HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12370 P 257 , Id- (-- 7-3 L Jd<~7D' f d.- ')( BARGAIN AND SALE DEED WITH COVENANT AGAINST ~ <:<" GRANTOR'S ACTS -, . doD. FORM 8007 ~.? I CAITl1llN: TillS A(jRF.EMENl' SII<)ULI) liE PREPAItEI) IIY A" ATNRNEY A"D REVIEWED DY A1TOR.'1EYS FDR SFJ.I.P.R AloIll PlJRCIIA1IElt IIEFORE ~1("""IIICl. THIS INDENTURE. made the cJ~ - day of .;;~ 2005, between Derrick S. Doubnva and Dcbonh A. Doubnva, both n:siding at 59 Hurds Rood. Clintondale, New York 12515 ~ party ofthc first pan. and Jcffrey ~ Doubnva and Elizabeth" Doubnva, husband and wife, both residing at 1325 Broadwaters Stn:eI. Cutchoguc. New York 11935 pany of the second pan. WITNESSETH, that the party of the first pan. in considcntion ofTEN DOLLARS 1510.00), lawful money of the United States, paid by the party of the second part. does hereby IlI1Int and release WlIO the pony of the second part,the heirs or successors and assigns of the party of the second part fURver, ALL that cerIlIin plot, piece or parcel of land. situate. lying and Ming at Mallituck. Town of Southold, COWlty of Suffolk and State of New York, kncnol1 anddesipated II Lot No. 29 on a cerIlIin Map entitled. MMap of Farmveau AssociatesM, and filed in the Office orlhe Clerk of Suffolk County on September I, 1989. as Map No. 8808. said 101 being boWlded and described as follows: . BHGINNING al a point on the Easterly side of Farmveu Road, distant 886.74 feet Southerly from Ihe extneme Southerly end of the arc ofa curve eonnectinglhe Soulherly side ofSoond Avenue with the Easterly side of Farmveau Road; RUNNING THENCE North 74 degrees 17 minutes 00 seconds East, 326.74 fecI 10 land now or fOl11lCriy of Lomaga; THHNCE along said land. South 19 degrees 39 minutes 10 seconds Ell!. 127.14 feet; clE!iftiElI!dIqfIMiQ\.~ifninutes 30 seconds West. 334.65 rm to the Easterly side of FamiOUlRCM conUfLl H08I1 . TH"~lIIl DldftlDlJlcrly side of Farmveu Road the following two (2) courses and - dJll;HlAbOfIJ.VMVDaJ.HVCJ, \~ \ ~ I) North 19 degrees 40 minutes 30 seconds Wat, 23.27 feet; So \ d \. 00 2) North 1 5 degrees 43 minuleS 00 seconds West, 126.73 feet 10 the point or place of BEGINNING. ~ C)., .00 BEING AND INTENDED TO HI! the Nlme premises conveyed to Ibe party oflhe first part by deed dated 3/23/98 and recordeil on 4/14198 in Liber 11818, pugc465. \- ~.occ. TOGET~ER with all right, litle and interest, if any, oflbe party oflbe first part in and 10 any StrcclS and roads abulling Ihe above deacribed premises to the center Iincs thereof, TOGETHER with the apportcnances and all the eSlllle and rights of the party of the first part in and 10 said premises. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the premises herein IlI1I"ICd unto the party of the second part, the heilli or successors and assigns of the party of the second part forever. AND the pany of the first part, covenanlS that Ihe party of the first part has nOI done or suffered anylhing whereby Ihe said premises have betm encumbered in any way whatever, except us aforesaid. AND Ihe party oflhe first part. in compliance wilh Section 13 of the Lien Law, eovenanlS lhotthe party of the first part will receive the considention Ibr this COD\'C)'ance and will hold Ihe right to neceive such considcntion as a uust fund to be applied first for the purpose of paying the eost oflhe improvement and will apply the same first to lhe paymenl ofthecosl of the improvement before usinll any part of the total of Ibe same for any other purpose. 1 he word "party" shull be constrUed u ifil read .partics. whenever the sense oflhis indentUI'C so requires. IN WITNESS WHEREOF. the party of the flllt pan has duly. year first above wrillen. IN PRI!lit:NCt: OF: STATE OF NlAV 'tbtJ< '55. COUNTY OF t:I~; I . On the I ~ day oc.1N-1 . 2005 before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for said State. personally appeaml Derrick S. DoubraV8 and Deborah A. Doubrava, personally known to me or proved to me on the' basis of satisfactory evidence to be the individuals whose names are subscribed to the Within iiistrument and acknowledged to mc thatthl.'Y executed the same in their cap8eitiCs. and that by their signatures on the instrument, the individuals. or the person upon behalf of which the individual acted, executed the instrument. : !~~~ AOSARIA PEPLOW ..............,. GIIIlIIl n IlilllrCalllr.IlIg.. 01PU11DJ111 Mrc..... . -.....17 mtl.l1! '5::.?"..........~.,""<:.' ME'IROPOLI'1MAIISI'MCI' CORPORATION One Old eaunn RoM! CatIe PIMe. NIw~ 11114 \C)C\O- '"i2>"OC>- 0., .oo-ClC::>l:..~c U~~"""~"'l"". . G-<.C>o-<~ ~. ~v>t..\. ~~ '\ '-='<<:..'^' ~~ ~o.....,,- ~ ~o-_~" ~o.."'ic". ~'" \,ci\'c .. < -... / , ...... .. - ~-- i\....:TruwOLrTAN AIiSTr~t\CT <.:cmr'. Tilll' Nu. SJ4:!7.11 SCI-IEflllLE ,\ .-\1.1. III:u I:Wlalll ,,1111. "i,....e III' parcelllf land, sima Ie. Iyiug allU heillg III MUlliluck, TllwlI III'SlIlIIhlllu. Cllllm)' III' Sul'I'lIlk :lIId Slale III' New Yllrk. knlllVn .lIIlIlIesignillc:d as 1..111 Nil, 21) 1111 :1 "err.liu M"" emillell, "M:IPlll' F;lrllll'l'U ASliIl(;iall'S', :mlllik'll in Ihe Office III' Ihe Clerk III' Surl'lllk Cllllm)' 1111 Selllemher I. 1'llN. .IS M"p Nil. 111108, saill Irll illl'jllg hlllllll1l~1 and deserilll.'u "s lillllllVS: BEGINNING OIl a /llIilll 1111 ,he E"'lcl'ly side IIf rarllll'ell 1~1l;ld. lIisl;lIlI NIle..'" feel SIIulhel'ly frnlll Ihe e,~ll'l'IIII' SIIlIIhl'rl)' eud III' the :an' III' a Cllrl'e elllllll'l.:lillg Ihe SlIlIilherl.I' Side III' SlIuull/\ WUlle wilh Ihe r~lslerly Side "'- 1';II"/III'l'U I~ll:lll: RIINNINCi THENCE NIIl"lh 74 de21't'Cs 17 lIIilllnes IHI "'""l1l1s EiL". .1211.74 kellll ';lIId 1111\1' III' lilrllllTly of I.IIII1:lga: - TIIENCE alllllg s:lid I:llld. SlIlIIh III "egl'ee,~ .11) mimlles III S\','IIII,ls 1~lsl. 127.14 li:ul; THENCE SIIlIIh 711 dugl'ees 1\1 lIIillules 30 secllllds \V"SI. .IJ4.CI!i li:el Illlhe 1:'151crly sille Ill" 1':11'I111'1:11 RI",d; THENCE "Ir'"l! Ihe Easlerll' si,le Ill' Fal'll1\'ell Rllalllhe li.lll1willl! IIVII (21 cllurl<Cll aoll dislanccs:.... .. II NlIl"lh II) Llegrl'Cs 41llllillLlles ,Ill SCClIlIlls \Vesl, 1:1.27 ,/cel; 11 Nlll'lh 15 uegrees 4.1 lIIilllllcs Oil seclIlluS Wesl. 126. 7Jll'cl IOlhc Illlilllllr place Ill' BEGINNIN(j, f 6\- L\ ~~if1 '.. - -. or"""" , \ ...:::.,~.... ." '!f':" ...") FOR VEYANCING JNlY l"~ , ,(\....\)"\.I.,J...~ ...... $~ r d c:... \ c.=C' ...+ ,............-'....':l ,~)..... .... ) , \.\- \.'"Ioh.:'\", TIoII ,,0Uoy '" be i..ued linde, Ihll ,eport will ,inslI'" Ilou tillll '11 IUclo buildillgs alld ;1III"OI'UI1IOIIII o,uclud un 'h" pr.mil" which bY'low <:nno.iIlIlO ru.I,....".FlY. TOGETHER wi.h all'he righI, .illll alld ill,oroll "Ilhu "11". '" 'Iou lir.~ ""Fl, "', hI ulIIl,o 1110 'lIIullylllOIn Iho srrltur ill front of 1I11d ad;ainillSJ :lIlill IUIIII1;IOI. _. ---.----...--- ---... " 'jl I I I 'I ~ Serial # _ RECORDED 2005 Fob 07 12140:14 PM Edward P.RoIIaine CLERK (F SUFFOLK COUNTY L 1lOOO12370 P 257 Drl 04-27766 Numher of JIlIi<lA TORRENS Certificate II _ Prior Clr. II _ Deed I Mortgage Insuumenl Deed I Mortgage Tax StlllDp FEI!S Recording I Filing Slampl :1:1 Notalion ~ 'C '?Jo ::.- Sub Tolal 21.... f MOr1llllllC Anu. I. 8a.~ic Tax 2. Additiolllll Tax Sub Total Spec.fA...il. or Page I Filing Fee ~ Handling 5. 00 ~ TP-584 EA-5:! 17 (Counly) EA-5217 (Swe) R.P.T.S.A. Comm. 01' Ed. Affidavit Cc:rtificd Cop:f N YS Surcharr.c Other 5. 00 Spec.fAdd. TOT. MTG. TAX Duul Town _ Dual County _ Held I'or Appoinlment Trandcr Tax . ~ Ib () Mansion - Gnmd 1bIaI 1;J5 /SJ- The alven:d hy this mortgage is or wi be improved by a one or IWO fwnil dwelling only. or NO , _ appropriate lax clouse on # of this in.~trumcnl. _ 1-,;),' -0 ~ 15. J!Q.... Sub ToIaI Section ,~,.I:X> Block 0'.00 Lot oo1..(X)o 5 1UIltJ' Ff...rfttioD Fund ration Amount $ ~$""jj1J Renl Property Tax Service Agency Vcrification 12100 070'0-003000 -': Consi Improved ~ Sntisract ionslDiscluugcsIRclclISClIl.iSI Property Ownc:n; Moiling Addres.~ RECORD It: RETURN TO: Vacant Lond TD IV TO G-~\t)~ ~. ~'-'>e.\ ."i;.~\':l . \\... '-.::)~ ~~o..e... ~C,-",-~.....o. 7 ~("~'L\~,, g,.,~o..t"~ ~~ Co. No '\\0,0 nile II TO Title Com }.. :1 :\ SutTolk Count Recordin & Endorsement Pa e \"-o.e...d ,SPECIFY TYPE OF INSTRUMENT) mode by: This page forms port or the Oltached ~...c-oC' \c-" 9.... ~'"'~,,..,(" "oJ '" TIle premiscs hc:n:in il siuwed in C,-,---.n, ~"",~..o:-n...\r... \::.... ~~ .l>-.c-t>.>l0\, SUFFOLK COUNTY. NEW YORK. TO In the Township of ~. ) \-\.-. ~'o.. . ~Q.:~<~~ ~~'...."o.. D........A IntheVIu.AGE ~,.~\:"e\+, ~~'~,",-oJ"'" orHAMLI:"'of ~~~\\.....("-- BOXES 6 THRU 8 MUST BE TYPED OR PRINTED IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDING OR !'ILlNG. (over) 1I1I11111 nllllHlllI I 1111111111111111111 111111111111111111 SOFFOLlt COUln'Y CLBRlt RBCORDS OFFICB RBCORDING PAGE Type of :Instrument I DBBDS/DDD Number o:f Pagesl 4 Receipt Number I 05-0014220 TRANSFBR TAX NUMBBR: 04-27766 Recordedl Atl 02/07/2005 12:40:14 PM LIBBR: PAGB: D00012370 257 Districtl Section: Bloclu Lot: 1000 121.00 07.00 003.000 B7.AllJ:HZD AND CHARGED AS VOLLOWS Deed AmDW1t: $515.000.00 Received the I'ollowing Pees Por Above InstrumeDt Bx8lllpt --apt Page/l'iHng $12.00 IIfO HaDdl1ng $5.00 IIfO COB $5.00 IIfO BrS SRCHG $15.00 IIfO D.-crY $5.00 IIfO D.-STATE $75.00 IIfO TP-584 $5.00 IIfO Cert.Copies $0.00 IIfO RPT $30.00 IIfO SCTK $0.00 IIfO Transfer tax $2.060.00 IIfO Coma. Pres $7.300.00 IIfO I'ees Paid $9.512.00 TRANSI'BR TAX NtIIIBBRI 04-27766 THIS PAGII: IS A PART 01' THB DlSTR1DIIDlT THIS IS IIfOT A BILL Bdward P.Romaine eounty Clerk. Suffolk County . PLEASE TYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN-WRITING ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS: http:// www.orpll.8tlltll.nv.uI or PHONE (5181 473.7222 . FOR COUNlY USE ONLV , Cl. _ eo. d, 1.3, g, g, '11 . ~...- cz. __- .... I ,"7 ,t/.s I .., y- o. _ I /, cl.3. 7, Clc.. ,,-I or..( 7- PROPERlY INFORMATION '.=~"...'f~ ~ Lou ""'...- z.= LIMT?1!lpJpfh4 * REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT In"AlE OF _ Yo. ITATE IDARD OF IWAL rnurIIn'" ~ICD RP - 5217 ap.alf ... .., .!JmnIfL". I~';' ~L/?AMnI- .. .... L 1...',....'CCM'&'ft' .... .... J. T.. 1nCIcIIID..... MIl,. Till Bill.. to bI_ I .... ......---...-..-. - Linur...... MD .._. ... LMT .....,CGMNII't _T_ ClrY UlIGMI IIA... ..... ..- L Ixl =-'" ...., PI., mPPI .._ I _~RJIU+VA -- Illlll . l.tJ" -- I~~"/. 1OoIr1_0I.__...,." 4A........____...E- 0 .....~~IiIIP......_........forT....... 0 C. PJrflII ApprcMd Iar G.......... willi ... PnMdId 0 ... 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'*-' ~ or goodI, or 1M ......plion of I'ftOI'IIliIIe- or tJIhOr otIIiDII"lOnt.1 ",..,. I'CHIIId to 1M,.,.. ............... 1.._.......",...- I -0 ... 0 0 I ---......- . . . . ~_._. ASSESSMENT INFOIlMA11ON . llII10 _uld rolllCt tho 1_ An.I-....m RoD .nd T.. Bill ...- ,.. V- at a ..tt ........ f) I . , 17.T__V_IoI.....-.._ wNDh "11lo.._~. ..... '1. Full .... ...... I.. _CIllo j ; ~-LJ ,..___1 AJAd1171f'40(#'CI/Od-f/J..- //; 9. O.Q '" /.2 a T-. M-.1lIMIIIIIIrCaI/1IDI...........1I..................n.ch..- willi........... ............ 1000 - 1.;1.";. 0'0- ~7 00- OO~ pOD I I CERTlFICATION I I ClBtI) _ II ",1110 _", ....... .... _.. .......... .......... __ 110 ......",.., . . 'l. IIId _... ......_ ....Ihe ....... r# l1li)' ...... ............ ~ -.III kC .... wlllIIIdIrt _ Ie die "'0\' . III ._ ..... ... .....we lit .... ......... .... ..... rJ6..... L.Il. -41...._ ~ BUYER .UVE.... ATTORNEY ~~a.v4- )i1~/0S' Jo,}l!!,- 1.:2.'df q9)" I FA-IlJl?r/ti"U IlAAtJ ......,NUII'lIlJ. SI1IIIf_IAI'TI....1 '31 -.... ......-- IJJAm~ I 1!I1 aryglllftIWN ~ ~ /11j"L .. .... NEW YORK STATE COpy J-H-O~- ....