HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12391 P 732 S'U,.- \\T.')'" ~\l..'I'\.iQl9 . \ :n......'\ . . . ~ .;O":}:... . . . . . BARGAIN AND SALE DEED wlm COVENANT AGAINST GRANTOR'S ACTS (INDIVIDUAL OR CORPORATION) . ar"'-z., 4;])10 1\ 5:'-1,') -2,3.2 LJ;Z',~ \ f131 STANDARD NYBTU FORM 8007 CAUTION: nu.~ AOREEMEI'lTSIIOULD UE PREPARED IIV AN ATJ'ORNEY ANIl RIMEWED BV ATIORNEYS fUR SEILER ANI) PURCJlA.~ER BF.fOIlU SIUNIHO. THIS INDENTURE, made the f). q1\day of April, 2005 between LESLIE B. HEGEMAN, as lrustee of tbe LESLIE B. HEGEMAN REVOCABLE TRUST raiding al1730 Deep Hole Dr~ Maltituek, NY 11952 pany of the lirst pan, and DOUGLAS MYERS nd KELLY MYER.~ haabaad and wife, raiding at 98 Odcen Ave.. Wbile Pial..... NY I~ pany of the second pan. WITNESSETH, thai the pany of the linn pan, in considcrotion of Ten Dollars and other lawful cOlISideration, lawful money of the United States, paid by the party of the second pan, dOes heoeby grant and release anto the party of the second part, Ihe heirs or successors and lIS&ips of the parly of the second part forever. Au.. thai certain plot, piece or parcel of land. with the buildinp and improvements Iheoeon erected, situate. lying and being at Mallituck, Town ofSouthold, County of Suffolk and Slate of New York. SEE SCHEDULE 'A' ATTACHED HJ::RETO AND MADE A PART HEREOF The granlor herein is the same JlI9'SOn as Ihe granlcc in Deed dated 1016199 recorded 10118199 in Liber 11995 Page 298. TOGETHER with all righ!, thle and inICoest, ifany, of the party of the first part in and to any streets and roads abulling the above described premises 10 Ihe center lines thereof. , i: TOGETHER with the appurtenances and all the e~'18te and rights of the pany of the first pan in and to I. I , said premises, TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the premises herein granted unto the party of the sccond part, the heirs or successors and assigns of the party of the second part forever. AND the party of the first part. covenants that the pany of the first part has not done or suffered anything whereby the said premises have been encumbered in any way whatever, except as aforesaid. AND the pany of the firs! pan, in compliance with Scction 13 of1he Lien Law, covenants that the party ofthe first pan will receive the consideration for mis conveyance and will hold the righllO receive such considcrotion as a trust fund 10 be applied first for lhe purpose of paying the cost of the improvement and will apply the same nrstlO the payment of the cost of the improvement befooe using Dny pan of the total of the same for any other purpose. The word "pany" shall be construed as if it read "panics" wbenever the sense oflhis indentuoe so requires. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the party of the first pan has duly executed this deed the day and year firsl above wrillen. -;/__ .f.od ~_ LESLIE B. HEGEMAN ~J rft..""T.;C"" NYSBA Ral_ Roll............. on'IoI00cs'19Il101 .1- CopyriJIu Capooll. Development ,-.. . . .,I"~' "......, r......, ..... .........- Tel (914) 993-3344 Fax (914) 993-1433 , " SCHEDULE A DESCRIPTION Tille Number. BA-G5-2406 Section 115.00 Block 12.00 Lot 023.002, in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, situate, lying and at Mattituck, Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the westerly line of Deep Hole Drive, distant 293.25 feet northerly when measured along the westerly line of Deep Hole Drive on a course north 30 degrees 11 minutes 20 seconds west from the most northerly end of a curve having a radius of 330 feet which curve bears to the right, and from said point of beginning. RUNNING THENCE south 59 degrees 48 minutes 40 seconds west along land now or formerly of E. Nash, 169.8 feet to the ordinary high water mark of Deep Hole Creek; THENCE north 29 degrees 44 minutes west along the ordinary high water mark of Deep Hole Creek, 50.00 feet to land now or formerly of C. O'Keefe; THENCE north 59 degrees 48 minutes 40 seconds east, along the last mentioned land, 169.4 feet to the westerly side of Deep Hole Drive, 50.00 teet to the point or place of BEGINNING. I I \ STATEOF NEW YORK .. ) ) 55.: ) COUNTY OF SUFFOLK On the l~ day of February, 2005, before me, the undersigned, personally appellJ'Cd LESLIE B. HEGEMAN. personally known to me or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the individuals whose names are subscribed to tbe within instrumentlllld acknowledged to me that they executed the same in their capacity, and that by their signatures on the inslnlmcnl, the individuals. or the pelSOn upon behalf of which die individuals acted. executed the inSlrument. NOTARY PUBLIC ~.~ o.....".No. 01~~ ~1n~77 01/( ~"-'.~ ,~ DEED Title No. Section 115.00 Block 12.00 Lot 023.002 County or Town SUFFOLK HEGEMAN To MI)tERS "'9 !.A.S "BLACKACRE TITLB AGENCY CORP. . KNOUWOOD ROAD, SUITE 2DI WHITE I'LA.lNS, NY IOli03 TEl.: (914)!l93-3344 FAX: (914) 9!I~I433 Return B Man To: W. WHITFIELD WELLS, ESQ. 925 WF..8TCHESTER AVE. SUITE 307 WHITE PLAINS, NY 10604 Reserve This S Bee For Use Of Reeordin Offiee NYSllA Ra-.loI __ Forms ..11od_' 19100, Co",Ja/U Captoft' 1__ oJ. -: [!.2 l Serial N RECORDED 2003 Jun 10 11131:17 ~ Edward P.RClIlaine CI.fRl( l;f" SUFFOLK CWITV L 000012391 P 732 DTt 04-4428:5 Nwmbor or pages TORRENS Conilio..e N Prior Of. N Deed I MonPlo Inslrumenl Deed I MonftO TIX Slamp fEES Reeurding I Filing SUlmps 4 Page I filing fee Handling TI'-~84 Munpge AInL I. Uasie Tux 2. Additional Tax Notaliun Sub Total EA-~2 17 (Counly) EA.~217 (Stale) _ Sub Total GRAND TOTAL /.5'.2. Spec:JllssiL 0, Spee./Add. TOT. MTG. TAX Dual Town_Dual Counly_ lIeld ror Apponionmenl -;s;r-/ T......ror Tox .,;l zrJf._ Mansion Tux _ The propeny c:uvemI by lbil monpge is or will be improved by a'one.or two ramily dwelling only. _ YF.5 orNO_ I r NO, see appropriate tax claus. on page H _ or this inslrull1Cnl. RP.T.S.A. ~= Conm. of Ed. s~ AIT'KIa.il Cenified Copy Reg. Copy Other SubTotal l Real Property lax Service Agency Veriflc:a\ioo I.>ist. Section 0 lock LO! 6 Community Preservation Fund Consideration Amount $ 161pruved / ;;,u. '""'/0 'ID TD ~.. ~\ ~'!!) ",. ".., "" ".,., pT S Rewtt A Inilial. AY 7 Satisfaclionslu,"""u'g....l\eleases.L;I.n.ropc;rtj (}\Yiim Mailiiiil-Add" RECORD II RETURN TO: W. \J\'~\ ~~~\& U~\\~\ t~~_ 11'\-~ ~~ ~~ ~. ~,~ ~.\. ~\~'---),~.~\. \~'" Suffolk Coun Recor<lin \)de:. fI (SPECIFY lYPE OF INSlRUMENT) Dde Stan", CPF Tux Due s 1/' .' 9 8 Title Com puny Information Co. Name A\;.Il..AI.J'..... Tille #I 6A -er-t..'\a. & Endorsement Pa e This ptge folmS part of the all8l:hed made by: t~\ ,e... ~. ~) c... c. The premises hcmn is silualed in SUfFOLK COUNIY, NEW YORK. TO In the Township of ~~.) 1'l-..l A ~~\~\ ~ :::,,~ 00xEs' ~. MUST BE mED OR I'RIl<IED IN IJlAC< INK ON. Y I'RIOR TO RECORDING ORflLlNll InVFRI IIIIIIIIII~ HIIII~ 11m IIII ~Hllmllllllllllllll 11111111111 1111111111111 SUPPOLK COUNTY CLBRK RECORDS O....ICB RECORDING PAGE Type of InstrumeDt: DBEDS/DDD HUmber of Page.: 4 Receipt Number : 05-0062186 TRANS"ER TAX NUMBBR: 04-44285 aecord.d: At: 06/10/2005 11:31:17 AM LIBER: PAGE: Di.trict: 1000 Section. Block: 115.00 12.00 Il!YlUallBD AIIID CHARGED AS FOLLOWS $737,000.00 Deed AmouDt: D00012391 732 Lot: 023.002 Received the lI'ollowiDg F.es lI'or Abov. Instrument B7.."t -.."t Page/lI'iling $12.00 NO ....,d11l1g $5.00 NO COB $5.00 NO IIYS SRCKG $15.00 NO BA-CTY $5.00 NO ZA-STATB $75.00 NO TP-584 $5.00 NO Cert.Copi.. $0.00 NO KPT $30.00 NO SC'l'II $0.00 NO Tran.fer tax $2,948.00 NO Camm.pr.. $11,740.00 NO 11'... Paid $14,840.00 TKANSII'BR TAX NOMSBR: 04-44285 THIS PAGB IS A PART 011' THE IIISTJlOlllDlT THIS IS NOT A BILL Bdward P. RamaiDe County Clerk, Suffolk County . . ., PLEASE TYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY \/IlHEN WRITING ON FORM -,' INSTRUCTIONS: http:// ~.orps.stste.nv.us or PHONE (5181 473-7222 FOR COUNTY USE ONL V C4. ,-I .w REAL PROPERTY TllANSFER REPORT C2. om. DMd ... oIW "I Yo?, '3, 9. sr. 11 .a' (.f'~ , 7. 3 ,.;tj STAlE OF NI.W VOIIlC STATl8lIARD OF IIEAI.-.nv__ C'l. 8Wl8 ~ elI._ PROPERTY INFORMATION ,. "'-I 1730 L..-daII lITIIIilil ....... RP - 5217 1W-fJ17... '1ft DeeSu,Hole Dr. . ...... fi;.nllt'hnlrt """00_ l!att1tuck -- 111952 ZPCQIII z._ - ~~,- LIlI.U!.,_ ~~ell Kelly "'1-' 1 T.. ...........n1T..IIIIII_tobe_ I _ W-.....__lollllll!O"'oIbml. -- """""GQIIPAIIY -,- II...r,.,.....AlGI...u ..... 4. ......... ........ .. ... -..I ___..............._ I .~ QrYORJOMII I ,ofP...... OR 0 PIIlol'P~ Ir_Tt _ctlDII 1.=-1 - -......., )~ -. IORI 'M:IItS . IClolot._""._____ .............____Ex.. 0 .. ticlutllon ArlPrM WII RIquII'Id far Tr...... 0 c._....-..___.....Pr..- 0 1.- -- H.:.feman ..../~ Leslie B., as Trustee ..., .... IAIT""~ -,- 7. CMcIr: ........ ..... "'1I=h moll: -- ..M,. deIcrtMIa. .. oldie properly ., ... d..... of ..a.: A~ 001 F.mlly_ R 2 or 3 F.mlly .......1 C _IV....Lond D ___I V....l.ond I SAlE INFORMATION l 11.__- "~ Agrlc.....' . I ~ Comnulily_ I' ConI_I J Ind.-rill G Aportmonr K Public SIMco H E......_I Am........ I. Fo_ -...----- .. awn.~ Tw- II Condominium .. NnI ConIIndion on VICMt Land 'II. "'-l<H:IIod __.. All.-II_1eI ,.. Buver rtCIIvId. ~... ind"lCIIling "*"'"__10..__'- o o o o I 4 - I 1 "" , 05 v_ 11. DIIIII_ . ..... ., __ 4IOll '8IJ 11_ _ ......... tD-""': llle ...... ReIIIiveI or Former .....&iwlI s.s. BIIwIIn RIIIIId Cornpenift cw ........ in ...~ OnIof"'_"_,_ ..".. or Sdtt II GDUrnrnenI; AgMcy or; Lending InIbludon '- Tvpo _ W........, IIqIIn .nd _ _Iv_I ....""_I., L-.1hIn~I__Iv_ ~ ChI...... 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L__................ or.., ...... ............. flI........ ..... .... ... ..... _ 10 dw ....lJ fllIw ..... ... ~. ..... ........... ..... rI,.... w.__... BUYER'B ATTORNEY ~~J~ -,tJJ::- ..~r.!. I 06.~i....,,1!Y ~1f-(J .k~.J I Jtf ,/l2Las- !iYoiI! w~ U-( w: I WHtTf, if,,:!> ,ur.... "'T MMIt - ~f/{,.-.r"7 () 0 '.......... ;;&;;)" I ( q L<t. -z.,-' .~ ......-- ,,':i:i,~ 'fJ-z,17 los- . .... NEW YORK STATE COpy