HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12418 P 773 LU'I-n?' .1 r17j . . i I TillS INDENTURE, maole lhe IIIRTWJo:F.N , I ~wA- I I I ~w~1 ; I 3~ G,-- 12 , NY2005 - Dq;oio.... _ Dood. wllh eu._..... 0..-', _ 7".- ..CllIponIIoa 1SiIIIo_ COHllULTYOUR LAWYER BEFORE SIGNING THl8INSTRU1fEHT -THIS 1N8TRIlIIEHT SHOULD BE USED BY LAWYERS ONLY. . . ." 0271z.. ~y.of $tt~ , in lhe year 'Uv 5" George W. Argentieri, residing at 271 Lowell Road, Sayvi1le, New.York 11782 p;uty of IIn: li"'l pan. and Philip Baron, residing at 1268 Wan tagh Avenue, Wantagh, New York 11793 ....... -. R"-'" _ 1"....11181_.[ .....JB ~..la",.-AY-':l.Lu1l::.,-4fa.&la_c:..t 11__ 1[_~ 117JJ. - (llIny oClIn: SCC<lOd pan, \YIl'NF.ss":l'lI, lhallhe pany oClhe lirsl pan. in considcl"~lion of ~ AI.!. Ihal cenain plOl, piece or ~I ofland, wilh !he buildin~ and ilOllR.!ycmcnllllhcreon erected, silulllc, lying and bein~ inlhe Town ot Southold, County of Suffolk, State of New York See Schedule A attached and made apart hereto G.........l-ot ..:- J-l,,_ 5,,\,,: ~:- ~ ~ b ~ {l","~~ fr.rM.';)... t. A.(~~h~11 who &,~ ON "'A~~i,Iq-'9.3 ' . REINOJAND INTENDED TO BE the same property conteyed to the party of the first pa: by deed dated September 19. 1962. and :filed in the Office of'hhe Clerk of puffol County on ~eptember 21. 1962 in L~ber of Deeds 5234 at page 444. I TOGb.,.HHR wilh all righl,lille and inleresl. if any,uhln: pany oflhe first JlW1 in and 10 any SlreelS and I"lIlIlbi ahulling the aoove Lh:.'Crihcd premises 10 Ihe centc:r lincslhereaf; TOGF.THER wilh lIu: oppunenances and alliin: CSlIIIC and righls of lhe pany (II lhe first p;ut in and 10 said pemises; TO HAVE AND TO 1191.1) the premises In:rein granled unlO lhe p;uty of1he second pan lhe heirs 01" SUCCCSliOlS and a...<igns of lhe puny of the !O:Cuod pan rureyer. AND lbe puny nf IIn: fin;1 (lIlI1 cnvenoOls Ihallbe pany ur the firsl part hus 111>1 done or suffered anylhing wherehy lhe sai, (lI'llI11ises h:lve been enculllbcR.'d in any way whatever. CXC~pl us aroresaid. AND lhe pany ofllu: fin.1 pan, in compliance;,;ilh Sl.-c.ion'1311fthc Ucn l..ow,COyenanlS lIulllhe p;uty oflhe firsl pun wil 'I' receive IIu: COIIsideralion for Ihis CODycyonce and will hold IhC'righlln receive such cODsidcl8lioo as a IruSI fund 10 he applie. ~I"S\ for IIn: pu~ uf. puying Ihe COSI or the improvcmc!ill ~ will apply the lIlI01C first 10 the paymenl nf lhe CDSI of IIu ',Improvemenl belore usmg wlY panuf lhe 100aI of lhe lIlIlDe fur any Olher purpose. The word "puny" shall he cooslrued as ir i read "panics" whenever lhe sense of Ibis indenlure so requires. , IN WITNF.8S WIIF.KEOF.lhe pany of the firlll JlW1 hIlS duly CX''CUlC}\his deed lhe day III1d ycur firlll above wrill~II, " (j uJ L /u.4 . ~ ~~ il7/f- )<" W George W. Argentieri.by n ,attorney in-fact Michael W. Argentteri . .. Topaz Abstract Corporation Schedule A Description Underwrtter No. 55O-S-21841 TItle Number 3&083 Policy Number: B 875081 Page 1 ALL that certain plot, piece, or parcel of land with the buildings and improvements thereon erected, situate, lying and being in the Township of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, being bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the southerly side of Holbrook Lane (Young's Right of Way: (Private Road) distant 369.63 feet easterly from the comer formed by the intersection of the southerly side of Holbrook Lane with the easterly side of Holbrook Lane (Young's Right of Way); Sald point of beginning also being where the division line between properly now or formerly of Bonagura and land now or formerly of Argentieri intersect the southerly side of Holbrook Lane; RUNNING THENCE North 81 degrees 03 minutes 00 seconds East along the southerly side of Holbrook Lane 65.00 feet to land now or formerly of Cacchioll; THENCE South 16 degrees 17 minutes 30 seconds East along said land 334.97 feet to Howard's Branch of Mattituck Creek; THENCE along Howard's Branch of Mattituck Creek the following two courses and distances: 1) South 88 degrees 27 minutes 05 seconds West 52.86 feet; 2) South 75 degrees 33 minutes 45 seconds West 29.81 feet to the aforesaid land now or formerly of Bonagura; THENCE North 13 degrees 25 minutes 42 seconds West along said land 329.27 feet to the southerly side of Holbrook Lane to the point or place of BEGINNING. - -_:. - -- ww___ --.c:..:-n.:...... -. ...........-..- On lhe c:97 PJi; of oJIIf'V in Ihc ycor 2005 hef"", me. !he undenisnod. penonally appeaml George V..Argentieri, by his sttorney in-fact Michael W. ArRentieri , peISOIIIIllylm'ilWn III me or proved 10 me 011 lhe ....1. of solisfactOly evidence IP be !he individuol(.) whose name(.) i. (are) subscribed llIlhe wilhin IlIlI1rvment .nd ...'knowl- edged 10 me hi heIsheIIhey e_ultd rhe some in hislherllheir <opodly("'), .nd rhor by hiolhedlheir sign.'Ure(.) OIIlhe ill>lrvmenr, rhe indivillu.IU), or !he penon 011 behalf nf which lhe individual(SIIlClCd, Clecultd lhe illS1rvl1lelll. ~ ~~~A~=~ ota~ 01C04l1478 4 QuaJIIIed In N.-u STATE OF , COUNTY Op8!m ExpIres February , On rhe day of in \he year ...-r"", me. the u......igned. 0 NOl.ry Public in ..... for said Srolc, pennn.lly ."""amI ,Ihe suhw:ribing willlOlll 10 rhe furqning iMrvmml, wilh whom I am penonolly .'qu.inled. w..... heinl by me duly .worn. did depose .nll ..y rhol helshc/Jhey l'Csid.,c.) in (ifrbl! plIce 01......... is in .ciIy, indsde........ oad _1IUIIlIler IfIl\Yo dIlIOoI); Ih.r he'shellhcy knnw(.) 10 he rhe individu.1 described in .nd who eleCUled the fUl'Claing illSlrvmenl; Ihllsaid subs<rihing wil,.... wo. prcsenl .nd saw Slid " . e_Ule rhe s.me; .nd Ihm..id wil.... Dllhe same lime "!IM,:ribed hislhcrl1heir name(s) IS . wilness \hereto ......... fullnw... if I"" _.......... is 1Ikm....1de NY SIoIe) .nd lhol oaid suhscriblng wirneu mode such .ppeIIlInce berm: lhe undersisnod in lhe tir-."" dIJ or Glher poIi'.:.1 ..Ibdi.i;i....nd .he 5,... or......ry oralher place Ihc pRJOfw..'.kcnl. iluroui" uull @tall' IDl'l'll wml ('''OVI!NANT AGAINSTOHANTOH'S ACTS ~m.HNo._ ...3:50~~<' George W. Argentieri TO Charles J. Fernandez Philip Baron TOPAZ ABSTRACT CORPORATION 37D Old Counlry R_ GInIen CIIJ. N.Y. 11530 .- . -.-.--. On \he day of in \he ycor before me. lhe undersisnN, penon.lly .ppeared , personally Ie-.. 10 me or proved 10 me 011 \he bosls of IIrisfOClOly evidence 10 be the individuaIC.) whose n.mees) iJ Care) subscribed 10lbe within illS1l11JDOt11 .... aelalowl- edged 10 me thai helshellhey Ollec:uled !he lime in hislhedtheir capacityCies). ..... 1II1II by hislherltheir si.....ure(s) on \he in......mem. Ihe individualls). or !he person on behalf of which lhe individual(s) leled, 0ll0ClIled \he instrvmenl [odd Ihc f........., Ihbc_.......... is iWnllllllidoNY_, and 1II1II said suh,,:ribing wil..... made such IIppelIIIIICe before rho undenJg_ in lhe r-""ciIr.-......_lOlddleSulc.. _......,...""EI_""..,....,.. uk..~ STATE OF . COUNTY OF On Ih. d.y 01' in lhe ye.r beflll'C me penonolly C.me 10 me known, w..... heinS by me duly sworn. did dep... and ,.y lbol he resides II lbol he Is the of the carponllion desaibed in and which e.eculed \he fcxqains in.<II1Imem: \hat he knows lhe sea' of s.id COIJIOI'IItion: thai \he .....1 .ffiM:d 10 said iRSlrvment is RUCh c:oopar:IIe ...1; lbol ir was ....ffi.... by order of lhe haanl of di.....1"'" of soid coll'pOl'lllion. .nd rh.1 he ,ign<'d h nome lhc:l'Clo hy like anlc:r. sa:TION 013.00 IlLOCK 06.00 loUr 012.000 COIJN1YlIRTOWN Suffolk sntI!Kl'ADDRF.5S 1010 Holbrook Lane MattituCk, New York 11952 Re<onIed II Req..... or STEWART rrn..ee RETURN BY MAli. TO: Bonnie Link, Esq. 53 North Park Avenue, Stiite 201 Rockville Centre, Nev York 11570 '. 7 TIlle CompaDy Infonnalion Co. Name TOPAZ ABSTRACf litle. 35093 SutTolk County'Recording & Endorsement Page , ". Number of plISCS 'CORRENS Serial. CcrtincaIC . Prior C1f. . Deed . Mortga&e Insuument .l Deed I Monl8lle '11IlI S1amp t-CES 2.]. Page Il'iling Fcc Handling 51KL TP.584 NO\lI\ion !::A-52 17 (County) Sub Total EA-S217 (Stale) R.I'.T.S.A. '\n. cD Comm. of Ed. s. .m.... AJ11dav;1 Certified Copy Rcg.Copy Sub TotDI Other 15~_ Grand 1bca.I 113.00 Block Section 06.00 Lot 012.000 5 Real ProJ'Crty TWI Service Agency VerificDtion . 1000 11300 0600 012000 6 Satisfac:tion/l)iscluugcslReh:asc Ust Property OwIlCl'll Mailing Address RECORD &. RETURN TO: BONNIE LINK, ESQ. 53 NORTH PARK A VENUE, SUITE 201 ROCKVILLE CENTRE, NY 11570 , " ." . .... ." 8 'rbi.. page fol'llll< part of the allaclu:d DEED RECOIlOED 2005 Hov f17 10: 34:12 RI1 Edward P.Romaine CLERK OF SUFFOlK COUNTY L ??oo12419 P 773 DT' 05-14136 Kcc:onIiD& I Filing Stamps Mortgage AmL J. Basic Tall 2. Additional Tax Sub Thlal Spec. I A'lSiL or Spcc.1 Add. TOT. MTG TAX Dual Thwn _ Dual CoolUy _ Held for Appoinllnllnt_ TransfcrTax ~ _ Mansioa 1U The property covered by this mOll!BgC is or wiD be improved by a ODe or lwo f~i1y dwcllinll only. YES or NO __ If NO, see approprialc I8ll c1aullC on J IJIIF. of this ill5lrulllCll\. Communil 1"ll1llDue -." Improved Vacant Land TO TO 'I'D made hy: (SPECifY TYPE 01' INSTRUMI!NT) GEORt':E W. AR(:ENTIERI 1bc prcmisis herein is situated in TO SUI'FOLKCOUNTY, NEW YORK. In the Thwnship of SOUTHOI.n In the VILLAGE PHILIP BARON or HAMUn' of BOXES 6 TIIROUGII 8 MUST BE TYI'I!D OR I'ltlNTED IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO NI!CORDING OR PILING (over} 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 1111111111111111111111111 StJI'FOLK COtD1'l'!' CLERK RECORDS Oll'lI'ICl!: RECORDING PAGE Type of Instrument. DaDS/DDD Number of Pages. 4 Receipt P'-her I 05-0116722 'l'RAIISFER TAX HmlBER: 05-14136 Recorded I 11/07/2005 Atl 10134112 AN LIBER: D00012418 PAGE: 773 District. 1000 Section 1 Block 1 113.00 06.00 BXAIIXIIBD JU\1D CJlARSBD AS roLLOWS $790,000.00 Deed AmDuDt 1 Received the Following Pee. For Above XDStZ1lm8Dt BIr~t 110 110 RO NO RO RO Page/PiliDg COB EA-Cn TP-584 RPT 'l'Z'aDsfer tax $12.00 $5.00 $5.00 $5.00 $30.00 $3,160.00 BaDc1ling II1YS SRCBG BA-STAH Cert.Copies SCTM CClIIIIl. Pre. Pee. paie! TRAKSFZR TAX NOMBERI 05-14136 THIS PAGZ XS A PART 01' 'I'BII: DlSTRtJHJUr.l' '1'BIS XS RO'1' A BILL Loti 012.000 $5.00 $15.00 $75.00 $0.00 $0.00 $12.800.00 $16,112.00 Bc!ward P .Romains COUDty Clerk. SUffolk COUDty ~~ 110 NO RO 110 110 110 PLEASE TYPE OR PRESS FIRft7lL Y WHEN WRITING ON- FORM INSTRUCTIONS: http:// www.orps.state.nv.us or PHONE (5181 473-7222 . . FOR COUNTY USE ONLY I J 1 g g ({4 C1. SWIS ~ I'.::L, ~ , ,jJ cz. .- DMd Recorded I III 7 Itl~ Monll DtIy vw. C3..- I ),. 0/. t.t ( r ~ C4. '- 7 7 I PROPERTY INFORMATION I "~I lOIn _' 1l'l'hTnnlc T.JOn.. -.-uvn ..,,..., NlWlllII '''111 NAMII REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPOK STAlE OF NEW YOIIK STAlE BOARD OF RiAL'~ SMVICIES RP - 5217 KNJJ7 ...."" Soutlio'ld' c:nv..._ MA'tt.i'tur'lr "',... IIQ~' ,..""'" Z.Buyor -' F......uoa.i.d....... '>- LAST"AMII!'~ Akl_l~~ .1. __ _r_ 'Ra....nn LMI-'/COIIW'MY --1 "lh<Hft .----~ 3. T.. Indicl.. whonl ,..... Tax... .. be .... I Billing __IhInbuyor__lIt_oIlorml. - 'M' NAIIt-, tOMMNV .... ..... ITE' NUIII[A At.;) ITIIU1' IiMMl 4. .......ttwlllllllber of "'1111 ......t RaD ....- ............ on.... _ c:nv..""", .I~IL "COIl[ 1 I , of,...oI8 OR 0 ,... of . '....1 1.- "'- SIze f'IIONrrttT Ixl ...... IORI .~. . ::5.'"0 I COnly W ,.. '" I _ a.. _ tIloy oppIy: OA. Pllnning Boord MtIl SUbctMllion AuIharily ExiIIII 0 .. S.bdM.ion Aj)pIwII_1Ioqu1rad for T....,.,. 0 c. PIn:oI ApprOlIId for 5<ml&..... _ Mop - 0 ..- No.... ~Ueri I IfX1IIIMW ("...nr".. II. IIIIITiDi! IA6T...../CXJIiIIPANY ...- ...J 7. Chd the box ..... which malt -. .eeI,'-- 1bM'IM.... 01 the property .. 1M 11m_ 01....: A~ One F.mily iIlIIldondll R 2or3F.mlly_ C _II V...nt Land D Non-RaIdontill V...nt Land I SALE INFORMATION I 1I.1III1a__ E~ Agricultur.1 I ~ Community SeMel F Com_I J IndUllrl1l G Aportment K Public Se_ If EntortIIlnmont' Amu"",",n. L F..... CbIIIc... _ _ _ tIloy oppIy: I. Ownanhlp Typo 10 Condominium ..Now~onV_lJu1d 1GA.Pluporty LocoIad MtIlin an ~.I DiItricI _ Buyor _. dIIcIoIure _Ind'ating """lho_IIin..Agrio:ut..rliDillrIcl o o o o 7 I i,J """ I 05 I v... 1&. Check ... 01'.... of'" oanIItIonI _ J. - ...... to .......rw: - A II <: I) Ii F G H I J Sola IIutwaun Re_... Fonner RaI_ SIlo -. _ Corn~... Po_..1n __ One of lho ...... is "'10 . SaIIar .....' or SaIlor 10 GawmmonI Agancy ... Londing Inllitution Duod Typo _ W...anty or Sllrgoin .nd Sala lSpKily Bulow) SIlo of Frac:llonlll or L.. thin F.. _1SpacI1y Balow) Slunlllconl a_In Praporty -. TlalbI. __ ond So SII. 0111&11I_ II IncludIId In Sola Prfca llII10r U......I Flelo.. AfI,..;ng SIlo PrIca ISpocIIy Bcl_ None 12. Dm 01 SaIa , Tranofar 0'11 2.-7 I " )j UanII D.Ir v.... '3.___ ,,0.01 , , . (Full &.lie Price is the 1011I amount PIid for the property IncludinG pInOn" prvporty. Thi. payment may bo In the form of CIIh. othor property 01 goodI. or the 8IIILImptlun Dr morro.- or other obUptlolll.1 ",... round to fM1JcNIIIIC ..... doIIIr "'"ount. 14._"''-'''__ I .0.0 I _-In....... . ASSESSMENT INFORMATlON . Data should flflDCllhe II'est Flnal_mont Roll end Te. Bill ,..v_"'. ,_,'ReI_ I 0.61 T7 T__V.........._lnlr_.-J1 which LIfo.'L r 1...... . ; ; .h,3.oc , 18. ,,-_ I 2,1 ,0 I-U It.___ I Mattituck-CutcholtUe 20. Tax Mop ..............., RoD Idooolin..iw IW......than four. _ _ _ _!do. - ...., 1000. --.J 013.00 I 06.00 012.0no I CER11FICATlON I I corIU)- IIlIII 011 or Ih: ....... or ......_ _ "" IhillI"urm .... _ .... ,......1Itu !be _ "'IIQ' ........, und IrioO _ I UDde-.d ..... .... __ "'lIDJ..IIIIloI........ . _ or IIIlIIrrlaI ..... ........ ..1U ~ 11II' lo Ih: un.._ or... ...... .... _ lo .... ........... .... 06...... _ ~ IUYER'S AnoRNEY Link ....,..... Bonnie ""'" ..... 631 """'COIl< 589-7858 .........,.......... Mattituclr. cnv(.11MN I NY I 11952 "An. D"CODI: NEW YORK ST^T~ l CO!>y ;>- a v.J tL~ ~ ~ d:fbM /_~ __",-i7 <r. 111 ~.rr i/ h,JA~