HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12438 P 141 -~ / N \. (acO~ PI /C.",- hl'lf~' I~I I, I. .-.. 1000 - 113.0,0 , BIudt 07.00 Lalli) 016.000 1/3- 7-/0 CONSIDERATI6N NO TAX DUE NY 025. a.. \ Deed:_Iadi.....a._I. 0... ."} (.....SIIIe&)(NYBTUIOO5) "0 COIlS1lL T YOUR LAW\'IIl.rou IIIGN1NG THIS INSTRUMENT - nus UflTlWMlEIn' SHOULD IE \lIED I\' LAWYEIlS OI'lLY , " THISlNDENTURE, IIlIde tile 23 day of ;J1I1ll' , ill 1hc ~ 2005 , ' MARY CAROL SPARLING n/k/a MARY CAROL BECKER SWIATOCHA. at 6201 US 41 North t2053, Palm Me~dow, Florida 34221 BETWEEN residin, .--- IS fMMIIII' <_lrix ) of the lISt willl11111lcl1l11meDt of, Stanley Becker. sur~i'ving tenant " ,1ateof Cox NeCk Road, Mattituck, New York 11952 ,decal,.".. ~oftheftnl~1IIIII MARY CAROL SPARLING n/k/a MARY CAROL BECKER SWIATOCHA (30%), 6201 US 41 North #2053, Palm Meadow, Florida 34221; BARBARA JEAN OOVER (10%), Royal Avenue, Flanders, q~~~~ork 11901; MELISSA MEGAN 'SP~~LING n/k/a MELISSA MEGAN CAVEZAS~~iding at 1675 Cox Neck Road, Mattituck, New York 11952 put)' of 1hc IIa10IICI put, WITNESSETH. tbat the ~ oftbc fU1lt pu1, by virtue of tile power I11III authority given in IIId by aaicI !1St will aDd laI8mcDI, I11III in COIIIidcration of dolWl. paid by tile put)' of tile ICCOIId put, does hereby graDt I11III rel_ unto the ~ofthe BCC:Ondpu1, the hein orI1lCCJI.ol1lllllll...igns,ofthe~ofthe sec:ond put ~OI'lMlI', no ALL lllat certain plot, piec:e or pan:el ofland, with the buildiDp I11III implO1le......dI thereon erected, situate,lying IIId beina in the See Schedule "A" annexed hereto . .' . .- .'. 1._. i'.- .. '0'- . , ' TOGETHER with all right, title and mteral, if lilY, of 1hc ~ of the fU1lt part in 8Dd to l1li)' IUeela IlllllI'OIIds abuUin& the Ibove described ~ to the I:CIItcr liDes thereof; TOGETHER with the ~ IIId ~ all tbq ClIlIIte which the iii!! dec:edent bid at the time of dec:ecleat's death in said pmniseI, aDd _ the atIte tbereiD, which the puty of the fU1lt put bIS or bu power to c:onvey or dilpOllll of; whe1hcr iDdividually, or by virtue of uid will or otbeIwise; TO HA VI AND TO HOLD the pIelIIiIeI herein JPallted uato the ~ of1hc ~ pul, the bein or lIUCmlDn IIId ...ips !If the ~ of the ~ put forever. AND the ~ of the ftnl put _II that the ~ of the ftnlpartblS not done or IIUffered lIlytbiDa whereby the uid pmnila have been iDcwnbered in II\Y way wbatcver, cxc:cpt IS atOreuid. , ANDtbc put)' of the tint pen, in~imc:C willi Section 13 orthe Lien Law,l:OYOIIIIItI that the~ of the flllt pili will receive the COIIIicIeratioD for tbia lXIII\'eymce IIId will bold the right to nc:eive IIICb COIIIidrntioa IS a1rUlt fuad to be applied tint for the pwpclIO or payiDg the COlt of the improvement anc\ willlJIP\y the _ fim to the payment of tile COIl of the improvement before 1IIing any pili oftbe IotII or1hc _ ror l1li)' other pIIIJlOIO. The wonJ"J*ly" IbaII be COIIStIUlld u ifit read "pania" whenever the _ ofthil indaItlIIe 10 requires. . I.N' WITNESS WHEREOF, tbepcty ofthc ftnlpart baaduly_ted tbiadeed thedayandyearfintlbovewrilten. ' ~&,l'-~J~.."~ A CAROT. PARLING n/k/a MARY CAROL BECKER SWTATOCUA Executrix 1/11 naalCIE or. 0/ '1 .' .' . . I " 'J Schedule "A" All that pie.:e or pun.~II,f land situate. I~'ing and being ul Mauituck. Town of Southold. Sulfolk C..ounty, New York huundL'Illlnd dL'scribcd as foll(\\vs; BEGINNING 3,1 a point tmarked by a locust stake') (\n Ihe westerly line orcox Neck Road. which poinl bears N(\rth 00 degrees 59 minutes 40 sc:conds west a dist!inee of200.oo 1i.'Ct li"I.'m a eonereh: monument marking Ihe int=tion of the division line hetwcen lands of the parties oflhe fir.;t p:u1 on Ihe north and lands t,'rn'o:rl~' of Arnold D. Sachs on the south. with the weslerly line of Cox Neck Road; theRC'e running fnlm said puint of beginning south 119 degrees 00 minutes 20 seconds w\.'S1310ng lands "rthe parties of the first purt II disllInee of 125.00 1l.'Ctto a locust stake; thence running along lands of the parties of Ihe tirst part the lollowing two courses and distIlRC\.'S (I) north 00 degrees 59 minutes 40 seconds wesl a distance of 100.00 f\.'C\ to a locust stake: (2) north 89 degn.'Cs 00 minutes 20 !\Ceonds ellSl a dis\a.ncc \.,f 125.00 Il.oct \0 a locust Slake in the weste:rly line of Cox Neck Road: thence running !I(luth 00 degrees 5l) minute'S 40 seconds eusl along the wL'sterly line of Cox N\'Ck Rood a dislan\.'C of 100.00 rect to the point or place Ilf heginning. containing !in urea of 12,50(l 5lluore feel. BEING AND INTENDED TO BE Ihe: same premiSl.'S eOR\'ey...'Il to the party of the first part by deed datL'd October 14, 1960 IInd recorded in lhe Sullblk County Clerk's Office on Oclohcr 24. 19(,0 in Liher 4894 Page 415. ~. Slate oI'NIW YarIr, CaIraty 01 ll!IIr~ '1HIIIITIWllUUIIrrm1l/lNlUW YouS'rAfaQll.r: ll!IIr~01IIIlNI IWIIl/IfUJWrm1I/INlUWYoulr.mrONu:: ,.. ) ..: illbe>- 2005 OD\be *toC June . bcftn me, \be undlnipaI, pa'IlIII8IIy ....-..t . . pmanIIIy Ia-. III DID or pI'IMd III ... III die ... at ~.' - IUIY ~Ideace III be die ~)..... nne(1) is <_) ....Ib.d III \be wilbin ~IIIII ~ III me dal........Ilbet m 1 -' \be _m~_~~IIIII_~~.~)1II die ~ \be' . ~ or die plIIllIIl.,cJII bebIIf' at wbicb \be indiviIbI(l) ElIld, _0.4 \be iIIlIUIIIlIIl. .. . _ . :.~... e .-.-............. ~,.._ll!IIr~NzwJtBS'rAJIlQw.r: f1*w fort: Su6JcrlllIIo.r WIlIIar AtIbIGwI~ c.t;jIt:tM.J Stllte olNIW Yort!, COIIIIlJ' 01 ,..: Oil die day of in rhe yar before me, the undersigned. penonaI1y II-_..t . the IlIbIcribina wi_lD die fore&oinI inIlrament, with whom 1l1li penonaJly ICq1I8inII:d, who, beiDa lIy llicduly IIWOIII, diddepoleuul say that bellbehhey telide(l) in (If,INPi-of,___II'uclry,1IIt:ht* ,IN___~. /I ....", '1wmIJ): !bat bellheI1Itey know(.) III be Ihc iadividIW delcnDcd in IIIId who execuled the foreaolna instrument; that said subscl'ibinS wiIneu wu pI'eIIIIllIIId saw aid a_ the.....: IIIId that said wi_ allhc SIIIIIC lime IlIbscribed hilllherltlteil' name(.) III . wilnllSl themo. ExECUTOR'S DEED hDnDuM....c-rwm Tm..E NO. TO F1DELD'Y NATIONAL TmllNsvRANCE _COMPANY OF NEW YORK . l/CDJNIAID "u a ~ I ......FibIlty .1lJit1'-.'" ........Nwr.t_'--1IIII...... .bA ,. SlIde 01 New YarIr, C..1IlJ' 01' Ontbe *tol' bcIbn: me, die uncInipld. perscmIIy _..t in dIe)W . plDIIIIIIy IaIawn III me or pI'IMd III me III \be ... 01 ~OA.."f evIdt..o.llI be \be L.dM...I(I)..... ...el) is <_) .......L4 III \be wIdin_____~llIme_~- 1_ _in~ ~1es~1IIII"'~~ ........(~)CIlI \be inItnneat, tbe illdividusl(1~ or \be plIIllII UJlCIlI belll!fatwbicb die indiWbI(l) ElIld, -.dIe inItnIttBI. ~"'_Ullr~,."JtBSJlIJIlQo&r. . :~({~a~:~~~~~.~J'IL: (~V__-'C-"7._"'_'~ '..,J _~ STATE OF FLORIDA : c:oc... ~ .... ""'''/fTICa On tbe2!lclay of June intheyar2005 before mo, the lIlIdcnigned. penonaIIy appeared _"1 LJ!.~Y Carol aecker SIi'htQcl]a.. _ . ....__ y ........n III me or pIOvect III me an the l1li1. oruulUllClDl)' cvidcncc III be rhe individual(s) wltosc nsmc(1) is (lie) IUbscribcd to the within iUlnllllCIlt and sclmowled&ed 1111 me that beI~ execuled the IIIIIC in hislbedtbeir capocTty(Ics), !bat by hislberfdleil' sipatun(1) on the i_t, the indi\!idllll(sJ, uribe penon upon bebaJf of which the indlvidual(l) IClCd, execuled the instrument, and that IlIcll individual made IlICh IPJICII'II1lCl! befme the IIIIdenigncd in the (I.." tIw dtJI'", otMr po/lIIcrIIlllbtlitIII/oII _ 1M l1li", or .""",,,, or 01_ ""'",,,. ~Jj..._..1 ..... "*'Y. r2 J _ 1-"" 1':1 ,,/..&.~'''''' I:JtOdf1lfJWJ, ri()~~l. J.!~l." .#. ~H:~~\~: _.. .-..,.31.2008 '.- .. . .. ..~~~'_I.::l: #_"'..... ~....#. .. - .,)" fII/r', "" .. '. .r+;.!-, , . 'dcr, ,,~~..., DISTRICT SECnON BLOCK LoT Coul!m' OR TOWN IlECOMJEDATUQUIISTOF FIdelIty Nadoaal TIde 18sanaceCompaayoCNewYorIt l1E1UAN.r MAIL ro i I l!i w !I .. Ii! , .2 ! , . w ,I ... -- .- - ", - - ---- . LL 2 J - i , Nu.nb&t or pilei TORRENS RECORDED '2006 Feb 28 02:47;16 PI! CeninCllIe II ClERK OF SUFFct.K COONTY L 0000124~ P 141 OTl ~291il2 ~ Suilllll Prior or. II Deed I Mortpge InslnImenl Deed I Moltp&c TIX SIM1p FEES RKordillll Filing SIII!qJI 4 Page I Filing Fcc Handling TP-514 =1= .J Murtpge AmI. I. Uuic 'flll 2. Ackliliollal TIX K.P. T.5.A. Comm. or Ed. .5~ Sub ToI8l ?~- "0_ cP7- Sub ToI8I SpecJlluil. Or Spec. 1Add. _d Notation EA-52 17 (CoWlly) EA.-52 17 (Slate) s~ , Cenined Copy Reg. Copy Other 1'5- Sub Total IPS' TOT. MTO. TAX 011111 Town Dual Counly_ Ileld rur Apportionment ----d Transrer Till ---JIL- Mallsion TIX _ llIe propeny covered by Ihis JlIOItpp Is or will be Improved by lone or two ramlly dwelling only. yp..s or NO Ir NO. see appropriate lU c...... on !IIIe I _orlhllinltnamenl. (; -t93.()~ 6 Conununit I'reservation Fund COllsideratlon Amuunt S -0- Affidavit ORAND TOTAL I SII'lIP o,/e -or CI'I" Tax Due s -0- Impnwed X Y IClnl Land 7 SatisructionslDischll'JleslRcleases Listl'ropeny Owners Mamna Add RECORD'" RETURN TO: HELEN J. ROSENBLUM. ATTORNEY AT LAW 1287 East Main Street Riverhead. New York 11901 TD TO TO 10 9 B Tille Company Information Co. Nlme Title" Suffolk Count Recordin & Endorsement Pa e . This page forms JlIII1 of Ihc alllK:hc:d Mary .Carol Sparling n/k/a Mary Carol Becker Swiatocha. Executor's Deed msde by: (slml'Y WI'E 01' INS"lRUMENr I Executrix 'Ille pRlInises hcn::ill is sitUllled ill SUFFOLK COUNIY, NEW YORK. 'TO Mary Carol Sparling n/k/a Mary CarOl Becker Swiatocha (3~). Barbara Jean O~er (]O~) In tbc Township of Inlhe VIlLi\GE or I lAM LET of ~iOl.!.thold MpliQ~~ MD~2" ~rar]~u~ AJ~J~ u~J3MrS'fl.dlOW\uStYlfNV\.Elf8i'l'lul'l1ED IN ULACK INKONI.Y I'RIOIt TO RlmRDINGOR FlUNG. IOVERI < '\. 111111111111111 1111111111 III 11111 1111 11111 1111 IUI 1111111111111111111111 SUFFOLK COUNTY CLBRK RECORDS OPPICB RECORDING PAGE Type of Instrument: DBBDS/DDD NUmb.~ of Pages: 4 Receipt Rumbe~ . 06-0020401 TRANS PER TAX NUMBER: 05-29182 Reco~ded: At. 02/28/2006 02.47.16 PM LIBER: PAGB: D00012438 141 Dist~ict, 1000 Section. 113.00 BJ[UlINED AND $0.00 Block. 07.00 CHARGBD AS Lot. 016.000 FOLLOWS Deed Amount. Page/Filing COB BA-CTY TP-584 RPT Transfe~ tax $12.00 $5.00 $5.00 $5.00 $30.00 $0.00 Fo~ Above Instrument Bx8lllpt NO NO NO NO NO NO Handling NYS SRCHG BA-STATB Ce~t.Copies SCTM COIlIIII.Pres Fee. Paid $5.00 $15.00 $75.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $152.00 -""'Q?t NO NO NO NO NO NO Received the Following Fees TRANSFER TAX NUMBER. 05-29182 THJ:S PAGB IS A PART OF THE INSTRmmN"r THIS IS NOT A BILL . PLEASE TYPE OR PRESS FIR-MLY\NHEN WRmNG ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS: http://www.orps.stat8.ny.us or PHONE 15181 473-7222 FOR COUNTY USE ONLY 'd:J q <f'C3t'<:2' REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT C1. SWIS c.- _ I ..~nQ, I C2. __ DHd 1...,_ I 2 ~QJ.2i a.Book ,l"ZLlAgC4, .....~ PROPeRlY INFORMAllON STAlE Of NEW YORK STAlE SOARD Of IIfAL -.nv_ RP - 5217 ....1117...."' "::=1 16'C:; Ill!Ltr_1I sa.' nc;u:~~l: Road 11.-&1" z. ...... Nome M:1....~ 1-11,..1" an""_ Hilrt Colrc)l s\>arlin;; n/lt/., n.;o....~-=...:a Jt=.30n n,4...,,": (lnCll.) LA'" NAM"CijiiIijiii I Mil r:;"t!5 ro 1 I I'~? T:lac'<.s-r S::i.:ltoc!l!l (2 ,. -- M~lis<;;i1 He~all Sparlin;j n/!:/al H~ll usa 1lI~".~:\ Ca"ellil~ (60%) LAIlINAMEI~ .-n-NAMl I. Tu: .......... lulu.. Tax ....10 be.... I .... V____'OI_oIlorml. -- ""TIIIMl'I/CCIIII'AII'f -- I~_IIANDII...-r'" arf'Qlt1OMl 11'~1E .,.ag 1.- - .... /()1) ._.I'I'ff Ixl//;1.S' atPlIt I DIll . . . ACNI 1OnIr. - 01. _ - - _ oppIy: 4A.PIoInng_wilhs..\(.iIIDn_~ExiIlI 0 4IL SuIdvIoIDrI ~ _1I111llhod for T,..... 0 c.__.....,.."..__MII>_ 0 .. ........... ........ of a U 1 .-nt I W....... 110_......4 all tile died . j I 'of P...... DII D Plrt '" . P..... L_ No... Mi1r1' Cll;:ol S.',a.rlintj n/l{./<.1 Mary C;:r 1 Bcc~:(.!r Stl'ia cocha. F.~:ecucr I:: , I'" NAMl/c:cM"llWl' ~ .... A~ Ono FomiIy_ R 2 or 3 Fernl'" Rllldentlll C _V_Und o Non-__oI V_ Lond I SALE INFORMAllON l ..._-- F.~AlIr1clll1urll I; Caml'llllrclll o Aport.... II EntertllnlMflt I M..IMlI'lInt ~CommuniIy- J '_110I' . Pu1lIiIl_ I. _ _... - ___oppIy: L ~TVIIO Io~rnlum .. _~_ on v.... Lond ,110\. "",-.-_ ..AgrIculI....--- ,........_.__Ind"-.g tMilhl property .. In ., AgriCuJIur,I DIsIrIcI: o o o o J. CIMok.... boll t*ow which mod .........,...... ..... ... oI....1P1'G1*1Y .. 1M II.... III -- 'Z.Dotlool_/T._ In{: I ..... (" I ~.9 ..... "'" - ,..a..-_........__ -. _. _. ~ AI to~ ^ __110_..__ B SaIo__~Ioo..-In-. C Onool...........Io_.SO... D au"., or SeI.... fa Ca.errvnlNlt Aguncy or lDndIng InId&uUan Ii Dood TVIIO _ W.........1IorpIn ... Solo lSpocIty -, F _ 01 F_.. L-.Ihon Foe 1__ ___I o SIgnIlIcont Ch.oIliOIn "-" _ T_ _.1Id Solo D0- li Solo 01 __10 IncludlId In _ Prico I 0Ih0t' Un_.1 _ .-. Salo _CSpoolfy BoIawI J _ IO~. v... 13.M......... . . _ll_. ,0, 0 I , , . (Full 51'- Pticl . the toIIIl .rncuw: P*I for 1M property inducing ....... prapaRy. This _ _bo In......... 01...... __.. ~ ......_mplton aI maftll<lDOI or odwr ob!iplionlJ file-. round 10 IN ..,..,...."" 1IItCNHtI. 1.._..._at......... I ,-0.,. ,0, 0 I __In...._ . ASSESSMENT INFORMAllON - Delli ohould roIIoct.... 1_ AnoI_. Roll ond To. BlP 'LV_oIa '-"--IO<::/O!; 17.T__V_,aI....-In_ooI1 whkfI LA-..""..... .... ; , :;1, .3. 0 ,0 , 'L _CIao 1:)../ .0 I-LJ ,..___ I IYJ~ .JI.~,.k. ...ToxMop.....dIo.WI 1loII_......__.____1do. - W. Itrn -//3.'::;0 ~ 07.01 - On..oq", I I CERTlFlCAllON ~ I ....,. ... 011 "'... _ "'..... .. ........ ... ..... ..... ... ..... oad __ '18........ ur IIQ' ............ MIll boIlo11M1l1 I _.... '-" ..... ............ ~..., ~. ...... _ wII...... ..Iotllt _' ~- "'...._.... _................."'...._ BUYER D IYYER'S AI ,Di.... e..~.,' ~.Ca CZ.4S Nel<<r>.r. -SdJ'Ibfwm t.S!-7,j..?-IOiU I hi ~a jAI7~ I W .::Je.rn I'naric. c"Shi/9 '3/- 7J.7 -1090 ~ n_ ~ rM.TI LAI''''''' ...,TtJoM! RD~ I Ave. ITIDGUlITIIlUUI f{..~~~s Nt CII'Y OIIlUW11 aT"'. ....., ~ -""'" ..........- J1~ 0 f ,.~ NEW YORK STATE COPY B.!.!.III