HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12420 P 125 . 11 f\l . ~ f1~ , U 11.-~2D f\'l~j District 1000 Section I 115.00 Block 04.00 Lot 027.000. ').1 ~'~,Lf -27 NY 005 . Bupio lJ"i SIIc Daod wlIh Co_ ....... GnnIor', ~lIladivifual<< CaspanIiaa IS. Shad) INYBnJ BOO:!I . . cONsuLT YOUR LAWYER BIlFOU SICI'l'N<<: 'I1lIS II'iSTItUMKNr. THL~ 1...."'ITRIlMIlI\'I'SIIOULD BE USED BY LA ~'1lllS ONLY THIS INDF..N11JRE. made the 1"-1). day of A.~ ,.n'i . in Ihe year 2005 BETWEEN RUTH L. KNUDSEN, usiding at 347 Great R:1ver Road, 'Great River, NY 1173 GERALDINE L. BOECKKANN, usiding at 680 Meadow Lsne, Kattituck, NY 11952; and JOANN ISERK, by Ruth L. Knudsen, as her attorney-in-fact, residing at 1229 Beechmont, Dearborn, Michigan 48124 party of the first part. and EILEEN F. LYONS, residing at 'l'i ",..I/tt!.,., jLo.J,6.tJe....':~ ~'1'1 p:uty of the second p:ut, WITNESSETH. that IIle party of the filSl p:ut. il! considerlltion of Ten Dollars and olller valuable consideration paid by tl party of the second pan. does hereby grant and release unlO the party of the second part, Ihe heill or SUCCe5sors and assigns' the party of the second p:ut fOJever. ALL that ccr1ain plot. piece or parcel of land. \\ith the buildings and impru\'eIJ1ents thereon enx:led. situllte.lying and being in ~ in the Hamlet ofMattituck. Town ofSouthold, County of Suffolk and State ofNcw York, being more partic:ulBrly bollllded and descn'bed as Lot Number 47 as shown on the "Map of Subdivision ofManituck Estates, Inc." filed on September 8, 1964 as Map Number 4453 in the Suffolk County Clerk's Office and being bollllded and desc:n'bed as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the westerly side of Meadow Lane distant 399.66 feet northerly when measured aIoog the westerly side of Meadow Lane liom the comer fonned by the intersection of the westerly side of Meadow Lane with the northerly side of New Suffolk Awnue; I'UIUIiDg thence South 89 degrees 30 minutes 30 seconds West 216.39 feet: t'IlI1IIing thence North 06 degrees 37 minutes 50 seconds East 125.44 feet; running theDce South 83 degrees 22 minutes 10 seconds East 200.00 filet to the westerly side of Meadow Lane; running thence South 06 degrees 37 minutes 50 seconds West along the westerly side of Meadow Lane 19.44 feet; running thence South 03 degrees 54 minutes 00 seconds East still aIoug the westerly side of Meadow Lane 80.56 feet to the point or place of beginning. BEING AND INTENDED to be the same premises comeyed to the party of the first part by Deed dated September 4,1986 and recorded in the Sulfolk County Clerk's 0fIicc on October 21. 1986 in Liber 10149 Page 291. TOGETHER with all right, title and interest. if any,llfllK: paI1Y of the first pan of. in and to any streelS and roads abuuing tl obov.-desc:ribed premises In the cenler lines thereof: TOGETHER with the appurtenances and all the estate and rights of I: pany of the first p:ut in and 10 said premises: TO HAVE AND TO IIOI.D the "",mises herein granled unto the purty of ( second pall. lhe heirs or successors and lIliliigns of Ih. pany of the second part forever. AND the p:uty of the first part covenanL~ 1001 IlK: pany ofthe tirst ran hll5 not done or suffered anything whereby the so premises Iwv. been incumbered in any way woolever, exceplll5 aforesaid. AND the party of the first p:ut, in compliance with Section 13 of the Lien Law. covenants that the pany of the fir.;1 p:ut \II receive the consiclention for this conveyance unci will hold the right to receive suchconsidenltion as a tlUSt fund to be appli first for the JllUIIOI8 of paying the cost of lhe improvement and will apply lhe same firsllO the payment of the cost of t improvement before using any part of tlK: total of the same for any other purpose. The won! ''party'' shall be consttued a.. if it reDd "panies" whenever the sense of this indenlure so requires. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the p:uty of the first pan has duly executed this deed lhe day and year first above wrillen. IN PIU!SEN(''E OF: ~ i~~~.J R . KNUDSEN Wi:-r:l.c~'~, ~. -' ~ .~ OAMN ISERN by Ruth L. Knudsen, a8 att kI ~ ~ i..-~ in-fac t1 USBACDIOWUfD6MI!NTFOIJIIIELOWWllHlNNEwYOHS1'AJ'BO.VI.Y: , . . StalearNewYork,Caaatyar _uut.Y ,vIJJ.IlJv' ,I": Onlhe " day of ~,vJf inlheycar 2005 before me, lhe undersiped. jJenonaIly ....-ed RUTH L. 1QlU'DSEN and GE1lALDINE L. BOECIQIAHN , pmonIIly known ID me or proved ID me on the bai.s of salisfaclary evidenIle ID be !he indiYidual(s) whose lIlUIlC(s) is (an:) subscribed ID lhe within i_l_ ..knlJwIed&ed ID me lh:Il he/sheIlhey em:ured lhe ume in his/hedlheir cap:lCily(IIlS). and lh8l by his/herIlheir sipldunl(1) on the ill5lnUllelll, lhe individlllll(I), or Ihe peIlIOII upon behalf of which !he individua1(S) ?:~f<inL NOTAllY PUBLI WARD W. ATZPATRICK NCll8Iy Public. SIBle of New York No. 48546n Cualllled In Nassau County / Commi18ion Elcplnlll Mluch 24, 200. A.aNOVIUJJJQIBNT POIIM f'QR USE WITHIN NHWYouSTA'Il!:O.'1Lr: {N... r.It ~ Wi_II AdmnwW,- (',rlifl<aI,{ SlaIearNewYork,CauDtyar IlL: On lhe day of in Ihe year bef.... me, the undcniped. pmonaIly lIpIICIIIed the subscribins wilnels ID !he fexesoina instrument, wilh whom 1 ani penonaIly acquainted, who. beillll by me duly sworn. did cIcpose unci say thII hefsheIlhey reside(1) in (ifdw piau ofrrsidnu:r i.r ill G ,i,,~ include 1M I/rre/ turd ">rel nUmMT. if GIJ)'. tlwrrof); lhaI heIshtIIhey kDow\s) ID be lhe individual described in and who execured lhe faregailli inslIumenl; lhal said 5Ubscrihina wilneSS was presenl and IIllW said eKCCUle !he !WIle: and lhaI said wilneSS Illhe !WIle lime 5Ubscribed hi'lfherlllleir IIlIII1els) as a wilneSS lhemo. BARGAIN" SALt: DEED ""rrHCCWEJriNiiIJ AOAINSTCJaA.'lII'OI'S ACTS TnuNo. !1 Ie .....-5-01 V'1r't RUTH L. KllUl)SEN, GERALDINE L. BOECJQWIN and JOANN ISERN TO EILEEN F. LYONS - . . -- ...- ... - - - -- M.K.M. ABSTRACT SERVICES INC. 238 MINEOLA BOULEVARD P.O. BOX 427 MINEOlA N.Y. 11501 (516) 742-4700 USBAC61<<J'A7J1DGID1Ni'FOIJIIII!lJ1WWIIJIlN NEW YOU S1'ATBO.. State ar New York. County ar . . . , . On lhe day of in Ihe yeat ' bef.... me. Ihe undersiped. penoaaIIy appeared penonaIIy known ID U1e_ la'_ proved ID me on !he basis of 5lIIisf.. evidence ID be !he individual(s) whose llllllle(s) is (m) 5ubscribed I within illSllUmenl and lIl:knowlt:dsed ID me lhal helshcfIhey cxec Ihe same in hislhelflheir capacily(ies), and lhaI by hi5lherl siBJ1llllft(x) on Ihe ins1rllDlCDl, Ihe individual(sl. or Ihc penon I behalf of which lhe individuaJ/5) lII:led. exec:ulcd lhe in.~menl. ACKNOWlJUXiJlFNT POIlM FOIl u'VlOlmlDE NEW YORK ~'TATF. O. {OwI.oJ S_ at Fan,.. 0-"" .4rioaorlftl&aw., C:mif_.} .................................................. I"""""" v......__. Cowt",._.."..if:ipaliry) On lhe day of in Ihe ycar bef.... me.lhe undersisned. penonIIly appeaRd personally known 10 me or proved ID me on lhe basis of SlIlisf.. evidence 10 he Ihe individull(s) whole lIIlIle(s) is (an:) subscribed I wilhin iMlnlmenl and ..knowIedpd 10 me lhal helshcflhcy exec lhe same in hilllherllheirc:apocilyties). thII by hisIherI!heir $ignaw on lhe instnUl1ellt, lhe iadividlllllls). or !he person upon behalf of" lhe Individual/sl..... exccured lhe inslnlmenl. and lhal such indh'j made SUl:h appecnnce befUR lhe uncleniped in lhe /1_" 1M dry ur U1Mr poli/iaIl ntbdhVion tmd /he r/ale ur collll/. uther pfoce lhe odrIfowkdg""n1"'o.r 1tIUtJ). DISTRICT 1000 Sf.t"TION 115.00 BLOCK 04.00 LoT 027.000 COUNTY OR TowN SUFFOLK RECORDEDATREQUESrOF FIdelity N.1IaDaI TItle 1_ Company arNew , RETURN BY M.tIL m WILLIAM RIPP, ESQ. 775 Park Avenue, Suite 255 Huntington. NY 11743 I i I ... o !I ~ I ~ i . '. " - r 1 1\ .' ,- " , . . j RECORDED 2005 Nou 16 11:38:47 All Edward P. Romai ne CLERK Of SUFFOLK C01.IHT'v' L 000012420 P 125 on 05-15207 Number ofl'llges TORRENS Serial # Cenificate ;It Prior Ctf. # Deetlll MOrlgog.: Inslnlm.:nt o..'ed I Mongage Tax SlaIIIP FEES T Recording I Filing Stamps :TI:: Comm. or &I. S. 011 Mortgage AmI. 1. Basic Tax 2. Additional Tax Sub TOlal Spc:dAssit. or SJII.'c./Add. TOT. MTG. TAX Dual Town _ Dual County _ H.:ld for Appointmen~ Transfer Tax /1./I!JL- ...::: , Mansion Tax Page I Filing Fee Handling TP-S84 5. ..QQ..... NOlalion EA-S2 17 (County) EA-S217 (State) R.P.T.S.A. Sub TolDl :-0= Anidavit Cerlified Copy NYS Sult'harge Ot~r 15. 00 Sub TOlal The properlY covered by this morlgage or will be improved by a uno: or II fumily dwelling only. YES or NO ... Grund TOlul /tft/ - ~l v, ~ I Dist.l.?.),) Seclion II {' Block '1 Lot J.1 5 CommUDitJ' Preservation Full n Real Pn>perty Tax Service AgeJlC~' Verilieation ~ 1000 11500 0400 027000 ~ CPF Tax Due $.. 61 SalisfaclionsIDischargesIReleallCs List Pn>perty Owner.; Mailing Address RECORD 81 RETURN TO: WIL.L-lIitIQ ~/fp 11 /J~I ~ 1./1...1_... {l."J .f", -4' ,1J. 1"",...-1. ~."... f/./,... I ;/',/.111 'I ~ Improved rt:iind --= 1/J7f1J --- TO 7 Title Com an InfonDation Co. Name 1111.: # .4l.1c.....- .s-~ 't )'1 ~ SutTolk County Recording & Endorsement Pa~ keJ (SPECIFY TYPE OF INSTRUMENT) This page fonns part of the :luached made b -r: ~;;.I4. t.. Ic._JJe... J ~I~t ihe."I...__ ..... Jt /J....... "ZJt..." The prcmiso:s herein is situated in SUI'fOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK. TO In the Townsbip of Jn~'-..... L'O"fJ InthcVILLAGE , or HAMLET of fM",U,.4~,1... RmmS 611fRU 8 MUST BE TYPED OR PRINTED IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDING OR FILING. S'.:J v;JL..'1J -- -- ------------ ---~-----~~------------~-'_._._- -_.,-~ IIlllll 1111 1111111111 11111 11111 11111 11111111 11111111 1111111111111111111111111 SUFFOLK COUNTY CLBRK RECORDS OFF:I:CE RBCORD:I:NG PAGE Type of Instrument I DBEDS/ODD NUmber of Pagesl 3 Receipt Humber : 05-0119570 TRANSPER TAX NUMBBR: 05-15207 Recorded I At: 11/16/2005 11:38:47 AM L:I:BBR: PAGB: D00012420 125 Deed Amount: Section: 115.00 'l!YlUIINBD AIlD $440.000.00 Block: 04.00 CHARGED AS Lot: 027.000 District: 1000 FOLLOWS Received the Pol1owing Pees por Above Instrument ....."""Pt bel Page/Piling $9.00 NO Handling $5.00 NO COB $5.00 NO NYS SRCHG $15.00 NO BA-CTY $5.00 NO EA.-STATB $75.00 NO TP-584 $5.00 NO Cert.Copies $0.00 NO RPT $30.00 NO SCTM $0.00 NO Transfer tax $1.760.00 NO C~.Pres $5.800.00 NO I'ee. Paid $7.709.00 TRANS PER TAX NUMBBR: 05-15207 THIS PAGE IS A PART 01' THE INSTROMJDlT THIS :IS NOT A BILL Bdward p.Romaine County Clerk. Suffolk County . . . -. PLEASE TYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRmNG 'ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS: http://wWw.orp.:llt8te.ny.uB 0' PHONE (S1S1 473-7222 REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT I y. J7, 3, ~. ~,1'1 . FOR COuNTY USE ONLY C1. SWI8 Code CI._ PROPERlY INFORMATION ,. "'-'Y I 680 Meadow Lane LoIdIon 5flIII'I'T N"..... 1:1lIET"'" L SOUTHOLD CfrY OR TOMI 2. _ LYONS NMn. lMT"""t"CIM"MY C4. "-I STAD Of "W YORIC STAD _ Of _ ~ IIEIlV1CES CI. D_ _ Roco,dd J..L /.~ '~J 1/.2..j RP - 5217 1IP-J,l17....JIft Mattituck -- I 11952 ....... EILEEN F. F-NTIIIoIIll LMrftMl:/~ ....,*- I. T.. lndicMIwhn'futureT..m....lObolMl I _ W___--loI-oIlormI. -- I.AI'I..../~. ,.., MAW L IT.".......,.,.O 111':[1 ...... ClTVOltTOWN 1II'~1I ....... ..=- I .... ,_.nIT Ixl .-rr... IORI ~ _ 5 . 3 I 10nIy I PorI" . _ - - _..av: .... P'-ring laird w1Ih ., L.~.iIion AuthartIy ExiIII 0 ..5u___...._IOdIorT_ 0 C.___Ior5u__Mop_ 0 '0 IndIcMe .... .......... of .. .1lel.4 RoI........ .._.......-4 on .... .... 1 I , of P.rceIl 011 0 PI" 01 . ',rceI ..- No... ~ l.AIT...../~ !mt.hin L. -- L lAIT~'COIII'A'IY ISDN JOANII .....r~ 1" FuI .... PrIa ,4 ,4 ,0 .0 ,0.0,0,01 , I . IF.II _ _. ... .... ........ pold for.he "'DPIf\V -..ng POIID'" IXDpoIIV. Th. plymlnt IMV be In the farm of C3Ih. other proporty or goodI. or th. .....-nption of rnGIlpgM or DIMr obIIptIont.t "... round 10 till........... doIIIr ~ _...____..av: I. 0wn0rshIp Typo II CondDrnlnOlm I:: ~ Agricoll....1 I ~ Camm.niIy _ I. Now ~ CO! Vocont...... I':' Commorcl.1 J lnc:lulltrl,1 1M. PropL'fty Laca1ed Within., Agrkult.lmI 0iIIrIcl (; ApI.mom K Public - ,....... -. _.. --. H Ernrtllnrnont I AmUHrnlnt I. FOI'OII 1M thI PfOf*\Y as In 11'1 AgricuIunI DIMric:t 1&. ChIdlone or .... at tt-.. ....... . _ ......... ID ~ A SlID Berw.n ~ or Fanner ReIIIi.,.. II _ _ _ c:ompon;oo or P.......1n BOlII_ e One 01 "'" ....... II olIO . Soli... D ....... DO Soller II Gavornr_ ,...,.., or t.ndIng IIIIlI...kIn E llood T.... ... We...... or 1.",,1. _ Solo lSpooIly -I F _ 01 F_........... Foo 1n.....ISpociIy ...- G Slgnl'..... ~ In Ptoporty _ T_ __ ond _ Dot II 51.. at' B.,... . Included In Sill Price I OthIr U...... ....... -ng _ _ -- J It None o o o o 7. ~....... _ _..... -IV _.... _........_ II........... -: A~OnoF"';IV_oI H 2o,3F__1lIIa1 c: ReMdentill VlCIftIlMd D Non-RIIidlndll VKd unci I SALE INFORMATION I "._-- ,2. _ .. _, T'...... i1. ' l!; rid ....... Dor '~.25 ,2005 I v... ,4._..._........... I :-0-., 0 .01 --.....- . ASSESSMENT INFORMAnON - DIUI u-k1 ,tftecllhe IlInt Fino' AI_I Ron I.d TI. Bill 'I.Y_". .-0--,0, 51 17. T__V_1cI 01--. In If_I I _1nI..-_ ....- ; , ,7.000. I '1. _au. I 2. 1 ,0 I..U 11.1IchDoI DIItrIct ~ I Satlll._ld m A 1'"rlhJc..'::' 2D.T.._....- 1t4/__olll____.____.._1 ~oo 115.00 04.00 027.000 I I CERnFICATlON I I nrlIfy..... . or.... _ "''''''". ............... \hIOI..... _ _... _lID......... "'OIY -......... boUoI)...._.............. "'llII1 wllllil_ _ "'_............................. .....- "'.... .....Iow -,...........................- Ii!n!l BUYEJrS ATTORNEY R1DD ........ William .-- 631 -..... 385-1610 ..._- {~~ r~Af !!!I.!&!! ~y~- - Rtmt"t:~'KNuDSEN 1.f J I s::o ...- NEW YORK STATE COPY rLvM' / -----.-