HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12432 P 646 , .... 11 " 1...\/}I' \"[; 'vJL\Y1 V ~ CllDlIL'r YOUR LUIUR nro.. IIGIIDIlI 'I'I~I Uh-. - '1'1:I:1 .............. IIIllllLD II DIIIl IT AftORlIYI OIILY. TillS INm:NTVRE, made the 24110 day Ilf October. IwO IhousaDd fiw. I BETWEI~. EDMUND T. NASH residing at 17SO Deep Hole Drive. Maltituck. New York 11952 as ExceulOrof~ LastWilIlIIld TestamenI of MARLENE R. NASH,lalcofSufflllkCounty. who died aD !he I- day of October, 2004 party of the Ii.... part. and EDMUND T. NASH, 1750 Deep 1I0le Drive. Mattituck, New Yolk 11952 pany "rlhe lICCOnd par1. WITNESSETH, that wherc:u 1e\1cnl teAlamcnlary .."", i........ to thc pany oC thc rU'Sl part by the swmgate's Coon. Suffolk COIII\ly. New York and by virtue of the power and authorily given in and by said last will and testament, lIIdIor by Article II Ilfthe Estates, Power and TIUSlS Law,lIId in consideration ofTEN and 001100 lSto.oO) DOllARS paid by lite partyoClhc SCQlnd part, cIocs hereby IP8DI and ~Iease unto lhc pIJ1y of lite second pan, tbe distributes or SIICCCUOfS IIId _ips of thc parly of lite _oDd part forever, ALL that certain plot, pico:c or pan:cl of land with the buildings and improvements thereon erected. situate, lying and situate at Mattituck, Town of Southolcl, County of Suffolk. State ofNcw York. bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the course rwming N. 30 tregrees II feet 20 inches W. of the westerly line of a highway know!, as. Deep Hole Driyc. saic;l point being 343.25 feet northwesterly along said course from the initial point of said course; from said point'ofbcginning I1IIIDing along said westerly line of said hii;hway South 30 degrees II feet 20 inches E. I ~O feet to land ofEngcl; THENCE running al right angles to said westerly line along said land of Engel S. 69 degrees 40 inches W. 200 feet, ore or less, to ordinal)' highwatce mark of Deep Hole Creek; TIIENCE Northwesterly along said ordinaty high waler mark of Deep 1I0lc Creek 150 fect or more to a poin! distant exactly 150 feet from the southeasterly boundal)' and land of Probka: THENCE on a line parallel to the southeasterly boundary N. 59 degrees 48 feet 40 inches E. 176 feet, more or less. along said land ofProbka to the point or place ofbcginning. TOGETHER with all the right, title and inlereSt of the parties of the first part in and to waters and the land under water of Deep Hole Creek adjoining the above described premises and in and to Deep Hole Drive to the center line thereof. SUBJECT to covenants and restrictions of record. ir any. REING AND INTENDED to be the same premises conveyed by Ruth Miller aIkIa Ruth Muth to Marlene R. Nash by deed dated the 281h day of October. 1966. and recorded in the Office of the: Clerk of the County of Suffolk, on the 1st day of Novcmbcr, 1966 in Libcr 6061. page 227. Said premises being known as 1750 Deep Hole Drive. Mattituck, New Yolk 11052, County of Suffolk Tax Map Number: Section 115, Block 12, LOl24 and District 1000. l'OCETIIER with all right, title and iDlCRSI, if lilY. of lite party oC the finn part iD and to lilY streets IIId roads abulting the abllvt' described premi_ to lhc center linco IhercoC; TOGETHER willt the app\lllCll8llecs and all lbe estate and risJats of the pany of thc fUllt part iD IIId 10 said pmnisctl: TO HAVE AND TO HOI.D the premillCM hen:in granted unto the party of the sccoad part, lhc Itcinl or A1Ccmors and a.'l'igns or lhc party of lhc llCCOnd part fon:\,.,... A,l"iD the party of lhc fint pan CO\_ts Wt the parly of lhc fU'Sl pan has not don. or suff~ lIIything whereby the said premises bave been encumbcn:d in any way wbatew:r. cxc:cpl 811 aCon:said. AND lhc pIJ1y of the rU'llt pan, in compliance wilb Section 13 of Ibc lieD Law, CO\'CIIBn15 WI the party Ilf \be rIM pan will ~ceive the consideration for Ibis conveyance IIId win hold the right to receiw lIIICh CllOSidCllltiOn ... a Intst fitnd to be IIpplied fll'lll for the puIplllC Ilf paying the CO!II of the iInpro1IcmI:nt and wiI1l1pply thc S8IIIt fust 10 lite payment of lhc cost of the improvemem bef= using any pari of Ibc total of Ibc same for any other purposcoL The word "parIy" .hall be COJIlItrued as ifit read "parties" whenc\~ lhc sense oflhi. indcnlUn: so reqllires. ~.. .... IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the pany of the lirst pan has duly executed this deed the day and year first above wriuen. In Presence of: Eslate of Marlene R. Nash ~ f>1X?~ ..- t '. OM NI> T. NASH, 85 Executor . STATE OF NEW YORK ) 55: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK ) On the.:2f4" day of a:. 1':" in the year 2005, before me, the undcrsign..-d, a nOlary puhlic in and for SlIid State. personally appeared EDMUND T. NASH. pcr.;onally known to me or proVI.'tI to me on Ihe basis of satisfactory cvidence to he the individual whose name is subscribl.'tI to the within instrument and acknowledged k. me Ihat hc execur..'tI Ihe same in his capacity, and that by his signature on the instrument, the indi~' . I, or thc person on behalf of which the individual acted, executed the instrument. ; ... '. . -- Notary Public UiiJ; ,\ . , . ,f .- .' Edmund T. Na.h, a. Ellecutor of the Estate of Marlene R. Na.h TO Edmund T. Na.h Secdoa: BIoek: Lot: 1)11trIet: Couney: 115 11 :z4 1000 Suffolk Record & Return To: Joseph R. Attonlto, Esq. A'ITONITO & RING 59 Landing Avenue, Suite 4 Smitbtown, NY 11787 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 1111111111111111111111111 SUFFOLK COUNTY CLBRK RECORDS Ol"l"J:CB RBCORDJ:NG PAGB 'l'ype of :Instrument. DEEDS/DDD Number of pag.s. 4 Receipt Number . 06-00085~8 TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 05-24875 Recorded. At. 01/25/2006 04.14.41 PM LJ:BBR: PAGB: D00012432 646 District: 1000 Section: 115.00 BXAM:INED AND $0.00 Block: 12.00 CHARGED AS Lot: 024.000 FOLLOWS Deed Amou.nt: Received the Po11owing Pees Por Above :Instrument Exempt Exempt Page/Filing $12.00 NO Handling $5.00 NO COE $5.00 NO NYS SRCHG $15.00 NO BA-CTY $5.00 NO EA-STATE $75.00 NO TP-584 $5.00 NO Cert.Copies $0.00 NO RPT $30.00 NO SCTM $0.00 NO Transfer tax $0.00 NO COIIIIIl.Pres $0.00 NO Pees Paid $152.00 TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 05-24875 TH:IS PAGE :IS A PART 01' THE :INSTRUMENT TH:IS :IS NOT A B:ILL .' I !\Iun,berof",,~s ~. TORRENS Serial # CcnificalC # Prior Clf. # Deed . Mungage Inslrument lko:d f Monglll:!c Tax SlUmp FEES 3 p.Jge f Filinll Fee f~CIQ HlIodling S. JKL TP-SK4 500. Nutalion EA-5217 (COunly) ~ CQ SUbTotDI$nn, 00 -r os- .QQ ~06 - !:iA-5217 (Slate) R.P.T.S.A. Comm. lIf F.J. 5. .!l!L Affida\'it Cenified Cupy Reg. Copy Sub '1'011&1 -:~ 5 G,.JI1d Total f 5 ~ tfi Othcr 15"" !D I ceo 4 Districl " r __,__ ...~ _ .I)l....~ _J.? _m _....._ .? .~_..: 05047264 1000 11500 1200 024000 ~~ RSF~v,;) Rc;1i Propcny Tax Service Agc",')' Veri licurion 6 SatisfllcrionIDi.chargeRfRclea.<e List Pmpeny Owners Moiling Addn,s,; ,_ RF.~KD & RF.T~KN TO: ....;0'Je~ -t<. .~t ~, tSo' It Pcni to -3 ~/nq 5"q l..Ct('tC'l'vie( Pt-Jll.nut... :]ut-k? 4 SN'\I~~ M.J1t787 Suffolk County Recordin , <'l. 7 Co. Name TIlle # .. RF.co.":!>ED : ~OO6 ]~ 25 04: 14: 41 PM CLtR'\ 'JF S'JFFOL~ r.O:JHTV L ~90!24~2 :. P 646 DT!t ')5- 2.!8?5 ... Recording I filing Slomps Mongogc Ami. 1. Du.'ic '1\.. 2. Additional '1':.. Sub Total Spec. I A""it. lIr S""". f Add. TOT. MTG TAX Dual Town _ l>wal County _ Hcld furAPPOin~'llC.'nt Trunsfcr Ta~ _ Man._illn Tax _ The propeny covcred by Ihis motgage i. or will be impn1vcd by a one or two family dwclling only. Y!:iS or NO If NO. see appropriate lax clau,", on pagc # "f Ihis in!<lrument ./ (0 ' -o~ Communlt Consido....lliun Amount CPFTox Due S ImpnlYcd VncllRl I.and '1'1> TO TO nde Company Information l1,is page forms pan of Ihc nllached & Endorsement Page K (SPECIFY TYPE Of INSTRUMF.NTI made hy: The premisis herein i_ shuuted in SUFFOLK COUNT\', NEW YORK. TO ~ -na --r.- J.. },,!h In the Township of In I"" VILI.AGE ,If HAMI.F.T or ~ BOXES 6 THROUGH 8 MUST DE TYPED OR PRINTED IN BI.ACK INK ONI.Y PRIOR TO RECORDING OR fll.l!l;G. (over)