HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12415 P 595 '. 113-3-3, I \ ('I ." .,r,;''''IIIIIcInTIIIt/n8. Co 188 East FaIt Road . or New... VIbIbt PIUI&. New)blt 111601 (914)428-3433 {D)_f. 600\ .-QQI.q~ BARGAIN AND SALE DEED WITH COVENANT AGAINST GRANTORS'S ACTS (INDIVIDUAL OR CORPORATION) L-l ~LH5 f 5Cl5 FORM 8007 .I CAlITKlN T1D.q AOIlJo:EM~SHOlJLDUtiPKtiPAIlEDBV AN ATIORNEV ANDIU!VIEWEUBV ^'!TORNEYS FOR T1l1iSIlU.ERAND PURClIASEllIISFOIlE SDlOINO THIS INDENTURE, made the 20 day of Septembcr, 2005 Go ("'1..-- ~~ Martin J. Tannenbaum &; Rossana'Tannenbaum, of 3535 Cox Neck Road, Manituek, NY 11952 Ilbchy of the first part. and ("l... Stephanie ~ Miritello ~POf 10 Horse Hill Road Brookville, NY 11545 between - [.1- party of the second part. -:I': 07> j),) :. ~~} .IID WITNESSETH, that the party of the first part, in considerution ofS785,OOO.00. ~: D J. _1) Consideration amount. lawfully money of the United States. paid by tJ:'e party ofthe second part. ~I~, does hereby grant and release unto the party of the second part, the heirS or successors and assigns of ur: ~~. the party of the second part forever. ALL that certain plot. piece or parcel of land, with the buildings and improvements thereon erected. situated. lying and being AT I.AATTI11IClc. TbIA:>.....o~ SO&...'"T1-Iot....~ (.0\)(\"1"1 "po Sl......~ful "-' ahd- ~ at .utu>"I,,~d.t4tA.;W-o-..&:O~~ Beginning at the comer fonned by the intersection of the northerly side of Rosewood Drive with the westerly side of Cox Neck Road as said Drive and Road are shown on Map of Rosewood Estates. filed in the Suffolk County Clerk's Office on Janual}l24. 1969 as Map No.5240;running thence along the northerly side of Rosewood Drive. North 860 IS' 00. West 206.55 feet to the easterly side ofl..ot8 shown as on said Map 5240; running thence along said Lot 8, North 100 II' 20. West, 189.08 feel; and North 160 16' 30" West 45.62 fcctto land now or fonnerlyofCathlccn V. Carpenter; running thence along said land the following four courses and distances: I) South 860 29' 30. East 254..46 feet; 2) South 260 29' 30. East 49.56 feet; 3) South 70 22' 30. Wcst 102.94 feet; 4) South 69" 46' 30. East, 18.25 feet to the westerly side of Cox Neck Road; running thence along the westerly side of Cox Neck Road. South 20. 13' 30. West 80 feet to the comer of aforesaid at the point or place of BEGINNING. TOGETHER with all right. title and interest. if any. of the party of the first part in and to any streets and roads abuning the above de.,cribed premises to the center lines thcreof, TOGETHER with the appurtenances and all the estate and rights of the pany of the first pan in and to said premises. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the premises herein granted unto the party of the second part, e'\.- the heirs or successors and assign.s of the ll8ltVofthe seond part fprever.. -' " .-f' "-' l ,(,;.+ p....t- 13 I. ~ '04"'C!.. D"o:._,~ e.s 'c:DII\~ 'I ~o "f~ 'Hw '''~Tle. - :;;&.1..1.. .. dGUI "c,C_c.ded. 0.. ,. ;""" I( 'ft L.....e.c 1 '-" '" c.,., "3'. AlA, ~ /' U AND ~e party of the first part. in comp lance Will Section 13 ofthe Lien Law. covenants 'IVv"f/ that the party of the first part will receive the consideration for the conveyance and will hold the right to rcceive such consideration as a trust fund to be applied first for the purpose of paying the cost of the improvement and will apply the same first to the payment of the cost of the improvement before using any part of the total of the same for any other purpose: . The word "party" shall be construed as if it read "parties" whenever the sense of this indenture requires. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the party ofthc first part has duly executed this deed the day and year above writte lJA" .. 'T" T^"- I -no ...no,) J. ....."'-e ....ooa.ta-n . ..,......(n ~'...... I.y, { '9lU(lJI,.,,,, PurchllllCr Signature IN PRESENCE OF: 1 . \ Acknowledgment by a Person Within New York State (RPL ~309-a) STATE OF NEW YORK ) COUNTY OF j} IKSAl4.. ) 55.: ) On the 20 day of September in the t.I:.Y 2~1. before me the undersigned, personally appeared IIIRlCt,,; S. TII....~"~..,_ ,,~~rso~y k;ici~"lO me or proved to me on the ba.~is of satisfactory evidcnce to be the individual (s) whose name(s) is are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to that executed the same in capacity (ies), and that by signature(s) on the instrument, the individual(s), or the person upon behalfofwhich thc individual(s) acted, executed the instrument. 'ng acknowledgmcnt) LEANNE M. MCOONOUGH Notary Public, Stale of New York No.01MC6083955 OuelifJ8d in SUffolk County Commission Expires 1112512008 DEED Title No. 3001-99143 Section 113 Block 03.00 Lot 003.001 -7 County or Town Suffolk I ('IO Street Address 3535 Cox Neck Road ~~ Return By Mail to: '$A'f l\t"'Il.~~..1T, 1:-'1. #s:" -;+c.....-.r 4"f:. -Sic 791) t...,ue,... t,:f-v. ^,:1. "~'30 Reserve This Space For Use Of Recording Office 1"1- 2 J Number of ragos TORRENS 'f RECORDED 2005 Oct 20 11.28.27 RI1 Edward P.ROIIl<Iillt CLERK OF SlFFll.K COUHTY l ??oo12415 P 595 DTI 05-11701 Serial N Certificale N l'riorCIf. N Deed , MortWe Instrument Deed , Mortgage lax Stamp FilES Recording' Filing Slamps 4 . I'ago' I'iling 1'100 ( Mortgage Amt. I. Ilasic Tax "andling "'-5J1.4 2. Additionll Tax NOl8tiun Sub Totll r:A-52 17 (Cuunly) IlA-52 I 7 (SlIte) ---...: Sub 1'0111 Other Sub Total /rf; I SpecJAssit. Or Spe.. 'Add. TOT. MTG. TAX DUll Tuwn_DuII Counly_ Ilold f"r^PfX"tinn~"Onl . Tmnsf.r Tlx ' _ , . . . Mansiun Tax 'lb. property covered by this mortgage is or will be improved by lone ur IWU family dwelling only. ViiS arNO_ I f NO, see appropriate IIX clluse 011 page N _ oflhis instrument. 11I'.1'.S.A. ~.... Camlll. nf lid. 5 <2lL- Affidavit Certified Ca~y Reg. Copy GRAND TOTAL s Reall'mpcrty Tax Service Agency Verificatiun Stamp /1 ~ 1000 ~ 11300 0300 003001 6 Communit Preservatiun Funu Consideration Amounl S CJ>F Tax Due S / Onte Improved Inilials VacI,,1 I.I"d 7 SatisfactiollsIDisc:hargesIRelel\llCS Ust "roperty Owners Mailing Addres ' RECORD" RETURN TO: :r~X M,4ts~4'" S'f!f S+~UlR~t Allt-. - }",tc 79lJ (OA-ki.",.Cily, N~-I".J /1'5"30 / /) , TO TO TO 9 Suffolk Count 8 Title Comlmny Infurmution Ca. Nal~e g:;,/!...+ A-iLe.i CI94iI T Title /I "3"" I - /'1 Recordin & Endorsement Pa e ^ EI?D (SPECIFY TYPE OF INS'IRUMENT) . L, t., . '1111s page fonns pori. ofthc n1ll1ched n.ade by: M1lt-+/~ ::r. TfIt"1kLrI b'9q"" ~....J ~,..S4"'4 '- TI4IC.e.. b4~.., '!sf'f t. rOM I ., TO 1h,tl.ife.111J '111e prl:mises herein is silUIIletl in SUFFOLK COUNIY. NEW YORK. t:]DU. -tI. tJ / J In lite Towll5hip (Ir In lhe VILLAGE or HAMLET or 111 4 i 1-/ fNd:.. UOXES 5 ll-lRU 9 ~UST IJJ; W"ED OR I'RINI'ED IN D1.ACKINK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDING OR FILING. lOVER), 111111I11111111111111I111111111111111111111111111111111 11111111111111111111I1111 SUPFOLK COUNTY CLERK RECORDS OFFICE RBCORDING PAGE Type of Instrumsnt. DBBOS/DDD NUmbe~ of Pages. 3 Receipt NUmbe~ . 05-0110190 TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 05-11701 Reco~ded. At. 10/20/2005 11.28:27 All LIBER: PAGE: D00012415 595 Dist~ict. 1000 Section. Block. 113.00 03.00 EXAKINBD AND CHARGED AS FOLLOWS $785.000.00 Lot. 003.001 Deed Amount. Received the Following Pee. Po~ Above Instrument Exempt Exempt Page/Filing $9.00 NO Handling $5.00 NO COB $5.00 NO NYS SRCHG $15.00 NO BA-CTY $5.00 NO BA-STATB $75.00 NO TP-584 $5.00 NO Ce~t.Copies $0.00 NO RPT $30.00 NO SCTM $0.00 NO T~IUl.fe~ tax $3.140.00 NO C~.P~es $12,700.00 NO Pees Paid $15,989.00 TRANSFBR TAX NDMBBR. 05-11701 THIS PAGB IS A PART 01' TO Dl'STRtlMBNT THIS IS NOT A BILL Bdwa~d P.Romaine County C1e~k, Suffolk County . FOR COYN1Y USE ONLY "'~.SWJS~ 1,L{,.,1.0. g, K. ~ ....- C2. D.lte 0-1 "-ordod I / r? , d? .p, ~ I MDnth Dtly Y.r CI.II_ I I.~, '-(, I ,0 IC4.P_I~, q,.s, PROPERTY INFORMATION "=I?E.~ I~!:::et" Rrr0. ~ U:..\.t 'c..K arY"'~ 1._ LkiJ:l1el\c ,.... I.M'I ....,r:sJ/IINIM'I PLEASE TYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRITING ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS: hnp:t' www.orps.slata.nv.us or PHONE (518) 473-7222 REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT ,. STAlE OF I\EW' YORK . STATE IIOAIID OF REAL PROPERTT _ICES RP - 5217 1lI"o-U17 In :vn -- I ~ga;;~. I A I 1\P.521 ...... LAlrMla,tQtlIPAN't FlIWI"-' 3. Tn lrdcItI~futuroTIX8I".,.tDbe..,. I _.. 1__....__..._.._1. -- l.AIrNMII/~"'" ......- s.=:..., 120(o.El)lxll~.Q2,IORI SIR HIDN,....., UP"IIl 5._ I~~UN"'\ - I '"TTirwW'lbaum ~ "ACR!I' . I II1'lm: I .._ 10nIy.,.."'.__._...." M.PIanri.._w1I11__;,yE.- 0 ..S_"-__....ror_ 0 c._AAxowdror__Moo_ 0 111l1ff...-..4lfIGSllU.TIII\II'li CIIYCIIII~ 4....... - ......... aI.......... 0 tJ L 0 ~ ...... 1tIl_~......4 on 1M dIIld I '.' of P.rce15 OR I'IIrt of . Parcel I ~rlj() I (). I~M F"'I~ ,1.<6 .5,Q.CJ.O. II. III , , . (Full SIlt PrIce II the tIoIIl .mount pilei for It'll property inducing ...... property. ThiI ptyINftI mIY be.... form of cah, aIhu praplrty or goodI. or the.......ion of _.._abIigaIIonLl -_../110_-_......... ,.._11Io-"'-1 ,0,11,111 praperIy ....... ... 1M .... . ASSESSMENT INFORMATION. Data IhoIlkll1lllllCllhe "lilt Fln.I-.mont RoII.nd lox Bill ,1.=:":;;:':_1 O,S-; 17.T__V_I"'''_In''_' , , .'; CJ ol:) 114ft / c.w+-eh / L.."9-t(e.,e../ I _11Io__._...." I.~. T_1o Condominlum Ii ~ Agrlcultur'l I ~ Communky SaNeo .. Now c:.n.or.- on V_I Lond F Com_I J _ __~_"AQrIcuIIuralDiatrkt G Apartman' K __ ....1Iuyar_.__~ H Enl:eftllnrnent. I AmUlOmOllI t FonII IMt the property. In In AQncuIbnI DIItrIcI: ,.. QtICIr...... ..... 01_ oondIIIoN _....... CD.........-: A 1010__..__ B s... ..... Re&.ted Compllnlol or P'lil'lnonlln BdIlf.- C Onooltho _;s.IaD. Sol_ D au.,.... _10 _... Agan:y or l.ondint 1__ E Dead Typo _ w__ .. Iorgolo and Solo CSpodIy _ I' SaIo of F.....o.... or ~ INn Foo l_lllPadfy _, Cl &ignIIil:onl Cllonao in ......... _ T_ SIn. and SaIo Iloloa H _oI_IaInd_ln__ , U......I F-." AIIoc:tinu Solo Price _fy IIoIowl J o o o D 1. Chect: .... .. bIIDw which mad"'''''' dncrIbw.... UN of the PfOI*tY .-: the II,... aI ulr. ^~IIYRaa;_" R 2..3F....,_ C _V......Lond D Non.""IdIntW V....nt LInd I SALE INFORMATION I ,......-- '1. 0olo"''''' 1 T_or I -, ,2\ /2tlt51 I.ICIIIII DIt' y_ L9 ,20 /2ott2I ..... .... - '3. Full _ ..... ,I. "-'Y-=- 1~/.nl-LJ ,...,,___1 20. T.._-,--I.---.------I I ~~O'"l \\3 ~\tX:.t, CO.DC) U*000j~ I I CERTIfICATION 1~_oIIc1...-cl_-.......rOl1ll...--.......'..IIlo-"'III)'-...ud--I...... ...._...__ cllIIOf .__ _ '" _ root ........ID aobJc<1-...... ......ido... or... ..... .... _..... .........nr.w or_ _ BUYER'S ATTORNEY 2- ~ J ~!~ -- r q/dOJcS 1UVlll1lCiNAlW! DAn: H/ftlS'tf-/1 ....- ~~ ,'IIII1r_. u.~ N'~ ,,,*J 1TMfT... "'"'" 11I11 1 N.Y. I 1~'!l'V "ATE 5i~ .;l ~ go - P~?0 35"~:i ...- ....-- /VIA-tf,'+/A."1c OhrOlTCMN r/,;/(/) .If/;;'fd ."'11./ '" ~..~ ~ NEW YORK STATE COPY .-... ."