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Southold Town Planning Board
May 20, 1958
A regular meeting of the Southold Town Planning Board was held on
Tuesday evening, May 20, 1958 at 7s30 p.m. in the Town ~`lerk~s Office
Southold, New York.
There were presents Mesaers John Wickhan, Chairman Harold $. Leeve~
Henry F. Moisa, Alfred Grebe and Archibald N. Young.
Also presents Messers Otto W. Van Tnyl and Howard M. Terry, Building
Itsee Il of the communication from the Southold Town Board showed
a desired change of ^4+ne aAN Agricultural and Residential to
•Ba Building District regarding the ~illiams~ property located
on the North side of the Main Road in Peconic, New York. It was the
determination of the Board to:
RESOLVE, That the Planning Board recommend to the Town Board
approval of the application.
The Olerk then read the Minutes of the May 5th meeting, which
were apppoved by the Chairman.
In the matter of petition of 1~. ~'arry Lister for a change of
none from pAe Residential and Agricultural District to MMe Multiple
Residence District, certain real property situated on 1Pest Road,
Fleets Neck, Cutchogue, New York, more particularly described in
application and map aecompaning application. It waa the determination
of the Board to:
RESOLVE, That the Planning Board recommend to the Town Board
approbal of this application.
Scmtho~ Tos~- F'lan;-;irg Board
~, Contimsad
(2 )
KlY 20, 1958
7st tha matbr of petition o£ Nsssry J. ~~, Fleaon2d j'at~
Paconio, hssr York 11ro a change of the Uaa District o3,aaa~iaation
of the 1w'se~aes affected tiY this aApliption tray el• 8asidantlal
sad ABti'Scultvral DSetrict to •C« Induatsial District. The
Pe"ssiisw atteoted arc the westerly 300 fast at tho desoribad
Paragraph I of the a~nlicatian, and b~*~ndec! an the hest ~
Carroll Atientaw. it was tl:a ~tass;iaatioa of ttse Beard tos
~`~s~L~i'F', That a recdatian wcxsZd ba m~a to Lhs Town
Board with the s~q,-estiaaa that all. tanks ba Dabs ®;round
and t~iat all etr~~etnres be kept back from the hir,.`ssay arm
tha rails'aod, so as not tp obttruot `,fees On tha very danjsrpna
Rasa ZZ oS the ca munlceticn traea the Sat~thoyd Teets $fl8~
stunrsd a slsslirad c?yan~ of ss,bse MiN ~seddatstlal and A ..
cultural ~%=strlat to agu Daildisst Listrict raga,~iryg the
Fro tad oa Lhe Forth side of tha ~.Sn Bcs,~i Ct~tchni
~wr York, from Ctr,{ns sa Glarags) bourx3ad on the
Corsin tlratbwohl asu3 to the west Lrxt asst by
detersainaticsts of the Bcaard tos $' glas BsaLve. Zt wsa the
B~4L9Frr That the planni*ig Board racowiaendt to the T.wn Board
PPs"oeal ct this a^plie>ation.
A patftlcm from Assgr~lo 'etrtmoi di son was considered b, tts?
Board in chan~ng same ts+nsa "Aa Aesldentla2 and A~plt~t,al
Tistalot Lo eBn Lh+ltipla Restdesaoe Dletriett. It was ttue
detsrm:nation rst t.}:s finard to:
A-?L~', That ~~. Pstm~ be asked t0 ec3beait a sketch o£ his
plans £or hfs l+U'out, incl~sdin; both d~aplas[ snits and marim_
• ~'4~ lteevs reclt~osted that a letter be written to ~.
he®sr, thantd,nC her Por her tait::~,~1 aervi+tis ~ the i?rxssd.
The Chfisman recieveci a rwtioe of a cambissed ssat:styl of the
Cot:rsty a ~`]assutag I?car¢s to tx~ hel. can J+._nel,3, 1950 at
8`00 p.m. at +.he T'rnm i'e31, Rives4sead, taw York.
Ths asxt meeting of tP~r± 5onthold 4'la; nir~,~ Br~a?d will bslsld
on J~:rw 27, 195F3 at ? s30 p.m. at ~ 7own Clerks ~tfip.
16eeting adJonrned lOsQO p.ca.
Idespec ~ lly sT:bmitted,
1larY Deroskf, ~'lerk