HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12397 P 794t ' ~_. ,- • . ~~ ~ (a3~~ ~ 7~ Y ~~-/-/ S _ ~t'i~ac~ Form fio0i (JPoO) - Qnitelaim Deed-Indiridml or Corpontioa (single cheer) CONBULTYOUR LAWYER BEFORE 6NININBTHIB WBTWIMEJJf -THIB WBYRUMENT BNOULD BE USED BY LAYWFJiB ONLY. THIS INDENTURE, madeute Q~vdryof BETWEEN JAMF$ HIGDON AND DEBORAH REED CORTES 5?f pNpt~tc~1 R0~ so~WNel~~~ Ny I~gll puny of dte firm Pan. sett JAMES HIODON q~ r A ~Ar><s~tr RD sD~~aL6, NY 114 JUNE ZO and 05 pmry of Jte second pan, W ITN ESSETH, tint lM pvry of tM tiro purr, in rsmsidendoo of ten dollus paid by tM parry of the second port, dos Mrcby remise, release utd quitclaim unb tlm pony of tM aaotd petty, the heirs a attoamors and emigm of the putt' of the samtd pan fiuever, A LL Jut t~eroiu plot. piece or parcel of hued. with the buildings eM imprm:ments tlu;rcon ended. siaterc, IYing anti being in tM SEE ATTACHED'SCHEDULE A' /~nn'' ~V 1 ~5 TOGETHER with alI right, title and interest, if aqy, of tM poly of the firm pan, in and b erq slree4 and roods ebWJng We obovc- Jeseribedpremises tithe aetmtines dtereoF TO(ila fI1ERwith the appunenerrasend all the emote and righB Mllw perry Of the firm port in and b mid premises; TO HAVE AND TO IIOLD Jet premises Mein gnntml unto Jte {wty of the record poK the hens a nrramms and msigm of the putt' of Jte second pen forever. AND tM perry of the firm port, in omopliotra with Salim IJ of IM I~en Law, MvxnaoY Jut Ilm party fiat pmt will rcecive Ne rnnsidermion for this eonveyenee and will hnid tM right b teoeive srmh ennsidoruioo m a uum ftad b Mapplial then for Uw pmpom of poying tM cost of the impbventent and rill apply rite same Brat b rM twymeu of the oom of the hrtpmvcmertt Mbrc ming any pan of tM fast of tM mete for soy other purpom. TM want "perry' sha116e comm~ted m if it reed "parries" whenever Jx same of this indeume so requinx IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the pmry of Jte tent port het duly mowed this dad Jw day and yor lust shove xritrcn. IN rar3szrl:e aP: i~ A ~`E~~~ ~/1//,~,wyJAMES'H-.IGDON] ~,_ ~,~ ~~ Aekhowladpemsm blan In NwrYOrk Stab Slab d New Yorlt, County d ~ ~~'" , sa: On the ~s 7'day of JUNE , In the year ZOOS, trbrs me. the underolpned, Peroonelh appeared JAMES HtGDON AND DEBORAH REED CORTES peraoneNy known b me « proved b ma on aws bads of sa0sfacbry evidence b ba the Indlviduai(s) whose name(s) b (are) euluuxibed b the within Instrument and adtrawtetlpad b me Ihat he/ahe/they axeabd the same In hls/heMheir capacity(ies), end that by hWherltheir sipnabre(s) an the indNrtNnt, Ns Ifldwldwl(s) « the parson upon behaa d whidt the Individwl(a) stied, mcewted,tJJhe Instrument. MICHAEL G iEKEI Notary PubOa • Sfa-s of Mwr York N0.611E6064040 OuocSed b Suffolk County MY C«rvrthllon Errpkea Sep 17.40 A Aoknowbdpsment by Subs«Ibinp Whneas taken In Naw York 9bb Stale d Nsw York, County d . is: On arc day d , In the year , heron ms, the underdptted, persona0y appeared a«s wbacrlbMg witneu b the lorepanp Mswmem, with wtaxn I am pero«rWly acqudnted, who being by ms duty awom, did depose and say, that ItehlreAtrey reside(s) In dud hehdteRhey know(s) b ba the IMivWud describetl h and who exewted the brogoirrg Inswment; arat said wWcdbMg wknsas wee present and saw said execute the came; end Ihat said witness at the same time subscribed hislh«/Ihelr name(s) as a wOnesa aurrsb. Title No.: HIGDON/CORTF~ TO HIGDON DlstribtAed by Chicago •1'itle Insurance Company AeknowN~amsm bksn In NervYork Stab skits d New York, Couny d , as: On the dry of , In the year , Wfore me. ate urdeniprtsd, PeroureOY appeared psraonaly known b ma « proved b ma an the haab d satishctory evidence b bs the irdividuel(c) wroas name(s) 4 (ere) aubaulbed b ar wahin kuwment and atlmowladpatl b ma that helsMfthsy ezewtad the same In hiafherRhek eapeclly(Iss), end tlut by hhAtarAheir slpnaturo(s) on the Inewment, the Indivldwl(a) or the person upon 6e1ia11 d wlUClr the utelvidwga) awd, sxeadad the kt~ument Aeknowledperrwrrt bbn oubida New York Stab •stab d , county d, as: •(« Insert District d f.olumble, Temtory, Poesssslon « Farelpn Country) On Ute day of ,Mate year ,before ~, awl underolpned, peraoreuy appeared partana0y known b me « Pad b me on are bads of batkfradafy evldsnp b tie Ure Mdividual(s) whose Nma(e) b (are) subsalbad b tlts wlthM Mswmem and aeknoadadged b rw that he/shNlhey sxearted tlb same In hial(wfrMdr apedty(lea), srW that by hWlrsrNrelr d9nakw(s) on Urs waumam, ate individuel(q or the peroon upon behalf d whidt tM Intllvldwl(p acted, sxeabd aw Inabwnsn6 end that wch MdNidwl made such appearance baton ors underolgrred in the (add the dh « pditlcal wbdhrldon and as tale « ocunby or carer place ate erkrrorMsdgsment was taken). DISTRICT 1000 stecnoN os9.oo BLOCK 01.00 LOT 015.000 COUNTY OR TOwN SUFFOLK RETURN BY YAILTO: JAMES HIGDON 975 ANDERSON ROAD SOUTHOLD,NY Zip No. 11971 PRIMARY LAND SERVICES, LLC Title No. PYI4206S (369-0496f~ SCHEDULE A ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of hold, with the buildings thereon trotted, situa[e, lying and being at Norton's Poim, near the Village of Southold, in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a point at a monument ont he westerly line of a 20 foot right of way running along the easterly boundary of the premises at the northeasterly comer of the premises and the southeasterly corner of land of Neshtgc, from said point of beginning running along said westerly line of said 20 foot right of way, two ooursts as follows: 1. South 22 degrtts 54 minutes 30 sewnds Wast 95.25 feet; 2. South 15 degrees 37 minutes 20 seconds West, 30.00 feet t a monument and land of Witherspoon; RUNNING THENCE along said land of Witherspoon, North 67 degrees 05 minutes 30 seconds West, 235.00 feet; THENCE along land of tht party of the first part North 21 degrees 07 minutes 20 ~ seconds East, 125.06 feet to said land of Neshtge; THENCE along said land of Neslage, South 67 degrees OS minutes 50 seconds East, 235.00 feet of the point or place of BEGINNING FOR CONVEYANCING ONLY Tha pogcy to be issued undo this report wAl insure the title to such hulldings and Improvements erected on the premises whkh by kw wnsdtute real property. TOGETHER with all drs dght, title end tnterpt of the party of the trst part, of, In and to the land lying M the serest M front of and adjolNng acid premises. ,_ Number of pages TORRENS Serial # . Certificate # Prior Ctf. # Deed /Mortgage Insttutttent RECORDED 2005 Ju1,i4 03:35:35 PM Edwrd P.Ronai:w aERK aF SUFFOLK COl1NTV L D00012397 P ~ DT/ 04-49102 Deed /Mortgage Tax Stamp I Recording / Filragl' Stamps FEES Page !Fling Fee Handling TP-584 Notation EA-52 I7 (County) EA-5217 (State) R.P.T.S.A. Comm. of F.d. Affidavit Certified Copy NYS Surcharge Other 5. 00 '~ Sub Total -b°L-~ S. 00 15. 00 Sub Total ~~ / Grand lbtal_-----~~=- ,.. M°rtgage Amt' 1. Basic Tax _ 2. Additional Tax Sub Total SpecJAssit. T or Spec./Add. T07: MTG. TAX Dual Town _ Dual County Held for Appointment . Transfer Tax Mansion Tax' The property covered by this mortgage is or will be improved by a one or two family dwelling only. YES or NO If N0, sea appropriate tax clause on Page # of this instrument. 4 Disi °~ St 05026877 iooo osooo oioo oisooo t g Corns Real Property F T ~ Considp Tax Service RCWA A Agency 4JUl CPF Tax verification /~ 7S ~~ ~//97/ 7 o. N: Title # This page forms pan oflIth~~e attAAached ~~~~U,L 9 PreWSVaHoa Amount $ l./ S Improved Vacant Laa/d /~ ~T~ TD TD made by: ~ Tha premises herein is eituated in SUFFOLK COUNTY. NBW Y C. In the Township of ~ In the VB.LAGE ~~~ ~ HAMLET of J Satisfactions/Dischargea/Releasea [.iat Property Owners Mailing RECORD & RETURN TO: SIIFFOLR COIINTY CLBRR RECORDS OFFICE RBCORDIDTG PAGE Type of Iaetrumeats D88D8/DDD Recorded: 07/14/2005 Number of Pagees 4 Ats 03:35:35 PM Receipt Number s 05-0073370 TRANSFER TAR NQR88R: 04-49102 LIBLRs D00012397 PAGE: 794 Districts Sections Blocks Lot: 1000 050.00 01.00 015.000 BSAkINB D AND CHAR~BD AS FOLLO-PS Dead Ampuat: $0.00 Received the Following Feee For Above Iaetrusssent Exeagst 8sr~t Page/Filiag $12.00 NO Haadliag $5.00 NO COE $5.00 NO NYS 8RCN0 $15.00 NO EA-CTY $5.00 NO EA-STATE $75.00 NO TP-584 $5.00 NO Cert.Copiea $0.00 NO RPT $30.00 NO SCTlf $0.00 NO Traaefer tax $0.00 NO Comm.Pree $0.00 NO Feae Paid $152.00 TRANSFER TAZ N07®8Rs 04-49102 THIS PAGE I8 A PART 08 TBB INSTRDNENT THIS ZS NOT A BILL Edward P.Ramaiaa Couaty Clerk, Suffolk Couaty PLEASE TYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRfI1NG ON FORM • INSTRUCTIONS: httpJ/ www.orpa.stata.ny.us or PHONE (518) 473-7222 FOR COUNTY USE ONLY • ct. Bwis cod. I SY,'T „ ~~~I REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT YTAIE OF NY1N YOUR tx Data B..d R•ewdad L .~ ~/ / `f/ OST srATE ItOARD of REAL PROPetTr sEBV1cEs -~ ~~`"' RP - 5217 p. a••It I f~tr3 q, Ufa. F.a.l ~ 'l~ 9~ 5/I ` ~ + .,,.,,,,~,.. ~• ~ lam. S I A~ dG~son IZosc{ I I Sou-FL,oLd I I //47/ I vrr rom va.nac i eryr I ~1/d/EL h//GD~e,J I a"aMES I Prnre , rats I I I r,ur rnae/aouenrv aJR' 7. Tr Yrdok whw hreae Trt BiY w m a rm sloop Y oN« thr Meer addrrs W ho•onr d lorry I I I Addrue xwroowxr our rule I I I I I erwirNYm nw s~arnnfr OM1 mown •II ~ o~~ L tndkde tM mr8« d Aaawfrmd IlAty Y PaR d • PenrY tllaYc r thry apph: Roll prNe rrrY«rad m tM deN I. ~ I I d Perrk OR ^ Parl al • Parcel k P~~ Brrd wkh SuhdMYOn Autlwiry Faso ^ 4 Deed YL SrrhtaWlon Appreral rr Roqu4od f« Trwler ^ ~ f i?insn!cr I x `''~' ,~''~' ~ ~C. Pro kPerd kr Sutdirion with W V Roridd ^ & seY« ~f r /~C-. DOn~ I .TIOM~S I Name I- CDRT~S I ~DE8o21at~1 f~r~T I un rrurme•nnr 7. 0ue• tb 4or trebw w1dYr nrrt eee«atry aearibee tlu uae d tlr properly r the fhn. d oak: 0reei flu toot 611e« r •uy rdr. L OwrrrYdp Type k C«rdonritlum ^ A Oro Pemily Reaidrpkl E Apiuit«Y 1 Gmmrr y Sare i« l Now CeMmdion m Vrrnt WY ^ B ~ a «a Ferry RrldendY N ~ Corrarrrciel 1 ~ Indurrial 1•A Prclwry Le«rd wlWn r ApdmEaY alauir ^ (: Reridantial Won land G Agempn K PuWk SrN« taL Brrf« reowrd a Yado•aa nriw Yrdeedrrv U Non~lrmsY41 V«ar Lrrd II Fmerulnmrd / Amurrrm L Fort mr pr proprty k in r AydwaunY 6rIC SALE INFORMATION ~L 16 Olaak ar « mw d •raae aondtlor r eppYahY m trauNr: tt, sob Crftrad Da« ` A SW Belfreen RalatWr «Fonnar RdrWr r ow' m B Sak aewraan RNred Cenrpenlea «Pr4we b srulrur ~~i f~~~ C One d ore Gryw k Yeo • seller ti Defe d er. / Trrdr I IO / t/"" 1 / D.f I D Yuyer «SYW k Oovarrerunt Apenq «tandlrrp Irwptlon riser ory tar E Ord Type net V/rrrty « Berye4r and SW ISpeeih BYOwI F SeA d FmrdlaW « lar men Fr hnrr IspeYh BeloroA G SIYYYeaM Gunge in Propmy Bad+een TerWs 6ledu end SW LAW ta. rW Bak Pales L , O ~ 0 . 0 I f I I sak d Brrkrre r lnduded N solo Prim a • (Full SW Pdr k tlr mfY truism gam 1« tlr property Indudinp peraonel laoperty. I O•ur UrouuY Fagan AIIpYrp SW ihW ISpeafy BYorq Thk peymem map M In the T«rrr d «ah, dhr propmy «•ooda, «tM rwrmrtkn d J None rrronpepr «ra ohllpelbr.l Plow round m IM rarer wlak dYW rrrrea - 11. miere tM roles d lrereonY prrpeuy krArded Yr ale aw 1& r~dk t~6«n r IJ~Y r tz row Armed vYue Ld r prow Ln aenaMl f ~ ~ 1. ~7 ~'I ~~ i ~ f tt..mp.rly taw l~J-U to iaheel okrtef Now I ~(h~r'}~Q.,~<f'13d'OS I ao. Tr RMP lderrralerlel / Rr kkmtllrlY W moo then brr, eRed1 Yuri wIM eddAmrW men•Rar1Y1 I ~t>~. 1000 ~at_ OSO. 00 I 1 «Afy IYtl r d the Neme d lofarmal4r ealef:d m drb Grre am trrr W rersel lm tlr 6eY d rW' Imowkdae red 6Ylef1 and 1 uodrY••d flrt the wYl•p d rq w1YRd rule awe«mt d mdeYY Fund Irardo rYl rrgleel nr b tlfe ororklomr d IYe etd hnr ae6awe b Rr oeiloR and RIkR d Qr6a Lvalreretla BUYER ~~ ~~~~~ I ~~(l " ~ rHr aawrmc ono ~~~~ I ANo~aso-~ R~ arrcr ararrp snarrwe woe eur .~ uer r our mare N•n eepc I ,nrrar nur.e NEW YURK STATL• COPY