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8onthold Towa Planning Board
March 11. 1958
A regular meeting of the Southold Town Planning Board, foiatlp with
the :Southold Town Boards was held at 8100 P.M. on Tneeday, March 11, 1958,
at the Town Glerk~a Office, Southold, N. Y•
There were preaeat: Mesara. John Wickham, Chairman; Henry F. Moiaa,
Alfred Grebe and Harold R. Reeve.
Also preaettt were: Meeare. Herbert Rosenberg and Robert &illispie,
Members of the Board of Appeals; Robert A. Tasker, Town Attorney; Norman
E. Hlipp, Town Supervisor; Lester M. Albertson, Councilmen; Louis M.
Demereat~ Councilman; Judge Perry Edwards of Fiahera Island; Judge Ralph
A. Tuthill of Mattituck; Judge Henry Clark of Greeaport; Harold Prise,
Superintendent oP Highways; Otto A. Van Tuyl; Mr. Oswald, representing
Fishers Island Estates; and Howard M. Terry} Building Inapeator.
• The Chairman opened the meeting by offering the Minutes of the last
meeting. On motion duly made by Mr. Reeve, seconded by Mr. Grebe, and
carried, the Minutes were approved as submitted.
A map showing highway system of Fiahera Ialaad Satatea, Inc. was
submitted and a lengthy discussion was had on the petition of Fiahera
Island Eatatee, Inc. for approval of same. On motion duly made by lir.
Moira, seconded by Mr. Grebe, and carried+ the Planning Board recommended
approval sub'ect to said highwapa being maintained in reasonable condL»
tics. It was strongly recommended that in all cases where possible the
right of way be widened to fifty feet and that all proposed highways are
expected to be fifty feet right of way. A letter of transmittal containing
this reoommendatioa was delivered to the Chairrosa who in turn turned it
over to the Town Board.
Mr. Grebe inquired as to whether a letter would be sent to Fishers
Island Satatea informing them of this recommendation, and Mr. Oswald stated
that he would call them on the telephone and tell them. The Chairman
pointed out that Mr. Oswald should stress the fact that the Planning Board
merely had the power to make recommendations.
The proposed amendments to the Building Zoae Ordinance as submitted
to the Planning Board by a resolution of the Southold Town Board dated
February 25, 1958, were then reviewed. It wee the Planning Board's reaom-
• mendatioa that the Zoning Ordinance be amended ea proposed with certain
ezceptiona• A letter of Transmittal containing these exceptions was
delivered to the Chairman, who in turn turned it over to the Town Board.
-- - • 2
Southold Town Planning Board • Yaroh 11, 1958
YIBIITES, Continued
The petition of A. Barry Lister was held over until the nest meeting.
Ia the matter of the petition of Ailliam Aells, which was held over
from the last meeting, for as "Open Development Area" under the provi-
aione of Section 280-e of the Town Iax, on motion dalp mado by Yr. Reeve,
seconded by Yr. Yoiea~ and oarrled~ the Planning Board approved access
with the recommendation that the 100 feet on the Bay be reserved for
possible highway purposes.
In the matter of the petition of Daniel Smith in regard to"Open
Development Area" at Great Pond, near Soundviex Avenue, Southold (see
Yap of Land of Ynir Brothers at "Giant Pond" dated Yarch 11, 1958) the
Board recommended approval provided that the line dividing lots marked
"A" and "B" be moved 5 Yeet to the south, making the two lots more nearly
equal. The motion was made by Yr. Reeve, seconded by Yr. Yoiae, and
In the matter of the petition of Paradise Shores Assooiation, Inc.
for as "Open Development Area" - location of property north aide Bayview
Road, 8outhold~ Bew York, roadway 20 feet wide, oa motion duly made by
Yr. Reeve, seconded by Mr. Yoisa, and carried it was moved that this be
not recommended to the Town Board.
In the matter of the petition of Coastanoe Kendrick Overton for a
• change of none from "A" Residential and Agricultural to "B" Business on
certain property located is Cutchogue, Bew York, the Chairmen reported
that he had had disoussion with her oa this sad reoommended that this
matter be carried over to the next meeting.
On motion duly Wade by Yr• Grebe, seaonded by Mr. Yoisa, and carried,
the following reoo~endation was wades The Planning Board recommends to
the Board of Appeals that in cases entailing access to largely built-up
areas, they consider granting access under Section 280-a, Section 3.
The date of the neat meeting was set For April 8, 1958 at 7s30 P.Y.
Oa motion duly made by Yr. Reeve, seconded by Yr• Grabs, and carried,
the seating xas ad~ouraed at 12:00 Midnight.
Respectfully submitted,
Ann Grigonis
Assistant Clerk