HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12416 P 635 .' 113-7-4,3 " t'\' 1. _\2~1~'. ; V '35 Standlnl N. V.B.T.U, Farm 8002 . Bollllin lIId Sole OIled, with CovenInllIIlllnst GrI__. Ada - UnIIarm -8IM1II Form 3280 CONSULT YOUR LAWYER BEFORE SIGNING THIS INSTRUIIENT. THIS INSTRUIIENT SHOULD BE USED BY LAWYERS DNL V THIS INDENTURE, made the 22nd day of August 2005 BETWEEN GEKEE WICKHAM, residing at 28700 Main Road, CutchDgll8, NBW Yorl< 11935, party of the IIrst part, and MtCHAEL RUSSELL, residing at 5550 Bergen Avenue, Mattituck, New Yorl<, 11952, party of the second part, WITNESSETH, thet the party of the filSt part, in consideration of Ten and 00/100 ($10.001 dollelS, and other good and valuable consideration paid by the party of the second part, does hereby grant and rele8se unto the party of the second part, the heilS or successors and assigns of the party of the second part forever, All that certain plot, piece or palQll of lend with the bUildings and improvemants thereon erecllld. situate, lying and being at Mattituck, Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the southerly side of Bergen Avenue distant 450 feel westerly from the Intersection of the southerly side of Bergen Avenue and the westerly side of Cox Neck Road es measured along the southerly side of Bergen Avenue; RUNNING THENCE South 14 degrees 45 minutes 50 seconds East 200 feet: THENCE South 75 degrees 14 minutes 10 seconds West 100 reet: THENCE North 14 degrees 45 minutes 50 seconds West 200 feet III the soull1erly side of Bergen Avenue: THENCE along the southerly side of Bergen Avenue, North 75 degrees 14 minutes 10 seconds East 100 feet III the point or place of BEGINNING., , BEING AND INTENDED TO BE the SIma premises conveyed III the granllllS herein by deed dallld 12/29103 reconled 1120104 In Liber 12296 page 110. TOGETHER with all right title and interest if any, of lI1e party of the filSt part in and III any streets and roads abultlng the above described premises Illll1e center lines thereof; TOGETHER with the appurtenances and all the estate and rights of the party of the filSl part in and III Slid premises; TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the premises herein 9ranted unlll the party of the second part, the heilS or SUCC8SS01S and assigns of the party of the second part Iorever. AND the party of the first part covenants that the party of the filSt part has not done or suffered anything whereby the said premises have been encumbered in any way whatever, except es aforesaid. AND the party of the first part, in compliance with Section 13 of the Uen Law, covenants that the party of the first part will receive the consideration lor this conveyance and will hold the right III receive such consideration as a trust fund III be applied first for the purpose of paying lI1e cost of the Improvement end will apply the sama first to the payment of the cost of the improvement before using eny part of the Illtal of the same for any other purpose. The word "party" shell be construed as If ~ read "parties" when ever the sensa of this indenture so requires. IN WITNESS WHEREOF. the party of the first part hes duly executed this deed the day and year first above wrilllln. IN PRESENCE OF: C:eOJ 0>> lli:l~ Gakea Wickham ; " .", TO BE USED ONLY WHEN THE ACKNOWLEDGIIENT IS MADE IN NEW YORK STATE 'S1BI8 of New York, Counly of Suffolk, as: On the ~ day of Augull. in the year 2005 beIare me, the unclel8igned, pet'lIlIl1a11y appeared GEKEE WICKHAM personally known 10 me or proved 10 me on Ill<' basis of salisflClory evidence 10 be the individual(s) whose name(sl is (are) subsc:rb:d 10 the ...ilhin inSlrumcnl and acknowledged 10 me thai helshe/they executed the same in hislherltheir capacily(ics). and 11181 by hislherltheir signalure(s) on Ihe instrumenl, lhe individual(s). or lhe person upon behalf of which the individual(s) aCII:d. ex,'CulL-d Ihc inslrumcol. (signature end oIIk:lI ~dual~owI8dgmenl) NoI8ry Public: . WCMRODRIGII07 ~-'''''''M 110.01_. , -.-- _\!I;IIu....zr.1lII1 Stalll of NaIll York, County of Suffolk as: On the day of . In the year before me. the under&igned. peraonelly IIJlPlIlAd personaHy known \0 me or proved \0 me on the beIis of aetiafec:\ory evidence \0 be the lndhlkIual(l) whole name(l) il (are) subacribed 10 the within In8lrumenl end aClmoooledged \0 me Ihel helahe/lhey executed the __ in hillherllheir cepeclty("l88). and that by hillherllhelr Ilgneture(l) on the Inatrument. the iruflViClual(I), or the pet'lIlIl1 upon beheIf of which thalndividua~l) ected, executed the inIIrument. (1lgnature and omoe of iIdIvlduel18king lICIcnowledgmenl) TO BE USED ONLY WHEN THE ACKNOWLEDGMENT IS MADE OUTSIDE NEW YORK STATE State (or llisIricI of CoIumble, Territory, or Foreign Counlly) of u: On tha day of in the year before me. the undersigned, pel8ClnaHyappeared peraonally known \0 me or proved \0 me on lhe balls of IIlIlisfaCIory evidence 10 be the Individual(l) whole name(1) is (ara) lublcribed 10 the wlthin Inatrurnent and acknowIldged \0 ma that hellheIlhey executed the same In hlllherllhelr oepaCIty(las), and Ihel by hlslherllheir Ilgnature(l) on the instIument. the individual (I), or the pel8Cln upon behalf of whk:h the individual(l) ected, executed the In&trument. end Ihat such individual made luch appeallll108 before Ih8 undarllgned In the in (and insert the Slatll or Country or other pIaoa the ~I w.. _n) (insert the City or other poIll1cal subdivision) (signature and office 01 Individual "king acknowledgment) BARGAIN AND SALE DEED WITH COVENANT AGAINST GRANTOR'S ACTS LJ8''17j ~~ TltIe No. /5 (Jt) SECTION BLCX:~ 7 LOT",,~ COUNTY OR TOWN STREET ADDRESS I~ II~ GEKEE WICKHAM TO MICHAEL RUSSELL ~ Recorded at Request of COMMONWEALTH LAND TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY C03.I\tmi"'.ALTH I.AND Tm.E II\.'iURA~11: ('"w.t."~r 611......- . _~ lOG 4,- . &...l.. ~ ~~~ e., lL,aet_ ~ .....~',9:!.~ DiIIribuIId by o Common~!~~"...."y I i I ~ ~ ~ i I I , , " .. Serial' RECORDED 2005 Oct 26 II:JO:28 All EaoIard P.Roaaine ClERK OF SUFFOlK COUNTY L 000012416 P 635 DT. 05-12516 ; Number of pages . j TORRENS Certificale . Prior Clf. # Deed I Mortgage Insb1Jmenl Deed I Mortgage Tax Stamp FEES Recording I Filing Stamps 3 Conon. of Ed. Affidavit S. 00 Mortgage AmI. 1. ~asic Tax 2. Additional Tax Sub TOI8I SpecJ Assit. or Spec./Add. TOT. MTG. TAX DualThwn _ Dual County _ Held for Appointment Tl'IIIl5ferTax _ 1;5CO- Mansion Tax The property covered by this mortgage is or will be improved by a one or two family dwelling only. YES or NO P:1ge I Filing Fee Handling TP-S84 S. J!!L. Notation EA-S2 17 (County)__ EA-S217 (Stale) Sub Thlal R.P.T.S.A. ~.. Certified Copy NYS Surcharge Other IS. J!!L Sub Thtal Grand Total ~ J If NO. see appropriate tax clause on page' of Ihis instrumenl. ~ ,... "". .". ...... . I I 5 CommuDlty PruervatiOD Fund I Consideration Amount $ ...3 75 D'~ !9. I 'I: OI"rJ,gf)" ! s 4 Section 'JJJ LV Block 01_aJ Lot CO"'LtJO::! CPF Tax Due Improved VacllDl Land Ii SatisfaclionsIDischargeslReleases List Property Owners Mailing Address RECORD & Rfl'URN TO: D~.r O~ f.{). fJtJ)r- 7()6 (v-h,"'~ Pf l' US- TD --LO- TO TO 8 Suffolk Count lofonnatioD ."" '3"~7j Recordin & Endorsement Pa e 0taP lSPECIFY TYPE OF INSTRUMEN'I) 7 Co. Name TIde # This page forms pan of the altached made by: ~fktr- 0itkk... The premises herein is sihlaled in SUFFOLK COUNTY. NEW YORK. In Ihe Township of In the VILLAOH or HAMLET of fY1'.1h'JwJc BOXES" THRU 8 MUST BE TYPED OR PRINTED IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDING OR FILING. (over) TO 1'1 ,~Jv.. J ~J..I.. Yl"t ~ IJ 11111111111111111111111111\\\111111111111\\11111111 01\ 1111111111111111111111111 StJF1POLK ComrrY CLDK DCORDS O:rFICI: RBCORDIHG PAGE Typ. of J:n.t:nment I m:BJ)S/DDD RwDber of Page.. 3 Receipt .'M~ I 05-0112443 '1'RAJJSI'ZR "rAX R1JIIBZ'Ih 05-12516 Reco~e4. At. 10/2&/2005 11.30.28 All LIBZR: lIAGB: D00012416 635 Deed AJa/::lUDt I Section. Block. 113.00 07.00 BXAllDIBD JIIlD CBARBBD AS I'OLLOWS $375,000.00 Loti 004.003 District. 1000 Received the l'ollowiDQ' I'e.. I'or Above J:n.t:nment --..pt 110 110 110 110 110 110 CClIIIIIII.Pr.. he. lIai4 $5.00 $15.00 $75.00 $0.00 $0.00 $4,500.00 $6,149.00 --..pt 110 110 110 110 110 IlIO page/l'iliDQ' COlI: BA-Cft '1'1'-584 RP'1' TraD.fer tllX $9.00 $5.00 $5.00 $5.00 $30.00 $1,500.00 BaD4liDQ' RYS SRCBG BA-STA'l'B Cart. Copies SC'l'II TlUUIISI'ER TAX lIIOIIBBRl 05-12516 '1'IIJ:S PAOli: J:S A PART 01' TIll! J:BSTRUIIII:1ft '1'IIJ:S J:S HOT A BJ:LL B4war4 P. RcIIIIaiDe county Cl.rk, SUffolk County PlEASE TYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRmNG ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS: http://www.orps.state.nv.ul or PHONE 15181473-7222 FOR COUNTY USE ONLY C1._eo. S',7,J~,~y' lit C2.Date~_ ~ 'J,i 1.otC"1 C3.Boakl /.J...f',/'" I cu.... I .h.~.s1,..' '. PROPERTY INFORMATION REAL PROPERlY TRANSFER REPORT STATE Of NEW YOIIIC STATE -.0 OF REAL PROPERTY IEIlVICEI RP - 5217 IU'QI7 ... JIII'J I. "-" (5350 ~ mur_ I Southold ClrYaltOMiI Bergen Avenue ..1RIIT .... Hattituck ....... 111952 _CCIJI z. Buy.. .... Russell I.AIor....'CICIIIWfY Michsel -- LAIT'Ulll:lCiIJIIIIWtl' :a. Tu lndIc:II.whnfulureTuBl".fllObllMI .... 11_....n___..-.ollann,1 - 'NT"'" LIlli NM1i Ic:oM'ANY ""NANII 'I~I __ ....'..1 hoWl ClI'YClRTOWN !TAft ZlPCID .. ...... the ......... aI .. IIIId lioii__......_ 1 I ,.,P...... OR 0 Port."Pon:ol &.=.., I .... _"IT Ixl llD'I1l IORI '-., .4 ,6 I I\InIy.Port""_~_""'_ 4A.PIonnlng__..__AiII11ar11yE_ 0 .. _1viIIon AjlprowII_ RoquIrod lor T_ 0 C. _AppooooodIor__Mlp_ 0 ..- .... Wickham LAIT 1M..: ICmMWfY Gekee -""'" I.MI IWIW I CIQMPIWr !'WISI.... 7. ChHII the box below whIDh 111GB --etetr........ the .... at.... pI'DpMy 8t the...,.. at --= A~ 0.. Fomlly _"I R 2or3FomIIy_ C __lond I) Non.....identiII VlGlnl UncI I SALE INFORMAnoN I 11.___ E~ .-.-" I ~ Com....n~_ F CornmIn:ilII J_II o Aporunonl K _Ie SIMco II E.......nmem I Amu......, L _ ~..._--.....- .. Ownonh/p...... _lllIum .. New CanIIrucaJon on Vacenl Land - "'- ""-"- .....-,- -.......-._-~ ........._.In..............I_ o o o o 1Z._ol_l_ 8 - ,n .... 105 v_ 11. ChIllI: _ or .... of.... .Ml....... .......... to-"": or\. 8* ......... .......". or Formor Rat... D SlIt 8atwaen ...... Campankla or Parlnlrlln BUll..... C 0.. 0/1110 Buyo..1e _ . Sol_ D Buyw or 511.. i. Goww...._. Agency or landing lnIIitudon E Dood T.... ... WIno,"" or Borlllln ond _1_ _I .' So...._or_.....FooI_'S.....Iy_ C1 Slo_' ChI""" In "'-'IV _ T_ SIoIUIIIId .... Dolu II &o...._.._In&oIo...... I 0Ih0< U......I F_ AlfocIIng &010 _ 'SpocIIy IIaIowl J Nono 7 -... I 13 I 03 u.r Y.. 13. Full .... Price . 3 , 7 . 5 . 0.0 .0 . II . 0 I , , . IFull Solo _Ie tho _ ....... PllKl for.... _Indud;ng ........1_. this PIY\'MfIIIM\' be in U.. form of CIIh. olher prvPIf1Y or 8oodI. at .... ~:on of motIQIQII or Olher .." . ...., ,.,.... round to ".,."., wtroIv.... MJCNIIJt. L. '.._..........olJll'lOlll! I .0,01 ......., IncIudICIIn .. .... . ASSESSMENT INFORMATION. llIltI ehould _Il1o 1_ Fillll "'-mon. R.lI .nd Te. Bill 1..:::'L~=-D4/D5 IIJ,T__V_IaII1_In_1 , , 5 . 3 O. 0 I , ,..",-a- 12.1.0 I-LJ ...___ I Hattituck 2ll.T..Mop_/IIoII_III.....__._____1 1000-113-7-4.3 I I CERTIFICATION I I ftI\I)' ..... oU "'.... _ "'_loa _ ad Ihk ....... .......... _110 U.. boll or II1Y _...... _..... __ UtoI u..1IIIIIdna "'III) wllll\dr...._"'.........ftod....... .....IoJocI......u.. ........_"'u........................................"'__ !.!.!n.!! IUYER'S ATTORNEY ~~fi./ If ~/o(" Oleen David W. Miml!T''mssell .... ....- -- ,"-/ ~'t!wE:: 631 298-8353 mur_ -- .-- )#l;-r17 IV,/- 119h 7 / ""'..- 11''''' ..- B!.!&l! NEW YORK STATE ~~ COpy IG&IIlIllllMIUM C6. n -o.{"" Gekee Wickham ....