HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12204 P 759 .~iJ,~D+ P1S-Q S_NY.UT.U.F"""'IKI02-IlarpIotIllllS.Oeod._c-......__......~.....- . 1,1 Ili\ F_ 32t1l ~T YOUR UlWI'EA IEI'QIIl! ~ na lNII1'IlI.IMlIT-TIIII ~ ~II UIIED IIV ~OIlLY lHlS INDENTURE. made ltle Y dIIy 01 AlIgwIt. 2002 IlETWleli!H ULUAH QUALLS, .. survlvlnQ tenant lJ't the enliI8ty or MeNln E. 0uIh. ~ lit 2570 Mlln R<*l. Laurel. New York 11948, party of the fll'llt part. end I ~- . .y- BRUCE VITALE AND MEUNDA VITALE. hili..... re:siding at 7280 Sound AVl!f'llle. MeItlllICk, New York 11952, pwty of the lI8COI'\d part, WffNES$ETH. tl'l8ll11e P8"l1 of me ht P8II. In 0DIllIldDrlIIIl of TEN _ 00/100 ($10.001 ~-. _ lIlllIf oood- VlIfiIIIbIe. ~ prAc! bit . pal1y of Ill, 8lICllII6 pIIlt. *- ..... fl'*"l anci n1 1- unlll ... P8dr or lIIe HCMdpart. lIIe heh or 'I''CCMllO'1IW aelllQntof. perlyoflhu.QOIICl,.,...... An that certMfl plot, plece or paltl!l d ~ wIlh the bullcllngJ _ impnl\i.~IeI.1$ tbe,.IOli <ll~ "'.. lying andbe!1lg at Lautel. l:n the TOWIl d SouthaId, Cmdy d SulI'd$: and StIla of New YoIll. bolnIed iIIld descrilled as follows: llEG1NN1NG at II alIlCI_ monumem set on lie 5lIlIlherIv side d MaIn ROIId (NYSIklIAie 2S) ..... the 1000 l10ftheast alI"nef d larm I1(lW or blne.1y of GIIn MiIrfo Mangieri and lie IlICIlllu:lelltall'lll!r dthe ",o,ilk; I '6.S, 0 Q llboot to !tie described Il1fl!ISed5 same, 00. 00 ~G THENCE along the ~sIde ot Main Road (NYS ~ 25) nng anlKof ._.~ III O~,OO\) Itle left !lavIng an rOduS d 3.783.113.... BdW."",d 133M_to tand_orranllllflrd$lo1.:.l; THEHCE SoIIttI114e01o-s 38 l'llhIle$ 00 ~ .Ealt.1Iong AId IInIts d SlIr lr;1i. :ul3.641'at III athIr IancIs now or Iuo,.lt:ilv of s.n Marlo Manglel'l, , THEHCE along other lands d now or II.......\, of GIlIn MlII'lo IilIIIgIel!I theflllloWlng_ (:I)ll_und "'lll!Sl (1) SCllIlh 14 degll!ll!$ 2!l mlnUIl;S ClO seIlIlIlCIiwest, 125.IlO I'l!etwa <Xli..... ~ (2) North 11 dI!gree$ 38 mlr1Wls ClO -.Is West. m.S2l'e11l: III the SCIIUth.lf .. 'II MIh Ro/llIt (N'I"S __ 25), the point or p/aal of BEGINNlNG. S~ to " 12 foot ngbt of war rulllllrig IIIong the -A.. I, line d the pnwlsieslllove desafbed. BEING AND 1'HTENIJED TO BE the _ 1""" 'f,," alfI'lf..1D MIMI! f. Qualls Illd..... '*'" d ttlI ftrstJllllt l7t deed date::l5f31/SO, re<:OlIded 011 5131150 In Uber3ll82 liliiii 319 In thlrSulfallc Qlll1ly c::teMi 0tIIce. TOGETHER wlmllll light, _ and lllW8lIl. If My. of. perIy d!he fiMlpertln ... lID ." ......and .... lIbuIIIng 1I1e above dticrib8d pl." '.1It' lID 1l1e c:enlllf linn ......., TOGETHER..... lI$IPU~8I'IlJ 1M, 1l1e IISlaIe and rlghI5 of IIIe perIy of ... h plII1l11 II1II lID IIIIId premi-.; TO HAVE AND TO HOLD ... premises IIl1lBin gnml8c:l Ull'tDIhlI perIy of 1l1e tecond pelI.lhI heh or IOOC:...C'I and ...,. or lie pal\' of the _d pM loteIIer AHO Itle piIrty of ltle hI part 0IMIlWIlI IIuIlIhll ~ or lie h p;lIt ha IIOl .... or ~ 'lIIIYlMIll ~ \he said p:remi&es ~ been encurnbeted In iII'I'J WIly whIm....r, IlIClISIt .. .....1IIIId. ANt} !he piIrty 011 !he fnl part. In .......ojlIlllo'Klll wt1h Sec:liun 13 or IhI UIIn i.IlII. __. dl8IlIlI pedal ollhll II'lII plirt wt~ I~ IhlI (;O(4ideldoII fo! lhiI co~ and wtlllIllld IhlIdgNlO ~ IIUdI CII~~ .. . true! ftlnd to be applillll finIt fo! lie putpOlII of plIJing lie coat or 1l1e ........1DII'tt and wlllIIlPfr lhlI .._ II'lII to lhe payment ollhllcollt oflhlllmpltlVenll!1t befln ... MIfcj pari or... WillI of IbIIIIn'\IIt [or "'1I Olller pulJlO!8IlJ. The word 'paJty' .l\aII be _$1/'UlId lIS I it l'elId' ~ wNn lMr" _ or thllIlndl/llure 80 requlrell. IN WlTNESS WHEJlEOf, Il>Il jlillfl)' Of tl'l8MI p1irt.. cIuI)' ~ thllI deed !he'" and yellt lIrSt.... wrman ' L<J.. . - ~ ~..l(~ tillian QuaI1J JfJ<HJ .~~I'I II. I~ I ..1 . :11< it · ~ .~tt )'1 I I., I ~ I II tIll (, ".11111 If I. I ~IIII' 1 ! !( i NIl j t It ;=.):al I s I 111 . '& t !iiiltaf t 'llsoi If I . . I i :I! II , .~>> HI 'I I ~U. · . ., j i I .. Z , II Ii.. f ~ ;..1 ,. !I f if I · . It h1j I I I~IJ f i : Ilil I g ~ .. ~ I ~ ~ m. ig~ ~I ~ 1Il ~ :I ~ I :J $ .1 ~ I j Ii .Ii ! i-I,I .1 e j I 8 F 01 __"_""_IIl.I._ ._ W" [). 2 J l'IIIIIllIctof TOIUtUlS IlEl'!JIllD .-. at lItot..lPlt f.tMrcf P....... ..., . !II.FFU ...... to. _Z2Il4 pm m~ Serial. CflIllIaIle I 1'I'iorCl1.11 f'ql' II'ilin& fa llndilla& TP.'*" (.lIeIdlMaripp fa s., 'lIES ..... n...'......... Oeat'Milrl...I_ ,\ - ....... ... I, BIlle,. 1. Md.....1'all lUll ToIIl - .5-_ ""'"01i0oi ~_ EA.Sll? IC-Y'" ,.. ::' $..U*,y4/ n !lA.)217 t$Itit' J>-~ t""',.,;".j._._ lifaC.'AtliI, lit Sjlec. '/tM; TOT.Ml'G. TAX _ 0.-1 ~blelOIuIIl1_ llddb"""'nlTtr: ~TJa IfUJ- - '" '.Till< TlIII...~CIlMIIII II)' 1IIIIlIICIfl.i .:! "III' -ill .. ..,.......,. ... III cwo filii"' ~.." lr'NO.=...,:IMt........ . R.I'.T.SA c-. of&l ^f1ldpU s Q{L,., Cttllfird Cop)' _c_ OllIer J:5 --=- SaIl TaIIII ORAND TOTAl. $ Jlnl T.llcnrice . , "''l<~.~ .~...... 02030... 1000 12!500 0300 003000 = ~;} IIII&lalI "_ . __. 7 SaI.isf~Isc:luqaiRe1rast$ Lilt l'I~jlOIt)t Owacn Malllq Rf.c'OltD a RETU.1'O: _ LIml "0 TD TO ft'_ .. .PIoIrll1p, E:IqI. m RauIe 2M Rociky Point. NY /1771 J Tille CaIn ........... , Suffolk Count elL N.... Thl. . & Endorsement This Jl8If.fonnt plIIt or lilt ....'" IwI I - q,-'" (SPeCIJl"(lYPt1(lF~J .....,.: 'ro .... \'iIdt .. JI - ~ V'" lMpmpiR:I hmiin is IIil1l111lrc1iA ~COUNIY,M!WYORIt I I" 'j' IA lilt TClWIIIlaip or In'" VlUJ\ClE ur H.MIIEl" or .T ... UOXES S URJ 9 MUST BE TYPED (Xl PR1N11!D 1N BLAClClNK ON.. V PIOOIl ro1Ul.QmING(lIl.flUNG. toftJIO . 1111111.1111 IIIIII Su.r~ CO~;I;~ M._J[ R.I'CO:1D8 ol'nca IUICOJtDDG PASIl Type of lJqt.rulll8l1t. DDDS/ElDD : 1i\'ulIlb8:c o! I'lIge.. J ~I'BR ~AX .u....: 02-03296 ~ Di.t:rict:l 1000 Sectioru US.OO 81oaJt. 03.00 .., "",M. At. y,......., PASIlI r.ot . 001.000 O'in/tooa 12.0''':a3 IlK ])0001220. 75' .:wa.,__.. JMD ~ U IOL1.CIfI , D...s. ..- '"-I:. $250,000.00 i ReceiY84 t.M 'ollow:Ulg ..... J'OJ:' A1Io'n XIut=--t .n ~I: JID ....U.... 110 .. .,..eJIO JID _-8&.'IJI JIO 01". ClOp1.u JIO SC'l'II IiIO '0-. '-- h_ h14 '9.00 $$ . 00 '5,00 $5.00 '30.00 $1,000.00 p.oo 115.00 .,..00 fO.OO fI.OO P.OOO.DO '3.01t.00 ~ .1: .. IrQ RO IrQ . . Pap/I'lliDg !COB g.crr 'l'P.584 , lI.P'r ; "l"~fln' t:.ul i'l'llUllDD 'nX .....-..:. D2~032!16 '.I:'IU:8 PAR 18 APA1I'I' 01' 'I'D Dlau-'lI"' ~ ~ ...---~.- O::nmty c:1ea:!r., 8u.ffollt ~tr ,~m,<;ouNTY Ql~~h(lltl-V " ~.. i; , '1~{,!r!7~;il1'I~~tJ ';':~ ' ,~r';:'" ~.' ,,;/ , ~ , '" ~'. <;r;i.;2; .~~P'*""41"'b'!t. l4fr~,t', 1 .1 " ) ~ 4 ~ #$4 r w :VAMir , M PLEASE TYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRITING ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS: http://.YY''Y''\Drps.state.ny.us or PHONE (518) 473-7222 REAL PROPERTY TRAIIISFER REPORT STATE OF NEW YORK STATE BOARD Of REAL PROPERTY SERVICES RP - 5217 RP.S217 Rev 3197 1. Property Locati<?:n 2510 Main Road CITY OR TOWN VillAGE S'fflEETNUMBER STREET NAME Southold Laurel 2. Buyer Name Vitale Bruce LAST NAME I COMPANY FIRST NAME Vitale Melinda LAST NAME I COMPANY FIRST NAME 3. Tax Billing Address Indicate where future Tax Bills are to be sent jf other than buyer address (at bottom of form) LAST NAME I COMPANY FIRST NAME STREET NUMBER AND STREET NAME CITY OR TOWN ST~TE ZIP CODE 5. Deed Property Size FRDNTFEET I X I lOR I 'ACRES' .7 .3 I (Only if Part of a Parcell Check 8S they apply: 4A. Planning Board with Subdivision Authority Exists 0 48. Subdivision Approval was Required for Transfer D 4C. Parcel Approved for Subdivision with Map Provided D 4. Indicate the number of Assessment Roll parcels transferred on the deed 11 # of Parcels OR D Part of a Parcel D''''' 6. Seller Name Qualls LAST NAME'! COMPANY Lillian FIRST NAME LAST NAME / COMPANY FIRST NAME 7. Check the box below which most accurately describes the use of the property at the time of sale: A~ One Family Residential B 2 or 3 Family Residential C Residential Vacant limd D Non-Residential Vacant land E ~ Agdou',",,' F Commercial G Apartment H . Entertainment I Amusement I ~ Community Service J Industrial K Public Service L _ Forest Check the boxes below as they apply: 8. Ownership Type is Condominium 9. New Construction on Vacant land o o o o lOA. Property located within an Agricultural District lOB. Buyer received a disclosure notice indicating that the property is in an Agricultural District 11. Sale Contract Date 6/ / 19 / 02 Month D', Year , 8 / !? /02 12. oatt\ 0' Sale I Transfer Month D" Year 15. Check one or more of these conditions as applicable to transfer: Sale Between Relatives or Former Relatives Sale Between Related Companies or Partners in Business One of the Buyers is also a Seller Buyer or Seller is Government Agency or Lending Institution Deed Type not Warranty or Bargain and Sale (Specify Below) Sale of Fractional or Less than Fee Interest (Specify Below) Significant Change in Property Between Taxable Status and Sale Dates Sale of Business is Included in Sale Price Other Unusual Factors Affecting Sale Price (Specify Below) None 13. Full S.I. P,ic. " 2 . 5 . 0 . 0 . 0 . O. 0 . 0 I' , , . (Full Sale Price is the total amount paid for the property including personal property. This payment may be in the form of cash, other property or goods, or the assumption of mortgages or other obligations.) Please round to the nearest whole dol/ar amount. 14. Indicate t~e value of personal I I I I I I I I 0 I 0 I property ,ncIuded in lh. sa,. '~ . r~~~H~. .~~Nf!IN~fHtt 16. Year of Assessment Roll from 101/,02 I 17. Total Assessed Value (of all parcels in transfer) I which information taken ; ; 4 700 ; 18. Property Class 1 2 1 OI_U 19. School o;stri'" Nom. I Mattituck/Cutchogue/Laurel 21). Tax Map Identifier{s)I RollldentifierlsJ (H more than four, attach sheet with additional identifierlsH 125- 3-3 1000-125.00-03.00-003.000 I ~~~~. I certify that all of the items of information entered. on this fonnue true and correct (to the best of my knowledge and belief) and I understand that the making of any willful false statement of material fact herein will subject me to the DroVisions of the oenaIlaw relative to the making and Oling of false imtruments. BUYER BUYER'S ATTORNEY ./) ~f'j/.. . . .' f-. '^c~ '-"". i (')" ) ./:/(' V ..~~~ ... .~~ BUYER~~ATUiE DATE Bruce v1taLe Melinda;l....itale ;;. '5 '1 0 ~ Itt. 14* ?~!OL , Prokop David B. Prokop LAST NAME FIRST NAME 631 821-1314 STREET NUMeER STREET NAME IAFTER SALE) AREA CODE TELEPHONE NUMBER 4vr~( SELLER s~~ ","aD' .1 9/f( /07-- , , '1<1<6 A." ., ~ , "." 1. '...' ',';' .. ."'. ",t';', ..........:;.{~.,;ri.:.:'&~~R. : \;'xJ;;Ylll.~n~~~pq ." , " . : , ' '., ~.!: ~ ' .,.' .;".,.; ~ '; . ..,., CITY OR TOWN / .:C~ ",:W;:~' SELLER SIGNATURE L'111ian " /' . Quai.L~ DA"