HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12399 P 937 , ~ " CONSULT YOUR LAWYER BEFORE SIGNING THIS INSTRUMENT.THIS INSTRUMENT SHOULD BEnJ8ED B! LAWYERS ONL V THISINDENTURE.madethe~Ol '~I-t:...-.:k~... ............ BETWEEN PAUL GRIPPA and MAUREEN M, GRIPPA, hi. wife, ....iding at 1100 Counlsy Rood 48, Mattilud<. New York 11952 party of the first part, and MAUREEN M. GRIPPA, re.iding .. 1100 County Road 43, Maltitud<. New YorI< 11952 pally of the second part, WITNESSETH, lha. the party of the first part, by Wlue 01 the power end Iulnority gNen in Ind by .Iid II.' will and testament. end in consideration of -TEN AND 001100-- ___...__.___ .--------------(510.00).-- __a... lawful money 0' Ihe Un!18d States. paid by Ihe patty 0' the seccncl part, does hereby grant end release unto the party of the second part. the heirs or successors and assigns of the party of the IBCOnd part. forever, ALL that certain pial. giece or parcel of lancl, with the buildings and improvemenlS thereon erecl8d, situate, lying and being al Maniluck. Town of Soulhold. County of Suffolk and State of New Yor1t. bounded and desaibed as follows' BEGINNING a' a poin.I.....le<I on the Northerly side 01 Sound Avenue sai. point being Iocale<lthe 'oUowing eleven (11) courses and diSlencea from tfte.OOmer formtriJ.by tile 1I'lt~'"Iection of the Westerly ,.;do of Old Neck ROI. or Shirley Rood with the Southerly old. or Middle Roa. (COunty Road 43); I) South 30 .egt88S 37 minu1ea 50 second Ea.t. 135.70 fee.; 2) South 69 dog..... 1 g minut.. 30 ..cond. Wes~ 81.00 feel; 3) South 75 degrea 23 mimJl.. 40 Hconds West. 199.90 feet; 4) SOuth 80 degrees 17 minulea 30 seconds WesL 100.08 feel; 5) South 78 ..g...... 00 minut.. 30 ..condo West. 174.92 f..I; 6) Soulh 13 dog"'.. 00 minulel 20 ..condo Ea.~ 88 55 feet; 7) South 76 degrees 18 minutes 50 I8COnds West. 165.00 feet; 8) South 13 0eg11lOS 00 minule. 20 ..condo Ea.~ 264.00 feel; 9) The foUOWIng 2 co..... and .islances 10 point of BEGINNING: 10) South 78 degree. 18 min.... 50 second. We.~ 414.40 feet: 11) South 81 degrees 50 minutes 50 second. West. 27.57 teet RUNNING THENCE from the poinI of BEGINNING along Northerty side of Sound Avenue, South 81 degrees 50 minutes 50 seconds West. 200 feet; THENCE along said land now or formerty of Carpenter, North 19 degrees 54 minutes 00 seconds Wesl, 200 reel; THENCE along aaid land now or formerly 0' Grippa. North 81 degrees 50 minutes 50 seconds East, 2oo'eel; THENCE continuing along said land now or fotmel1y of Grippa. South 19 degrees 54 minutes 00 second~2~ to the ponlof BEGINNING. TOGETHER with all right, tille and interest, If any, of the party of the fnt part in and to any streets and roads abutting the above described premisello the cenler lines thrreo'; TOC".,ETHER with the appurtenances and all the estate and rights 0' 1I'Mi party .01 the first part in and ~ said premi~s: 1:0 HAVE AND TO HOLD lhe premises herein gtante<! unto the perty of the second part the heirs or successors an~ assigns of the party of lhe second part forever. AND the party of the flnil part covenanls thai the party of the fll'5l part has no1 done or suflerecl anything whereby the said premises hive been encumbered in any wly whitevel', except as .farend, AND the pan)' of the first pan, in compliance 'oVith Section 13 of the Lien Law, covenants lhat the party 0' the first part wiU rec:etve the consideralion 'or this conveyance end will hold lhe right 10 receive sUCh consideJiltion 8S a trust fund to be applied firsl for the purpose of paying the cost of Ihe Improvement and wiU apply the same firsllo the paymenl of the cost of the improvement before u&ing any part of lhe 10181 01 the lime far any other purpose. The word "party" shall be construed IS if it read '"parties. whenever lhe sense of this Indenture so requires. " IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the party of th. fi..t part has duly .xecute. .hi. deed the d.y and year fIr.t above ~i'~ ~ P.-->!L ~ . 4\ &I(';t:t; ~""'w-,.I .Jf .~- ..Ma-uveClII M. (5-yr f~ SliInda"d N.Y.B_ T.U. Fcwm 8002 . Bargain and sa DMd, witb CCMNnlltga:na1 GmnIllf"s Ads - Undcwm Ac1nowf8dgmenl _<<_v .'0 BE:~~NTH.ACXNOWL.::~:A"'=:V~\~ Q,..~~as~~ Q,"~~ 2~ m-~~_IO"'''''_I<< ZW:~~-~;13t~<< IIUIfec:lOly IVtdence 10 be.... I) whole .......) II 1m. 1011' evIdMce 10 De the' (I)..... nlllle(1) II (..)- IIb.CIIDNWIChIn "'DnD~ _ 10 c-Ju.c:n.dIDawwllhtn.. _DlIO 'Ir~rrlD II'1II ......., 1M .... In r.... twIIW".I.'w) ....... ..... In ~"'.r _I. ond thoI by . ""-11'" ond ... _II'" .... - <<- -<<- DAWN C. TH~AS -' I 1lIMry:;:~=r~"'lbIl f>o.p"uwIZI# 'l<<Sf C1...ljf..'nS~"olk.:ouMY c- _(orDlotriol<<~biI. :_....F~COunIlYl<< 00: On !he do\'<< .... _ __ ....!he lIlIIIl'Ilgnod, ........, IPllOIl'Id perm'IIIly klDMl to rrMI or pov8d D me on 1M billa at MIiIt..u.y ndencII to be thI nIMd....I(.) whale ....,..) .. e....) aubKl'iblcl 10 tnewllhln ..1rU"*"andKkla.:' ~ 'ID...... ~ DeCUIIClIIhe.....hiIIhIr1IhI*CIIIPICIIr(iIIJ. and .... by _r..r _"'''' !he .._... _111......_ UJ'ClII_<<_'" ~I) 1CIId. .........."'"""""'"-lIICIlhltoucn_...._.....__..._In.. r on (\AIen 1M c., 01 aUwr """'IU~) (ancll.-t......orCoumryorOUW,...IIw~... ...) C......endCllhceaf~......... . 't.-It) BARGAIN AND SALE DEED WI1H CDVeIWIT AOAIH8T GRANTOR'll ACTa TItJe No. SECTION BlOCK lOT COUNTY OR TOWN STREET ADDRESS 122 01 2.3 TOM! .,_ Sound AU1t1U8 IITMDlVllRllMOFNll!WYCIRK.aMDC/1 mu lMIl! "... --.. (1\ ~~!.~,""~~!.JJ.tle - RElURN BV MAIL TO: ~IAM. C. ."llto""'-a:s, r2set 'P.O. &)'- ca 7"7 ~~\M.~~,N'f /L'Ilf7 .If .. . ".r :.,,:\: Numher af Ilag~s TORRENS RECORDED 200S Jul 26 04:31:50 PM Edwarc P.Roua;ne CLERK OF SUFFOLK CQlJIfTV L [lQOO1Z399 P 937 i>T# 04-50)844 S~rial "-. Ce'1ificalc " _ PlioI' Or. II o.,ed I Marlgnge Insl",ment Deed I Martgage Thx Slamp R~ardillgl Filing Slumps J FilES PaKe I Filing Fee '1Ialldling 1'1'-584 ._..._~, J1Q... ___.5.._ B'O Mortgag.: Ami. __ ._.. _'_ I. BnsicThx __.__ 2. ALlditiunal Tux _ _. _ _.. Snh TI.llll Sf1<'cJAssil. -'-'-.-- Nalalian __ ~ _ EA-5217(Connly)_J __ EA-5217 (Slnle) ___/2.___ R.P.T.S.A. _30_ 00 snhTalul.j~_ nr NYS SIII'CI"'rge __--.l~ _(XL . "", Sub 1.'101 / !). 5 ----- I L/c, ~ 5f5 Spec./A,ld. ___.._.. _ ___ Tar. MTO. TAX ___ _ .._ l)ual'lhwn _'_ Dllal COllnty __ Held far Appointmenl '7lf - Trnllsfer 1\tx _ ._.._ ___ MUllsiun Tnx '[be property l'ov.:red by this lIl11rtgage is or will he imp""'''''' hy a one or Iwo f.mily L1welling only. YES__ c.r NO__... If NO. SL'C appCllp.inl" luX l'Inll5e on flUge 1# __ _ of this in"", ""l._~ - -().:) CUnllll. of Ed. ---~"..Q!l- AmLl'lvi! Cel" i lied Copy Other Om"d TOlal ~ 1000 ~ --. . - - 12200 0100 002003 -5 . Community Preservation Fund Consideration Amount $ _ ...t). Renlpl't)perty '!i,X Scn'ke Agency Veri fiC31 iUII CP~' THX Due $ '" IlIlpn>\'ed_.1.o""" . 6 SUlisfuclionRlDischnrgesIRelcnses LL~1 Prupeny Owners Mailing A4dress RECORD & RETURN TO: OaWVl ~. '1lIJOWtaS, ~sq, -p~ c). -g, 'f. 677 . ,-)QV1'I~h N'-I II q 47 ,,?( 7~z- l.i3Lf?J VIICant L.1nLl ___ TO -Ji.)_ TO TO 7 Tille Com UII Information Co. Name S 'nIl.: II H Suffolk Count Recordin & Endorsement .AtLlA~~._. This puge fonns pnn oflhe QUaeheLl '.~~~":"' kd _'_ V ISPEClroYTYP'U"OF\NSTRUMIiNT) ~~~ 6v.FI.~--. ,1<,__]...,...."']" I .~.._ _ SlJrFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK. Inlhe Township of 2~.QlP1-_ _ __. IlIlhe VILI.AOn n I.J...J...,. I, --- -'-- --_ OrIlAMI_lITof--'A.~__.____ UOXES Ii TIIRU 8 MUST RE TYPED OR I~RINn;D IN DL,\CK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECOROINCi 011 Fll.INCl. (uwc) _ _ Illude hy: IIIIIIIIIIIIIII_~ 11I1111111 ~llllmllll~ I11I 111111111111111111111 ~II SUP POLK COUNTY CLERK RBCORDS OP'P'I:CB RBCORDI:NG PAGE Type of InstZ'\llll8Dt. DBBDS/DDD Number of Pages. 3 Receipt Number . 05-0077641 TRANS PER TAX NUMBER: 04-50844 Recorded. At. 07/26/2005 04.31.50 PN LI:BER: PAGE: D00012399 937 ) District. 1000 Section. Block. 122.00 01.00 1!T'UlI1IBD AlII) CBARcmD AS I'OLLOWS . $0.00 Lot. 002.003 Deed Amount. Received the l'ollowil1g Pee. Por Above Instrument Bx8llllpt Bx8llllpt Page/Piling $!I.OO NO zr.lldling $5.00 NO COB $5.00 NO HYS SRCHG $15.00 NO D- C'l'Y $5.00 NO BA-STATB $75.00 NO TP-584 $5.00 NO Cert.Copies $0.00 NO RPT $30.00 NO SCTIC $0.00 NO Transfer tax $0.00 NO COIIIIIl.Pre. $0.00 NO I'ees Paid SU!I.OO TRAHSPBR TAX HUKBBR. 04-50844 THIS PAGE IS A PART 01' TRB IHSTRlDIBH'l' THIS IS HOT A BILL Edward P.Ramaine COUllty Clerk, Suffolk COUllty II FOR COUIfiY USE ONL V . C1. sw$ eo. PLEASE TYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRmNG Oi.fFORM INSTRUCTIONS: http:// www.orps.state.ny.us or PHONE (518) 473-7222 REAL PROPERTY THANSFER REPORT I ~? ~,,.!?,9'1 r I I ta/.:l.610H ..., - ~ ~. BrAn! Of' NEW YORK 81'ATE IIOMD Of rEAL ....on,..... 8ERVICE8 cz. 0... D...t RICDI ~ C3._ PROPERTY INFORMATION "=L .r...'...... ~.Ji~ ~-\t'tltt V 2.: L _~~"_ RP - 5217 1lN21' an JIfII -Ai l""L1 \A..e ~ w.LAaIl ~ .~.u~V1 M. - L IAlT NANf 1lXM"MV r.lllT..... 1. Tu IndicMD when ruwl'O Tu 11111 are Ia bellltnl I _ W___-IIl-.f11Ia1ml. - <,;r.'J.~ I M,f,~c:'C1I1 JkL... '100 ,....., 11 , 1.-" ~ xl -zoo Property I . DU'n- - ~= L LM,~,L~ L ,..,-~f'~ IORI '~.' 1.0.01 1>.a<A \ M.,a u V~1.o1. llInIr._fII._a.o..__ 4A.__"llhlk.ildNloioo_bIo1I 0 4I...L......"iIIan~I_"-qI...farTr.. 0 oc.__fw_wiIbMapPl..- 0 4. ..... thl nil...... of .--..n, ..,.......... LJ 0 __L_................_ I v........ ..,_ OR p....r.Po...1 M. ...... 1 ... 1 v_ I ~ Cammunl\y"_ J _IIrl. ,M. _LacaIod _n .._. DloIrIcI II: PublIc"_ ,.. B.,_. _........ _6111 L Fa_ 1haI1Ilo_IaIn..AQrioulluralllillricl 'L aIIIIIc ........ __ _ _. III _......... to ....-:: ,\ .... Ell..,..,. ReIItn. or Form.r Reiltivel II a..w..n ~ CaInp&nI-. Qf ....... in BuIi~ C" Ono of 1M Buyan .0110 I SoIIur I) Buvw or SdIr II Oawnvnlnr Arlwtttv or l..endng IRltitudon Ii o.d Type RIll Wannty Dr ... .nd SeIet ISpedfy 8eIawI I' Salo of "___, or LullIlon F.. 1..._lSpocily BoIawl G lOcInfficontChllIlllll'n__T_SlauaandSlllolloft II SaloofBu_lolndtMludlnSalaPrtca I OIhcr Un...... F...... Alluo:linu Salo PrIca ISp""lIy llulawl J Nana ~...__.._- .. 0wnIrIhip l'tPIlI Condominium .. fWN CoNan.iction on V..,t IMId o o o o 7. CIwcIc .... beta below wbIdI ....t ....1eIy ........ '1M .... cd 1M ~ d ..... time of ..a.: A~"_"_oI 8 or 3 F~lly ReIidIntill C RnIdMltlIll Vacant Und D Non-RIlicMnt~ Vecanl LIIncI SALE INFORMATION 11.... ContIWt D.- r,~AQric:uIlu'" r Com""';. (, ApartrnanE JI Enlartlinlllll1C/~ 1'. 0... of ..../ ,.,...,. (")71 2:31 OS I IiICftIl o.r v.., '2. N1.... PlIca , ,0,11,01 , , . tF-uU SlIct Prlco I. 1he toIIl amourw: paid for the properly indudlng petaOnll pIOpWlv. Thill ~ m.., be In Itwform of..... Olhal prOperty 01 goodt. Or' lhI-.nption nf mof1I9I 01 othor obhglUOnl.1 ,."... I'Ofjftfj to rtJ. ntIlNt wIroIe daIMr ImOUIIl. ,..-....-........... I ~ 0 0 I .....-tv InIIudId ill tM .... . ~ . - . ASSESSMENT INFORMAll0N . Data should rofloct tno I..... Fin.1 _mont Roll .nd To. Bill 'LY_'" '-~--IO..5I17.T""_V_lcI.._.._1 wNc:h ..4......... ..un , ; , .~ 'L _.... 12-. I .0 I-U 11.___ .... T"__I 1 RoU.....-.looI 1.__""._____1 1/000 t :z..Z.CO- O/.CO-OOZ.OO?> I I CERTIFICATION I I ""'It7 .... aD rI.... _ .......-. _ ... .... ran. an ,.... and __ ...... .... rllIQ' .......... ad __I..... -~ .... ....-... '" Ill)' ..-. .... _ '" _..............lOIbjod ... Ia .... _...... rI... -' ..... .-... .............. xnd ..... "'.... ........... BUYER BUYER'S ATTORNEY ~.&- L-....IJ.~IJ~ 1GM'NIIf ,. EMI ~{)WlO.5 ,....- 1A.WVl ~... NA-. 7E-...:. L{34B ..1J. OD ST1'aTNl,:y~ (,&~.~.. ~ """l".IOP . ~ ~7_ 1..-*ANa 1~ NEW YORK STATE COpy