HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12388 P 564 L I)=; 13~ e ~~G' L l ! - I I ',' 11 ~.~-12-1 0" _ Nwrn 1002 Harpinond _1lmI, wi"'_...in~ Gnldnr..""....lndMclllllnr(.orporaIioo(.inp:u-) CONSULT YOUR LA WYEK BEFORt: SlCNINC THIS INSTRUMENT THIS INSTRUMENT SHOULD BF. USED BY LAWYERS ONLY THIS INDENTURE, made the 6th day of May. Two Thousand and Five. BETWEEN AMANDA ROBBINS NlKlA AMANDA KENNEDY raidla. al, 30 Mildred Court, N"""""set, New York 11767 AND JENNIFER ROIIBINS, resldla.al, 5% Hilden Slreel. Klap Park, New Yurk 11754 .'@ I rJl~\A Ol porIy of the lirsl pan~^, LYNU~ ~ Cf/QIhQ, Lf'Ntll ~ .11"f'1.:!Wl1 E.b.nf6l1-..... _m._u. I LJIfI&.HIIIUB':I""" ....~.I. HUSBAND AND WIFE raidl.. aI, UI Nortb 61b Slreet, New Hyde Park, New York 11040 party of the second pan, WITNESSETH,that the pany of the lirst pon. in c:unsideration o(-T.en Dollars and other valuable COl1Sidcl'lllion poid by the porIy of the srcond pori, .I.... h.,reby lJl'IIIItand re_ unto the pany of the second pan, the heirs or successors and assisns of the porIy of the _ODd pan~. , . ..' ., . '. "J ,. SEE ScHEDULE "A" Am.'EXI::D HERETO AND MADE A PART HEREOF. DISTRICT 1000 .' SECTION: 115.00 ~ I!/#fr Of ' ..,J,t!ttnlhJI i.l/NlHlIIo(5l'ormtrlt//{l'>>IdnlU 6';11'111/4. 12t>>bf(1.s BEXRG and intended to be the same premises conveyed to the parties of the first part by deed dated 1/12/04 and recorded in the Office of the Clerk of the County of Suffolk on 5/05/04 in Liber 12317 page 368, TOGETHER wilh all right, title and interest, ifany, of the party ofthc first part in and to any Sl1'cl:ts and roads abutting the above described premises to the cenler lines thereof; TOGETHER with the appurtenances and all the estate and righls of the party of lhe fir..1 part in and 10 said premises; TO IIA VE AND TO HOl.D iIIe premises herein IlranlL'lI unto the party ofthc second part. the heirs or successors and assigns of the party of the second part forever. AND the party of the firsl part eovl:IIlInIs that the party of the first part has not done or suffered anything whereby the said premises have been enewnbercd in any way wlullever, except as aforesaid. . AND the party of the first part, compliance with Section] 3 of the Lien Law. covenants that the party of the first part will receive the consideration lor this conveyance and will hold the righlto receive such consideration as a trust fund to be applied tirst for the purpose of paying the eosl of the improvement and will apply the same firsllo the payment of the cosl of the improvement before using any part of the total of the same for any olher purpose. The word "party" shall be construed as ifit read "parties" whenever the sense of this indenture so requires. LOT: 016.000 AMANDA KENN DY ~~ ~ENNIF R ROBI3INS ADVANTAGE TITLE AGENCY, INC. '.' Title No. 05-AS-33574 (9971) SCHEDULE A Amended May 5, 2005 ALL that c:ertain plot, piece or parcel ofland, situate, lying and being at Mattituck, Southold Town, Suffolk Count)', State of New York, bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the course running North 2 degrees 40 niinutes 40 seconds East of the Westerly line of a highway known as Deep Hole Drive, said Westerly line of a Highway known as Deep Hole Drive, said point being 96.67 feet Northerly along said course from the initial point of said course, from said point of beginning; RUNNING THENCE along said Westerly line of Deep Hole Drive South 2 degrees 40 minutes 40 seconds West 50.0 feet; THENCE at right angles to said Westerly line of Deep Hole Drive North.S7 degrees 19 minutes 20 Seconds West 250.00 feet actual (250 feet, more or less deed), to the ordinary high water mark of Deep Hole Creek; THENCE West along said ordinary high water mark of Deep Hole Creek North 8 degrees 23 feet 18 minutes East 50.25 feet actual (50 feet, more or less deed); THENCE South 87 degrees 19 minutes 20 seconds 245.00 feel East'actual (245 feet, more or less deed), to the point ofBEOINNING. - The policy to be IMued under IIlla ..port will 1__ the Utle to ...ell bulldlnp and FOR Improv.mentll eNCled on the p..m.... whloh by ... oo_lItIM ...1 property. CONVEYANCING ONLY TOGETHER with all the rtght, uUe and In1Ilreat of \he party ollila n..t part, of, In and to Ill. land lying In the atNet In front 01 and acljolnlng ..Id pNm..... STATE OF. NEW YORK) ) lIS: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) On Ihe~daY of ~in the year 2005, before me, the undersigned personally appeared /JlYJ4/K/'il jf,dtJUUJ qt!f.- ~n1IL A::U;v.q personally known 10 me or proved 10 me on Ihe buis ofsalisfaclory evidence 10 be Ihe individual(s) wbo5c name(s) is (IlI'ersutiiCiibed 10 Ibe willi in inslruJnenl and acknowledaed 10 me thai heIsheIthey eXI<:uled lhe same in his! herllheir clIpIl:ily (i.:s). and Ihat by his/herllhcir sipllUlrC(S) on Ihe in5lrwnen~ Ihe individWlI(S), or Ibe JlCf$OII upon behalf ofwhic:h the individll8l(s) ,_1Iled Ihe' 51 I. ! ER D. TOMEI . SloteofNOW ~A Q\loIK,od In sueollc Ac' wedgme y Sub~u"fI4. en in New York Stale STATE OF NEW VORK) )a: COUNTY OF ) On the day of , in Ihe year 2llO4, before me. the uncbsigned. personally appeaMI . personally known 10 me or proved 10 me on Ihe basis ofsalisfac:lory evidence 10 be Ihe individllal(s) whose name(s) is (1lI'e) subscribed 10 the within inslrulllenl and acknowledpllO me thai hclshclthey executed Ibe same in his! herltheir ~pacily (ies), and thai by his/herllheir sipalure(s) on the inslrulll...n~ Ihc individual(s), or the person upon behalf of which the individual(s) BCted. eXL'Culed lhe insIrwnCIIl. Bargain and Sale Deed Wilh Covellanl AgaillSl Gran""" AclS Title No. 05-A5033574 KENNEDVIROBBINS 10 LVNCH '. STATE OF NEW YORK) ) sa: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) On thet day of ~Atlln the year 2005, before me, the unders~, personally appeared . I ~htftfut4 personally knoWn 10 me or proved 10 me on the buis of SlIlisliclory evidence 10 be the individualC.s) whose name(s) is (1lI'e) Sllbscribed 10 Ihe wilhin inslrumenl and acknowledpd 10 me thai he/she/they txl<:UIOd lhe !llIIIlII in hislherllheir eapacily (ies). and IhBl by hislherllheir sipBlUre(S) on the inslrumonl, lhe individual(s). or Ihe penon upon behalf ofwhieh Ihe individual(s) 8CIed, eXI<: the inslrulllenl. '~ ent ~ide New Yor1b TOMEI JENNIFE:..io o! N"'~ _.....P....Ic:.........S1116 ""-'IIO.01T...-., ,..ftUII\Y_. Q\J8Uh.Ill"~....24. 2QOO CoftlI'l'IH;on ~....- STATE OF COUNTY OF ) )SI: On the day ot: . in Ihe year 2004 before me, Ihe undersigned, perionally appeared personally known 10 me or proved to lIIe on Ibe buis of salisfaclOry evidence to be Ihe indlvidual(s) whose name(s) is (1lI'e) sllbscribed to lhe wilhin inslrWllClll and ....knowJed&ed to me lhat he/shcllhcy cxccllled the same in hislherftheir C8J111l'ily lies). and lhat by hislherltheir sipature(s) on \be lnslrUmen~ Ihe individWllls). or lIIe penon upon behalf of which the Individual(s) acted, executed \be inslnlmCJ\l. PREMISES /#o~AM~r ~ Y7f' . Seclion 115 Block 12 LoI 016 llWAI,/ ~AIW'. Counly of SulTolk Recorded althe'request of: Return by mail 10: CllIlon &. Dykman, Bleakley Piau LLP Brian A. Lynch. Esq. 44 Wall SIreeI. 17th Floor New Vorl<, New V ost, I 0005 7 TItle Company Inlormation Co. Name Advanta e Title A enc Ine. Title II 05-A8-33574 & Endorsement Page I Number of pag~ ~ TORRENS Serial/l u,rtilicale /I Prior Clf. /I De<<! . Mortgage Instrumenl Deed I Mortgage Tux Slamp FEES 3 Puge I Fi ling Fcc Handling 5...lllL TP-584 Notalion EA-5217 (COunly) Sub TOIul EA-5217 (Slale) R.P.T.S.A. 3D Comm. of Ed. 5. 00 Affiduvil Certi fled Copy Reg. Copy Sub Total Other 1S"'...l. Grand Toeal 4 Dislric:t 1000 Section Real Property Ta.~ Servic~ Agency Veritiealion 115.00 Block 12.00 LoI -..-. -- 11500 1200 016000 016.000 5 I I I I ___ _I ,-. 6 SalisfaclionlDisc:hargeslRelease Lisl Pro""ny Owners Mailing Addrc.~s RECORD & RETURN TO: Brian A. Lynch Cullen and Dykman 44 Wan Street 17th Floor New York, NY 10005 8 Suffolk County Recordin This page fomls part of the llIwched Deed RECORDED 2005 Hay 23 02: 22. 04 PM Edwara P.~in& CLEP.K OF SUFFOLK C':WTV L 000012388 P 564 DTI 04-41824 Recording I Filing Stamps Mongage AmI. I. Basic Tux 2. Addilionall'dx Sub Total Spec. I A...il. or Spec. I Add. TOT. MTG. TAX Dual Town _ Dual Counly _ Held for Appointmt:nl_ TrunsferTax Isf<< Mansion Tax t'Y\.4- The propel1y covered by Ibis mOlgage is or will be improved by a one or lwo fumily dwelling only. YES or NO If l"O. see uppropri:uc lax c1I1UllC on pag~ II of Ihis inslrumenl. Communi Preservation Fund Considerlllion Amounl $ 395.2t6.66 , S 4.905.3' '? Improved CPF Tax Due Vacant L:uld TO (n TD TO (SPECIFY TYPE OF INSTRUMENT) made by: Amanda Rnbblns N/KlA Amanda Kenn....y and Jennlrer Rohblns The pICmisis herein is siluated in TO SUFFOLK COUNTY. NEW YORK. In \he: Township of Sootbold In Ibe VILLAGE .KJvln Lynch and Cynthia Lyneh as husband and wire or HAMLET of Mattituck BOXES 6 THROUGH 8 MUST BE TYPED OR PRINTED ,~ BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDI~G OR FILING. (nv,.r\ 111111I111111111111111 UIII 111111111 1111 11111 1111 1111 1111111111I11111111111111 SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERIC RBCORDS OJ'J'I:CB RJilCORDI:NG PAGE Type of InstruJll8Dt: DEEDS/DDD NUmber of Pages. 4 Receipt NUmber . 05-0055365 TRAHSJ'ER TAX NUMBBR: 04-41824 Recorded: At. OS/23/2005 02.22.04 PM LI:BBR: PAGB: D00012388 564 District. 1000 Section. Block: 115.00 12.00 1l!YlI\IIIHBD AND CHARGBD AS FOLLOWS $395,266.66 Lot: 016.000 Deed Amount: Received the Pollowing Pees Por Above Instrumeat Bxlllllpt . Exempt Page/Piling $12.00 NO HlUl.dling $5.00 NO COB $5.00 NO NYS SRCKG $15.00 NO EA.-CTY $5.00 NO EA.-STATE $75.00 NO TP-584 $5.00 NO Cart. Copies $0.00 NO RPT $30.00 NO SC'l'II $0.00 NO Transfer tax $1,582.00 NO CCIIIIIII.Pres $4,905.33 NO Pees Paid $6,639.33 TRANsnR TAX WllBBR. 04-41824 THIS PAGB IS A PART or THE INSTRlDIBHT THIS IS NOT A BILL Edward P. RoIIla1l1e County Clerk, Suffolk County . ." 1'-1..1,3, f. g, r, cz.___ l..!i 1 <? :31 t!l~( MDnatl IJlIV' Y... C3. _ I t, .;, :3, f.,,f I CA. Pog. r-5, P , 'i PROPERlY INFORMAnON ,. Cl. SWIS Code : ,.=: 1140 1 . .._'~ LIL_,,1. ........~ E;;1ve ~./ ...- 111952 ..- ....... No... Lynch LA5oINUC/~ I~ ,Kevin ~ -- - . - - - - .. ~ Lynch LAP u-./CQMWIY 3. Tax .......... burII T. .. .. to be _ I __ H___-IIl-oIlannl. - UST"'/~ I'''''' MJIIIPIAND II'IlUTNMIl anrQII~ ... ......... 1M........... ...-~__ Roll...... tn LA ...A on 1M deed II 10' ""ruI. DR D ""n uto P..... L=..,. I ... IORI . . -- . 2. 5 , I x I '...Trm ""'" ..- Homo RObbins) Amanda IMT ..... , CDMtwrnr Robbins I n/~....1ennedv) Amanda I Jenni fer ,..,....-. 1LCheIIr..............----v __.........tolf'llllllr: A ~ &.1WMn ...... Of Farmer fWIIIvw II ___~or""""";"IIuol.... c: Onoof""'~"_._ D aw.r or.... II CoJOlnmonc Agency 01' Llnding IIIIIIIudon Il .- T_ not WI__ orllorgoln _ _,SjJoOfy _ F _ of _ or _ thon Foe l_lSpacIIy_ Q m...nco."QIongoln__T...bIo___Duoo II _oIBuoI....IoI_OI__ I Un......l_ AIIoc:ling.... Prloo _Iv_ J . NDM: LAlTNUII!/~ 7. Check _ ball' a.Iaw which ..... I" ....... ....... the __ .. the ....-rtY .. 1M '11IM of ....: A~ One Fomily _101 B Z or 3 FIlmDy ReIIden&III C _1_Lond o ___ V.... Lond I SALE INFORMATION I ", 8M CoIrncI Dele E~ ~.. I ~ ConwunIlySllvtco ,,~ J_ Q _ K__ H ...--.,_ L Fo_ I ~ 1 ~ 1 6'1 I ..... .., - 105 1 06 120051 ..... .., v.., ,1. DdI ",...., T........ (,~ , 3.9 ,5 ,2 ,6 ,6 ,...........1 , , . IFul1 SMI PrIce. die... -.nounI Plid far tho property incIvcing ....... ptaplny. Thl. ~ InIY bIIln 1ht form of IaIh" odwr prClportJ or gooda. or the IllUmptlon of mOflpgU or OIhIr abIlg1UonLl ".... fOUIfd to rill,.".,...".". dGIIB 1mOUIII. "._"'''''01_ I -:-0 -:--:- .0.0 1 __In""'_ . ASSESSMENT INFORMATlDN . DollI ohould ._ lhe'_ FI...I_....nt Roll .1Id Tox Bill ,1. =: ~':=..... I 0 . ~1. TGIblI....... v.... Cof II ~........ I '3.N1_...... 'L_a.. 12 , 1 ,0 I-U ,..___1 Southold za. T_ Map ~ ,.. ~ III11C1M .....tour........ ....wIIII........ ....dll...WI Dist: 1000 STATE OF NEW YORlC STATE IIOARD OF REAl. _RlY IEIMCE8 RP . 5217 .1'01117 ....WI - Cynthia ...T..... .,..... ...... -.-...---..........." 4A. PIInning BoIrd..... "....--JIIion AuIborIly hiD 0 .. c.oIwtLiIian ApprowI_ RlquRd tor TIMIIw' 0 C.__forSu__"",_ 0 -....----- L ew-MIp ~.. Condomi_ .. NIw CanIIruc:Iion on VICaRI. Land __L-.l_.._..._ ,..--.-..--. .... IN property" In an ~I DiIIricr: o o o o ~ t.J../.tJn, , ~ Sect: 115 00 Ink: 12.00 Lot: 016.000 I I CERTIFICATION l I Cft'IIy e-..u rI die.... rI w... LrJt CIdcn.'d un tWI ron. .... b'III'''' CWTft't lID 1IIt hMI oIl11J 1uIA--" ~ .-d brIIrI'J ... I uadr~..... tb8lI CbI: IUIdaa "'_ wiIl\d'" _",_Iloct............... _..... ...... . ",.............................._ .....",... "- . BUYER SUYEIl1I ATTORNEY ~" w.-kr<cf..- S-/b/OJ ~~ IS~~.r IU'rWlIIII-"1 DATI ~~~~ II~ ........- ~ lU.O..u.;,,~ HW!! ~.Jjff.:. ~~N/kIIJM'J~4{,f~~ Lynch .....- //~ 212 1'lllEl.1'1IUIIKJlI -.- '"1i1 1/15 .;L .. .... 1 arian -- 732-2000 =-- NEW YORK STATE COPY