HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12224 P 48 II ~lf-I ! L 12!.~l-Y P o~:8 IIEII' I tJCl C<>'}J,..~~Uil Oi~ T" ,()OO .! .. "- "S- '-> L. Cor< LI to r ,q "'Del NO r p ., I3LI4 H "r.. t-:-.;'_'':''::~='''';.,~~~:-''''''''''II.QII _TII~"'. ~ccelslor.Inc.. NYC 1001:11 CONSULT YOUR LAWYER IEfOa, SIGNING THIS IN''.UMlNT - THIS IHSTIUMINT SHOULD" USlD av LAWYUS ONLY THIS 1NDENnJRE, made on _2.J__ day of' NOvember 2002 ~ Dominic A.J. Piscitelli and Mabel A. Piscitelli, his 'wife, residinq at 400 Cardinal Drive, Mattituck NY, 11952, parties of the first part, and Mark M. Piscitelli, residinq at 45 Eileen Circle, Jamesport NY 11~47, par~y.o~ ~he seconQ part. Whereas, the party of the first part hold for the term of \their natural life, premises hereinafter described, and remainder whereof belonqs to the party of the second part. This conveyance shall be by way of a Life Estate, with the party of the first ...,_11 IVlIIl :-' part retaininq a Life Estate for themselves with full use, possession, and enjoyment of the real property for their natural life, with remainder to the party of the second part. 11!'Jl'H>!~~W~ WITNESSETH, ""', ..... pa"Y of the fi.... ...... j.~~lidero'ion of Ten Dol..... and oIIler valuable ~ ._id by the party of the eeeond pal1. doa herebYI~ft!-'\ 'I\"d releue unto lhe part)' of the IeCOftd part. die heire or eucceaon aad ...i.... of the party 0' the eecoiicl:p.itJfOl'eYe,. AlL that all'lain pJoIe ;~ nr parcel of I.nd!~' .Jiht:7"J huildinJlll' and irupmvemenla thereon ereded. _ .ku..... I . d "~- . L.._ . ".. r YIOJIl on ~".""""x at Mattituclt, .~own of Southold, County of Suffolk, state of New York, known and/~e.c~~bed as Lot 56; on a certain " .......\....,. Map' entitled Mattituck RS,ta'tes Inc." and filed in the office r1 r"..,..--: of the Clerk of the coun~~ofJS~~folk, on September 5,1965 as Map No. 4453. ~.6 Ir ,. l\ Premises are known aSG400 Ca~d~nal Drive, Mattituck NY, 11952 Beinq and intended to b~~th~\s~~~Jpremises conveyed to the party ()f the first part by deeQ". d~t~p..January 21, 1966 and recorded on January 24, 1966 in L~~~r~\S9p9~ conveyance paqe 23. WHEREAS the party of the fir8t\p.art holds for the term of their natural life premises here\:i'na'ftilr described and remainder whereof belonqs to the party of th~~.~oond part. This conveyance shall be by way of a Life Estate wit~~ehe~party of the first part retaininq a Life Estate for themselves~ftn-full use, possession and enjoyment of the real property for their natural life with remainder too the party of the second part. The party of the first part retains the riqht of possession durinq the natural life of the party of the first part, and, after t;he death of the party of the first part, free from all encumbrances except as aforesaid, said premises are hereby conveyed t.O the party of the second part as remainderman, and the said party of the first part has qood, riqht, full power and lawful a.uthority to convey the same aforesaid. TOCETIIEIt ""ilh all riJ.lht. title and inlcrr.sl. if al1~.. ..I Ih,' parl\ ui Ilk: nr:'l purl in and II) OIn~. !llrcetl' unci .....d" .huuin~ the alN'we rleaM:rihed pl'P.'miKS 10 lh,' ('elllf'r lineI' Ihl"r..~f: TOGETHER ",'it" the u..llurtcnanr.er. amrl .n thlt' rIfolalp. ..11I1 ..iJdlt8 nf the part)" Qf the first pan in anti If. ....id vremi>>efl: TO HAV~; A!\;I) TO HOLD ,hI'" l'rC'lUi~ he",i.. ,;rnnlM unl" thr. I,.rt~ ..f the H!t"uml 1'8'"'. Ih,. ht'lrl'o. "" "U':C'I"'~'", .a1l,1 ulill;na:: ,,( IlK! 1t:lr1~- pf I~c ~'f~C11111 ....1 fure'..er. . . ". :\NU the I.,ut~. IIr thl::' hrlotlNut c.,yemml" thai the I~rt). uf Iht" liut parl ha~ nOI,lol'" I" l'uft'crcd Dn~.lhinJ,: ,,'bereh)" lhf:!' ....id premUc. have been em:umherr:,1 in an~' wa!i whalc,'er. C'X'."pI .. .fureAlid. J\NU Ihr parh' ...r Ihe firlll pari. in cllm.,liance- ",,'ilh Section 1:4 ur Ihe Lien La... (''U''cnan&. Ihal d~ ....rty 0' Ihl" finl tUlIrl wilt rer.eh'e the ,=an.iderQtion fnr Ihi. C'III"~).ance an..t ..ill hald the rip:ht t.1 reech.eo Iouch consideration u u. Irullol rund It. br. applied fint ful'" lhe purpuse uf peyinB the ''''111 ur Ih.. inapru,,"cnllCllt and will .ppl). the MRIC' fir" 10 Ihe pIlymcnt uf the eo.l uf the impru'1!nwnt before ueing .n~' part of tlar lutal of the ".me lor an). olhrr tJurpuR. The word "party" ,han hr cnnstrueod as if it ~.d "partia" ...hrM".pl'" the I'rn"C or this indenture so requin:a. IN wrJlllIE.SS WHEREOF, the pBrI}' cor the finl part h.", dul~ PX"f"uted this cieed Ih~ d.,. and !ieal'" fir.. ahn\"l~ wriUen. Is PHESENCI:: nt.: _~-^-~. - q ~ ." AAi'-1=--- ~ -.........--...-..... -_.~.--n-........."... ...=- \o"'cn'","'~"\ <:;~~.:~: r< S>;......te. \\ i .__.~~ -~-h'\: (\l\l'\\." \ f\. ;s~',"\~\\ AClCNOWL.EDIIII~ IN.NEW"~ STATE (RPL""" State of New York. County of Suffolk. ".: ./ On ~ece""'lo.. r b.~.xs~fore me. ,he undersigned. \/" penonollyappeon:d Dominic A.J. Piscitelli and Mabel A. Piscitelli,his wife permnaJly known 10 me or proved 10 me an Ihe bais or !l8tisrllC' 101)' evidence In he Ihe i"'lvidwd(s) ""'- _") is (are> lIUbIcribod 10 Ihe within i.-...-. and IICknnwledsed 10 me - heI-1heY eucuDed Ihe ...... in hillheD'lheir <apocilyties). .... _ by h_, lIiFJllUn:(s) an Ihe inslnImenL Ihe indi- vidual(.1. or Ihe penon upon behalf or whidI Ihe inclivkluo1(s) acted. e......ted Ihe instnl1llenL oIIIIEE.8A~~ 0_ ....., 1'lIIlIo,....... l 4..l. ,~ . ~In=(' ......",.......,_!'!..~.............__' T .. '~3/.Jl>/ 113 "7'/' . ACaIQWI..EDCr -IT 0IJ1'8m& NEW YDRK....... &RPL aIIeoIIJ _ of C_nty or ".: On personally appeon:d berore me. 1M undenilned. , periorII!lIy known to me 01' proved 10 me on rhe _is of 58lis. factary "idence to be the indivicJu.,lf., who!;e name(!l) is Care. subsc:ribed 10 Ihe within inllnllnenl IIJId Kknowled8ed 10 me dull hcl5heilhey eHCU.m die ~ in hialherllheir C'apllCity(icsJ. and _ by hi_it sill"8"'l"O\sl an Ihe instrumenL Ihe indi- V_(SI. or Ihe _ upon behalf or which Ihe i...ividuo1(s) 1IICIed. 1I!x<<"U1ed the instlUmenl. and dial such individual made such __ before Ihe undersigned in tilunt rIq IN' ,pnlirir:dI SfIIaJ;l,-dtNl.,,,,}!II4IN," ''I~f"",rfItn""... ,........,. ,.""., ...Utll J l~i..,,.,..wllrltV .JjWiI'itltlal ~".d-'H~J --..un anll .... .... WITH CovarAII'I' AaAI"ft Ca..lftOIl". ACTS Tn'u: No. "'J "'JC-IT~t..., P,(U"ITC"I.LC UIF~ ~...tI4""'I&. " " 4rt. ~.. TO 1-41l~ P/.f~' TT'I.-1 ;( .. ~ I .. .. . III 'a .. I .! . it .. j .. i . III ACICNDWLEDCIIIIay ..8ClRIBMG ~ St.le of County or I os.: On . personally a"p..ml before me. lhe undersigned. the Mlbscribin. WilnetlS(es) 10 the foregoiRl illSlNnwnl. wilh whom I .... penonally acquainDed. who. belna by me duly swom. did ckopooe and say that helohelthey reside(o) in 11/.... pt.v ttJ" "~.. is III II ,-i,_v, Ittrlwlfl' "", at,." .. "'H' 1UfIIIIarf'. if....,.''''''''''./):. that helshe/they knoW\s) 10 be the individual(s) ckosnihed in and who execuDed Ihe fon>- going iuuurDen.: that said su~ribinl witne'ss(es) was (were) presenl and saw said execute the same: and Iba. said witne5S(es) DI the same lime subJiCrihed hislherltheir namecs, os . wicneuces) then:lO. r rl If...,.",.".iJr N,.' Yrwt .'trru, W"' l."i1JI(W "","lcwl L ..Ll~""""'" ,,, MMIIIr7'w"""''''''' ..........____....... And thai: 5IIid aab!cTibing wilness(es) m8de such ~___t briore Ihe undersianed in IW~IIIIJ''''N:'fl/UNJirI__lkltJa,_~" SECTION BLOCK LOT COUNTY OR TOWN RllTt1RM BY IIAIL TO: P. 1" , C , t.. ... ....1. t>..J c: ITree. ; p... .6..,..(;~ ,.. " r TIT ..,c..Jt:, AJ't I I y~ }- Zip No. ..... ", Ccnificutc # REtORIlED 2002 Dee 09 09.21.32 QN Edward P.Rooaine CLERK OF SUFfOlJ( COUNT'! L DODOI2n4 P 04S DTI 02-18348 l"umbt=r or pages TORRENS SeriaJ# Prior Clf. # . O\......~ l Mortgage Imctrumcnl De.,.) I Monll"ll~ Tax Stamp FEllS Recording I Filing Stamps 2J EA-52 17 (COunly) EA-5217 (Slare) R.P.T.S.A. .5-_ _ Sub Tu",1 ~4- Mongage Ami. J. Ba..ie Tax 2. Allditi(Jnal Tax Suh TOlal Spec.lA..il. or Page I Filina!: Fcc Handl ing TP-584 - 5, -2!!... 5:=" Notation Cunlm. ur Ed. .9~- 3.!- ~ 5 , ()() Spec./Add. TOT. MTG. TAX Dual Tuwn _ Dual County Held for Appoinl"'9f Transfer 11lX Mansiun Tax Affidavil Cenified Copy Reg. Copy Other I cO-=- Sub TOIal 'lS- qq- The propeny coven.-u hy Ihis monll"ll~ i. or will be impnl\...-d by a urn: (lr two family dwelling only. YES or NO If NO. """ appropriale lax elau"" on page: # of Ihis... 'nl. ;) 5 eo_llDitJ' PNMrvatl_ Fwul Consideration Amount $ f;t G.-dnd TOlal I d4 Seclion Block R~al Propeny Tax Scn"k"'C Agc:ncy Vcrilicathm 1000 11500 0.00 019000 CPF Tax Due S Intproved L6_I.S"'i'f"':tiOn<lOiSdtllrgeslRelea.~. List ~ny Owners Mailing Address RECORD &. RETURN TO: Vacanl Land TO J>a M I/J~, 7eo.'Ct... ft7 ~t1")c. 6 .6..:r- ,I-( "T I( 7"<- C ~c- (.J r / (" 9./ J-..... TO TD 7 Title Com n Information Co. Name '!ille # <J Suffolk County Recording & Endorsement Paae .\) ee. t) (SPECIFY TYPE OF INSTRUMENT) mwJe by: This page fomL< pan of lhe allached .b ;:J, rc!. . r-~-{ Co. ( " The rremisrs hcrei n is SilUUlcd in SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK. TO In IhcThwnshipofl .:..S~tll-fV-l..r; !1 0..., .1'.... r c.- ,..?" c>-z. L. (. In the VII.LAGP. '- ;D 4t:T~e:; 6.J- ~'~""7 orHAMLETof BOXES 6 THRU 8 MUST BE TYPEd 6R<i'>R'i~i> IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDING OR "ILlNG. (over) III!IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII~IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 1111111111111111111111111 SUFPOLK COUNTY CLERK RECORDS OFFICE RECORDING PAGE Type of Instrument: DEEDS/ODD HUmber of Pages: 3 TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 02-18348 Recorded: At: LIBER: PAGE: 12/09/2002 09:21:32 .AM D00012224 048 Deed Amount: Section: Block: 115.00 04.00 BXAMINED AND CHARGED AS FOLLOWS $0.00 Lot: 019.000 District: 1000 Received, the Following pe.. Por Above Instrument B7""'Pt Bxempt Page/FUing $9.00 NO Handling $5.00 NO COE $5.00 NO NIS SORCHG $15.00 NO EA- CTY $5.00 NO BA-STATE $25.,00 NO 'l'P-584 $5.00 NO Cert.Copies $0.00 NO RP'l' $30.00 NO SC'l'M $0.00 NO Transfer tax $0.00 NO COJlIIlI.Pres $0.00 NO Fees Paid $99.00 TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 02-18348 THIS PAGE IS A PART OF THE INSTRlDIENT Edward P.Romaine County Clerk, Suffolk County PLEASE TYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRITING ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS: http://www.orps.state.ny.us or PHONE 15181 473-7222 !)5. Check OM or more of these conditions illS applic;lIIble to transfer: A Sale Between Relatives or Former Relatives, B Sala Between Related Companies or Partne~s in Business COne ofthc Buyers is alsa a Seller D Buyer or Seller is Government Agency w Lendir,g Institution E Deed Type not WarC<lnty or Bargain and Sale (Specify Below) F eleaf Fractional or Less than Fee Interest (Specify E1elowl G Sign;f,cant Change in PropeJ1y Betwee'l Taxable St81us and Sale Dates H Sale of Business is Included in Sale Price 1 Gthe' UnLlsual Factors Affecting Sale Price iSper;ofy Below) J None FOR COUNTY USE ONLY C1 SWIS Code Li(~.JL.~ C2. Date Deed Recorded / d.. / 0 '7/ t2:2.1 Month Day Y(oII, C3. Book I l~,;!-,?l, << C4. P8g8 L ,O,V,fl' PROPERTY INFORMATION .< ~ i ~',,,~,~ ,.Prop,e.rty~. :;-r:C -------..-LCi1fi...J)f/,-'IC LocatIon STRHT NUMBeR STREET NAM~ ,f) t<- I (."( ~ 1;.i~T"[(T~/e./<: /.:'''1 119.(/~ cnvOPTCWN ""({'l; A" '..... 2. BUYE,r Nome Pi,SC 0/-( ( LAST NAME COMPA.NV (Vi /Jj<.k flRSTNAMf L- LASTN"ME,COMPANY ~IRST NAME 3. Tax Billing Address Indicate where future Tax Bills are to De sent if other than buyer address (at botto:n of form) L r J f ~ (' . -;, { i lAST NAM. I COMP....NV jI C ' -,7 ("1 tiC;;(" CIW OR TOWN ',c STR .r \t MBE~ AND ST~EET AME J),i: 4. Indit'ate the number of Assessment Roll parcels transferred on the deed J J # of Parcels OR 0 Part of a Parcel Deed Property Size 10R~ 'I\C~ES ( . , ) .J X' Ln OEPTH FIlO'-'C FFf~ 6. Sell,~r Name I ,!J,JC,I!-LL I LAsrNAME:CQMPI\MY r; c '-' t J." (" FIRSTN"M. J?_LJ.3!....L~t.. if " LASTNAME.'C[)MPI\MV fi N clt FIRST NAME ,7. Check the box below which most accurately desc:ribes the \lie of the property at the time of sale; A~~.' One F<lmilv Residenti~1 8 20r3Family Residential C Residenti~1 Vacant Land D Non-Residenti~1 Vacant Land E~Agricultl<rul F Commercial G Apartment If Enterlai"rnent ! Amusement T~c'm.munitYSerVice J IndUStria'. K PubilCSerV\ce L Forest SALE INFORMATION /2-< 0" /j"cJ,... Year /11 Sale Contract Date II Moo. v/ ~2 Date of Sale I Trilnsfer L1i..J Mo"ltl ;:r,:; /)'C). .Oay yo,.r I I ,13, Full Sala Price I r- r , (, C () n, c" c 0 ( QJ , , . IF\.II Sale PriCli is the total amOllnt paid for the property including personiil' property. T"", payment rr'.a'i?e;n thp- (0''''''' of~ash, olher llrop<)rty 0' goods. otlhe ess\lmption of mortg~ges or other ob'lg~flo"s,1 PleasL' round (0 (he neatest whole dollar amounl 14, Indicate the valul~ of personal propartyinduded in the sale I ASS[:SSMi::NT INFORMATION. 14(, , , . Data should reflect the latest Final Assessment Roll and Tax Bilt o ,~ 16. Y!!ar of Assessment Roll from ~ 17. Total Asse5sed Value (of all pllrcels in trans"'rll whrchinformationtllken '53. Property Class ~~- -.---J 19. Schol)! Distrid Name L..tz. II T r l 1 (I ('-, /<': 2~ T,II( Map Identifier(s) / Rollldentifierjs) (If more than four, attach shaet with additional identifierlsll LU/.( 1 _/ec/:, [;.E."- II r- gt_1t: If 31 Ie; L REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT STATE OF NEW YORK STATE BOARD OF REAL PROPERTY SERVICES RP - 5217 IU'.5211 Rev 3I')i _____~ _J ('I ~c l, -, /\ ~..; 1.) I f/ 'J " Z'PCOOF /-1 I J)-c.h( (.'/ FIRST NAME II .J L' 'v I II J..r~ SlATY ZIP COO~ (Only if Part of a Parcel) Check as they apply: 4A. Plan'1ing Board with Subdiv's:on Authority bists D 4BSubdivisionApprovaIWasReQlliredforT,ansfe' D 4C. Parcel Approved lor SubdiviSion w'th M<lp Provided D ~" .J, II Check the boxes balow liS they apply 8. OW'1ership Type is Condominium 9.l\.ew Constructio;l 0'1 Vacant land 'OA. Property Located within an Agrrcultucal Distflct lOB. Buyerroceived a d',scloslJre nOlice indicating that the propert',o is in en Agricultural District o o o o C 7 C (' (::...J , .------J ~f1F1CATION I cerli!'}' that all of the itellls of inl'ommtion entered 011 tbis fonn are tme and corred (to the best of m~' knowlcd!,:e and btlief) and I IIndcr.~tand thllt the making of all}' willful ral~e ~tatelllent of material fact heren \\ill suhject me to tht provisions of the neoal la....- r~llltive III the makil1lo: and filing of falSI: instromcllts.. :~J2YER 11/2-3/0 , I' DATE L.A$T~JMlE 'f-f Ice/LC't!?" DL1VC STREElf.lAME,N'r'E;RSALI,;, AREACOOE SlHHI NUMlltH JII fU"-'>. f~,fl. -1 ~'~~CDP- "/ SlAT~- ~ITYQ" lOWN SELLER t_.:'~_'-'___'-- Cl ,\- /,-~~~Cr:. -~A:I;~ d- it (01-~ I'.}()~~ DAT[ ( 'I BUYER'S ATTORNEY ,.:; c f,--' ,_ L HHSTN"MIo TELUHONe N'UMBE~ GEW , "\ YORK STATE COPY , " J .J