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Greenport Rotary Club
`Tttt Et11L~t'g r. B10i7r#'1l, S`c1YtY GLI6RJt, ~UwY UF' :=i7~Tt9tit.~ 1y~p1sos01eri is hsrol~ cads, puarwai fo tJas prarLiops of ttas y'saal Lr, seaKo of New York. Jlsstiaet l~•a, toa a yorwt! tw diaplyr tisowaslM- as trasottos opsitisa. ~ ~'tioylq is to ba s~osrt Dy ,~ ~ .~~ ~~. ~,,..~ ~,.,~,tti...~ ~ ~ ~~t ,r- ~ ~y -~-. •sw xork, ~ will be lrld oo ~, ,,, ~ h'~ , T ~ 195 Jai ,, _,~;,,__r. ~. yr 9'tss s`ollwiag poraoAS aaa to wr in cheap of the astwol +Wootla~ of ~o t: s+sMS~-ko t 11uMbor attd gyps of tisw~oarw 1~/,os tollow~ Yhs tiaowoalq~ will 0s •toasd is a aovsrsd trask prior io Was 1FQOOtiog on tho gaaoods. A~oshsd MaoW aad aMo • poM t-oasot So ~- dio~re st tbo grouoas a~ +ssiob t~M aaplay is 6o po twru. a ~e~u2paw x~~ GR~Npsoitttiilly ottlwdtb4, .. ,~~ py C~~ f.~Ul ~''~ ~ z-~~, ~ l'~ P' 1' ` 111 ~~, `L ~~L !~ /~ ~ ~Li'Ya,T~Gi I.CAL Gi7Mt?X'CIt11[ Jane 10, 1957 Fireworks to be shot off for the GH NrORT ROTfi~tY CLtTB of Greenp©rt~ L.I*~ pew York on July 4, 1957 will include; 13 -- Ground Setpiecea 50 -- serial Display Shells 66 -- Aeriel Finale Shells The two men who will this display are: Joseph Stepheni. age 43, experience 13 years Rea: East Petch®8'ue. L.I. James Carrano~ a$e 42~ experience 10 years Res: Bell ort~ L.I. the two men are in goofl phyaicFl condition Fireworks wi21 be stored in a ceoered track prior to the sho©ting. ~~~7 FerrG . NOVi~:i,T-~~KS lix Grvcci, Prop. G .