HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12406 P 432 iL 1J4otp 'f Lt~2... --(C~ o. 'lrl4 ro 12<-)-4 IsvMr -Bqw.!SMI.-1.dllr.___....OraIIIN'I-m 1::1dI~orr"'i*Cloa 1....IIler:I SUI. T YOUR LAWYER BEFORE SIGNING THIS INS'TIlWENT.THlS INSTRUMEHT SHOULD BE USED BY LAWYERS DNL Y IS INDENlVRE, made the 4" dey 01 Augual, two Ihouaand snd FIve E1WEEN MATTHEW MEYER, I8$iding at 22 Bon Mar Road. Pelham. New YOlk 10803. rty of !he first part. and SOPHIA GUTHERZ and MARTIN R MILLER, residing at 235 West 76" Slrllet. Apt. 2C New YOlk Yorl< 10023. NESSETH, that the party 01 the first part. in consideralion 01 tan doIlarw and other valuable considerallon paid by the party the second part. doee hereby grant and ....a.. unto the party 01 the second part, the hen or SUCCIlSSOrs snd assigns 0I1I1e of 1118 second partllllWW. L that certain pIoL piece or patl:lll 01 land. with the buildings and OnprovemenlS Ihe<eon arect8d, 8IIu8le. lying and being In e Vilage of Mattltuck, Town of 5ou1I101d. County 01 Suffolk snd State 01 New York. bounded snd desaibed 8S follows: OUTHERL Y by the main hig/lw8y leading ID South Avenue, Wesl8rly by land now or fonnerty 01 Marrie M. Horton. No1Iherly land now or fonnerty 01 GeoIge H. HOlton end Eeslarty by land of O. Hazard Jeckson. Being more pIIrtioJlarty bounded end . ss shown on s survey prepared by John D. Ehlenl. Land SLnIl)'OI', d8l8d July 25. 2000 as follows: EGINNING sta point on the Northerly side 01 Sound Avenue disI8nl 1,400 18Illmore or less. Westerty lrom 1118 comsr formed the intersaction 01 tha Wesl8rly side 01 Upco Road with the NorIherty side 01 Sound Avenue: UNNING THENCE Sou1l1 76 DegI8ll8 16 Minutes 50 Seconds WesL along the Northerly side of Sound Avenue, 82.50 les~ HENCE North 13 Degl8ll8 00 Minutes 20 Seconds Wesl. 264.00 lesl; HENCE No1Ih 76 Degrees 1B Minutes 50 Seconds Es8l82.50 I. ENCE South 13 Degrees 00 MInutes 20 Seconds Essl, 264.00 fesl to tha Northerly side 01 Sound Avenue being the point 01 01 BEGINNING. o PREMISES being known 88 10575 Sound Avenue, M8llllUck. New York. 11952 EING AND INTENDED TO BE the same pnllIIlses conveyed to the party of the first part by MATTHEW W. MEYER, by Deed e 9/01100 and recorded 9I29lOO In Uber 12074 Page 61 1 made by BERNARD W. MEYER end BARBARA MEYER, his wKe OGETHER with all right. title and Interest, il any, of the party of tha first part, In and 10 any slr.m and roads abutting the desaibed premisaa ID tha cantar .... IheraoI; TOGETHER with the appurtenance$ snd all the estate and rights of the rty 01 the first pert in and ID said premises; TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the premises herein granted unto tha party of the part, the heirs or 1UCC8_ and uslgns of the party 01 the second part forsver. D the party of the first part covenants IhaIthe party 01 the firsl pan hes nol done or aulfersd any1l1ing whereby tha ssId Ises have been encumbered In eny way whatever, except 8S lIIonIssld, D the party of 1I1e firsl part, In compliance with SecIIon 13 of the Usn Law, covensnts that the party 0I1I1e first part will "ve the CO/1Iideration for this OClIMlyence snd will hold the right to I8C8lve such consideration _ e lrusl !l.I1CIto be eppIIed lor the purpose of PRYing the cosi of the Improvement and will apply the same first to the payment of the cosi of the provement be""" uling anv part of the tol8l 01 the same for any alMr purpose. word "party" shall be CO/1Ilrued as if n reed "perties" whenever the _ 0I1I1is Indenture 80 requires. ) N WITNESS WHEREOF, the party of the firsl pert hes duly executed this deed tha day and yesr first above wrtllon. N PRESENCE Of: 1 J1fA I '1'''' ~ I. /J/t;.J!J./l4'1tD Er: _ hi.r 4-HoPflLtt ill 'h . J .-- 9NIFORM'ACKNOWLEDGEHENT STATE OF NEW YORK) COUNTy OF NIJJll'tU.ll SS.; On the '-f day of () l/.gl./ol'f- in the year z.~ before me, the undersigned, a ~&~sy n~~~.~~iLc, personally appeared1?til)f,U/7.:"i'~~hdA<?48 ~:pv.)()~(~, personally known to me or proved to me on t.he basis of sat'isfactory evidence to be the individual (s) whose name (s) is. (are) 'subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in his/her/their capacitY(ies), and that by h.U!/hez:/their signature(s) on'the instrument, the individual(s), or the person Upon behalf of which the individual(s) acted, executed the instrument. IiRS SHELD?N J. ~_ ~0Ik NaI8Il PllblICs.t~~.&u.. OUOII~ '" N::,~. 31,\oos C<>mml.."", E>cpI R. ~ortf) tA.Aff) R l:fu m -fo : )...1.V~ a.~ f<.txth~rr;€{:6-. d-o agW-A 4vi.Xtr 12. .J. '-li... R 0-0 r NlVJ ~l/ "If /UOf( Certificate 1# . RECORf)E[l 200S Rug 30 11.35.22 AM EcNard P. ROloNline Cl.ERI( OF SlFFOLK COOHTY L ??oo12406 P 432 DTI 05-04401 Number of pages TORRENS Serinlll_ Prior Clf. # _ Deed I Mortgage Instrumenl Deed I Mongage T:Ix Sr.unp FEES . Recording I Filing Stumps 2J Comm. of Ud. s. 00 MortgageAmt. ___ 1. Ila~ic 1'.ut 2. Additional Tax . Sub '!btol SpeeJAssit. or Spec./Add, _.___ TOT. MTG. TAX ___ _ _...:...._ Dual County _ Page I Fil ing Pee Handling s. .J1Q.. TP-S84 Notation EA-~2 17 (County) EA-S217 (St~cle) R.P.T.S.A. .Sub lbta1 ..~CD Grund l~)tal /l/q - ..f4. rty covered by this mortgage is improved hy 0 one or two elling only, or NO appropriate tax clause on of this instrument. Aftidavil Certified Copy Reg. Copy O!hcr Sul> Tolal 4 5 . Real Pnlpcrty T:Ix Service Agency Verification CPF Tax Due {)()O~ ~ /?,p/hJtJ Improved ./ g;:3665 1000 12200 0100 004000 pT S' RSMI ;:>A~ ~~ Consideration 61 Satisfacdon5lDischmgcslR.elcases ListI>ropcny 0wnCrs Mailing Addnlss RECORD & RETUltN TO: Va.:untl..nnd TO -.J 0 /...tV~ a,dJ ..RtJ.f">UA, Uf- .JJO !Cr; ~w. ~ .fJY;( W~ '/1 cLuJ tf:N:- / "It fI I bt) / / Tttle/# .. ~tTolk County Recording & Endorsement Page 'tudL__. (SPECIFY TYPE OF INSTRUMENT) TD TD 7 This page forms part of !he atU1Chcd __ made by: ~Il'~) ~~ ~ TO 71n~~~~~;?'4~ --=--= The premises herein is situated in SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK. In the Township of --.L...'IlJtO In the VILLAGE or HA.,"LET of BOXES 6 THRU 8 MUST DE TYPED OR PRL'ITF.D IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RF.CORDI'NG OR FILING. ~~~ ( nv~r' IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII~ 11111 11111 1m 1111 I 111m 11111111111111111 SUJ'FOLK COUNTY CLERK RECORDS OFFJ:CE. RBCORDJ:NG PAGE--- Type of Inst~t. DEBDS/DDD Number Clf Pages I 3 Receipt HUmber . 05-0090959 TRANSFER TAX NUMBBR: 05-04401 Recorded: At. 08/30/2005 11:35.22 AM LJ:BER: PAGE: D00012406 432 Distric1a 1000 Section. Block: 122.00 01.00 B:DMINBD AND t"II"JtGBD AS FOLLOWS $395.000.00 Lot. 004.000 Deed AmI)unt, Recei v.el th. Following Fees For Above Instrument Bx4llllpt Ex4llllpt Page/I':Lling $9.00 NO Handling $5.00 NO COB $5.00 NO !lYS SRCHG $15.00 NO BA-CTY $5.00 NO BA-STATB $75.00 NO TP-584 $5.00 NO Cert.Copies $0.00 NO RPT $30.00 NO SCTII $0.00 NO TrlU18fer tax $0.00 NO Comm.Pr.. $4.900.00 NO I'e.. Paid $5.049.00 TRANSFER TAX NUKBBR. 05-04401 THIS PAGB IS A PART 01' THB INBTRUMBNT THIS IS HOT A BILL Bdward P.Romaine County Clerk. Suffolk County C2. 01. DHd Ruardld I r,~, '3 ,'if, ~,,?,I (p t; ~ .tq~-I ManIt'I ., CI._ PROPERTYINFORMATUlN 1.=L (/'VA- ..- L __ LAO' L I. T.. ndic::nl.... fuan Tea BI. .. to" lent I ... ......---...-,,-. -- LMI......'1XIMNIft' L ~_NlD51...TNAME c:nY0II1VMI * REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT lITATE OF NEW VllIUl lITATE IIOARII OF lEAL _,.1EIIVICElI RP - 5217 u.J.II7 ... .., ... ...,....... ITATI ..- . 1OnIr. -... - _............ oa.-.g.....____ 0 .. .....~.iIIan AppnMIwu RequIrad for T..... 0 I c.__.....-.__....._ 0 .. . __L ~. -J~- ~~ I ~-.r .... "'..........................- _4 ,.,.,....., ( 0 _....- L......... on.. _ I IV Iv. 1,01 '....1. 011 P.~ ofa _ ..=- L - ~IXI ._.rarr 'c.n' It>> Dtl'IW 10111 ..- - L W(.!t~ L LIIIIT ....,COMI'lUft' 1. a.edI_ Ill.................... - ........... tII. __., 1M........" . '1M"'" at... ..r... f~AoricuIIu<" I~Commlllllly_ F Camm.n.ill J IndUllriIl Q _ K PuIlIIc_ \I 1_ln.....'Am_ L _ I .::II "I <f.r'1 t,21 t I~S-I 3f.r~ .~,O~OI , J . . !hi Solo Pril:o 10.... _ .mount paid 10<.,," _1naIucIng.......... _. 1Il._ may. 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"'-'YCI_ I k f.Q.U ,..__..:.. I ... T..__,..................___.____..._loIl JJ(-;ob/cJO(;)~ J1/~~~~/ocf Of.Of> I , CERTIFICATION I I cn1II)' ........... _ 01....... oL_ _.............. _.... __ ,.. ........ 0111\1 ............. ...... .... I........' .... that .... -... 01.., __ __oI_lIod _........ d..... .._...... "'.... __.. _................ ......__ IlID!! ',::=~~r; DA~/ Y(d'- It} r7S' I 5PI.M,;w- IrIlIEtT -..- I1WEIT JroA.-........1M.EI ..M~ (1.-1'" III/r" c:nv~ rtllATI ..CUll ~ In ..~f&Pl/l, y - -'-' .'. ..- 8UY!11"1 An'ORNEY _(j?~"''''-r .....- Q~:~"'N G27- '/011 ..-- . !~ NEW YORK STATE COPY