASE TYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRmNG - ON-FORM .. ~ INSTRUCTIONS: http:// www.orpll.lrtllte.nv.u8 or PHONE (518) 473-7222 FQR COUN,T\" USE. ONLY ~. . / / 1 ~ O. "i7 o. REAL PROPERTY 1llANSFER REPORT Cl._C'_ l't, ',..J, <:!;'.~ I * cz.__l' _ Y I ~II~:;>( a._, I. ,;(:5" ..sIa_,'?' ?:S. '~:. BrAlE Of _ 'IORK' STAll! IOARD Of IlEAl. PIIUIPaIlllEIMCEI I" RP . 5217 II'-UI'....." PIlOPEIIlY INFORMATION 1.1'1-'Y L BL L-a.n ...... L SouthoJ.d CllYCJIlITDlllIN Sound lMlnue .r........... ..... I 11971 l!I'mm: .2.=: LlMr=r:._. L Burger LMr..../~ ioTa ___r.......IO...... I _ W___odd_lot_alfonnJ. - -.~ AmI. .......... LUT..../~ .., ... L 5r.., .........,...,... c:nvGlTOlllftil , . I, .'AI.. I .qg ... ....... ...11...... of a_ ~. II1II,"'" ~~.....-4.......... 11 ,,,,_ OR rn"'rt~.- $.9,.0, 1OoIr._ol.__.....,_ M. ......Ing ....wIIh...~;.,ManAdtlarltybllla 0 as ll.........._......bT-* 0 c.,.,.. ~... lL.L-A-JiIIan wIIIt..... PravIdId 0 L_ L Ixl IIrIIp.rty HlDNIRJ:T - L _ L NaFo Develode!rs, LLC ..... LMT IMI& , QDWlM't' """ IORl f....1WM. L II~JMIII'CIM'M't ....IJIMIl . 7. CMaIl_ ....l ............ ..... - .......... the.. 01'" ......., ............. III __ 11. FtII_...... .3,' 5.0, O. O. 0,0,01 , , . (Fun s... PrIao I. IN IaIIII .mount Pilei for IbI JIftII*tr Indudlng pInDnIllHPMY. ThIa pIyIMI'II mIY blln .... form of CIIh, 0IMr prDpIftf.. goodL .. die .........n of ~ or othor obIIpdonl.) ,..,. round ID'" ~.......,...", -"'---lllor_ .. OMIIrItIip'TyPe iI Candaminlum ~~ :=: :.~ ::;:bv- ":':""~"':Y'::"''":._k< G Aoo_ . K Publlc_ ___,__~ H .......lnmont/.......... L '- ""'.. _loin on........_ 1&. a.cI& _..... "'.... ~...._ ...................-: ^ BIle --...n ...... or Farm. IWnvDI I B __ RoI___..._In....... C 0lIo",""'.....10_._ I) Buv- ... SoIIo< 10 0........... AgorlO'f or lMolInill- Il Dood Typo not Worromy ... IIorgoIn ond Solo ISpooIly _ I' .IoOlF_...__F__l8poaIIy_ (l lig_ 010""" In ~ _ r"""; SIoIuo ond Solo lloOot H _ 0I8uII,.. 10 Includod In _ ".. I lldw Un_ _ -... __ISpocily_ J _ o o o o A~Ono"",IIy_1 R 2 or 3 f:.mlly RllldIndII . C __Lond D Non............ V_nt ...... I SALE INFORMAnON I ". .... c:onn.l lIMa .,2i I ... I 04 I y- 12. Doto 01_1 r_ 01 - / 1/ /05.1 ... - 14._"'_ol_ I ,0 ,0.0 I ---....- . ASSESSMENT INFORMATION. Dolo ohould _1h.1o_ Flnol ""-"ont Rail .nd rox III 1I.V_ol. ''''''l1oi_,0. 3117r...__loloB_.._' ...... ~.n""""" . cillO 11.__, I 1. iI. 8 h-LJ '1.___ I S"OUftlC.c.D ; .3!i' 00 . - .'" . 4 . 8 ;-0 I , , ....r..__/IIoI_.....__._____. 1000-121.00-05.004.003 StJLlTHtn.O I I CERTIFICAnON 1 .......,._01"'..._"'.................................,.........__..........",..,11.-.. ,. __.... 0 ...........""'........ ",_.1IIld __ "'_..... --....1lII\IId ....... ...._"'.... _low _.... -..._ .."_ ....._..... 7 1m!! ~. ~ -:, .''I{o(" .uftMSlGlllATlJlll[ I DATI 2215 , Pinetree Road .1JlECr........ S'...,w._WltIlIALII BUYER"S ATTOIINI!Y Goggins -- Will18D1 ......- 631 298-4200 -..... ......- ..- Calvertan NY ...... 11933 ,...... .......- >ca~ _. -- d'l{oS' OA" NEW YORK STATE COpy