HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12215 P 286 L (22/') P 2- 8(; T.. MIp DesipaTlon Dial. 1000 Sec. 113 Blk. 7 LalCa) 1 9 . 11 NYOO!.1Iorpin _ SoIc DeolI..,1ll C....... opiu 1inIIwI'I...... 1_ ot~ioo lS.-I(NYBTU 1IOIl21 CONSI/1.T VOIIIl LA WVEIlIEFOllE SICIlll\lC THIS INSTIlUAIENT _ THIS INSTItlJMEI'lT SHOULD BE USED IV lJ\ 1II'Y1:11S (lq.V TlnSINl)ENTURE,madetht~? day of August .inlhcyear 2002 BETWEEN William Chudiak, JOlla C. Weskevicz,anel Bubara Chudiak, Trust..s or their aucce.SOTS in trust, uneler the William Chudiak Living Trult dsteel April 28, 1999 and any amendments- thereto 4250 &ergen Avenue lIattituck, NY 11952 pany of Ille fint pan. and /13 - 7-1'1. II Kichae1 Pisacano, residing at (nol) Main Road, Jamesport, NY 11947 pany oflhc _d pan. WITNESSETH, Illallhc panyofllle 11m pan. in considerolion ofTen DoIlIll5 and 0lIIer valuable couiderolion paid by the pany of tht second pan. does hereby IJlIIIt and releose 11II10 Ille pany orllle _d pan, Ille heirs or succ:euors and assigns ofllle pany ofllle seCond pan fOIllYcr. ALL IbaI certain plol, piece orpan:el orland, willlllle buildingSllnd improvements thereon mlCled, si_te.lying and being in Ille See Schedule "An attached hereto IInd made a pllrt hereof. Being anel intended to be the ....e premises conveyed to the party of the first p.Tt by Correction Deed dated'Decuber 21, 2001 and recorded in the Suffolk,County Clerk'. Office on January 10, 2002 in Libet 12162 pago 768. TOGETHER with all rlsJIl, Iide and imereat, ifany, ~flbe pany of the first pan of, in and 10 any slreeIB and roads abuUinlllle above-deacn'bed prenmcs 10 Ille center lineslbereor; TOGETHER widt dte app~ and allllle eSlSle and lishlS of the pany of the rusl pan in and 10 said premises; TO HAW AND TO HOLD the premises herein plIllled 11II10 the pany of dtc second part, the heilll or succ:euors and assigns of the pany of the second part fOl\lveJ'. . AND dte pany of the finR pan COVClUllIIS IbaIIlle pany of the fim pan has not done or suffllllld anylbina whereby lbe said premisa have been incumbemI in any way whalever, cuept as .aforesaid. AND the pany orlhe first pan. in COIIIpIi_ with SccIion 13 ofllle Lien Law, covenants IbaI the pany oflhe lim pan will receive the consideration for this ccmveyance and will hold the rlsht to receive IIlICh consicIeratioIl as a tluIt.l\md 10 be applied fUll for the pwJIOIe ofpayinglhe coat of the improvemenl and will apply the_ ~e.~I,'dJbuost ofllle improvement befOl\l using any pan ot:!9!..,ICt~JLof~I~.~IIII)'-other , ~ ..- ;!. ~'jl:.afi!l!V ."o!l~Qln....:I.'QI>'~J~.,Q ~: r1bii...~.Jtw!\."$:conSlIUed as if it read "parties" whenever the SI:lUIl'Ofol.hiJl~ Io'td.llCl. C' ~at:li.; lkAJ;tCr,f -:: Fooaem IN WITNESS WHBREOF,lbe party oflbe first put has duly "ecwecl thia deed the day and year 11m above ::...- ,,~tfl\~-4Z.., ~1ia.. Chudblc. ~.. ,: ..:,~ C -';> : ~:.~:H~k ~AC lAIlr~--_NriwJ'bu'.D'''JlI'OM.r. SIIIle ~i'Iew Yark, Onurt" of $uffo 11< Oa-.?l'Cll Auaullt lnlla~ lIdn DII\, 1IIlI-' ""-4,,...-lly ...-..cI Willi.. Cbudiak and Barbara Chudi.k . pIIIIIIIIIJy ~ ., _ CII' pl'lMIlIlO ... llllla IlasiI Cll ~"''"-ty a........, llelbe ~...... --ell ill (Ire) ....1b.4.,1bc wiIbin~......a.N . 'L !fOlI1ll"~<Il'<<:\1lIIdd. - ia~ IIId billy 1IiIIb.Jd.... ......"'1(.)11I tbt --.1IIlI . upm bebtIl' or whicIllla ~)tIllIld, .~ atary Pu 1C ...._~~ ...,....._......'llIIIl ....ClIlIIIIr......... ..- till . . I..........,.,~ ~,.,,_lba WlrHtriIVl/WJbiIIrSJ:mrOllr. fJ*w I'art~ ""- "'do.wi.4-;."'Cm/fIctI~ S... orNe. Yor" eoualy 0' I st.: OlIlbe day or lnlbe year before me.lbe IIl:IdeI'liIJllllCl, pemnaIIy ~d the IUbtcribinJ ~ to the fllnsoina iNlrumenl, willt whom I ani ~acquainced, wlIo.beinJbymeduly swom,diddeposeand It)' thtI hclsbeilbey reslde(1) in (lf1M""'''''oA/;' nil "'"c11y.l1Ii:III*___ -1IIIlII6r./f lIJI)'. ~ -1IeIshe1rhey Icnow(s) co lle the iDdMtl1UI deIcribed in lIIId who executed the fareaoillS instrumenl; _ lIk1lN111cnllinJ wilness wU pIWmlt lIIId II"" nid _lbetsme; lIIId dwllid ~tllbe _lime sullsen'bed hislllerllbeir name('> II a wi_lIterclO. 1-.: 2002 BARGAIN" SALE DEED WI11I CO\'ItlNfrl ACII..UC't C'IaAJmJa~s ACTS Tm.I No. willi.. Chudiak, Joan C. Vaeke.icE, Berbara Chudiak, Trueteee,. or tbe.ir euee.nore in t~'~A8qDd.r Sh! Willi.. Chudi.k Livins Trutt dited 4f~ fY9 .n~ny amendment. thereto Miebael Pisacano FmIurY NATIONAL Tn1..& INsURANCE e;::OMPANY 0' NEW YORK It<< J.II. ....... lfJI '-FIMBt.1 ~ /' ......""",,.......tat "* ,1+.,.~_.ba~ lAIlr~___,.,J'bu'SIllJlI'OM.I: SIIIle llii'lew Yorfl, CaMy of Suf folk } .. OndleZ,Jdlror AUluet inlbt~ 2002 lIdnDll\, lbt u.....lod,pcnl'IISlIy lIIIP-.d Joan C. WaekevieE . pcnl'IISlIy ~ 1111llll CII' pl'lMIlIlll DIlIlIIlbt IlasiI of ~'. T ~ .. llelbe iDdlviduaI(I)~ II8I'IlI(I) ill.) I WIO" wilbiI "-_... ......4diiJ,od 10 _bl............. II "'I lilt _ln~~ '_1IId"1Iy~,'~C11 lbll k.......... tbt., ~upIlIl bebtIl'orwlllcblllt indMduII(s) tIllIld, lilt . ary u C ...._0._ ...,....._.....'llIIIl ....0MlIr...-'. _.~ 111 IlIlrIlIIIL........'~ ~~_Ullr"'-NilWJbiIIr_OM.r. (QuUlIStmr..Ft1rrfpG-.lA_IO~1 .. J ICMtIf/t>M/ " ~.....,...,.... ........ ................ ........... ) u.: ~y---.c-,.~.._~ "W On lite cIsy or in lite )'8IIf Wore me, lite undmiped, personally lIJlPCIII'Cd personally known to me or proved to me on lite buis or lIlIIisractorY evldlme tollellte lncllvidual(..) wIIc,elllllle(s) iI (1l\l)l1Ib1cn'bed to lite wilbln lnslrument md acIcnoW~ to me _ ~ elIlIC1lIIld lbe _ in biIIherIlIteir IllIpIClty(la). LbII by IllIIberJ Ibcir sipalUnl(s)on lite iDIIIvmml, lIteiDdMdual(s). or the per-: IIpOII lNihIlforwhieb the individual(s) IICteCI. ____ intIrumcnr, lIIId _such individual made such appea...tce Wore the lliI1ideI'Iiped iIllbe U- 1M cUy .. t1dwr po/IlicId IIIbdlWIfMI """ ". _ '" -". ... t1dwr pili<< tlw ........".",..OAl ..... ~ DISTlUCT 100 D SIlC1'ION 1l3.00 Bl.OCX 0' . DO LoT 019.011 COI;l\TIYllll~ of Suffolk /fECOI/DEDATUQUI:STOF IIIdIillly Nellonal TIde 101.,_ c.mp..,. oI'NI!W Yert REIV1IIt 6Y NlliI. Jl) Paul A. Caminiti, Esq. Caminiti & Cibbon., LLP 1'.0. Box 846 Souttlold. RY 11971 ... M i I ~ ~ ~ i I I , . "'-'" '. ;.. , ." TITlE NUMBER: PAc.3245 CHUDIAK Amended 2l5I02 OVERALl SCHEDULE -A- DESCRPrION ALL THAT CERTAIN PLOT, PIfa: OR PARCEL OF LAND, SITUATE. LYING AND BElNQ AT MAmTUCK, IN THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, COUNTY OF SUFFOLK AND STATE OF NEW YORK, BOUNDED AND DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGlHNING AT A POINT ON THE WESTERLY SIDE OF COX NECK ROAD DISTANT 1583 FEET MORE OR LESS SOUTHfRL Y FROM THE CORNER FORMED BY THE INTERSECTION OF THE SOUTHERlY SIDE OF BERGEN AVENUE WfrH THE WESTERlY SIDE OF COX NECK ROAD AND THE NORTHERLY SIDE OF THE 50 FOOT RIGHT OF WAY; THENCE ALONG THE NORTHERLY SIDE OF THE 50 FOOT RIGHT OF WAY ALONG THE DIVISION LlHE OF THI!: SOUTHERLY SIDE OF LAND NOW OR FORMERLY OF WANAT, SOllTH 74 DEGREES 33 MINUTES ~ SECONDS WEST 258.18 FEET: THENCE NORTH 00 DEGREES 59 MINUTES ~ SECONDS WEST 264.41 FEET; THENCE NORTH 89 DEGREES lIO MNUTES 20 SECONDS EAST 125.00 FEET: THENCE NORTH 00 DEGREES 59 MINUTES 40 SECONDS WEST 300.00 FEET: THENCE SOUTH 89 DEGREES 00 MINUTES 20 SECONDS WEST 125.00 fEET; THENCE SOUTH 00 DEGREES 59 MiNUTEs 40 SECONDS EAST 164.95 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 74 DEGREES 33 MINUTES ~ SECONDS WEST 51.63 FEET TO THE WESTERLY SIDE OF THE 50 FOOT RIGHT OF WAY AND LAND NOW OR FORMERlY OF MILOWSKI; THENCE ALONG SAID LAND SOUTH 00 DEGREES 59 MINUTES ~ SECONDS EAST 451.09 FEET TO THE SOUTHERlY SIDE OF THE 50 FOOT RIGHT OF WAY; THENCE ALONG THE SOUTHERLY SIDE OF THE 50 FOOT RIGHT OF WAY, NORTH 74 DEGREES 33 MINUTES 40 SECONDS EAST 312.18 FEET TO THE WESTERlY SIDE OF COX NECK ROAD; THENCE ALONG THE WESTERLY SIDE OF COX NECK ROAD THE FOLLOWING TWO (2) COURSES AND DISTANCES: 1.) NORTH 14 DEGREES 24 MINUTES 50 SECONDS WEST 9.92 FEET: 2.) NORTH Oll DEGREES 59 MINUTES 411 SECONDS WEST 41.39 FEET TO THE NORTHERlY SIDE OF THE 50 FOOT RIGHT OF WAY AND THE POINT OR PLACE OF BEGINNING. , j 1 I I I I 1 j . I I J I . . . j I . . CONTINUED..._ RIGHTS OF OTHERS. IN, THROuGH AIIlJ OVER SAID RIGHT' OF WAY AS RECITED IN UseR lIIO'I PAGE 5Z4. . I .. . 112 ) Number of JlIPI TORRENS SerIal II . IIECllIlDED 2002 Oc~ 11 01l3!h311 All EdYard P.llouine !UllK OF SUFFOLK COUITV L DOOO122J5 P286 DT. 02-11547 Cenilime . PriorClf.1! Deed/ Mo......'_ Deed / Moltpp Tax SUmp ~1lI!S Reconfiac' FlI" Slamps 4 "-P' Fililllfec 11Ind1in, l'P-SI4 15~ 5~ 5-=:" Morlpee Ami. I. BuicT. 2. Addltiunal Ta NolIIliuQ EA-5211(C_y) EA-S211 (SIaIe) IlP.T.5.A 5 ..::... Sub T-., ?J).Ob ~~ .::YJ-_ SUb Total c-.. of Ell. s <X1-. SpocJAqiL Or Spoc./AdIJ. TOT. MTG.l'AX _ Dual ToWl! Dual Coumy_ 'Ieldl'or~ erT. . 3;;'1 Manslllll Tllll _ 1'hr propeIl)' ccwaed by III;' mOllpp ;, or will be Improved by . o.e or two family nllin& oal)'. YllS Ill" NO I O. see llppnlpI'lIIIt' tax c...... lllI pIlp II oflblslnslrumrnl. Affidavit Cenirled Copy Re&, Copy Other -1.5. ~ SubTlllaI OR^,"D TOTAL 1 RaI Propel!)' Tax Service Apncy Veriflatian Dill. S<!cIicn 91oc1t. . _ 1.01 1000 11300 0700 019011 ,11 Preservation Fund moun I S 81.000.00 S 120.00 SIamrp 02039981 .. ~) Inltlala I 7 SatiafactionslD~ Lise J>ropeny Owners MlIi1lng RECORD.a IU:TIIRN TO: PauL A. Caminiti, Eaq. Caminiti & Gibbons, LLP P.O. Box 846 Seuthold, NY 11971 SCSIII Lan'dL TO -.JO TD "1'1) ./ 9 I nde Company "formation Co. Name Pacollic Abatract, Inc. Tille fI 641-S-01620 Suffolk Coun Recordin & Endorsement Pa e This pegc fonns pIllt oflbto 8llachl1d Willi... 8lwdiak, JOan C. \lUkel'icz. Bartiara hud14k, trusteea at the Willi.. Chudiak Livin. Truat dated April 28, 1999 and any ...ndmente thereto Deed IIUIcIc by: (SPEOFY TYPE 0I11NS'lRUMENT) 1'he pn:mises hm:in is situated in SUf'FOI..K COUNTY. NEW YORK. TO In~l~pof Inlbe V1lJ..AOfi or HAMurr of Sauthold Michael Piaacano Hattituck 00XllS .51HRU 9 MUST BE lYPED OR PRIN'lED IN HI.ACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO REC'ORDINO OR flUNG. (OVERt . 1111111111111 IfIIllll SlD'1'OLIt Q"u....-Z CT." ltBCOIU)S OI'JI':ECJI RBC:OJmDIG PArD: I'Jpe of %_t~ta ~IIIDDD P-"-ez' of ....... 5 'f'RUsna '!rU ....-..I'h 02-11547 tiet:riCll:; . 1000 8eCticilU 113.00 1taCOZ'de41 At. L:mB:R. ...... 10117/2002 071311138 All D00012215 28& B1ClalI:1 07.00 Loti 019.011 Deed .llllauat. ~..-.~-=.. AD ~..~ U I'OLLOIfS '81,000.00 Rec:ei.....s t;he 1'o11owiDg he. I'oJ: Jl.bove ZDa~t: - _t lllO -"'Uiag lllO IIlrS ...~ lllO "'-"'WI!II: lllO C.rt:. CoDi.. lllO 8C'l'II IICl c:c-..IIi':no. ..... pai4 $15.01 '5.00 $5.00 '5.00 $30.00 $32'.00 '5.00 $15.00 $25.00 '0.00 '0.00 $120.00 $5".00 ""'II ..It: lllO lllO IICl lllO 110 110 hgelPiliJag COB _-C'l'lr '1'P-584 RI"1' 'l'r_fezo t:ax Pl....... 'l'AX .~r-.'1Rt 02..11547 'nIX8 .Ala %8 .. .U'1' or 'I'IIB Dl'S'fRU'IIIIDIT B4wazd iii' .JlOII&~ COlID.t:y Clezok. Sld!f'olk COlID.ty dvmr INST~UC"ONS: http:// www.orpl...ny.us or PHONE (518) 473-7222 j J / / . ......"...//'.;- . REAl.....:tl{Jtv TI!llWsFERREPOfn' STJI\1E OF _YORK SlATEIOAIll!CII' IIIIWo _~.. llERVICES RP - 5217 u,s#T WI ,. "'-IY I l.c>catIotl 1457 COltlileck Road STfIEET NAME SlllEET NUM8EII iMattituck CITY OR 'fQWN Kattituck VlUAGf 11952- ZIP CODE r.,.. 2. euv.r I .illacano Nairne I.AST MAME I COMPANY I Kicbae1 FIRsT NAME ""'<' I ~'" lAS't NAME I COMPANY FIRST NAME 3. TlXlndlcate Where future Tax Bills are to be-sent I ... ~ _lhanbuye, _Iat bottom offilrm) . AdIIniio t.ASTl\IAME I COMPANY I RI'IST-NAME # of P.al"Cllt: ORO Part of a Parcel IORiv . PjIIt"'. _ ChOok"" tlMiy"""'" .... P1anni1>u_wiIll_ Authofltv exists e. S_lon~.""~.fo'T_ ..e', Parcel Approved for Subdiviiion wtthMap Provided o o 0- "'", ~-q ..iII!' , :.. smm NUMBER AND sTleT NAMe 4. '~.~.~of ~1l'Jlii.ll\.n<< ..... ~ti,~.,....ed on the dMd :-" 1 I ~.. CrTY OR TOWN STATE ""CODE .. =..v I S1z. "- Ixl I~" , 1 .6 , 9 I FRONTi'EET DEPTH ~"~'"'".,,<,~ r ACRES I Chudiak, William, Waakewicz, Joan C. . and 111I1llllialt, Barbara, Truateesor tbei., ~ NAMEI COMPANY "" ' "" FIflSTHMtE . suqce..ora in trust, under the William Chudialt LtvinlTru.t dated 4/28/99 and I any amendment a thereto . I LAST NAME I COMPANY FIRST NAME .,- Na.... ~~ 7. Check the box Mtow wttlchmost accurately ...... the .... of 1M ~ at -tIliittiIM of... A~O ".eF.am. jlv....R. os iden. tta I B "20r 3 Family Residrmtial c: ',' Resldenti.1 ViicaAt Land D ' 'Non--:R8Sldentiel VlCant land -. II, Sole Cotllri.ot I)ato E~ItUral F . .. .. ....-dOr G " .. ' nient_ H : - "Entertainm.~t I Amusement CM* 1ho._lloIiow _tlMiy """'" 8...~hip T~iaCondomfnium 9. New Construction on Vacant l.nct 12 1 _lh 26 1 01 Day year 12._"'SoIo/T,_ 08 I 27 Month Day {02 Vea, 13. FuflSolo Prico t 8 1 tOO, 0; fI, fI I (Full-.~le Price is the total amount paid fOrtheproperty_i~luding'~onal~' This ~ent may be in the form Ofcun. otherpropert'f:orgoodS,or the assumption of mortg~,oth.,. obligations.) PIetlse round to the near. whof8 dollar amount. -, 1a._",' .. ~-""IO II 17.T_'---~V_ f"''''~In_. '11 Whiohlnfolm........... .....,... , .,~ ,.--'". ; ; ,'8,OPI , 18. "'-IY a.. I /, ~ '1-LJ 19.__........ I -- / C;; 20, T.. Mop ......llIiortoll Ao6Ic1o....n. 1111 ~~.~. .......lhOotwlth - -.11 } 13 _ 7 _ /Cf. II 1000-113.00-07.00-019.011 I - I c:onIry'duot oR ~ ta.... of WIll. ., ...- ...lIde _ ""'true _ ~ (to fIie _ 01 my .......... _ boIIet) .... I...' ......... _ the maItlDtI of any _ _!'..... , of..- fact ""'*... oBbJect me to the _u,...~ of.. _01 .... ........ 10 ta JDOIdow -1IlDa "'_ __ BUYER IIIJYElrS A I I"::"".EY Caminiti lAST NAME Pau1.A. ""ST NAME fa -::> 00x jC)3! 631 765-5900 ST1'IEET NUMBER s:meE't NAME (AFTEfIl SALEl AREA CODE TELEPHONE NUtr,tU:R ~:~c.>T#O' -> I ~ >( I' (1"if9'?l 7~ /".~~co )~/t~~ .. '. L/' N~ - . DATE .;iI' ,i,,.. '~ ~.