HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12405 P 5 II ;2 Li oS D c:- \ :-~ Tax:l4Bp O"..iJ!n&lion Di!ll: 1000 S<-cl: 115 IIlock: I~ l.ull2C):Z r ) 1 5--17-J Harpl. .nd Solie DeftI wllh C.....,...I .pl8I1 Granlor', MIS CONSl;I.'f YOl;R L..\Wn:R BEFORE SIGMNG THIS I:IISTRlIi\lKNT-THIS INSTKon::"iT SHOlll.D BE USED BY I.AWYERS ONLY. TillS I:IIDI::NTl:RE, rnad..-Ih. /1l- day "fMa)'. Tw<' TIK........d and Fh'. BETWEEN CAROL OIA7. n...idingalll Ando"... Dri",. &hemi.. N.'W Y"rIc. 1171~. p.rty "f lh. rlllCI part. and CAROL DIAZ. ....idinll.111 ,\.du"er !>rive. llohemia, New Y"rk. 1171 ^. .. Il:nanl in life Clltat. and Ht::IIR\' DlAZ, mOdinll.tll ADdu....... Drive. Rohrmia. NewY"rk. 1171~: CRAI(; S. DIAZ, n...idillllBI 381 C.rnalion,Dri,.." Shirley. New Yorlc. 11067; DOLORES K. DIA7~ 14604 E. Countr)' Rille!. Onl8riu. Wisco..in. 54651: BURT K. DIA7., n...idingll 26707 M.Millan R.nch Rnad, Santa Clarill. California. 913M7: III::NK\' S. DlAZ, re.idinB all54 F"m'Ol A""""". Shirley. ~.w York. 11967 and :\IA1'HKW L 0IA7~ n...iding.' 1594 N", Church SIn:eI, Simi VallC)'. California, 93065... tenanlll in remainder, lille and intcn."!U. part)' "f Ihc ...,ond part. WiTh t:SSI::TH, that lhe pany of the fin<! pan. in .'OIll<iderllion of T CD Dollars and olher "aluable ea..idcTali"n paid hy the party uflhe _and pan. due.< hereby llranl and reI.... unlO the party or the ...."nd part. Ih. heil1l or !lUCc....,.. and WignA of the party "fthe ",'CoBd pan lore..er. AU. thai c,'I1IIin plo~ pice. or pan:el of land. ..ith the bui1dinas and improvemenlS thereon erected. Ail1l8le. I'ingane! bei", al :l4atrilUCk. in !he To..n ofSnutho..ld. Counly of Suffolk and SlIte ofN'ew Yorlc. bounded and c!...,.,rihcd aA 10110...0;: BKGI:II:'OI:'IIG ala monumenl...i "n lhe llOUtherly Ii.. afN.".. surr,,1k ."....'I1ue allhe ......I.rly line of/Jeep' Hole Driw: -- Rl::"i:'OI:IIG TIIE:"iCt: .Ionlllhe .....terly line ofDeqlllal. on"" Suulh 02 dq;.......40 minul"" 40 _onds W"'I. 12~,~8 fOCI 10 an iron pipe and land lIl'wor fom>erly of Edg.11; TIIK:IICI:: a1onl..id 1.....1...0 cau..... ane! W.18IIC..: I, Suulh 87 degn:<'S I) I minu\ell20 """,ndo WOOl. 30.00 feet: ~. South 84 d.'IIRC" 07 mirwlCli W...1. 197.00 leel. 1IlOre or k.... I" "rdinwy hiah water marIc arneep Hal. Creck: THF::'IICE DOrlherly alang..id Deep Hole Cn.'Ck and I."".., a branch of ..id Creek .Iong. ti.line hearing North 07 dcl!ftCll52 mirwlCli41 "",,onds WCIII. 5~,79 f.,,'I: THr.:"iCI:: along land 10!l1 d..,.,ribed. North 16 ....'lIlI.'\... U6 nlinul" r:ll..... 130 fc:c:lla an imn pipe un ..id """Ihtrly lin. "f New Sufli>lk Avenue: 'l'Ht:NCI:: .Ionll..id lin. afN.w Suffolk !I.....'I1uc. S"ulh S I degrec:lI54 mirw..... Eu... 205,07 f''''II'' Ihe poinl orplact- nfBEGI:'II:'III:IIG. BUNG A:IID 1:II'fENDED TO BE the """'" premi._ con,"C)'Cd In the party "fthe fi..1 pan by deed dated ~obruary 2. 2004 and recnnL:d June 24. 20114 ill Lilo.... 12326 and Pall" 749. Pn....u... are enmmonlykno..n.. 70 Dtep H.,le Dri",. Mauiluck. New "ork, 11952; alllUkno......595U ".... Suff,,1k Avenue. Malliluck. New Yark. 11952. Lif. lenantllhall he n.'lIpOI1Siblc.- mr the paymenl af all U1XCli. insurance. ......""""'Il<. repai.. and atlo.... char)!.. nccl~'IO maintain ~U(h Pm1lUk.'K. T()(;ETln:K with all rillhl.lille and in..."",,\, ifany. of ,he party "flhe fin<! pan in and la any lIln:CI.and n...... abullinl,! the abo"e described premillelllO the """......lm.. .hereol; TOGETIIER ..ith lhe appw1Cnaoc" .nd alllhe ...1I1e and righl' oflhe pany ..fthe finolpart in lod 10 ..id premi...: TO IIA "I:: AND '1'0 HOI.I) lhe premi..... herein lI""'...... unlO the pany of the second pari. lb. heino or 'UCCCll$Ol'1i and a..ign.. of the party of the ,"",ond pan fare"er. AND the party of the fi",1 part CO\'\'1I8nls thallhc pany af lhe fin<! pan hIS nol done or 1UIffi:rc:d 3D)1hing wh.rehy the said premi... have hI.'\.'D CllCumbered in aD)' ....y whalC\-er. excepl" aro",,",w. ":'OD lhe panyaflhe li..1 pan. in.'Ull1plianee with Scclilm 13 afthe I.ien I..w. c\wCDanls lhallh< pIlrl)."rthe li"'l pan will n.'\...i,..lhe ......ideration ror thial c"n~.nd ..ill hold th. right lu "",ei,.. Auch consideration .. a """I fund 10 be applied fi",. Cor lhe pulp"'" ufpayinlllhe .ust aflhe iropro,'emenl and will apply lhe...", fi"'lln the paymenl oflhe e,,"1 uflhe irnpnl\'I.'IIICDl bef"re Ulli"ll any parl aflhe IUIII "flhe Aame for any alher purpllllC, The word "party" .hall he ""lIlIlrued IS ifil 11..... "pani..- whenc:\.....lhe AI''''''' orlh.. i~I""'sorequi..... Il'i WITl'iF.SS WHt:REOF.lhe pany aflhe finu part hIS duly .x........... thi..deed !he day.nd year li",ubo"" wr1tlftl. IN PRESENCE O~ : ~ ~ri" CAROL D1,\Z 0 ST ATEOF NEWYORK,l"OUNT'l"OFsUFFOI,K 55: ?~ or :\I.y. :zoos. bct"oro mo, r.:n'''llIIlIy CAROl. DIA7. -per1lIllnD.lly knnwn 10 me nr rn'\'\.'\1 ", me (In the "he 1'( ~lIiJf3Ctnry C\idcm.~ III 1M: thl: indh.idual whuM: name is ~hM:rihcd In the ,,'ilhin inSlruRlCI11 ad :t(klK"vloJaWhl~ahal.~L"\.'1ItN thetr.nrne in Ik.T capuci11- and thai by hLT lIiani1IU~ nn the' in5ll'1lmcrlL lhC!' indl\idual. C'I" 11M: p..~ upoo h..-h.lf tn ....i"it the . jOclividuol octNH"""".'.... tho in L PAUL M. ONIS NOTARY PUBliC, STATE OF NEW'Ill1UC No.010N6114154 llUAUREO IN SUFFOLK COUNtY MYCOMMISSION EXPIRES AUG, 5, 2 STATE OF NEW YORK, COUl'oTI'm' 55: " 00 th. cloy or 20. hef"", me ...."""'olly CII1IO) EI' me k",~'TI. "i1t, heiRS twy nil:' dul)'1N1Hll. did ~ .and !laY thai rcsidal aI Nu. : that l" the \If" IlK: 1.......l'urulion &k':CCrih..'t.I in afkI ".hi".... ..~C\."Uh.'d 1M run.V'inp. inl'1TUnuu: th:1t lukl\\'11 du: -''':11 \If ,gid .' L"ltrp.lftIlIon: IhoIlthe: >>4:'011 :atlh,..d tn ~id ilUIrUITk"ft1 ill .., 'L.. ,'" SU\.... l'\"lI'pC'f'.d.e !Ca.1; thlll it 'A'DS 50 affi),oo by unb "f .... .~.: !,thc.hoanJ "r dil'L'Ctllnl or said \XJI'PUIlIIiun. Dnd the "r.' ~. tcigncd name th..'R.lO by like .1I'dc:r. - '~ ~. NOTARY PUBLI(' BARGAIN AND S.\LE DEED With. C"lY&.'I1QI1llC AgainM (iranhll"', ^L1' TitleN,'. I)IAZ.CAROL TO DIAZ. CAROL. .. tc:nonl in liC. ""'"'" and DIAZ. HENRY. DIA7_ CRAIG. S.. DIAZ. DOLORES. K.. DIAZ. BURT. K.. DIAL IIf.NRY. S. and DIAZ. MATlIEW. L. a..oc ICo.'naRU in n:maiIKk.T. lith: and inlL'n:SlI 1il . S; STATE OF NEW YORK,COUI\TV OF liS: 011 the cloy or 20. bct""", me. I Nowy Public in and for said 5..... ...........ny oppcun.... [M.TkNI:dl)' knll"" In I'I1e ur pnWf..'\I.1n me I," the b;!lIi. ..,r sal:bdiK."k'II'V C\icklu.~ .U hr: the indi\'idual ..iIosc name su.bN.Tibc!d to Lhc \\ilhin instrvr1K:nt Wid .:krM",,'IL"lIp:d II' me that ~utcd the :lIlII1'lC' in capacil. and dw hy :;ipawre (\ft the inSll\lmenl. Ilu: individual. (II' the """"'" """" b.,holr af which I"" individual...'.... CXL'\:utOO tAt: inNlUmnll. NOl'AR\' PUBLIC STATE OF NEW YOKK, COUNTV OF SS: 011 l~' do)' or 20. h...."" mo, !he und......iSn..... I ~..tt8ry ltuhlic in and f<<~id SIllIe. renamo11y ~1R!d the lioUlMt.Tihing wilnc.ou hi .hl,; r..IP.'IP,inl imctnnm:nl. with ,,'hum I am "'.......Uy ....quointal. "..., h.;na 11)' me duly 1M"'"'. did ~ and "'y lh:ll I\."lidc in ; Ih",. kno,,' to be the individuo1l ......Tibe\! in and "....' CXL'\."UtoJ the liJrqp.)inl irwtrvment; their Nlidsu_Titlin& wimcu ..u prt'tCft1 and Jt;lw laid execulC' lhc :ClIIIe: and th:u.!l:Lid ".ilnClS at die SOIrk: lime subscriboJ n:lou: u. wilneill. thlS1:hl. NOTARY PUBLIC Srctiun: II ~ BI""k: 12 1..01:1 C\lI,IRty "fSuffi,lk KETUKN B\' MAIL TO: JOANNE SCHLENK l\ICAVEY. PLLC, P.O.Bol!lllO Deer Pork. New York 1172' .. ,..... ~. . ~ .. Serill.l# RECORDED 2005 Aua 22 011 05136 PI! Edward P.Rouir>> CLEIa( OF SUFFOLK COlJlr~ L ??oo12405 P 005 I>TlI 05-03256 Number of P"8es . TORRENS. CeniflC8Ie # 3 Deed / Mortpge Tu St:Il1Ip fEES Recording / Filing Stamps \. -- o ... Priooc C1f. # Deed / Monpge Ins=nt Block Ii!fiI:<<J 05032130 1000 11500 1200 002000 /~ T 5" (RMTY "'A 1 ~7-A\JO~ "'~...' Mortgage Amt. \. BWlic Tax 2. Additional Tax Sub Thtal SpecJAssiL or Spec. / Add. TOT. MTO. TAX Oull.llbwn _ Dual County Held for Appointment . Tnmsfer Tax ..If MlIIlllion Tn The property covered by this own.. is or will be i.mprovccI by a OM ur two family dwelling only. YES or NO If NO. see appropriale laX claulll! on P"ll" # uf . ins o 5 Co_aDlty tIOIIl'aad Page / Filing Fee Handling TP-S84 r- Nollltion EA-S2 17 (County) (' = ~ EA-S217IState) , :J:) Sub Total J~ Comm. of Ed. Affidavit Certified Cupy NYS Sun:lwrgc Olher s. {)() R.P.T.S.A. IS. 00 I \'1/\ Sub TOlal . ._ GrandT"lal~ CPF Tax 0 t $ 0 . 00 S 0.00 Improved X Real Propert~ Tax ServiL~ Agew:y Verification Consideration VlII:8Dl Ll\nd 6 SatisfactiOlllllDiscbugell/Re1eases LiSI Property Owncn Mailing Address RECORD &I RETURN TO: JOANNF. SCHLENK ~CAVEY, PLLC. 1641 Deer Park Avenue Deer Park, ll.Y. 11729 TO TI> TO 7 Title Com n laformBtioD C.Name 1'1110:# ~ Suffolk County Recording & Endorsement Page ( This poge rorms pan of the lIllaChed ~:p'ain DIAZ, CAROL ~ 7)~.s & Sale w/C~venant8 Deed (SPECIFY TYPE 01' INSTRUMENT) nwIe by: The pmniscs herein is situated in SUFfoOl.K COUNTY. NEW YORK. TO In tile Thwllllbip of Soothold _ DIAZ, CAdOL. .as tenant in life estateln the VILLAGE anCl DlAZ, HENRY, OIAZ, CHAIG, S., ..... h..... . ()QI.QR~~X Il~ orHAMLETof ......ti......... ~Hiut . ~ . ., ~K.INK ONLY PRIOR TO RHCORDlNG OR FILING. lover) IIIM~I 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 1111111111111111111111 SUl"I'OLIC COUNTY CLERK RECORDS OI'I'ICE RECORDING PAGE Type of Instrument: DBEDS/DDD Number of Pages. 3 Receipt Number : 05-0087715 TRANSI'ER TAX NUMBER: 05-03256 Recorded: At. 08/22/2005 01:05:36 PM LIBBR: PAGE: D00012405 005 Deed JIIDount: Section. Block: 115.00 12.00 BXAJlINBD AND CIINlGBD AS I'OLLOWS $0.00 Lot. 002.000 Dietrict: 1000 Received the Following I'ees I'or Above InetrullltU1t Bxempt ....-..pt Page/Filing $9.00 NO Handling $5.00 NO COB $5.00 NO NYS SRCRG $15.00 NO D. -CTY $5.00 NO D.-STATB $75.00 NO TP-584 $5.00 NO Cart.Copie. $0.00 NO RPT $30.00 NO SCTII $0.00 NO Tran.fer tax $0.00 NO eo-.Pre. $0.00 NO I'ee. Paid $149.00 TRANsnR TAX NUMBBR: 05-03256 THIS PAGB IS A PART 01' TIIB INSTRtlHBIlT THIS IS NOT A BILL Bdward P.Ramaine County Clerk, Suffolk County . lit REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT c,._~ 1$'.'1,.1 .K. ~,11 STAlE OF _ YOIlIC . STAlE IIOARD OF REAL rnuratlY ......aa cz. 1lllItI_ R..._ I 0 '1', ,;J..;2, e1<:-1 IIDdIII u.v ..,._ 1:3._ ~c..,,- PROPERTYINFOR~~TION RP - 5217 aN117.. "", '.=, 70 Deep Hole Drive 5111aT!l.AW 2.""'" -... .,-. ..--. Southold CAROL as tenant in DIAZ: HENRY! DIAZ, CRAIG, Di~:~OLOR8S, K. DIAZ, BURT, K. lMT ....,~ ......- DIAZ HENRY S. DIAZ: lIATHE~. 1.. ......- I.T.. __......T..IIII..'...__ I Diaz ...... If odw IIIMl ~..... 1M bDUam fJI fDrmJ l.AST ......,1CClM'MY - Carol -- C1IYDIII1... I N~y.,1l716 ITAlI IPCDDI 11 Andover Drive ~"'-lINff1.rl'lllllNMII: . ........ 1M ........ 01 &---- ._d , Roll ....... ........... on tile ...... \ Bohemia "=..." .... ........... lx' '"'''' 'ORI .~. . 6. 11 lOnIr._""_~"__ OA._ng____E>* 0 ___"",,",,",__lIodlarT..- 0 C. ..... ApprCMd fDr c.,.......11IIan wIIh MIp IInMdId 0 11 'af P.n:ea. OR D '.rt of. Plrcel L_ ..... DIAZ LAII1 _ llCOMMtIY CAROL fill''''''' .....r......'_'#I ...T..... A~OnlIF...;Iy_' B .2 or 3 F.mlly .........iel C "-IdDftd1l VlClnt Und D Non.RelldIMiII VlClm Llind I SALE INFORMATION l ". .... ConInII o.t. f.~Aa'IouI""~ f CommerciDl G ApoIImonl II _nt/Am_ I ~ Common",,_ J Ind_' II: Publio_ L F..... ~..__.._- L 'bwn..t,ip Type . Condominium .: New CanIcrucIion on v.... UncI '1M. Pn;JpMty LaaIlad within an Agriculbnl DiIhIc:t 1" auv- raceMd. diIl:a&n naIbt IndlCnng 1IlIItho_..In.....,...IIu..._ 1&. ChIck .. . ..... of _ _ _. ....... to.........-: ^ --_.._- R SIIIe ....... IWmd c:arr...- or Partnnln ____ C Onool............_._ D ..,... or s.a.r II Ca\._..._N AgIncy or L..nding ........... I'! DoocI Type nil W.r,..,. or.......... SaIIIISpIdIf BIlow) I' So.. 01_' .. '-..... Faa _ CSpooiIv_1 (; liG- Qoango In "'-'" _ T..."'" _.... _ DIIao II lIaloolllull...IoIncl_InSalo_ I Othor Un..... F...... _ _ ..... (Spodfy _ J _ o o o o 7. ca.ck the ... below wIM ....... _ltIIIy....... 1M 11M of.... ......-tv' lit thlt tbM of ....: '2."'" '" _I T_ n/a - , ... , '- 05 , , 05 - ... - 13. ,.. .... ..... . I ,0;0.01 (Full SIll Price II Ihe CClUI amount PIId for IhI proptrty Ind.... IIII'1ONI properly. Thl. ...,.,... """ be in 1M farm 01 CMh. OIl.- IPraplrty or gaodI. Dr Ib, .......ion or ,._ V.,... or 0ChIr obIlJlllanL] ...... round ID rIw,..,.,""" doIIII MIOUdt '4._..._"'.......... I , 0,0.0 I ,..,.., ........ In till ... . ASSE&SIIENT INFORMATION - Dola ""ould ..floct tho _ Final _ Roll.nd Tox Sill to I.'B1BinIemm l:Ermts tdth l'l!lII!t'o'8i life estate 'LY_fIIA ._.'110I-10. 5I,7.T...._V_IoI........_1 which ...._....... ...... ; I 7 3 0.0 I I ,L _CIau I 2, 1,0 I-LJ 11........__ I Hattltuek IO.T..__/R._____._____I llist. ]lXXl; Sect. 115; Hlk. 12; IDt 2 I I CERTIFICATION I I ftI'III'J ,.. d ~ lhellnal fII.... L eaIend on .... r.nn .... IIW ... l"GI'WWd Cia tilt .... ,...., L_' \ ... I'IIIIf) ... I ...-.... ... the ...... fII .__ 06_,..,.......... _...................."'__ R "See IUYEII"I ATTOIINEY HeAvev ......- I Joanne Sehlenk -,- 11 (631) 243-4516 llIIUT..." .TIKlT....WI...1ALLJ -.c:ax: ---. Bohemia .......- rlY .1 11716 "Art ..- ~IJ:: CAIfM.~Z :r ..:/to(os NEW YORK STATE COPY