HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12401 P 912 \\ s~ i2- ) L I 'd t+~ I P qp. SlII_N\'Bn/ F..._-E......._-U_Ac~ CONSULT \'OUR IAWl"!:R 1IEt'ORE SIG:oIING TIllS NTl\UMEl'oT - THIS L'VI'IlUMENT 51I01lLD BE USED BY \AW\'ED 0:011.\' THIS INDENTURE, made the \~.J(v> day of July, 2005 BETWEEN ERNEST FREDERICK DICKERSON, raldiDgat 55075 Main Road, Colonial Village Unit 46, Soutbold, NY, 11971 IS Executor of the Last WillBIId Testament of GLADYS TORREY DICKERSON, aIkIa GLADYS T. DICKERSON, late ofSutTolk County. dc:ceased, Suffolk County Surrogate's Court File No. 1569 P 1004 party of the first pari. and ERNEST FREDERICK DICKERSON, raiding at 55075 Main Road, Colonial Village Unit 46, Southold, NY, 11971 party of the second part, WITNESSETH, that the party of the first part, by virtue of the power and authority given in and by said last will and testament and in consideration ofTEN (510.00) dollars, paid by the party of the second part, does hereby granl and release unto the parly of the second part, the heirs or successors and assigns of the party of the second part forever. ALL THAT rertain triangular piece or pllreel of land, situate in Mattituck, SulTolk Counly, New York, on the southerly side of New Suffolk Avenue at Deep Hole Creek; bounded on the North by New Suffolk Avenuc 117.5 feel; on Ihe East by property of James A, Torrey 130 fect; on Ihe South by Decp Hole Creek; and 01\ the Wesl by property of Helen W. Tuthill, BEING AND INTENDED TO BE the same premises eonveyed to James A. Torrey, now deceased, by deed dated May 10, 1931 reeorded iD the omee of the Clerk of the County of Suffolk on June 6, 1938 in L1ber 1986 at page 537, said James A. Torrey eonveylnc the above-deseribed premilell to Gladys Torrey (aIkIa Gladys Torrey Dlekenon), now also deeeased (Suffolk County Surropte's Court File , No. 1569 P 1004) by Lost Will and Testament dated May 25, 1922 (Suffolk County Surl'Ollate's Court File No. 304 P 1941). \ \ TOGETHER with all right, title and interest, if any. of the party of the first part in and to any streets and roads abutting the above described premises to the center lines thereof; TOGETHER with the appurtenances, and,jJso all the estate which the said decedent had at the time of the decedent's dealh in said premises, and also the estate therein, which the party of the first part has or has po\\-er to convey or disJlOSC of, whether individual. or otherwise; TO HAVE AND TO HOLD lhe premises herein granted unto the party ortbe second part. the heirs or successors and BlIsigns of the party of the second part forever, AND the party of lhe first part covenants thaI the party of the first part has nol done or suffered anything whereby. the said premises have been incumbered in any way whatever, except BlI aforesaid. AND THE party of the first plIIt, in compliance with Section 13 of the Lien Law. covenants that the pany of the fust part will receive the considera1ion for this conveyance and will hold the right to receive such consideration as a trust fund to be applied fust for the purpose of paying the cost of the improvement. and will apply the same .first to the payment of the cost of the improvement before using any pan of the total of the same for any other purpose. The word "party" shall be collStlUc:d as if it read "panies" whenever the sense of this indenture so requires. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the party of the first part has duly executed this deed the day and year first above writlcn. IN PRESENCE OF: ~ JI ...:i- k: _JJ.~( 4U",.... ~ ERNEST FREDERICK DICKERSON . NEW YORK.:COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) ss: day of July, 2005. before me. the undersigned, personally appcorcd ERNEST FRED I DICKERSON. personally known to me or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the individual whose name is subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the samc in his capllCity, and that by his signature on the instrument. the individual. or the person upon behalf of which the individual acted, executed the in t. l- ") ClARY I'l.ANN!R OLSEN ...., PubIlc ... 01 .... 'ftlrIl No. O2OL21511l1OO au.l1llecl1n 8u1fo1k County Coo.... III'" ElIpI_ MM:h 30. l!II !!:1 Num""r of pages TORRENS , Serial 1/ Cettificale 1/ Prim Of. 1/ 0...",1 . MOrl8"8" Inslrumenl Deed / Mort.. Tu SllIIIlp PHES 3 Page / Filin~ r'ft Handling 5 JIlL TP-S84 Notation EA-S217 (Counly) EA-5217 (SllIIe) Sub lbtal R.P.T.S.A. 3D (0 Corom. of Ed. 5. ..l!lL AlTllInvil Cc,tined Copy Reg. Copy Sub Thlnl GrInd TolaI ~ Other RECORIlEI> 200l AU!! 04 02,28:28 P" Edward P.Rouine CLERK OF SlFFtlJ<. COltlTV L 000012401 P 912 D11 ct5-00857 Recording/l'iling Slamps :L Mortgage AmI. I. B...i~ Tax 2. Addirional Ta. Sub ToIal Sp...... / Assi\. or Spec. / Add. TOT. MTG TAX Dual Town _ Dual Counly _ Held fur A!,poinlrnem ~ l'rdnsfer Tax ~ _ Mansion l"x Tt... !,roperty eovered by this nullgage is or will be improved by a one or I...." family d....,llinS unly. YES or NO If NO. see appropriate UlX c1aullC on ./ page 1/ of Ihis ill:llrum ll~ 01 Real Property Tax Service Agency Verificalion 115.00 Block 11.00 Lot 001.000 5 Communlt Presrrvatlon Fund ts ..,. moo ,iOo "m. ':::- :: ~ Improved 6 SIIIi~faclionIDillChargeslRelcase List Property Owners Mailing Add",... RECORD'" RETUK.'\I TO: G.ry ....nner Olseo, Esq. Olsen'" Olseo, LLP PO BOll 706 Cutehoguc. NY 11935 7 Co. Name Tille' .... ". \':leanl umd TO TO TO TItle Compaoy Information 8 Suffolk County Recordin & Endorsement Pa e This poJC forms pan of the attached Executor'a DHd (SPECIFY TYPE OF INSTRUMENT) Th. Eotoho of Gladys Torr~y DIr.........n oN. Glad).. T. D1ekenoo ,.,,~ prcmisis """,in i. situated in SUFPOLK COUNTY. NF.W YORK. made by: In the lbwnship of Southold In lhe VILLAGti or HAMLET of :\'I.tdtuek BOXES 6 THROUGII 8 MUST BI:! TYPF.D OR PRINTI!D IN BLACK INK ONI.Y PRIOR TO KF.cORDING OR FILING. (o,ocr) TO i:rnMt F'~rlrk DlrunDn (' 1 IUIIII 111111 U~IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 11111111111111111I111I SUFFOLK COOHTY CLBJUt UCORDS OI'I'ICB RECORDING PAGB Type of :Instrulll8Dt: DB8OS/DDD Number of Page.: 3 Receipt Number : 05-0081349 TRANSI'BR TAX NUMBBR: 05-00857 Recorded: At: 08/04/2005 02:28:28 PM LIBBR: PAGB: D00012401 912 Deed Amount: Section: Block. 115.00 12.00 BXAII:IHBD AIm CBJUlGBD AS FOLLOWS $0.00 LotI 001.000 District: 1000 Received tlul Po11owing ree. Par Ahove :Instrument .....~t ......-,pt p.ge/ri1ing $9.00 NO Handling $5.00 NO COB $5.00 NO IIYS SRCIlG $15.00 NO IrA-CTY $5.00 NO IrA-STATB $165.00 NO TP-584 $5.00 NO Cert.Copie. $0.00 NO RPT $30.00 NO SC'1'II $0.00 NO Tran.fer tax $0.00 NO CoIIIIII.Pre. $0.00 NO Pees Paid $239.00 '1'RAIl'SnR TAX NUllBIUt: 05-00857 TJUS PAliB :IS A PART or TIIB :IJ/STRtlJIBNT 'I'B:IS :IS HOT A B:ILL Bdward P.Romaine County Clerk, Suffolk County . , . - - - ,-- PLEAsE TYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRITING ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS: http://www.orp8.Slate.nv.uB or PHONE (5181 473.7222 FOR COUNTY USE ONLY t!:/, 7,.3; g, Z, 9, cz. _ _ Rm dod It, t..( ,U, ..... OIly y- CI._ I I.o'?'-I.O, ( ,1:4...... q , PROPERTY INFOIlMAnON '._1 5840 LouI.. """ --' * REAL PROPERTY tRANSFER REPORT Cl. 8WII Code BTA11!mo__ BTA11!_mo__.._ RP . 5217 ~17'" "., New Suffolk Avenue .,..11 Mft, Southold CIl'I' aI TVMI I Mattituck ...... , 11952 ..- I. ..,.. - Dickerson UllR_I_.Ilf1. ERneat Frederick ~-- LM......,__.. ...1 .... 1 T.. ...... whn ....... Tu BIll.. to bI ... , - ____-111-..-. - 1 .......,_...rM.,..... LAII......,GMWn' ,..-r..,... C1I"f'GR lIMN I , ..1,. ..~ ... ........... --- .. . - ~.. .... ,...... ~_.&...IlIII an ....... .1 , 101_ 011 0 ""nol.""...1 IOnIII _... - - -....,...... 4A. "'-*'IlaInIwIIh e.....~ ~ &xliii 0 .___......IorT_ 0 C. PIICII ApptawId far "....-"'-..1Ion wlh" PrcMdId 0 ..- 'xi , 0111 - ....,.IKII . . - ..... -. ..- The Eatate of Glad " Torre Dickerson a k a Glad - I T. Dic r n LMrNM&'~ .....- A~OnoF__' 8 Z .. 3 Fomlly 1InI_1I C _V_Lond D N......_I V_ Lonct l SALE INFORMA1lON I . "..... CenInct: .,... E ~ ........... F ~ G _ H ENertainmlnll Am....,... I ~ Cammunky $0'- J -- K -- L Fa.... -... ---.......... .. 0wncnhIp Type II CondamIi'llum .. NNo CoI... 111. an VIlClW. Land 'M. _L-.l_.._,..1lI_ ,.....,...-.---. lhoI"'_;oIn..~_ o D D o 7. CI-*............................. "'DlIII.......the _or......-rtY...... d.... ",uIc - 'NIff ' I 1- , )\::) , 20051 ... - 1L CIIIcII_........._ _~........ tD-....IIr. A ... ...... ~ or FormIr....... B _ _ _ c:am,...Ioo ..""......,. 8_ e 0.001"'_"_._ D .... or 81l1li'11 o..........~. ,.."., or ....... InIdtuIton E X DMd Typo ... WlrrlMY or IIfpIn .... II. ls.-tfv IeIowI F 101o00_1..~.....Foo__- o S1g_Chotlgo I. _ _T_........nct..1o lloIoo H $010018_..1_1....._ I 0It00t' UnwuoI _ iurocolng .... Prloo 18pocIfy _ J NoM Executor'. Deed '1._"_'_ 07 - . !lORI;: ,0.0 I , , . lFull_ _;0'" ....,._ pilei lor... _'""lId"",..-_. T1liI ...,...... IftI'f' bI in 1M form at CIIh. GIhIr propIIty or goadI. or ,.. ....lIlIIIion of ,,6 _ .... or..... obIigIIIone.) ,..., reund ID "................ ~ ,..-...-..,.- I. ~ON~ 0,0 I ....,.., ....... III.. .. I , ~ I ASSESSMENT INFOIlMATION . Doll lhauld ..n.a .... .... Fino! _1IIII1laI1 .nd TI. BUll 11. FuI .... ~ ,..y-... -"--10.5 I ".T___loIoI_In_1 __ w_.,..Ah......... ,.. _CI.- Ill. J.J I-U ...___' , Ksttituck/Cutchogue , , aI. T.. MIp ...........1.... .......... II...,................... -...:.............. ..........1..1 1000 - 115.00 - 12.00 - 001.000 I l CEIl11FlCAnoN I I......, 1IIId.. "'... _ "'..... ... _..1IIlo _.. _.... .......1...... _ "'..,............ ..-on .... I....... . .... tilt ..... "'OIQ'''_ __ "'_ - - wi! ~........ _..... "'............. _.. 1M.......... ....",.... ......-..... IlIYER BUlEn ATTORNEY t!?k';;"~~-'r~- - .....- Gary Flanner .....- 1 .... Olaen, Esq. 55075 Main Road, Unit 46 631 734-7666 -- ...... __ ....,... ""-II -.... -- Southold _ao_ llY 11971 ..... .. .... SElU!II t>~,A.....v ~~,.L... NEW YORK STATE COPY - Dlft .