HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12403 P 795 ,12)-1-1 Lf L 12 463 f 7q5 BARGAIN AND SALE DEED WITH COVENANT AGAINST GRANTOR'S ACJ'S (INDIVIDUAL OR CORPORATION) FORM 8007 CAUTION: TIllS AGIlECMENT SIIOULD nl! PRI!PARED IIY AN AlTORNEY AND Rf.VIEWIlD ny AlTORNI!YS FOR SEu.ER AND PURCHASER n~J'ORE SIGNING. THIS INDENTURE made the~, day of Po ~ BETWEEN JOHN MOLONEY and NANCY MOWNEY, as husband and wife. residing at 10450 Sound Avenue, Mattituek, New York, 11952 ,2005, party of the fir&! port, ~..^ w' :~.~~ .... ~.,'. '.~~:',t':..~ _..~ NANCY MOWNEY. residing DI ,;: ", :.' v. . .. 10450 Sound A\'ellue, Mallituek. New York,"II952..',~{. ......., ~. 1:" r.::~ ::,,~~.. r ~ ':.."ttt .: party of I"" second pan, WITNESSETH. thallhe party oflhe fint pan, in eonsideration of Ten Dollars and other valuable consideralion, paid by lhe party of the seeond pari, does hereby grant and release unto the party of the second pan, the ""in or SueceaSOlS and assigns of the party of the second part forever, ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel or land. with the buildings and improvemenllllbereon erected. siluate, lying and being at Mallituck, in lhe Town ofSoutbold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the soulherly side of Sound Avenue. di&lantl 52.35 feel westerly as measured along the southerly side of Sound Avenue. Iiom eomer formed by intersection ofthe southerly side of Sound A venue and westerly side of FaetOJ")' A venue at northwest earner of bmd of Johnson Iiom said poinl of begiMing; RUNNING THENCh" south 15 degreea 44 minules c:astI88. 77 feet. along said land to land Berdinka; THENCE along said land the following two courses and distances: " . :: :'. . (I) south 16 degrees 47 minuleS 40 seconds easl68.58 feet;' ....:. ~ .' . .. .......;. (2) soulh 77 degreea09 minutes west 80.66 feel 10 land of Driscoll;" . .,' . THENCE along said land the following three eourses and distanecs;.' .:' (1) nonh 18 dee-s 39 minutes 40 aec:onds west 28.73feel; . '. (2) soulh 69 degrees 52 minuleS 20 seconds west 38.28 feet; (3) north 20 degrees 07 minules 40 seconds west 256.03 feet 10 the southerly side of Sound A venuc; THENCE north 85 degrees 36 minules east along the southerly side of Sound Avenue, 141.29 feet 10 the point or place of BEGINNING. Said premises known as Seclion 122.00 Block 02.00 1.01 014.00 on the tax map oflbe Town of Soulhold, 10450 Sound Avenue, MallilUek, New York, 11952. BEING AND INTENDED 10 be the same premises as conveyed in Deed cIated October 15, 1999, Recorded on December 14. 1999 in Liber 12007, Page 063. TOGETHER with all righi, title and interest, ifany, of the party of the firatpart in and 10 any streets and roads abutting the above dcaeribed premises to the center lines thereof; TOGETHER wilh the appunenanees and all the estate and righlS of the party of the first part in and to said premises; TO HA VE AND TO HOLD the premises herein panted unto the pany ofthe second part, the hein or successors and assigns oflhe party of the second part forever. AND the party ofthe firat pan, eo\'CI\lIIIlS that the party of the firsl part bas not done or suffered anything whereby the said premises have been eneumbered in any way whate\'er, excqn as aforesaid. AND I"" party of the firat p:In, in compliance with Section 13 of the Lien Low. covenDnts lhallhe party of the first pan will receive the consideration for this conveyance and will bold the right to receive sueh consideration as a trusl fund to be applied first for the purpose of paying 1M cost of the improvemenl and will Dpply the same first 10 the payment of the C08I of the improvement before using any part of the total of the same for any other purpose. The word "party" shall be eonstrued as if il read "partics" whenever the sense of this indenture so requires. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, lhe party of the firal pan has duly executed this deed the day and year rust _wri... .Jt ~_ OLONI!Y V;:;;:;7r~ \ Acknowledgment by a I'l:rson Witliin New York State (RPL f 309..) STATIi OF NEW YORK ) COUNTY OF SUFFOLK ) 55.: ) On the ).).... day of _Av~' in the year 200S, before me, the undersigned, peTSOI1ally appeared JOHN MOLONE ,pc:lSOnally known to me or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the individual wI10se name.is subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me Ihat he execUted the II8IIIC in his capacity, and that by his signature on the instrumnlt, the individual, or the person upon behalf of which the individual acted, executed the instrument. ua AtE V. 8RDIII NIIIlf NII......... YIdl .. 4IDIJ1I CIIIIIIIlI......CIIIIIl /' ~ .. -.... 0& 1"Ol0 17 ~ llianllurCIIll1 om... 0 individllllllkins ..knowIcdS"'C1l1) Acknowledgment by a Person Outaide New YorIi: State (RPL ~ 309-b) STATE OF NliW YORK ) COUNTY OF SUFFOLK ) ss.: ) On the ) ~ day of -8v:~ in the year 200S. before me, the undersigned, personally appean:d NANCY MOLO 'Y, personally known to me or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be Ihe individual wI10se name is subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that she executed the same in her capacity. and that by her signature on the instrUmeat, the individual. or the person upon behalf of which the individual acted, executed the instrument. ... "IE V.'" ,., NIl. ........ YIdl ..- ( CIIIIIIIlI......~ "... , I t .. '''0& ~\1'1) .ignalul;oud om.. ofindi'1d Title No. Section 122.00 Block 02.00 1.01014.00 Cou.ty or Tow. SUFFOLK Slreel Address 10450 Sound Avenue, Manituck, New York, 11952 To Return B Mall To: NANCY MOLONEY 10450 Sound Avenue Maltiluek, NY 11952 Reserve Tbls S aee For Use or Recordln omee Recordin & Endorsement Pa e \::See D (SPECIFY TYPE OF INSTRUMENT) Number of pages TORRENS Serial # Certificale # Prior Clf. # Deed I Monpgc Insuumenl Deed, Mortgage 1lIx Swnp FEES 3 Page , Filing Fee Handling TP-S84 ZtO S. 00 Norarion EA-S2 17 (Counly) EA-S217 (Salle) R.P.T.S.A. Sub TOI8I i7J- Comm. of Ed. S. 00 Affid:lViI Certified Copy NYS SurcharJc 0Ihc:r IS. 00 Sub Total GrandTOI8I~ 1c- 4 Disl. . .. RculPropc 1lIx Servic Agency Vcrificalic 12200 0200 014000 6 SDlisfactionslDisc:harges/Rl:lcascs Use Property Owncn Mailina Addn:u RECORD &: RETURN TO~ N Q/\~ Mil lOf\~ 10"1 Sb C)\),,)(\..t Av~ \'i'Y\od+;-k"...k N J lJ If (1- 7 Co. Name TIdc# 8 Suffolk Count This pagc forms pan of the alW:hcd CJc.h.o p r\'\nlo~ RECORDED 2005 llI9 15 03:37:28 PIl Edward P. RoINio. lURK Cf 5lI'FOlJ( COON1Y L ??oo12403 P 795 DTI 05-02305 Recording' Filing SllIIIIps MOItiage Ami. I. Basic Tax 2. Addilional Tax Sub TOIlII SpecJ Assi!. or Spec.' Add. TOT. MTG. TAX DUlII Town _ Dual Counly _ Held for AppoinllllCal_ --., TlUIIsfcr Tax ( .... MWlSion TlIlI The property covered by Ihis mortgage is or will be improved by a one or two family dwelling only. YES or NO 5 eo......UDity Preaerntioa I'uIld Consideration Amount $ 0 ~ CPF Tax Due S Improved VucanlLand TO TO TO Title Com Information made by: The prcmillCll herein is silualCd in SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK. (\I"",~ TO .. ~ ty'D1..~ ) In the Township or In the VIu.AOE or HAMLET or BOXES 1\ THRU 8 MUST BE TYPED OR PRINTED IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDING OR prLINO. ~nld (over) , . II11I111 ~IIIIIIIII"IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIII~ 1111111111 SUP'POLlt COUN'l'Y CLERIC RBCORDS OPPIC!!: RBCORDIHG PAG!!: Type of rnstrument: DBEDS/DDD HUmber of Pages: 3 Receipt Number : 05-0085086 TRAHSPBR TAX NUMBER: 05-02305 Recorded: At, 08/15/2005 03:37,28 PM LIBBR: PMB: D00012403 795 Di.trict: 1000 Section: BlOCK: 122.00 02.00 Il!YlOJ[IHBJ) AND CKAJlGBD AS FOLLOWS $0.00 Lot, 014.000 Deed Amount: Received the Pollowing Pees Por Above :Instrument Bxlllllpt Z...."lpt Page/piling $9.00 NO Handling $5.00 NO COE $5.00 NO BYS SRCBG $15.00 NO EA-C'rY $5.00 NO D.-STATB $75.00 NO TP-584 $5.00 NO cert.Copie. $0.00 NO an $30.00 NO SCTII $0.00 NO Transfer tax $0.00 NO eo-.Pre. $0.00 NO Pee. Paid $149.00 TRANSFER TAX HUMBBR: 05-02305 TH:IS PAGB rs A PART or THB :INSTRUMBHT THrs :IS NOT A BrLL Edward P.Ramaine County Clerk. Suffolk County - . PLEASE TYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRITING ON FORM - ~-----~- --". - INSTRUCTIONS: hltp:/I www.orpl.llate.nv.ul or PHONE (51S) 473-7222 FOR COUNTY USE ONLY I 'f.1.3, .B, g,91 REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT Cl. SWIS CoM * g ". ./ STATE OF NEW WIRIt C2.__R..._ I. I I.> I tl..:> I STATE _ OF IIIAL ........." IEIMCEI io..... ... ?/ RP - 5217 0._1 I. cf. L{,6,.31C4.'-17, ,0, , I 1IP4Z1'''' WI PROPERTY IIIFORMATlON I ,. "-" I 10450 I Sound Avenue I LocolIoa ....,- 111Bl.... I ~~U.uck I 111952 I - "'- ..~ I MoloDeL..., I HaneL I -- LAIr.......' - I I LMT NMIt I CQIINIIY I I -- ..T.. IndIc:IIIwhIr.fuIurIT......,ta__ I I I ... ._1hIn~_1ol_.._ LAI,.......,c:IM'lUn' H'IIrNMII - I I DIY'" 1DMI I . I "CXlIlI I .-r..- UrD.~"" arAD 4. ........ ... ........ 01 a MUll I . 1 1.01...... OR 0 ...nol........ _._01.____"""'" "~L . ..4 on ...... . 4A. PIIInnIng BoMI wiIh a. .......~ A&aharIIy E*a 0 I.o.d ...__-_lorT...... 0 "-" I Ixl IORI . . . . . I c._.....-...___....._ 0 .... HIDIIIIMlI ...... -- 1.- I Mo1on~ I John I - IAaT .... , -- I Moloney I Han.;.I I IAlTIlM'l/COIiI'tUo't -. 1. CHell the.... bIIow wIIIdI molt - "'...., clMalb-.lhe.... 01'............- .. 1M.... at.. ------"""'" "_TypIII~um 0 A~ Ono fomlly_ E~ ~_~ I ~ eam...nlly_ .. New CoIw ;t=- . on V"nI Lind 0 B 2..3__ F ea.nn.cIol J _ 1M."'-I-.cI_.._ ___ 0 C .........11IIII VICInt Lind G _ K __ _"""''-'_11_- 0 I) Non-.~ "'IIY1unlLlncl H E_....../Am....... L _ ....lho_.."'..~__ I SALE INFORMAnON ~ ,1. a...Il_. ..... __ _ -. _ _......... to 'INIIIfK: ". .... Con1nct _ I I I I A:! ___..___ - .... v- B_ ___~..-ln_ 1~/(d IOS-1 C _ Onoollho_II_._ 12. DIlle at .... I Tr........ D _ .......... _..-..... _.. LondIIlll-....Jan - ... v_ fi _ Dood T_'" w.ron.y.. ......In _ &oIollpodly_ ~ &110 01_ ..I.-.... Foo _.. _ Solowl 11 Full .... Pr'- , . . , , . . . ,0 .0.0 I G: ___ Chongo in "'- _ T...bIo s......nd _llIIn II _oI_._in&olo_ , , . I : 0Ih0r Un..... F-. _Illl &010 Prioo IStoodfy"- IFull_...........__poId......_IncIudIIlll_'_. ___.......-01-.-_.._.....__...01 J__ mortpgII or oIhIr ~ . -..J ,... rGfIItd to"............ MIOIInI. ''''_'''_01'''- I 0 o 01 __10__ . I ASSESSMENT INl'ORMAnoN - Dol.o "'auld NIl... ....1_ An.l_m.nt Roll ond rIX Bill. 'I.V_oI" ._110I_, 0.4 I 17.T___,...._..._' 7 7 0 o I. . . . , . . ..... ~4...."". .... , , , 11. "-" aou 12 .1. Ol-U ~\ LI r....J.e.ho~ v....c. ,. I ,..___ :'TV.... .. TaMop_fII/Roa_II....__.._____1 ~O - \ l:Z(} (j - (]' ZOO ~ 0\1.\.0010 I I I I I I I CERTIFlCA110N I I ClIY1IY.... ."'... _ "'_ _............ _.... _ '11..........11I)' _... _11IIIoI) _1_.... IM-'" "'_---"'-....-..~-IoIllo-""...-...-Io..._.onoI..........- !1m!! BUYER'S ATTlIIINEY ~"0 I .r.l~o~ Fogel I Allan ...,- -- -~...> . I 10450 I Sound Avenue 631 I 231-1450 '11lGT~ IJIlUT...... WII'R MLlI -- ,-- HatUtuck I NY I 11952 r cnv..._ "AIIi "'.... J1;_~7 NF.W YORK STATE COPY I .... - -- -- -