HomeMy WebLinkAboutIndian Neck Residents -_ i. Ali! •. ^~flrl~. '~~ ~7t *t ftilU !w~ M l~w~Ma. ~ OA~r. Awr ri~#• ~W ~ ~ Mri~l~MN 11d' NM 1w~ ~~ a ~ lwllw ~t ~ ~ r~ ~_RESIDENTS OF INDIAN NECK '""~"~7w ai'T~e a u c~'i amp "r° ~"" A ~~ IrM 'A 1~ ~lfit Elr -~ ~ ~ M ~ iMR'~M ~~ ~ p! M AAlOr 7~i`•a M ~ i~w~ i/n N Ylo AMA oL' ~M ~ ~ July 3, 1965 ~ ~ 1M t~ ~ ~;~« r n, u y 965) it Mii !.a iM i ~r/~/, 9 P.M. M ~iitA~ fA•~ ~ 10~t (Sil~~~ ~o~? ss~eY+M ~R {t= Mt~M N MO~it~ 1MIMr 'JI~RIt~ ~~ ,~~ ~ Oj June ~ ,1~~~~ `> ~~ « /~r~a wt~allt EeO~. i SQL IIr~R~ CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE This is to Certify, that policies in the name o£ L'dward Beauchamp (Name of Insured) 7.lI Hampton Courts Port Washi.~ton~ Tvew York (Street and Number( (City or Town) (State( are in force at the date hereof, as follows- POLICY LIMITS OF LIABILITY KIND OF POLICY POLICY NO. PERIOD Bodily Injury Property Damage Provided by Workmen's A- Workmen's Eff. Compensation Law State of Nil Compensation Exp. B- Manufacturers' or Eff. Each person $ Each accident $ Contractors' Liability Exp. Each accident $ Aggregate $ C -Owners, Landlords Eff. Each person $ Each accident $ and Tenants' Liability Exp. Each accident $ D -Owners' or Contractors' Eff. Each person $ Each accident $ Protective Liability Exp. Each accident $ Aggregate $ E- Scheduled Eff. Each person $ Each accident $ General Liability Exp. Each accident $ Aggregate $ F- Automobile Liability (1) Owned Vehicles (2) Hired Vehicles Eff. Each person $ Each accident $ Exo. Each accident $ (37 Other Non-owned Vehicles G-Comprehensive Eff. Each person $ Each accident $ Liability (I) Automobile Exp. Each accident $ (2) ](¢~`I,~[ Eff. ,/25/63 Each person $ 50y000a Each accident $ 50000, P~tSONAL 296008 Exp. !x/25/66 Each accident $ 50000. Aggregate $ 50,000. Aggregate $ 50,000. Eff. Each person $ Each accident $ (3) General-Automobile Exp. Each accident $ Aggregate $ Aggregate $ and cover, in accordance with the policy terms, lOCatlOn covered Indian Neck Laney Peconic~ Suffolk New York. This certificate of insurance is conditioned to comply to(Subdivision 5 0£ Section 1891-a) (Penal Law of the State o£ N.Y. ) Certificate issued to Torm O£ SOUthold ar Southold, Su£folk~ N.Y. In the event of any material change in or cancelation of said policies the undersigned company will notify the party to whom this certificate is issued of such change or cancelation. HONIu INllEI~IIVITY CO. HU/L/'~S. & -ST'ECTER~ INC. ilk" ~ -~Ly-GL,~:------------ ............. Dated 6/ZS/65 -11J ~~ GU6469a IEd. 5-54i ~NiFOAM Pa~H,~N~ a s~oPC. oi~. ®Q~1~JSbU l,~l~~'' `~~~-ou~r,t:~,_ l? ,~ ~~ aus ~'_ C ~ ~~~ x .. I ~~c~ lit i bJ' Qt~tJl~ (3~`~ 'r~ ~~a~~ a~ s~~A~G~~ TO: ALBERT W, RICHMONDt TOWN CLERKS TOWN OF SODTHOLD ~. APPLICATION IS HEREBY MADE pursuant to the provisions of Section 1894~a of the Penal Law of the State of New Yorkt for a permit to display fireworks as hereinafter specified; The display is to be sponsored by ~ j ~~~ ~, r I(;~ ~~~ A~ 0.1t;,C~ with principal office at ° New Yorks and will be held ant k"i) P ~~'(J I (day (mono at P.M.. (hour} 0 (Z (_ [7 U ~'t-{{ Q ~ ~'Ut,=`( `IF R~t1~y 196 The following persons are to be in charge of the actual shooting of the fireworks: NAME AGE EXPERIENCE PHYSICAL CONDITION lU /~,9..~ ~''. l?,L A tl Chi A K ~ ~ fr ~I ~ A U:^ E`I.c PrLl.~~t.1 ~, ~og~ ~i G. `Y{Zu u~ ~ l ~ ~`~1~a2 ~~ Ce;`l t,t~~t~° ~Aui, w, ~IhNs ~ ~~~ ~~l-i.enr~ ~551s~--~ ~ ~~.~ 9R, 7~F '~Aucriy~Y~ .,q-~D HER, ~~i ~"off P.~~e~{~.1~UB Number and type of fireworks is as follows; L~ CO U ~~ wA~ The fireworks will be stored in a covered truck prior to the shooting on the grounds. Attached hereto and made apart hereof is a diagram of the grounds on which the display is to be held. Also attached is the certif- icate or policy of insurance coverage, Dated ~z- ~' -~ ~ L~ ~ at .~C'-~~~~c-~ a New York. Respectfully submitted ((npame/ of orgain~/'zation) /