HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12429 P 403 Jl5- 3-)~,3 L,! 21119. siandBrd N.Y.B.T.U. Form llOO2-ll8rg8ln and Sale Deed with Cave/llInIS aplnlll Gl8I1lor's Acls-UnIfann AdcllllWledgment p if 03 Form 3290 CONSULT YOUR LAWYER BEFORE SIGNING THIS DOCUMENT-THIS INlIlRUMENT SHOULD BE USED BY LAWYERS ONLY llllS INDENTURE. madeth~ of ~ In the ytNIr2005 BE1WEEN MICHAEL ETRA AND CAROL PEDEL TY. I8IIdlng at 165 East 32"" Street. Apt. 2E. New YOl1l, New York 10016 party of the first part, end RUSSELL R. 'MLLIAMSON AND EILEEN P. 'MLLlAMSON. residing at 10885 Peconic Bay Boulevard. Matli\Uck, New Yorl< 11 952 party of the aecond part. WITNESSETH. that the party of the first part, In OOIIIlderation ofllln end 00/100 ($10.00) dollars. peId by the party of the second part, doeS her8by gl1lnt end rele8lll unto tha party of tha II8COIICI part, the heirs or successors and assigns of tha party of the S8C0nd part forever, ALL that certain plot, plec:e or pan:el of land. with the buildings end Improvements thel1lOn arected. situalll. lying end being in the P.... _ Schedule NA" Mtached henltO and made JIIIrt haNOl. TOGElllER with all right, title and interest, if any. of tha party of the IIrst piut In and to any streets and roads ebu1llng the above described premI8a8 to the center lina then!of; TOGElllER with the appurtBnancel and ell the ..tate and rights of the party of tha first part in and to 88Id prernlMs; TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the premiS81 herein granted unto tha party of tha IIlICOIllI part, the heirs or SUOC. .SOl'l and assigns of the party of tha second part fonMlr. AND the party of the first part covenants that the party of the first part has not done or eutrered anything whal1lby tha Aid premiBaB have been ancumtMnd in eny way whatever. except es aro1888id. AND the party of the IIrst part, in compliance with SectIon 13 of tha Lien Law. ~nts that the party of the first part win receive the c:onaIdaratiOn for thil c:onvey8l1C8 and will hold the right to I1IC8Ive such considaration .. a trult fund to be applied first for the purpose of paying the coat of the Improvement and will apply tha I8me IIrst to the payment of tha coat of thalmproVement before using any part of the lDlBl of the Arne for any other purpotl8. The word "party" shell be constnJed as if to read "parties" whenever the 88n88 of thlllndanture 80 requires. IN WITNESS WHEREOF. tha party of thallrst part ha duly executed thie deed the day end yaer IIrst ebove wrltIen. .~ if..-flek ~AAJ~~f1! CeroI Pedelty , . S-9916 nF.SCRIPTION .'&'ll thai certain plot, pio:ce or parcel of land, with the buildings and improvements thereon erecte..I, siluate, lying and being in the Town of Soutbold, County of Sufi1.llk and State of No:w York bounded aud described as follows: BEGINNING at a monument on Ihe wcsn:rly side of Marralooka Lane at the llOutheasl comer of the herein described premises where \he same is intersected by the northerly side of land now or formL'I"ly of Cuddy, said point also being 394.57 feet northerly as measured along the westerly side of MlII11Itooka Lane from the comer formed by the interscction of the northerly side of New Sunblk Avenue with the: wc.~lerly side of Marr3tooka Lake; RUNNING TIIENCE from said point of beginning along land IIOW or fonnerly of Cuddy, first above mentioned north 80 degrees 56 minutes 50 seconds west 373.87 fect to the mean high waler mark arthe: Marratooka Lake; RUNNING THENCE along th" mean high water JIIark of Marralooka Lake: I) north 16 degrees 19 minutes 30 seconds east 74.90 fo:et; 2) north 04 degrees 08 minutes 33 seconds east 93.98 feet 10 land now or formerly of Woodhull; RUNNING THENCE north 82 degrees 20 minutes 30 SL'COlllls east along said Innds now or formerly of Woodhull 351.00 feet to a monulllent in the westerly side of Marralooka Lane; RUNNING THENCE al.lng the wo:sterly side of Marralooka I.ane south 1 degreo: 22 minutes 20 seconds west 271.30 reet to the point or place of BEGINN1NG. TO BE USED ONLY WHEN THE ACKNOWLEDGMENT IS MADE IN NEW YORK STATE StaI8 of New York, County of Suffolk D.: On ~d8y of kce~1n the yeIIr 20lIli ~U/ldeISiIIIllIlIQ>>~~ ~ Q1:'me~~to~~lu.of u\Iaf8C:IllIy lIVIdInCII to be the 1ndIvicIulII(1) ..... l1li1118(1) il (_) IUlIICrIbed to the within Inltnlmenlencl ~1. ~ged to me the\1lIIIIheIlhey exew\8d the lime In hiIIherIIheIr capecI\y(IeI), end theI by hilllherllhelr 1ignllure(1) on the InalnmlllnI. the lndIvIduIl(l) or the peraan upon beheIf of which the 1nd"1VIdu111(1) lICIlld, IlItICUIed the 1nIlNmenl. StaI8 of New York, County of On the d8y of In the v-r belonI me, the undeIIlgned. perIOIlIIIIy IPPlIIIred perIOIIllIy known to me or proved to me on the belli of uIiIlIIctory evidence to be the IncIIvIduaI(l) __11IIIIlI(1) II (...) aublatbecl to the within ~ and ec:knowIedgecI to me thII he/lheI\IlIIy executed the _ In hillherlthelr Clped\y(III). and thl! by hillhedlheir 1IgneIule(1) on the InlllUment. the lncIivlclueI(l) or the pereon upon behalf ofwhlch the 1nd1vldu8l(1) lICIlld. exeaIIId the Inltnlment. II.: (1~~ofl:L~edg~ NANCY L BAGSHAW NoIIUY Public - S\atlI of New YOlk No.01BA8129745 QuIIIlled In SullaIk CountY ~~Y~E ACKNOWLEDGMENT IS MADE OUTSIDE NEW YORK STATE Stale (or District of CoIumbill. Terri1ory, or Foreign Country) of (1IgnIIure and olIice of Inclivldull liking lhelCknowledgment On the day of personelly appeared personelly known to me Dl' proved to me on the bnil of aatIIf8c;tory evidence to be the fndlvldua~s) whose name(s) is (are) IUblcribed to \he within Ina1rvment and acknDwIedged to me that heIlIhellhay executed the aame In hlelherllhelr capac:lty(laI) and that by hillherllheir signaturels) on the instrument. thl IndlVldualls) or permn upon behalf of which the individual(s) acted, exacuted the Instrument, and that such individual made such applllnllC8 before the undersigned in the In the yeI/' before me. the undersigned. (_1I1e CiIy or _ poIIIcollubd_> (Iig....... and _ of 1nd1vid....1IIdng .........d/o.,..dl) BARGAIN AND SALE DEED WITH COVENANTS AGAINST GRANTOR'S ACTS TItIa No. SECTION \\5 BLOCK -3 LOT \"b.3...\'t>.\ COUNTY OR TOWN STREET ADDRESS TO RETURN BY MAIL TO: SAFE HARBOR TITLE AGENCY 1529 MaiD Streot Port Jeft'ertlllD, NY 11777 <-1No_....-*'lI~ Number of plIgell TORRENS RECORDED 2006 JilIl 06 04: 14:14 PH Certificate * a.ERKOF SUFFOLK COOHTY L 000012429 P403 DTlI 05-22316 Serial * Prior Clf. * Do:ed I Mort~e InlllnJmenl Deed I Mortgage Tax Swnp FEES Recording I filing Stamps 3 018001 1000 11500 0300 018003 Moltgllge: Ami. I. Basic Tax 2. Addili.mul TWl Sub Tolal Spec J AssiL or Spec:. I Add. TOT. MTG. TAX Dual Town _ Dual County _ Held for Appoin\mcn~ ..... TranSfcrT~~~ _ Mansion _ The rty covered bylhis mortgage is or w I be improved by a one or two famil dwelling only. Y or NO If NO. lICC 'lIIC lax clause on pagc * of lhis instrumenl./ -:J,J -O~ tloD FaDel t s9 24"\.0 S 16S.:0 Page I Filiag Fee Handling TP-S84 S. J!!L Notalion EA-S2 17 (COUnly) EA-S217 (Slalc:) R.P.T.S.A. SubTl1ll11 50-- Comm. of Ed. Affidavil S. 00 Certilit:d Copy NYS Surcharge Other IS. J!!L Sub Tolal Grund TOlal---1.1l-' Section \16 Block .3 Real Propert: Tax Servit:e . Agency Verificalion -.. - .- CPF Tax Due Impnwed \<oIl.'UDl Land ~ SalisfuclilmsIDisehargeslRel_ Lisl Proiierty Owriei-s Mailing ^ddres.~ RECORD I: RETURN TO: '1~h r f.vcclplq ?.:zo \-t \-\01 Are-. \-knl~~c'). ~'? '\69:) ~. ::L .TDL- Suffolk Count Infonnation 8 & Endorsement Pa e This page: forms part of the lIl\aChed made by: (SPECI....y TY~ 01' INSTRUMI,NT) ~~ ~~~~~i.~ T The premises herein is situated in SUFFOLK COUNTY. NEW YORK. In the Township of s..r..~drl In the VILLAGE or HAMLET of BOXES 6 TIlRU . MUST BE TYPED OR PRINruD IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDING OR FlUNG. (over) IIH~IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 1IIIIIIHlIIIII StJPPOLlC COtlNTY CLBRIC RBCORDS OPPXCB RBCORDXNG PAGB Type of In.t~t, DBBDS/DDD HUmber of Page., 4 Receipt Humber , 06-0001847 TRANSPBR TAX .~a&BR: 05-22316 Recorded: At. OU06/2006 04,14.14 PH LXBBR: PAGB: D00012429 403 Deed Amount. Section. Block. 115.00 03.00 1OY&JaNBJ) ANI) CHARGBD AS FOLLOWS $925.000.00 Lot: 018.003 District, 1000 Received the Following Pee. For Above Instrument Exempt Exempt Page/Piling $12.00 NO JIaDdling $5.00 NO COB $5.00 NO NYS SRCHG $15.00 NO BA- C'l'Y $5.00 NO BA-STA'l'B $75.00 NO TP-584 $5.00 1l'0 Cert.Copie. $0.00 NO JlPT $50.00 NO SCTM $0.00 NO Transfer tax $3.700.00 NO CaIIIID.Pres $15.500.00 NO Pee. Paid $19,372.00 TRANSPER TAX HUMBBlh 05-22316 THIS PAGB IS A PART 01' THB DlSTR'lJMIINT THIS IS NOT A BILL PLEASE TYPE OR PRESS FIRML V WHEN WRrTlNG ON FORM . . INSTRUCTIONS: http;J/ www.orps.stllte.ny.us or PHONE 15181 473-7222 FOR COUNlY USE ONLY Cl. 8WlS CocM 14,103. R,g,11 C2. 0- o.M R..."lod I . I, u It) ~ I C3. _ I I :~. Lf .. dl, '7{; rA. :. (If J' ,~. PROPERTY INFORMAllON '.-11I00.,j. 12..50 I t--1~(.2..ATod<.A LocItIGn ..-.-. .......- .JIV'I"' ..-- <\QJ,.+td..... 0 """..- :1.= ~.l;.~""SO'" vJ \ L-L.. I AM S-.C'JN I.AIT.....'~ REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT STAn OF _ YORK STAn _ OF IlEAL ___.. lIERVICE8 RP - 5217 ....aI' .... J/In I 1\95:2.1 ..c:cxx: -- I. Tax ............T.......IO.... I ...... .__..... _111_ a110nnl . -- I .1IIIn.......,...."....... LMT ....., r;aMIWIY -,- gn'U11I_ ..................... A__ ...t Rot,... b-A.~ad an...... 10 ,0 . '2.1 hIP...... OR 0 P.otol.Pircol &'=-1 .... lOR I Ixl '- . ._.fUT .....n SIAl. "'..- 1OnIV.-...--."'"'opptv: oA. PIonning __ Su_ Audlorily ~ 0 ..._............__lo1HIfar_ 0 C. PwctI ApprCMd for lutt""l'iIIun with MIp PnMdId 0 ..- - GT ,e.~ 1.A'STJM.:'~ Pb()€L"'~ 1A8T"""'CIIIIW'MY ~. ~A6L C.Al?.oL -,- 1. Q-*" bn ......... ........ ..bd__......... __ 111_ propIftV ........... rII... A~ lIno Fomlly_1 II 2or3FomiIy_1 C __V_Lonll D Nan - .. 1'1IV~ t..nd l SALE INFORMAllON I "._-- E ~ AgriouItu,oI I' c-_I (J ApuImolIt H E.....ln.....' Am_ I ~ c-munlty_ J ........01 I( Public_ L F.... -..----opptv: .. 0wnMIhIp Type iI ~Idom~,:""' . .. _ CcnouucIIan on V.... lind .. "'-" _ wIIh~.............1 DIoIrlo:r _1uyIr.-.__-.u ......_loln..~nIID101rlo:r o o o o - , , DIr YW 11.c::M*_.............._ -- __ .. - .. ........rer:. 'I._,,_/T_ I J.J- ,~ ,'r"h I - ... - ^ B C D E F (i II I J .'Lz..S",op P,O,OI , , . __ PricoIo...._I.mount poOl far..._..........-_. ____.......farmal---or~orlho .......'" ftIOIt9IIII or aIIw .a.~17""1l...... I'IIeII1'GUIId to .,.,...... .... MMUN. ,..FuI__ 801o__or__ SOIo__~or-..IlullHOII an. "'.... SuyonIIo _._ Buyer or SelIOr '- GcNDrIIIlIMI Avtnr:t or ~nQ InMiMIon Doocl1'\'llO.... w........, or Sorgom .nll&olo18pocify IIoIowl 8010 01_ or ~ _ ~ _ ISpoc:Ity IIoIowl S1v_Chongoln",-_T___ _1lIO 5* of ~ illndudId in SlllPlice 0Ihar U...... F_ ~ &010 PricoISpoc:lty_ . Nono ,..-.........,.- I 0 0 I ...---....- . ~ ' ASSESSMENT INFORMATION. Dola IhDuld ntIlOGt Iho _ FInoI a....--..nl Rail Ind Till 8111 ,..V_..- ._1lioii-1"5", I _~... I....... u. '7.T___1aI.....-~_., . . . . I. - . , , ,.._a- ~-LJ 'L___' MATT/Tuc..K-- CJ"ft'HnG Uf: & 'i~ .21. T.. MIip ........CW I RIll.... - III Of ..........tour....... ___willi.... -II.......... _ tJ O"X)- 115,00 - 03 . om - 0 I ~ .00\ I I IOCP -/I'5.oC) - 0'3- 0;:0- 018. 0<:1'3 I. I I CERTlFlCAllON I 1~_""'Ihr_""'" .. _00...._...___.\0....."'..,................-1I0IIoI)...1-41.. .......1IIlIIdDa ~0lQ'...... __ fI_1lIr\ _ w111111l1od....1O I" __....._fllIII_..... _............. .......or__ IYDB BUYER" ATTORNEY ~L._ _I!$~~I:~ .,.,... ........,... ..'It ~ALA,E's~, J'OStf'tl IMTrMIIP ...,..... 51" --- jJbO ...... - I /I.~~..~~ II (). ZP_ I II/"'f/f)(' "/-a....,AoI.- .... tlf-l 1 (t~I" . "". .. .:. .;.' CaNL ~a'.- ~ .7: .t:. 'I.' .u.............. .: ... 1; RL'1!L.1.( ~ NEW YORK STATE COpy )