HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12438 P 142 NO r:O wiili.2 ." Kev.1lI'l'l (IInilo.:... ...k.' L12Lf3~ fNl 'J)I~ ic.-r (1Ifff Sed-~ I) /l3.t1J ~/"'G-t 07, in Lo+ 01(.. un ~---- - '? SIJ;lU~Uelt ~adi"x _~n_ ~- 1/3-7-/4:> '. -. DUE.a....in Ind SUt DmI. _i1h Owe..a. ...ill" G,..nOl', ~cll_I..J" iJull Of Corporau_ C..~1e -..) _U Y_IA_ __II...... _ _T.:a-r-TMl-ftUMINT --. USID.Y IA__IIIILY, THIS IIO)I.1I'I'UIlE made tbe J.or da)' of ~ be,-, in the year 2005 BETWlENMARY CAROL BECKER SWIATOCHA (30~) resi~ing at 6201 US 41 North #2053 Palm Meadow, Sorida 34221; Barbara Joan Oliver (10%) residing at' .Royal Avenue. Flanders. New York 11901; and Mel1ssa Megan Cavezas. (60~) residing at 1675 Cox Neck Road, Mattituck, New York 11952 ..rty of tbe &at put, ud MELISSA CAVEZAS residing at 1675 Cox Neck Roa~, Mattituck, New York 11952 and CARLOS CAVEZAS. residing at 1675 Cox Neck Road, Mattituck, New York 11952, husband and wife ..rty of the MUIIKl put, , . Wft'lIfIIIE'nI. that the of the 6nt rt, In CllIIIideratioD of Ten Dollars and other val""" CIOllliderat'!l" paid by lhe pulJ. of the ~% ..rt, dou t::b; lnot ancI reIeuc IInlO the ..rty of lhe second ..rt, lhe heirs . or IUC( m':'$ arid auipl of lhe puty 01 the MCaiid put forever, . ALL lhat certaiD Jl!ot, piKe or pual of IucI. with tbe bui1cllnp III1d improvcmeata tbereaa ercded. 1iIuaIe, lyiac u4 Will In tile See Schedule "AU annexed hereto . ~; .: . f I .. \.:..rot :ijI:,i' " ~ . " '-Qt',~.,'''' ,:It' , "" ~:t". ,"- ........ ,I, , ...""-- ."",.r: '.&Nt'-\':;: \' i::/' ~ .Co' .....,. PI ',\I)l';@J3't:' ".'"(-!... r:o;,:,",''': _."!\_....,.~..I ~... ")(.'"~1.1:..."::.\ .4~ .. . ~ .::' I.:. ..~:.. ..,.~l... r# . i. . . , .. .. ._ :.'Ii'~" .' A,"", , tq~,. ~,. y. -.. " <::L r.' .. "'" ~ 'I #1,.11. r: , .. . . ,. ..". , . ',. ".~ I' (.' ..../ "','"1.... " TOGETHER wilh..11 ript, litl_ and interesl, il any, 01 the fIIlJ'ly ollhe first part in and to an)' slreets and roads Abullinelh. above deICribcd prcn,i... to lhe center lines !hereol; TOGETHER with lhe appll_s and all Ib_ .Slal_ and rilhlS ollhe part)' of the first .-rt in and 10 .id prcmiHs; TO HAVE AND TO HOLD Iho premises herein granled unlo the .-rt)' 01 !he .-nc1 parI, the heirs or successors and usipI of lhe party oIlh. second parI forever. AND the party 01 lb. lirsl part covenants lhat lhe party 01 the lint part IIu not done or Slllt.red anythinl whoreby lhe ""id rremises hav. been encumbered in any _, whalev.r, .lICCpIas aforesaid. .. AND lhe ...rty 0 lhe 6rsl part, in compliance wilh Section 13 oIlhe Lien Law, _ntl th&llhe ..rty of lhe fint pari will receive lbe .onsideration lor Ihis conve)'ancc and will hold Ih. ript to receive such consid- .ralion a. a 1....1 fund 10 b. applied 6rst for the PUI'JlOlC 01 ..ying lhe cost ollhe improvcmcnl and will apply lhe ""n.. Ii... In the ,,,)'monl 01 the eosl ollhe improvement belor. n.ine any part ullbe tolal of lhe _ lor any olhor purpose., , . The word "party" shall lie _onlll'llCd as il it read ..parti.... whenev.r Ih. sense ollhis indcnlure 10 requires. IN wrrNESS WHEREOF, lhe party 01 the finl part has duly .xoclllccl this deed lhe day u4 year 6rsl aboft wrill.n. lu",,_esU.: :tr~ ~ ~j M i; ifr ~~~~'-- ..- .... "1. ~ Schcdule "A" All that picL"!: or plIrcel of land situalC, lying and being at MuUituck, Town ofs..'uthold, Sufiillk Count~.. New Vork hounded and dc::;cril>..'t! us lollows: REGINNING at a point (marked by alocu.~1 slake) on the westerl}'line ufCox Neck Rood. which puint bean< Nllnh UO degn.'Cs 59 minutes 40 seconds WL'lIt a distance or 200.00 ft'el rrom a concrete monument markinllthe intersectiun or the divisiun line between lands of the panic::; or the first pan on the nonh and lands fomlerly of Arnold D. Sachs on the !lOuth, with the. we~terly line otT'IX Neck Road: thence running rrom said puint urbeginning south 89 dcgn."-'lI 00 minutes 20 seconds WL'lIt along lands orthe panics orthe tirst pan a dislance of 125.00 rL'Ctto a locust stake; thence running along lands of the panics of the lirst pun the followinlltwo courses and distuncc~ (1.1 nonh 00 degrees 59 minutes 40 SL'Cllnds west u distance or 100.00 fect to a locust Slake; (2) nonh 89 degn.'Cs 00 minutL'S 20 seconds east a distance of 125.00 rectto a locust stake in the westerly line of Cox Neck Ruad: thence running south 00 dcgrees 59 minutes 40 seconds cast along the westerly line urcox !'I:eck Road a distance or 100.00 1'......1 to the point or place or beginning, containing an area or 12.500 sqUlll'C 1\.'Ct. BEING AND INTENI)~D TO BE the same premillCs L".lnwyed to .the panics or the Iirst pan by dL't."<I daled ..:J"lLI\C,. .t J , 2005 and rccONL-d in the '~uffolk County Clerk's Office on . 2005 in Libcr I'age being l\.'Corded simultanL'Ously with this <k.-ed. . . , . .' . For .cIUII..,ledlmea'. tII . STATEOFNEWYORK) ) ..., COUNTY OF Suffolk On .... 1- day of 1t - . in lhe yco;! 0 0 5 beforo me. .he undcniancd. perIOIUI~el iSBa Meaan Cave.zas peIIOIIIIly known 10 me or proved 10 me on 11.. buill of ~ilIflClOlY ev_1O be.... individual(l) whole namo(l) il C....) subocribed 10 .... willliD inmumenl ~ ock~l~pd 10 me thai hcllhelthey ..eouIId the IIIIlC In hillherllbcir ClplCity(in). ond ibM by hislhcrllheir sipal.rc(I) on th. illllnllnelll. the indiv"uaI(.~ or Ilx JlCIIOII upon IxhaIfofwhich the ind,vidual(l) oct"'. oxecul"'lhc in.strurnent. ~~ Iadlvidw ~.""",w""""",' . ..j 'k.'lllJEl.IHE CleIlUNNl I .., NiIII, ","H.r Yadl 110._ ........ W:..aCcoM.__ . ......._-'I!lIpIIOoApi~--.J ' 1 \. . STATEOFNEWYO!tK) ) .., COVNI'Y ojSu f folk) OnIWlJdayof ~O II inllx~005beforome.1lx 1IIIdonianod. JlCIIOIIIIlyoppomll Barl:lara Jean Olf ~er JlCIIOIIIIly known 10 me or proved 10 me on the bail of lOIi1lll1:1D1)' evidalcc 10 be Ilx individual(l) whole IIIII\XII) il(....)..bIoribed 10 the .,ilbin i-..menl ond ICknowledpd to me Ibll he/IhdIhey .......... .... __ in hillherllheir .....itylin). ond ..... by his/hcrlthoir Iilftllunl(l) on the inlllUmen'I,llx indiviclual(ll, or.... pcrPl upon bch.lf of which I ,vidualll' _. ..eellled Ih. instrument ._.- or ...tedpmI~1E P. CCllI'II\.lP. Nr1laIY NllIc. .. crI NlIW YCIIk No. 4151f!167 QueII*I in 8uIIcrIk Caunlh~_ ~1.n~'C.11 ExpirM:May 31. ~ .. SIll... DiIIrIct of C,'omb'" TorrIloty, POIIIIIion. or Fomp eo.llty STATE OF FLORIDA , COUNTY OF)~4f.e~ On~dlYOfJ""'~in""ynr~befonome,""undonipod.JlCIIOIIIIly~ary Carol Becker S~ii'tocha JlCIIOIIIIly known 10 me or praved 10 me on .... bIoil of lIIi~ cvidoDco 10 be.... individual(l) whoso nome(l) ill (m) subloribed 10 lhe within in_, ond ocIcnowledpd to me IhII hc/1hrIIhoy oxocutod Iho _ in hillherllhcir ClIpICiIy(ic:s). thai by h,sIhorllh.ir IiJnoturo(s) on Ilx i............. tho individual(l). or.... peISDII .pon beh.lf of which lhe individualll)ICI<d, .....led lhe insllUllXlll, and lhat such individual mnd. sueh IppeornMC befono in the ~DcI>. (&) ') R.oIlltlA. . (Insen lb. eily or Dlher palitic.1 subdivill1Olll11d Ilx Die .". counuy lodlmenl WIS raken'. l.~;;'-~\~~ ~/fA.il~iJuf. _ :....., 31 2ODI: : Sip." aa omce or :~*~. .' . *. IDdlvldu..raldl..dUIowl.danlelll .. . _1.:.. . . .. .. For .cIInowI........III.ken on .... · . 40:"'!=" . .... , ,~_\J".' '...." . ...... .ab "It .tell WI I H CoVENANT ACAINU GIANTUll'S ACl5 TIna No. Mary Carol Bcc~r Swiatocha. Barbara Jean Oliver and ~elissa Megan Cavezas TO Melissa Megan Cavezas SECTION Il.OCK IDT COUNTY 01. TOWN Suffolk County Ro_d AIIleq1lo.i or FInt,,_n"'I_~or-yort .&TOIIN ay MAIL TO: I1MeAMt .0. Of NIW ,.,. MIMD Of mil HI J ....... -., Fif'lll AllIerit'SJI TiUe IIII.rut:e COIllp4J1l1 o( Nelli York ~ HELE:-l J. .ROSENBLUM. ESQ. 1287 East Main Street Riverhead. New york 11901 ZIp.... I I a II I I ! I ~..I . ~ ~ [!:2 , -\ 1 f .. ". Number of PIlle5 Prior Of. II RECORDED ;2OOb Feb 2S 02147116 PII . Cl9lK OF S\FFOlK COUNTOr' L 000012438 P 142 tlTll 05-29183 , ';' TORRENS Serial II Certificate 1# Deed, MortI\8lC Ins!rumcnt Deed, Monpge Tax Slamp FEES Rec:anling' FI!ing SIuI.. 4 PIli" , Filing Fcc B- j ,,- ~ MorIPle AmI. Handling TP-SI4 I. lluie Tax 2. Additional Tax Nolalion RP.T.5.A 5= "Sub Tollll 1:; ..!v - Sub Total EA-S217(Coullly) EA-S217 (S_> a1~ Reg. Copy Ot~er 1'5 SubToIaI - I::), 'V / ::ia. Spcc:JAssil. .Or Spcc.,Md. TOT. MTO. TAX Dual Town Dual County_ Held fur Apportionment _ fuMw~a ~___ MaMion Taa ___ The property c:overecJ by IhillllOltglge is or will be improved by a one or two family dwemng only. YES or NO If NO, see appropriate tax clause on ....e 1# oflhis instrunlCllL ',;J _ _ ,., Communi! l'reservatiun Fund Consideratiun A.nount S _n_ Convn. of Ed. Affidavit Certified Copy S~ GRAND TOTAL I Rall'roperty 1M Service Agency Verilicallm .j. ,___1;1;... _. __ _Sectiun . ___.BJC!I* ~. ___"~ 1/ 1000 11300 0700 016000 llIamp CPF Tax Due s -0- lJate hnproved X ,. Inilials . .-- -;1 SaJisfaclionslDischargcslRcleases. List Propcr1y Owners" Mailing Addres ...:J RECORD'" RETURN TO: HELEN J. ROSENBLUM, ATTORNEY AT LAW 1287 East Main Strst Riverhead, New York 11901 Vacant Land TO jt} TO TO 8 Title Company InformatioD 9 Co. Name Tilloll Suffolk Count Recordin & Endorsement Pa e 1ms page fonTIS part of the ntllll:hcd Bar;atn and Sale Dee~ made by: Mary Carol Becker Slfiatocha.: (30"> tSI'EClFYT'I1'EOf INSTRUMENT) Barbara Joan Oliver (10") an~ " "Melissa Megan Cavezas (60%) The premises herein is sitllllled in SUFf<>LK COlJN'IY. NEW YORK. "TO In the TOWl1Wpof Southold Inlhe VIU..AliE Ill' HAMLET of Melissa Megan Cavezas and Carlos Cavezas. husband and wi~e UUXES S 1HRU 9 MUST 8e 'IYPED OR PRINIED IN lUACK INK ONLY I'RIOR TO RliCOKlJlNG OR flUNG. (OVER) 111111111111111111111111111 ~IIIII~ 1111111111111111 IIIIIIIIII~ Iml 1111 11m SUFFOLK COUNTY CLBRK RECORDS OFFICB RECORDING PAGE Type of Instrument. DBEDS/DDD NUmber of Pages. 4 Receipt ~er . 06-0020401 TRANSFBR TAX NOMBBR: 05-29183 Recorded. At. 02/28/2006 02.47.16 PM LIBBR: PAGB: D00012438 142 Deed Amount. Section, Block. 113.00 07.00 BXAIIIHBD AI!lD CBAllGBD AS POLLOWS $0.00 Lot. 016.000 District: 1000 Page/Piling COB EA-CTY TP-584 RPT Transfer tax $12.00 $5.00 $5.00 $5.00 $30.00 $0.00 Por Above Xnst~nt Bxempt NO NO NO NO NO NO Handling NYS SRCHG BA-STATB Cert.Copies SCTM CaIIIIII.Pres Pees Paid $5.00 $15.00 $75.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $152.00 Bxempl NO NO NO NO NO NO Received the Following Pees TRANSPBR TAX NUMBBR: 05-29183 THIS PAGB IS A PART OP THE XNSTRlDIBNT THIS IS HOT A BILL PLEASE TYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRITING ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS: http:// WWW.orps.stete.nv.us or PHONE (518) 473-7222 FO:,~= C:E ONLY I 41. ~~%~ I REAL PROPERTY TMNSFER REPORT Q.X I C3. .... PROPERlY INFORMATION ""-1 '-'Ion '675 .......-. I COA" Nee!: Ro...~ '1IIIIT~ M.::.+....c "'n...11" aTV 0fII TOMI -- liI.lJJ..r:..I:I. M.~:'::!r. .. ..,., - ~~o:J".:'l.::' .......-.., . r "'Ie. 24S lAft'....'CO'\PllWV CNJd ~ :I. Tu ~.... fubn Tn Bill.,.. MIDIII IlIIIng ~____1oI_,,*_11 - LMTNA..:/CCIWAN'l' aTMl;'~AND5JIlltT"'" alYCIIIICMIiI 4. IndIDIta the ........ .. .a J...-: 1101I""- .-i'ifJ...... - 1.- I I~S- Ixl Property fRONT NIT - ~ ,.1_ OR D PIInot.PIIn:oI '~ I~ lOR I ... I IlU'IH MJIR ..- - ~ftG&~~n' 'R,,,'.''':n- C:'.~.:'I+.I."""":l {":I:n~~ ll':lrb~n. J.~iln Olivl:r (J or.> M \1; I:~;~ ~:::Iov.,~.~: (,;,nL?!) 1.AIf.....,~ -- -- 7. e........ box billow wNch moet NCI" ._...... the..... the pI'GIMrIY d the...... of..... A~OnoF__1iII n 2 or 3 flmlly .....dantIIl C _V_LInd D Non ....:1..... V_ UncI I SALE INFORMATION I "._-- n~_".... f eo....."'"', (l ApoIl/llll1l II E_I_ I ~ Communl1y SIMco I Indu_1 K Public So..... L F..... STA1E Of _ YORK STA1E _ Of REAL ........... IIEIlYICIII RP - 5217 1II'-SJ17'" JIIII Iq"sl:&l ~T HAM: ITA'II' ........ lOoIy. _... _ - - _ oppIy: 4A.PIIllnlnQ_____ 0 ..___-RoquI....ro.T- 0 4C.PanlII~IarC....,LlIionwlthMapProvlcled 0 -... - ---oppIy: .. ()wnonh;p~ 10 ~Ium .. N.- Can.uudlon on Vacant Land '1M. PrapMty Locmd wilhin _ AgrIcuIbnI 0IIIrIcI ___.__indlcotina lhII....propIIIV'illnlR '-"'_IDiIIrIc:t o o o o I a/a I _ ISi; y- ,..a.-.........._ --- ~r __ .J- LO ..........-:: I I CERTIFICATION \ I...,., ...... '" 1M _ '" __ ........ ..11IIo _ _ _.... ......, '!'J.... ..... '" ooy ............... _and 1- .... 1M......... "'ooy.- __"'_......................, -...... .....-"'...-.... --.. ..................."'-- ~ ~ BUYIJr8A~ 6.~~ ~~6-~S. I (4;~S- ~enb{lJ.m 1/e,{fUt::r IIMllleMna DATI. .AST..... ,...,.. I {!o.r NcA- fo'1d ~..... .......MYJ '''_''''''/T_ I J-I I ...... .., I no; - ^ B C D t: F G II I I -0- 0 I ,u..__ ;'; ~. 0 Ifull Solo _ Io'ho _ ."""""..... ro.... _lnaIucllng _I propo"Y. _................;"....!ann.. -. _ _ or goodo. or.........poIan 01 martpgOl or __ gi~.D 'OIILI fill-. round fa 1M,..,..,.... dollar MtOUfIt. ,..-....-.....- I ,-0....0.0 I --.....- . ASSESSMENT INFORMATION - 0aIlI lhauId rel\od thl 11_ F1nalo..--ont 11011 Ind TI. Bill ...y_..' _.,110I_1 04/01in T___I............_I . whIdI ~40.....aIon"" . '''''-'Y-- ,.9.,../ ,0 I-LJ 11.___ L..flJ.gjf\J..Ur-.J:.. 2D. T_'" .........I~ I Roll.......... (I men......................... willi ...tI....... ....~b41 ,~ - II q. 1m - ()7, IJ'D - 01" ,087J 1 I b1 ij- ~gl -- IIICIT -.- 1Y\4 -11-;+ I,{C:::"-. crrt..._ Jlf'tf~ ........ IJY 'TA'It B!Y!! ~~I~i~f.;~)~~JI)J- I~ " ... ... , ___or__ ___~or..........ln- Ono or". euw- iloloo._ ~or_il--_..Londllll_ Dood Typo not War_ or ...... .nd _ ISpocIIy Balowl Wu 01 FrICUOneI Dr LaIa thin F.. I"~ ISpKity IIIIawI 5lgn11lco" Chongo In Pr1IpIlIy _ T_ _ and _ Dol _oIlIuII_il__lnSoIo_ 0Ih0r U_ F-. A_Ill Solo _ISpocI1y_1 - ~ ..3:f.!J. r7) ~ 1.J-1 ~ 10 I () -- NEW YORK STATE COPY