HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12367 P 234 " 115-4-) . '~,' ~" ..' BARGAIN AND SALE DEED WITH COVENANT AGAINST GRANTOR'S ACTS (INDIVIDUAL OR CORPORATION) :k 1 STANDARD NYBTU FORM 8007 I L I ~ . l"AUTION: 111~ AOKF.EMF.NT SHOUlD IIfi PRI!1'AIlf.IIIIY AN AlTOIINL'Y ANn aEVIIlWllD BY A1TOIIN1IYlI RI\I. SF.IJJlIl AND ! PUaL,1A5Ea IIEfOIIE SKJNIIICI. If 234 , between I , THIS INDENTURE, made lhe y' day of January, 2005 FRANK KOW ALESKY, U lu"",llIlIleaut by tile llIItirety, rftidiBcat 335 MlIITBtookn Lane, Mattitack, NY 11952 party oflhe lirsl part, and MICIIAEL DAVIDS a.d SANDRA DAVIDS, hlllland .ad wife, 3715 Horton La., Soutbold, NY 11971 pany of Ihe 5CCOnd pan, WITNESSE77I, lhat Ihe pIIrty oflho first pari. in consideralion of Ten Dollan and other lawful eonsidcralion.lawful money of \he Unia:d States, paid by Ihe party of the IIOCOIICl pan, dOlI hereby JPUI and release unto the party oflhe second part. tho heirs or successors and asaip ofthe party oflhe second part forever. ALL that certain plot, picc:e or pareel of land. with \he builclinllo5 ind improvements thereon erectccl, situate, lying and being at East Marion, Town of Soulhold, County of Suffolk and State of New Yark. SEE SCHEDULE 'A' ATTACHED HERETO AND MADE A PART HEREOF The grantor herein is the same penon as the grantee in IMd dated 9/18/7) recorded September 21, 1973 in Liber 7495 cp ) 7, TOGETlIER with all right. title and interest, if any, oflhe party oflhe first part in and to any streets and roads abuttinllthe above described prcmi_ to the center lines thereof, TOGETHER with the appurtenances and all the cstIItC and rights of the party of the first part in and to said premises. TO HA VE AND TO HOLD the premises herein grantccl unto the party of the second pan, the heirs or successors and assigns of the party of the second pan forever, AND the party afthe first part. covenants that the party of the fll'St part has not done or suffered anything whereby the said premises havc been encumbered in any way wh_. cxc:cpt as aforesaid, AND the pany oflhe first part. in compliance with Section 13 of the Lien Law. covenants that the party of the first part will receive the conaideration for this COIIYe)'UICIlnd will hold the riaht to receive such consideration 81 a trust fund to be appliocl first for lhe purpose of pay inS the cost of the improvement and will apply the same tim to the payment of \he cost of the improvement before \ISing any part of the total of the same for any olher purpose, The word "party" shall be construed as if it read "partics" whenever the sense of this indenlure so requires. IN WITNESS WIIEREOF, the party oflhe lirst part has duly executed this deed the day and year lirst above written. ~L~~~ FRANK KOWALESKY I<\"lIDA Ralolnllllllllnl_ _ anllalDocr' ('IIUO) cop)...... c.:__' lln<lcl,.-d .1- c:'. .. .~. .. ' STATE OF NEW YORK ) ) IS.: ) COUNTY OF SUFFOLK On the 11 day of January. 2005, before me, the undcnigncd, perIOIIIIllyappeared FRANK KOW ALESKY,~nonal1y known to me or proved to me on the buis of satisfactory evidencc to be the individual whose namc is 5U to the within instnlment and acknowledged to me that he executed the same in his capacity, and that by III on the inllrumem. thc individual. Ollhe penon upon behalf of which the individual acted, exceu nt NOTARY PUB!: C GARY I'l.ANNEII OLIEN ..." PublIc... Of....__ No.D20LlUUIlO au.u...1n SuItalII ~_ W1 ClIo. 'll'W11!1p11w MInIII"~ DEED :ritle No, Section 115.00 Block 02.00 Lot 002.000 Couaty or Town SUFFOLK KOWALESKY To DAVIDS Return Bv Mail To: PAUL CAMINITI, r.sQ. P. O. BOX 846 SOUTHOLD, NY 11971 Reserve This Soacc For Use OtReconlinlli OMc:e NYSHA _1aI RnI F.- F........ HoIDoc:s" (9.1lll) ~2- COfl1l'ilhl~.o............ . . 'r, ,_ .fI:. ....' DECISION 2000 REAL ESTATE SERVICES INC. liQIEDULI! A CONTINUF.D 1"il1e Na.04-08.4861 Alllhal cenain plot. picc:c or parccI of land. siluale. lying and being al Malliluck. Town of Soulhold. Counly of Suffolk and State (If N~ York. boUndL'CI and dL'SCI'ibL'Cl as follows: BegilUling at a point on 1M euslerly silk! of Marrarooka Lane dislanl 300 feetllOUlherly from lhe comer fanned by the iml'/'lleClion nf Main Road (New York State Route 25) with lhe easterly ,ide nf Marratonka Lane: Running lhence from said poinl or place of beginnins South 88 degrees 37 minute5 40 seconds Easl 150 feel: Running thence South I degree 22 minules 20 5eL'Onds WllstlOO feci: Running Ihence Nonh 88 degrees 37 minules 40 seconds West ISO fcello lhe easterly side of Marratooka Lane: Running Ihence along the easterly side of MamlOOka Lane North I degrc:c 22 minules 20 seconds East lOll feet 10 Ihe painl or pluc.! of Beginning. For Information Only: Dislric:tlOOO Sec:lion 115.00 Block 02.00 Lot 002.000 Rllprue",ing Chicago TiI/II/II.,urance Company . . . -;.'1.- ..., ~2 1 Number of paps TOR'RENS Certificate # '. -~f,-/j.-......" ., RECORDEt' '2005 Jar. 21 11:57:50 IlII E~ard p.Roapl~. ClEIlK r.F ~O\.I( COUNTY L &'0001236;' P ~lIJ DTlI ~-2545(l Serial # Deed I Monaaae InslrUment D:et! I Mottp&e Tax Stamp FEES Reconlinal FUina SlIImps 4 Page I Filing Fee Handling '1'1'-584 Monpge AmI. . I.BuIcTax 2. Addilional Tu Notation Sub Tolal EA-52 17 (County) EA-52 17 (SlIIte) _ Sub Total OCher Sub 101111 /S-1rE SpecJAslit. Or Spec. IAdd. TOT. MTO. TAX Dual Town Dual County_ Held for Apportionmen~ "?'[7;r- Transf.Taic ~_ Mansion Tax The property covucd by this mortNe is or will be improved by a one or two family dwellin& only, YES orNO_ If NO. _ Ipproprlate laX clause on page. _ oflbis InlllW!"'nl. R.P.T.5.A, Comm.ofEd, .?iJ= S 'C20.- Affida.i' Certified Copy Reg, Copy ORAND TOTAL I Real Ptopetty Tu Service Agency VcriflQlion Disl " Section B lock Lol . -- ----- - ,..- . ..- I 11500 0..00 002000 ' 1(: , I 6 Communi Preservation ,Fund 'Con.iifer.tion Amount S SiamI' . CPF Tax Due S Dote Iinproved Inilials ! 7 S.tisfactionsIDisdulI'lleslReleascs Lisi Property Owners'M.i1fng-Add RECORD 01: RETURN TO: PAUL A. CAMLNITI. ESQ. P. O. BOX 846 SOUTHOLD. NY 11971 Vacant Land TO It) TO TO 9 8 Title Company Information Co. Name DECISION 2000 TItletl Suffolk Count Recordin & Endorsement Pa e Ihis page fonns pBrt ofthc altachcd DEED (SPEaFY TIPE OF INSJRUMENJ') made by: FRANK KOWALI!SKY AS SURVIVING rElIANT IJY In&; U'tI.1K!;'ry The premises b=in is situallld in SUFFOLK COUNIY. NEW YORK. SOUTHOLD In tile Township of In the VILLAGE ' or HAMLET of TO MICHAEL DAVIDS AND SANDRA DAVIDS BOXES S 'J1-IRU 9 MUST BE TYPED OR PRINIED IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDING OR FILING. (OVER) 115 ~ Lf- ;2 l/JSG1 r 234 I ~IIIIIIIIII~ IIIIIIIII~1I1111111111111 111111111111 mIl I 1111 sUProLlt COURTY CLBIUt RBCORDS OI'PICB RBCORDIBG PMB Type of In.t1"Ulll8Dt. DBBDS/DDD Number of Page.. 4 Receipt Number . 05-0007485 TRANSPBR TAX HUMBBR: 04-25450 Recorded. At. 01/21/2005 11z57.50 AM Di.trict: 1000 LIBBR: PMB: D00012367 234 Deed Amow1t: Section. Block: 115.00 04.00 BXAMJ:NBD AND CHARCiBD AS FOLLOWS $385.000.00 Lot. 002.000 Received the Pol1owing Pee. For Above In.~t 'I:r-"t NO NO NO NO NO NO Page/Filing COB BA-CTY Tp-584 RPT Tran.fer tax $12.00 $5.00 $5.00 $5.00 $30.00 $1.540.00 Handling NYS SRCHG BA-STATB C.rt.Copi.. SCTII Caaa.Pr.. Fee. Paid $5.00 $15.00 $75.00 $0.00 $0.00 $4.700.00 $6.392.00 B:r-..pt NO NO NO NO NO NO TRAHSFBR TAX HtlMBBR: 04-25450 THIS pAGB IS A PART 011' THB DtSTRtDCBIlT THIS IS NOT A BILL Bdward P.Romaine County Clerk. Suffolk County PLEASE TYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRmNG ON FORM , INSTRUcnONS: http:// wWw.orps.stlIte.ny.ua or PHONE (&181 473-7222 FOR COUNTY use ONL V ,8, 1.2;, f. cf. .." C2. - o..d R..._ I f, I 0/. I 1I).sI ~ 'h.- c:a.'_ I j,q,,?;,t, 1C4...... j. PftOPERTV INFORMATION C1. lIWIB Code ,. "'-I 335 ......... ..-- -- Harratooka Lana .-,..... ~.hold an PI ..= .LDswr,_ I D=af:,~ J. ,_ ............ fUIIn r. .. _ID__ _ -----..-..-, -- ......--/~ ~_.MD.,""I'S' .... .. ......... ....... .. - _.1 ........- - .............. * REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT "'''1101'__ arAlI MMIm OII.-AL. r1"IIIOr....y IIIIVII:B RP - 5217 1INJ17... 11ft !!!iFituck ~l Saadra ~- I 11952 we-. I: .... -- CRYU'l11IIIII I I nt.... .... -..-...----........ ..."......, -......---.,- 0 ... ..~- -...- _........T_ 0 C. PIal AppnMd for e.~"IIIiGn" ... Pn:McIId 0 'I ,er/Po..... GII 0 Po"",.lo_ o.=.., I - Ixl .... I GIll .-...., ..- - W'&\'BL LUI...../~ .. 7. a.- the baa ............. __...... "'....,.............",........." at ......... III MIr. ~IIIMIII; -...----........ .. 0wn0nIlIp Twlo "_1n1um I ~ CammunilySlrvlce I....... ~... r . on v..... LaId J Ind_1oI 'II. "'-"v ""'*1_ on.......- _ .. PIlbllo_ ...__.__~ L - ""''''__1000 Aa_"_ 1L a.II__ _fill __ -I...- _.................-r. --_.._- ---~.._In_ _.....~Io_._ .... or.... II Coi.IiI..._i( Agency or LInding IfIIIiIudon _ TVllO'" Waor.......... _.... c~_ _..F_..,-_..._ClIpocIIy_ __,I Olongoln "'- _ T....... __.nd __ _"_Io_In__ oma..lIn_ F_AlIMIInI _ _I~_ HaM ^~_F__1oI B 2ar3Famlly............' C _ v.... Land D __V_Land I SALE INFORMATION I 11.___ E~Aa_ I' tom......1 (i Aplrtmonl . H EmenalnR'llftl/~ III - 19 ... 104 - , . '''_''_/T_ LJ - I "I ~~ ... - ...... ..3-'1 Frank ....r.... o o o o ,......_:- . I .3 , 8 . 5 , 0 , 0 , 0.0.0 I , , . IFull__IoIho_I._poId lor.... _......... __. ____;n.._..-.__.._....._'" ~ or...... ~ -1 ~ ,..,. ffMIIfIIlD .................... ...-:.:::=- I . . . . . , . 0 . 0 I ......., ...., I . I ASSESSMENT INFORMATION - DIlIl ohouId refllCl.. _ FinIII_rnam Roll and Tu BQII . . ,..v_.;" _'""'_'II"'i\Ai'"17'T___IaI"'_In_~ .. ~-~ ~(J -,......-....- UUfU"" z-:: J~ ' r, :=:..::.:~.::.::~_..:~!_71T~,.it l 1000-115.00-02.00-002.000 .' ..' I I CERllRCAlTON I ......,............... ",.... .. -............. ftnn............ arncI ,........ fII..,.u_" '.. MIl liliiii)_. -& .................. "'''' --- "'-.... -......... .lIldlt __" "'..._ n _............. ...."'..........._.... IIl!EB IUYEII'8 AnDllNEY ;(~~~~~ --C/7jor ~:d1 11ll1U.T_ I t1I1RRIITtJdU/ I.tflAJe mar.,-. W'IIIl MUt tlfhllrUc,K cnv........ N~ 1/9S2... .,..11: II'c:GIIIr. i I BY&!! -~LF~~t 1'"~6". Cel"llNlrJ -- I ~II~ -- ~.31 7' ,,- -~-,() d lILJ1I'NClN1_. -- NEW YORK STATE COpy '- . ~