HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12408 P 265 f __'.__ : . .' .. .. .. . . . L 12YD~ f i~"5 District: 1000 Scction: 113.00 Block: 07.00 Lot: 019.026 Town: Soulhold County: Suffolk '.w:!016 vi .1lmI1'iadIlr 10 14.:l'CIc PIIh i/3--7-/Cf:l&, U'f(.-1 fP PINDAR ASSOCIA rES, LLC GRANTOR, TO BICYCLE PATH LLC GRANTEE WARRANTY DEED Return by Mail to: Leslie Feifer, Esq. Japan Schlesinger Hoffinan LLP 300 Garden City Plaza, S'" Floor Garden City, New York IIS30 . ~ . . .~ THIS INDENTURE, made the ~daY of August, 2005 between PindlU" Associates, LLC having an address ut 59 I-A Bicycle Path, Port Jefferson, New York II n6 ("Grantor''), and Bicycle Palh LLC, a New York limited liability company, having an address at 591-A Bicycle Path, Pon JelTerson, New York 11776 ("Grantcc"). 1Y-~~ . ~OV If :!> , (I f). That Gr:tlltor, in consideration ofTen ($1 0.00) Dollars paid by the Grantee, docs hereby granl I and release unto the Grantec, the heirs or successors and assigns of the Grantee forever WIT N E SSE T H: ALL that cenain plot, piece or parcel ofland, silUale, lying and being at Maltituck, Town of Southold. County of SulTolk and Stale of New York, bounded and deseribed as follows: I. BEGINNING at a point on the southerly side ofBcrgcn Avenue at the nonhcos\c:rly comer of the parcel about to be dcseri bcd, said point being situate the following two (2) courses and distances as measured along the southerly side of Bergen Avenue from \he intersection ofthc southerly side of Bergen Avenue and the wcSlerly side of Cox Neck Road: (I) South 63 degrees 54 minuleS 31 seconds West 1298.54 feci, (2) Soulh 55 degrees 12 minutes 21 seconds West 526.26 feet; said point also being situate South 55 degrees 12 minUIeS 21 seconds West as measured along the southerly side of Bergen Avenue 178.39 feel from the northeasterly eorner of land of Grantor; RUNNING TIIENCE from said point of beginning South 34 degrees 47 minutes 39 seconds East through land of Grantor 1122.00 feel to land now or fonnerly Thornlon E. Smith; RUNNING THENCE along land now or fonnerly ofThomlon E. Smith the following four (4) courses and distances: (I) South 56 degrees 07 minutes 58 seconds WI.'St 406.41 fect, (2) South 5 I degrees 24 minutes 0 I seconds West 51.06 feci. (3) Soulh 56degrccs09 minutes 21 secondsWcsl817.41 feet, (4) North 32 degrees 10 minules 19 SCl:onds West 201.48 feet to land now or fonnerly Minus Mihaltses & Vassilik Mihaltses; RUNNING THENCE along land now or fonnerly of Minas Miba1tscs & Vassilik Mihaltsc:s the followinlltwo (2) courses and distances: . (I) North 64 degrees 05 minules II seconds East 2.00 feet, (2) North 32 degrees 38 minules 09 seconds West 406.76 fectto a point; RUNNING THENCE through land of Grantor the following two (2) courses and dislanees: (I) North 55 dcgrces 12 minutes 21 sc:eondsEastI75.00fccl, (2) North 32 degrees 38 minutes 09 seconds West498.18 fcc\ to the southerly side ofBergc:n 1442016 v2 -1lL"ed Pindu 10 lJiq'tlc: PIIlb 2 r " A venue; RUNNING THENCE Nonh 55 degrees 12 minu\cs 21 seconds East along the southerly side of Bcrgen Avenue 1054.33 feet to the point or place of BEGINNING. Conlaining an area of 30.0000 acres. TOGETHER with all right, title and interest. if any, of Grantor in an~ 10 any streets and roads abuning the above described premises 10 the center lines thereof, TOGETHER wilh the appuncnanccs and all the estate and rights of Grantor in and to said premises, TO HA VI:: AND TO HOLD, the premises herein granted unto the Grantee, Ihe heirs or successors and assigns of the Grantee forever. AND Grantor, in compliance with Section 1J of the Lien I..awcovenants that the Grantor will receive the consideration for this conveyance and will hold the right to receive such consideralion as a trust fund for the purpose of paying the COSI of the improvement and will apply the same lirstto the payment 10 the cost oflhe improvement before using any pan of the total of the same for any other purpose. AND Granlor covenants as follows: FIRST That said Grantor is sei7.ed of the said premises in fee simple, and has good right 10 convey the same; SECOND 'Iblthe: Grantee shall quietly enjoy the said premises; THIRD 1bllhe said premises arc free from encumbrances. except as aforesaid; FOURTH Thai the Grantor will execute: or procure any funher necessary assurance of the title to said premises; FIFTH That said Grantor will forever \WITIIIlt the title to said premises; 1be words "Grantor and Grantee" shall be eonslrued as if they read "Grantors and Grantees" whenever Ihe sense of this indenlure so requires. .""1016.2. Deed I'indar 10 Ifioyde I'oIh 3 . 't' ..' . " IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Grantor has duly executed this deed the day and year first above wrillen. In prescnce of: PINDAR ASSOCIATES, LLC By.~~ Name: 'tOllcWl 1QJ'l'\CXl Title:~~ STATE OF NEW YORK ) ) ss.: COUNTY or SUFFOLK ) On th~ day !If A!I8ust in the year 2005, before me, the undersigned, personally appeared Q\t"'lClJI('J~r'Do,"I~rsonally known to me or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the individual whose name is subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the same in his capacity, and that by his signature on the instrument, the individual, or the person upon behalf of which the ind"' I acted, executed the instrument. Notary Publtc CHRISTINA M. MAUCERI " Notary Public State 01 New Vorlt No. 01MASQ53136, Suffolk County Commission Expires December 11,2005 41442016 vi . Ucod P_IO Ilicycle PIIh 4 . - =".. -- 6 Numbo:r of pages TORRENS Serial II CcrtilicOle II Prior Clf. II t Deed . MortS"llC Insll1lmcnl Deed , MOIti"IIC Tax SllImp FEES 3 PIgc , FilinS Pee Handliog 5 ..lIlL 5"""' TP-584 Notation ~- 7~~ :=0 ro.. Sub ThlaI 0tJ EA-S217 (Counly) F.A-S217 rSlUlC) R.P.T.S.A. Comm. of Ed. 5. ..lIlL Affidavil Ccrtified Copy l26" /66~ Res. Copy Sub Total I.~- Graod Total Other REt:aU:O 2005 Sep 09 10.04: 34 AM Edward P.P.OIlIain~ CLERK OF SUFFOLK COUNTI' L 000012408 P 265 Dr. OS-a5S6a MOItpBC AmL I. Basic Tax 2. Additional Tax Sub Total Spec.' Assil. or Spec. I Add. TOT. MTG TAX Dual Town _ Dual Counly _ Held for Appointmen~ Transfer Tax , "'5 ...,. t:V) -- MllMion Tax The property eovered by Ibis mOlgagc is or will be bnproved by a one or lwo family dwelling only. YES or NO If NO. see appropriate tax clause on P"IIe II of this inalrumcnr. -os- 4 Real Propc:rty Tax Service Asency Verificarion Section IIJ.;) i> Block Lot OI1~();4 5 Communlt Presen'BtIon Food . '05035628 1000 i1300 - 0,00' Oi5l026 CollSidcratiooAmouol $ 9'1s:, P"().t1f) ~p~s CPFTaxDuc $ /~ bt)(U;f) ~A ........ -=- Improved Vacanl Laud 'V ~ SarisfactionfDischqcsfRc1case Lisl Fropcrty Owners Moiling Address RECORD & RETURN TO: /..r;u hi Fel ~ /IS.,. J~,'f" .s eJ1lu ,.,-HflfP-- I.-c..-P 3w 6111~A,.. CAVy PI,~ S'P'f/Od- 7 r;1f~ U-~ I /V'y /I >" lD TD 10 TD TO C -I 8 Suffolk County Recordin & Endorsement Pa e This pasc forms part of Ibe oltal:hed made by: P; "1.11,,,.. & J()~~ J...L..C, Thc prcmilris herein is silUOIed in SUFFOI.K COUNTY, NEW YORK. In Ihc Township of (' lJ.....JJ1.tS/1 - TO ~, cy~ P.,J+.. u ~- In lhe VILLAGI.! or HAMLET of BOXES 6 THROUGH 8 MUST BE TYPED OR PRl/I.'TED IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDING OR FU.ING (over) 1 1111111 1111 11m 1~1I1111 I111111111111111111111111 11111111111111111111 Stnl'POLlt COmrrY CLBRK RECORDS OPPICE RBCORDDlG PAGE Type of Instrument: DBBDS/DIlD Number of Pages: 5 Receipt Number . 05-0094545 TRANS PER TAX NUMBER: 05-05868 Recorded. At. 09/09/2005 10.04:34 All LIBER: PAGE: District. 1000 Section. Block: 113.00 07.00 1!'lI''lJlINED AND t'1IUGBD AS POLLOWS $975,000.00 Deed Amount. D00012408 265 Lot: 019.026 Received the Po11owing P..s Por Above Instrument Bxlllllpt B7""Q;)t Page/piling $15.00 NO Handling $5.00 NO COB $5.00 NO NYS SRCSG $15.00 NO EA-CTY $5.00 NO SA-STATB $75.00 NO TP-584 $5.00 NO Cert.Copie. $0.00 NO RP'1' $30.00 NO SCTM $0.00 NO Transfer tax $3,900.00 NO COIIIIIL.Pres $18,000.00 NO Pee. Paid $22,055.00 TRANSFER TAX NUMBBR: 05-05868 THIS PAGB IS A PART OP 'l'HB INSTRUMBNT THIS IS NOT A BILL Bdward P. Romaine County Clerk, Suffolk County . . .....--"- -. - FOR COUNTY USE ONLY Cl. S_Code PLEASE TYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRmNG ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS; http:t/ www.orpa.lltale.ny.u8 or PHONE 15181 473.7222 REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT 1~,?,3,9,9,Y1 it .efl ~9" U::::'~-I ..._' '.. .: C4. Pogo 1 ..iil. ':::..r1 .. .. STAlE Of NEW YORK STAlE _ OF IlEAL ...-n 8IRVICE8 ci. Dote _ Ro\:o.4IW .' cs.8oak PROPERTY INPORMAllON ',"'-1 4130 loAtIon ......,,__ lfattituck RP - 5217 1lNJ:17 .... M7 BargaD AveDue .nu:,..... ClTYOIII~1WN VlIAGI! ..- z. ..... N_ Bicycle Path LLC, a New York limited l1~i1ity CompaDY I.AII..../~ """IMIII .Mr~/1:UII"AH't "":'1IAIoII I. Tax IndicnI wIwI fuUn T.. BiIll.IWIO be III'It I _ n_.....__lolboaomdlonnl. - lAIT ~,COWIINt' "'T __ '~IIIP1 NUYIP... .'-.;' IlAM:. cr.vOllTOW"l PATP ...- 4.~" ..........",.. fT-.m: Hal p.-aIIa......,.d an'" died . ( I ,..P...... OR 0 ..n.hP..... ...... I DRI ~o. cr.a 1OnIy1...."'.____oppIy: .tA. PIInnIng lewd wIIh SJl ~?riIIon ~ E.... 0 ....llItllllilkJn ~ WII Rlqund for T,..,. 0 C _~IorSubd_""",,_ 0 liability compaDY I.=", I .... '''-lM, Ixl - ...... Nome PiDdar Associates LLC, a New York limit~d LAlli ....., COWoVf'i -.- LAST N..- lCOMNIrrI' --- 7. Check.. boa........ whIIh __ - ....,............. of the property .. thlI....__ '\~ 0.. F.....-... R 2CM:lhmHy~1 C _I v.... Wd D Non-AnIdlnd.1 v.... lind I SAlE INFORMATION I 11._~_ 1!~_Ilu'" F Com_ O ........... II Enter1llnment I ArnuIement J ~ Comm.n~_ J 11Id_1 K "0I1c_ L Fo_ -... - ---...... I. tJwnnh;p....." ~I...... .. New Conttruction on VlCMt lAnd 1M. Property Lbl:Itad wfthIn IP Agriculu... DiItricI ,... --.-..--..;"g -..._".....Agrlcullurollillricl o o o o 1L CI-* _ ..... of... _....._ ......... tD....-.: - I .... I VGOt '2._"'_/T_ 8 - I 30 .... I 05 I - A B C I.l F. I' G H I J ___or__ SIlo Iatwoon RalIItOCt Campa",- Dr PartneIW In a.... an. at ... ."... it allo . SIIlar eu.,., or SeIIr. Gov.rrwnent Aoanl7f or 1.endIng InIIItutIOn Cood..... _ __ or ......,.... SaloolSpodly _I _ 01 F.........' or Lola _ Fee -1SoociIv_ s;g- a..n.ln "'-"" _ T_...... one! Solo ""'"" "Ie of Bu..... illndudId in"lI "icII 0dI0ru...- --na __lSpoc:lfy_ - ,9 .7 ,5 .0.0 ,0. ~ , , . IFufl SIll Pric8 it the ..I .mount _ for lhe property including peqonal property. ThiI pavIIIInI mIV' bI in the farm "'.... am. pIapII'Iy or 000dI. OliN ....mptlon of mortgIfII or 0Iher ~4J ...... IOUfId (0 IN..... wfIoIe."., MnOUftf. ".-"''''''''- I . n. 0,0 I prlllpefty ............ '1M ... . ASSESSMENT INFORMATION. Dota oIIould _11Io 1_ FIn,'_mlnl Rolli'" TIX BI. '''V_'''- "-RoII_,O..57 1T.T...._V...IoI.._In_1 whiDh b................ 13. full .... .... ; .3.800'1 , 'I. ",-_ I I. Z.L-~ '1.8oho!"-~-1 ... T"""'_/__IOIII__Iour.__._--;;"_1 SectioD 113.00 I I CERTIFICATION I I cmlfy ,.... .. or.... _ or _ _ ua ............ _1IIlI....... n. tlI< ..... or IIQ" .......... boIIIl_ I ....... ..... .... ....-.. or.., ..1IIIiII1lIIot _ or _1iIl'l........ .11I 'IUI\Jo<l-" rlw ........... orrlw..... .... nlolh. In... .....""" ..... or...._ !I!,!Di!! BUYER'S ATTORNEY Block 07.00 Lot 019.026 Fiefer ...,- ., Leslie -- 4130 II'....' ....... BergaD Avenue .1"'r~""';Wl:1ALiI 5 L6 746-8000 .... aXIl I~....... Mattituck em.. .- NY ".n: /" ,..- NEW YORK STATE COPY &I.I&!! \