HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12391 P 755 C"r ~.~ '\i;10 'I U I )=s~, f ~ I Sf; ~. /16-Li~)5 CONIIULT YOUR UWVER BEFORE SIGNING THlIINITRUMENT.THlII~ENT SHOULD BE USED BY UWYERI ONLY 1MIS INDENTURE. made the 27'"' day of May, 2005 BETWI!EN PHIWP ROBINSON and HEA1M BRADLEY WEAVER, l'8Siding at 500 Meadow. Lane, Matlltuck, New Yor1c 11952 party of the first part, and . SEAN YORK and CAN[)j.CE YORK.I~ ...~ IllSiding at 4400 Pequash Avenue, PO Box 215 Cutchogue, New Yor1c 11935 . . party of the second part, WITNESSETH, that the party of the firlIt part, in consideration of F.our Hundl'lld and forty two thOllllllnd and ftve hundl'lld dollars paid by the party of the second part, dOllll hentby grant and release untO the party of the second part, the heirs or succeSSOI1I and assigns of the party of the second part forever. ALL thet cartain plo~ piece or parcel 01 land. with the bulldin9S and improvements thereon erected, situate. lying and being in the SEE SCHEDULE A ATTACHED BEING AND INTeNDED TO BE the same premises oblained by the party of the first part by deed dated 0911712001 and recorded with the Sulfolk County Clerk on 1010512001 in Liber 12145 Page 787. TOGETHER with all right, IIUe and interasl. if any, of the party of the first part in and 10 any streets and roads abutting the above described premises 10 the canter lines tnereof; TOGETHER with the appurtenances and all Ihe eslaIe end rights of the party of the firlIt part in and 10 said premises; TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the praml8all herein granted unlo the party of the second part, the heirs or SUCC8lISOl1l end assigns of the party of the second part for8\Ier. AND the party of the first part covenanlil thet the party of the first part has not done or suffered enythlng whereby the said premises h_ bean encumbered in any way whatever. excapl8$ aforesaid. AND the party of the first part, in compliance with Section 13 of the Lien Law. covenants that the party of the first part will receive the consideration for Ihts conveyance and wiN hold the right 10 receive such consideration .. a trust fund to be applied first for the purpose of paying the cost of the improvement and will apply the same first to the payment of the cost of the Improvement befora uaing any part of the total of the sama for any other purpose. The word "party" ahall be construed 8$ If it reed "parties" whenever the sensa of this Indenture so requires. IN WITNESS WHEREOF. the party of the first part haa duly executed this deed the day and year first above wrillan. IN PRESENCE OF: ?~R,l' JfHILLIP OBINSON ,...~. - N.Y.S. T.U. Farm SOQ2.... and SaIo Doed. wtth c-lIl "",,1nIl GrMIDI'a Ado - Unllonn AdcnowIodg...n1 . i-", . '. _6 "',' _ . i," " . "'.._:'1.... '''~ ~ ~~"^: . . .. : . ._'.. ... -. ..~..~ ,',: -~........ - " ,'. , ," . ", -- .. ", .... .. i ...: .' . .:~. BEGINNING AT a pOint on the westerly side of Meadow Lane distant 310.73 feet southerly from the extreme southerly end of the arc connecting the southwesterly side Df Cardinal Drive with the westerly side Df Meadow Lane; . ..' ..,: .., .:. ': ". .. I ....:...SCHEDULEA:.DESCRIPTION .;........ .'.;. ...."..'.: ...."'!' . ",:,,: . ,..;. . .:.... .::." ..~::':-:-:.', ::", :.:(~. ....;>...~:..,~:.. :::. :"~::':::'I.'.'J"":"~':'."'J J: ALL that certain 'plot, piece or parcel of land, situate, lying and being at Mattltuck, In"the Town.of Southold,".:. ..:: '.: '. ",... '.\.1. ( CDunty of Suffolk and State of New York, knDwn and designated as and by Lot ND. 49 and the souther:ty part of , '. Lot No. 50 as shown on a certain map entitled, "Map of Subdivision fDr Mattltucl< Estates, Inc., Mattltuck, Town I of Southold, Suffolk County, N. Y.' May 5, 1965, July 19, 1965, Alden W. Young P. E. and L. S., N. Y. S. Uc. ND. I 12845, Rlverhead. New York', and filed in th~ omce of the Clerk of the County Df Suffolk Dn September 8, 1965 Under File No. 4453, which said lot and part of lot are bounded and described as follDws: , I 1 " i: I' , I 11 , ". .. . , RUNNING THENCE alDng the westerly side Df Meadow Lane, South 6 degrees 37 minutes 50 seconds West, 175.00 feet tD the dividing line between Lots Nos. 48 and 49 as shown on laid out on the above mentioned map; THENCE along said dividing line, North 83 degrees 22 minutes 10 seconds Wet, 200.00 feet to land now or fDrmerly of Miska; THENCE alDng said land, North 6 degrees 37 minutes 50 seconds East, 175.00 feet; THENCE SDuth 83 degrees 22 minutes 10 seconds East, 200.00 feet tD the westerly side Df MeadDW Lane, the point or place Df BEGINNING. I r i 'I ,., ,. ,I II, '! .. Certl/lcote or 11tle SCHEDULE B (MOffTGAGE SCHEDULE r TAX SEARCH . .' ~\ ~ ,---"- r-' iPARTMENTALS I J , .' .- ,- TO BE USED ONLY WHEN THE ACKNOWLEDGMENT 18 lI.anE IN NEW YORk STATE S_ 01 New YOlk, County 01 Suffolk 85: an the 2i" day of Mey In lhe yelIr 2005 IlefonI me, the unclerIigned, peraonally .ppeel8d PHIUIP ROBINSON PIQCIl\IIIy ~ to me or proved to me on the bula 01 WIIIlIr.......' evicIlInce to be the indlviclulII(.) wIDe 1IIIIl8(1) II (.re) lIUbsaUlecf to the wflhln InIlrum8nlIll1d lICIcnowtedgecl to me lhel heIIheIIhey lIXICUllId the _ In hlllherllhelr Clpedty(_), III1d lhlIl by hlllll8rllheir IIIgnetwl1(l) on the Inllrument. the Indivlclulll(e). or the person upon behelf 01 which the In~ 1CI8d. 8XICU;&;trumenl. UN l>. (1ig11lllure .nd oIIIc:8 01 Ind' clulll ~ -*nowtIdgment) LOUllSC D. KROMM Notary Pllblic. SlaW of Ng8W Yol1l LOUiSe 0 KROMM No 011<R481304 . I Y 111 A 'ified' 'n Suffolk Counly~ Notary Pu!>li<:. Stalg 0 N'J'N 0 ua, I , . No QIKRoSdt3049 Commission eXpires Sepl 30, Oualifle~ In SIJlfnlk Counlyu_L nSSlOn expires SoIpt 3O,2'IlIIP TO BE USED ONL V WHEN THE ACKNOWLEDGMENT IS MA TSIDE NEW YORK STATE State 01 New Yorll. County ofli~ ., On Ihe Zi dey ofJlaI.\ In the ya.r ' . " before me. the '!lIlIe1'lii*..ptItO'!I1Iy lIPPI.18d alO 1). UbI'O'fII pefIOIIIIIy IcIIOMl 10 me or pRlWlll 10 me on the bIIIII 01 lIIIliIIIIcIory evidenCe to be the 1nchIduIII(1) whoee lIIIIIII(l) ,. (.re) IUbecribecI to the within InelnInenllnd lId<Mwlldgecl to me thlIl hel8hellhay _led the lime In hlllherllheir ClIJlIICily(I8I). III1d th.1 by hlllherllhelr ligneture(l) on lhe Inltrumenl, IhI indlvilluIlCI). Dr lhe p.rson upon behelf of which the IndlVicluelll/ , .xecuted th. U1 ru nl. .. (lignelure State (or DtI1rid 01 ColumbilI, Territory, or Foreign Country) 01 u: Onlhe day of In the yur before me, the underligned, ~1Iy .ppurea personlllly ~ to me or proved to me on Ihe bellll oIlIlilfaclory evidence to be Ihe Inclivlclulll(l) whOle nerne(s) il (are) IUbecribecI to lhe wIIhln InItl\l'll8nl.nd ICknowtedged 10 me Ih.I hellheIlhey executed th. IIITl8In hillherllheir cepecity(ies). end thel by hillherllhe/r 1ig11lllure(1) on the i11llrum1nl. lhe 'ndivicluel(I). or the peflOll upon behelf of which Ihe Indivldu.l(s, 8C\ed. lIXICUllId Ihe inltrument, .nd lhellUch incIivldu.1 mecle luch .ppearence before the Ul)derligned in the Iln (1nlIert the City or _ poIIIIclIllubdivilllon) (ena i_lithe ~ or Counlly or _ piece the ecknowIeclgment w.. !liken) (lignelUrl end office of individuelllking acknowledgment) BARGAIN AND SALE DEED WITH COIIENANT AGAINST GRANTOR'S ACTS TItle No. ~lIos~+ SECTION BLOCK LOT . COUNTY OR TOWN STREET ADDRESS 115 04.00 25.00 Soulhold 500 Meadow Lane, Mattiluck TO ITANDMO POIIII Of" YORK BOARD OF Tm.E LIIDERV....lad 0IebiIxl1ld by RETURN BY'MAIL TO: \ . ~ ,.' '. I -~. .. 'r . ,\. .\. o I II l!I I ~ ! ! I . . \" ...\ ... . . ,'" \'" " Number of pages TORRENS 4 RECORDED 2005 Jun 10 11:53:15 AH Edward P. Roma ine C1.ERK CF SUFFolK COlJHTV L 000012391 P i'55 Dn 04-44305 Serial II Certificll'" II P.rior Ctf. II Deed I MortpJIC Instrumenl 3 Deed I Monpllo 1U SIamp PIlES 'ReconIins I Filini SllIInps Paae I Filing Fee Handling Comm. of Ed. S.J!Q... Mortaago AmI. I. Blllic Tax 2. Addilional Tax Sub Toml SpecJAssir. or Spec./Add. TOT. MTG. TAX Dual Thwn _ Dual Counly _ Held for Appoinhnenl Transfer Tax I, ~W~ Mansion Tax -. S. -9Q.: TP-584 NOIaIion EA-S2 17 (Counly) EA-5217 (State) R.P.T.S.A. . _ .~$.ub Toral .b- Affidavil Certified Copy Reg. Copy OJoo.o 4 rstnct /15.00 Section BlockO'i-ro 19'11'~ Lot Oa.~.ooo The property covered by rh.is rnongaJIC is or will be improved by a one or two family dwellins only. YBS or NO If NO. see appropriate laX clause on pille II of this instrumenl. Sub Tolal . Other Grand Thral /5,; Real Propeny Tax Service Agency Verificalion 5 CommUDIt,. Pn......tlOD II'1mcl CPF Tax Due $ 5 11500 0400 025000 Consideration Amount $ , Improved oI"3e11\ .()l3e.v) LLP )1Q.\f.t '"Road r?.o. Ijox. 1-Ob CLc..~\Jc., Iv.v:. /Iqa5"" .... . Vacanl Land 6 SarisfactioillrlDiachlllJe&lReleasea List ProJlC!1y Owners Mllilinl Address RECORD &I RETURN TO: TO TO TO 8 Suffolk Count Recordin & Endorsement Pa' e This page fonns part of the auached '1)G;"F.\!'> . (SPECIFY TYPE OF INSTRUMENT) mlldc by: ~'~~~I'-Y ~ In !he Township of ~/)ICI ~.y,"Q.k: In !he VILLAGE O')~ Y; nk... or HAMlEI' of }{A4I+~ck BOXES 6 THRU 8 MUST BE TYPED OR PRINTED IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDING OR FlUNG. The pRlmisos herein is silullted ill SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK. (over) I 1111111 1111 1111 um 1I1I1III1 mil 11m DIIII 11111111111111111111 BU"""~ COUJI'rY ('T.R. RBCOJU)8 01'1'%0: RBCOBDDIG PACD: '!rype of :l:lUIt~t I DB~/DDD RUBber of page.1 , Receipt "._hap I 05-00&220& 'rRAIISn:a 'l'AX JIICIIBBR: 04-44305 Rec0rde41 Atl 0&/10/2005 11153115 All LXBBlh PAGB I D00012391 755 Di.trict.1 1000 Sectimll Bloalu 115.00 0'.00 .....VT1IIII!n AJIID ...~ AS I'OLLOIIS $"2,500.00 Loti 025.000 Deed AImW:It I Received the 1'o11owlDg P_. I'OZ' A!loWI :EIUItzum8Dt ~c 'Il:x-<lpt page/P:l1lDg $12.00 110 IlallcSllDIJ $5.00 110 COB $5.00 110 flYl SJl.CBG $15.00 110 BA-C'1'l!' $5.00 110 IU.-I'1'A'I'B $75.00 110 '1'P-58' $5.00 110 Cert:.Copie. $0.00 110 0'1' $30.00 110 8C'1'II $0.00 110 '1'r_.ftU" tax $1,770.00 110 C-..pre. $5,850.00 110 he. pai4 $7,772.00 '1'lIAIIsna TAX IlUllBBllI 0'-"305 '1'IaB PAGB :1:1 A PUT 01' 'rIIB D1B'1'IltIIIIDIT '1'Ia1 :1:1 110'1' A BxLL 1:4war4 P .RaallLiDa CouDty Clerk, SUffolk CouDty PLEASE TYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRITING ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS: hltp:/I www.orp8.BtaI8.ny,u8 or PHONE (5181 473-7222 FOR COUNTY USE ONLY 1'-1 ..7..3,.'g" ~, q I C2.___ I,.b 1.1 ti I ()~I - ... S'" C3._ I t, ~,~,tr, IIUP_I'7, ,.:>, Cl.__ ,fit REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT STAlE OF NEW YORIC STAlE -..0 OF REALI'RllI'ER1'IIlEIMCE8 RP - 5217 PROPERTY INFORMA11ON ..."..,....J/W ~.B.. ....~~\...l or\C.. LAI'NMA/~"" 'Io:ti' \(.. 1Aln......./~ 2. T.. 1ndil:ItI....,..... T.. 1111111110 bllMt __ ---buvor_loI_of_11 -- I It...T......-.aANDnftUllUlIIK '."'-"/ ..- ~ Ab.~....) ''- .. ...... -.. LA5T IIM4I! IIDIINIrY an Oft 1'DMl 4. ....... tIw ......... of . ._~ Roll .... iii - ..4 011 ....... LArolE ~T I "'cl' .",~.J/+ ~ _~.:1~~rkl 11~s;.?1 _CDIX. ...,...... "0" ..""" . l.J 'ofP,I'OII. OR 0 hrtof I Plircet ..=.., I .... Ixl ElI!~ 'OR I ...., ~... ....... - RmlJ~ ntJ. &All lIMa, ....~~e(" acIQ' lCIoIr....."'._c-.....,_ "'1'IInrIq--"~--iIy-' 0 .. tubdhilioR ApprcW.. ~ tor T...... 0 4C.__fur__Mao_ 0 .7.~ I t,Qt..l..L f ~U'-n+ Bi'A-e ~ 7. <<:hM* the... ...... whiIh...... ___,....... __ of the......., .. '1M'" ... MIlr. -..--....,....." L~Typolo_lum I ~ Community ... .. Haw Conllrucdon on VICMIt LMd J 1_ __~_..Ag_,_ K Public_ -1Iuiw_.__.-. L _ 1hII""_."'....__ 'I. 0.11_ ....... at __ _..r',,- -.................r..: ---..-- ---~..-........... _01""'_10_._ ...... Of _ 10 -.............., .. landing Intli1uIlon ~ Typo _ Won...... Bo""n ond _lSpodfy_ -oIF_OfL.-_Foo_~_ . ~ CIlongo.. "- _ T_ 8.... ond__ .... of ~ i.lncI~ In SIte Prtao 0Ih0f U......, F_. -1Ill _ _ ~......I - . 4. '1.2. . s: 0, {). 0 . 0 I , , . 1...'SO.."''''"Io........I._nr.....,........_I_Ing_I_. Thlo _....... .......... 0/-,__" _ ...._ 01 motII.- CW' DIher abIIgIIIona., ,.,.,. rDUIId CD IIw ..... wIIcJIII doll<< amounr. ,..-........"'- I D 0 0 I --....- ' ~ . ASSESSMENT INFORMAllON - Dota lIIould ....oeI the ...... Flnol __ RoN .nd Tax Bill A~Ono F.mlly_illl H 2 Ot 3 ~ FIMidendal C _'V_Lond o __V_Lond I SALE INFORMATION l "._-- F.~ AG""ulw.., ... CDnunercll1 (j .......... H ElICIr1ai'nrMnll AmulOmCHtt I p.~ I V I ck.rbi '''-'''_,T_ I oS' I l? 1200.J1 UclIlIl _ V_ 'J, Full _ ..... o o o o ,.."-"'. ._.....-10. 'ST17.T__V_......_rn_1 whIah ...",_IIorI....... , , la 4 D Ot , '", "'-"c_ wJ.\ ,Ol-LJ '..___1 Sa.>1h..ctil. ZO.T..Mop_IW_oltJI__....._____1 I UtS.T' \ 000, Sk.~~ 1I!" ~ l.,.O'T: (')),~ iN I CERnFICATlON , -, . I ...., .... 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