HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12408 P 264 " ~ :. . . ;...... I LlJLjot f 1& ~ District: 1000 Section: 113.00 Block: 07.00 Lot: 019.026 Town: Southold County: SulTolk \. JI.3-7~ /Q,lG (.,s~ /11) PINDAR ASSOCIATES, GRANTOR, TO PINDAR ASSOCIATES LtC, GRANTEE WARRANTY DEED Return by Mail 10: Leslie Feiler, Esq. Jaspan Schlesinger HolTman LLP 300 Garden City PllI7.Il, Sill Floor Garden City, New York 11530 . '. . . THIS INDENTURE, made the 30'" day of August, 2005 between Pindar Associates, having lIII address at 591-A Bicycle Path, Pon Jefferson, New York 11776 ("Grantor"), and Pindar Associates LLC, a New Yort limited liability company, having an address at 591-A Bicycle Path, Pon Jefferson, New York 11776 ("Grantee"). WITNESSETH: That Grantor, in consideration ofTen ($1 0.00) Dollan paid by the Grantee, does hereby grant and release unto the GrlIIItcc, the heirs or successors and assigns of the Grantee forever ALL that cel1llin plot, picec or parcel ofland, situate. lying and being at Mallituck, Town of Southold, County ofSulTolk and State of New York. bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the southerly side of Bergen Avenuc at the nonhcasterly comer of the parcel about 10 be described, said point being situate the following two (2) courses and dislanl:es as measured along the southerly side of Bergen Avenue from the intersection of the southerly side of Bergen A venue and the westerly side of Cox Neck Road: (I) South 63 degrees 54 minutes 31 seconds West 1298.54 feel, (2) South 55 degrees 12 minutes 21 seconds West 526.26 feet; said point also being situate South 55 degrees 12 minutes 21 seconds West as measured along the southerly side of Bergen A venue 178.39 feet from the nonheasterly comer of land of Grantor; RUNNING THENCE from said point of beginning South 34 degrees 47 minutes 39 seconds Easl through land of Granlor 1122.00 fcc:t to land now or formerly Thornton E. Smith; RUNNING THENCE along IlIIId now or formerly of Thornton E. Smith the lallowing four (4) courses and distances: (I) Soulh 56 degrees 07 minutes 58 seconds Wesl406.41 feet, (2) South 51 degrees 24 minutes 01 seconds WesI5i.06 feet, (3) South 56 degrees 09 minutes 21 seconds West 817.41 feet, (4) North 32 degrees 10 minutes 19 seconds West 201 .48 feet to land now or forn1erly Minas Mihaltses & Vassilik Mihaltscs; RUNNING THENCE along land now or formerly (If Minas Mihaltscs & Vassilik Mihaltses Ihe following IWO (2) courses and distances: (I) Nonh 64 degrees 05 minutes II seconds East 2.00 leel, (2) Nonh 32 degrees 38 minutes 09 seconds West 406.76 feel to a poinl; 2 RUNNING THENCE through land of Grantor the following two (2) courses and dislllnees: 11) North 55 degrees 12 minutes 21 seconds East 175.00 feet, (2) North 32 degrees 38 minutes 09 seconds West 498.18 feet to the southerly side: of8ergen Avenue; RUNNING THENCE North 55 degrees 12 minutes 21 seconds East along the southerly side of Bergen Avenue 1054.33 feet to the point or place of BEGINNING. . Containing an area ofJO.Oooo acres. TOGETHER with all right, title and interest, ifany, ofGrantor in and to any streets and roads abulling the above described premises to the center lines thereof, TOGETHER with the appurtenances and all the estate and rights of Grantor in and to said premises, TO HAVE AND TO HOLD, the premises herein granted unto the Grantee. the heirs or successors and assigns of the Grantee forever. AND Grantor, in compliance with Section 13 of the Lien Law covenants that the Grantor will reccive the consideration for this conveyance and will hold the right to receive such consideration as a trust fund for the purpose of paying the cost of the improvement and will apply-the same tirst to the payment to thc cost orthe improvement before using any part of the total ofthe same for any other purpose. AND Grantor covenants lIS follows: FIRST That said Grantor is seized ufthe said premises in fee simple. and has good right to convey the same; SECOND That the Grantee shall quietly enjoy the said premises; THIRD That the said premises are free from enewnbranees, except as aforesaid; FOURTH That Grantor will execute or procure any further necessary assurance of the title to said premises; FIFTH That said Gr.mtor will forever WlIITIIIltthe title to said premises; The words "Grantor and Grantee" shall be construed as irthey read "Grantors and Grantees" whenever the sense of this indenture so requires. 3 .' ,'. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Grantor has duly executed this deed the day and year first above wrillen. . In presenee of: PINDAR ASSOCIATES / Jason Damianos By: &U,.. 7)0.. . .. Alethea Damianos By: ~/Ot. A:c'11AHPV E iee~ BY:~,oJ ~/ Pindar Damianos - 4 .' " STATEOFNEWYORK ) ) 55.: COUNTYOF~).~\\- ) On the n... day of August in the year 2005, before me, the undcrsi8DCd, personally appeared Alexander Damianos. personally known to me or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the individual whose name is subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the same in his capacity, and that by his signature on the instnlmCDt, thc individual, or the person upon behalf of which the individual acted, executed the instrument. NolIIry P . NA M. MAU .ERl ~ :0'~~~:~1~S~:~101urrty05 CommIsSion Explrea December ,2111 STATE OF NEW YORK ) ) 55.: COUNTY OF~..\-~,\- ) On the ~ day of August in the year 2005, before me. the undersigned, personally appeared Jason Damianos, personally known to me or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the individual whose name is subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the same in his capacity, and that by his signature on the instrument, the individual, or the person upon behalf of whieh the individual acted, executed the instrument. NolIIry Pu he CHRISTINA M. MAUCERI Notary PubDc SIBt8 of New Yorfc No. OfMA51!5~136, Suffolk County Convnlsslon ExpII8S DBCembBr 11,2005 STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF S.:ll~\\... ) ) 55.: ) On the~ day of August in the year 2005, before me, the undersigned, personally appeared Alethea Damianos. personally known to me or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the individual whose name is subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me thut she executed the same in her capacity, and that by her signature on the instrument, the individual, or the person upon behalf of which the individual acted, executed the instrument. CHRISTINA M. MAUCERI . Notary Public. StatB of New Yorfc No. 01MA51l53136, Suffolk County Commission ElcplrBs DecembBr 11,2005 _ vi _ PiadIr """"__ """"ilia U.cW_Doed 5 . . . . . . . . ' . STATE OF NEW YORK ) COUNTY OFS,)~' \......- ~ 55.: On the~ d:iy of August in the year 200S, before me, the undersigned, personally appeared Eurydicc Damianos, personally known to me or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the individual whose namc is subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me thlll she executed the same in her capacity, and that by her signature on the instrument, the individual, or the person upon behalf of which the individual acted, executed the instrument. Notary Public CHR1ST1NAM. MAUC I " Notary Public State of New York No. OtMAS1)53136, SUIlolkCounly_ CommissIOn Expires December 11,2005 STATE OF NEW YORK ) COUNTY OF S..>,.;~,,- ~ 55.: On the ~ day of ^ugust in the year 200S, before me, the undersigned, personally appeared Pindar Damianos, personally known to mc or proved to me on the basis ofsatisfactoty evidence to be the individual whose name is subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the same in his capacity, and that by his signature on the instrument, the individual, or the person upon behalf of which the individual acted, executed the in~1rument. NolaJy CHRIST1NA M. MAUCERI . NotaryPlIbllc. State of New York No. OtMA5~53136. SlJfIolkCOllnty commission ExpI18S December 11 ,2005 _95 _I . PincIor __......--_ LLC w....~ Dad 6 . 7 . ' , Number of pages TORRENS Serial It CertiticlllC It 1 Prior crt. It Deed . Monaage Insuumenl Deed, Mcmpge Tax SlaI1lP FEES 3 Page , Filing Fee Handling S. .lllL b TP-S84 NOIlIuon EA-S217 (CounIy)" Sub TOUII 8~ 5 "7')- ~ cO EA-S217 (Slale) R.P.T.S.A. Comm. of Ed. S..lllL Affidavil CertiCied Copy ,,>T" Ift,;;- tIP Grand TolBI J Reg. Copy IS- Olber Real Property Tax Service Agency VcriCication Seelion In.D 0 Block ...00 Lot Oll/.r) ~ 1000 11300 0700 019026 "- . ~~ ~ SatisfllClionfDischargesfRclease Lilt Property Owners Mailing Address RECORD" RETURN TO: 8 ~ Iii f<;tuJ ~t' Jf4Jr"l J,~~'~ HIJ~ JA..-f 'J,Of) ~ Cf'Ij !IOA.! S'~f/"y 7 6q...k>\ "'7.1 A/( I/5"JV TItle * CJ Suffolk Count Recordin This page fonns part of lhe lIIIacbed & Endorsement Pa e RECORDED 2005 Sep 09 IOID4I34 AM Edward P.Rcaaine Q.ERKOF SUFFCLK COUNTY L ??oo12408 P 264 DT' 05-058b7 .1... e. MOItp&C Aml. I. auie Tax 2. Additional Till!. Sub TOIlII Spec. , AssiL or Spec. , Add. TOT. MTG TAX Dual Town _ Dual County_ " Held for AppoinlJllalr/.r- TraDsferTax ~ _ MlIISion Tax _ The property covered by Ibis motgage is or will. be improved by a one or two family dwelling only. YES or NO If NO. see approprilllC WI claw;,: on paae It of this insuumenL .(J CPF Tax Due 5 Communi Consideration Amount s S Improved '. Vacant Land V JrJ TO TO TO Informatiou ~ P I ~ fir JIXA.....f.CJ lSP IFY TYPE OF INSTRUMEN11 mode by: The premisis herein is situated in TO P ''1-tif('" l1:t III" ..-k /..L..c... SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK. In lhe Townsbip of -.-d~11 In Ihc VILLAGE or HAMLET of "", BOXES 6 THROUGH 8 MUST BE TYPED OR PRINTED IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDING OR FlUNG (over) I Illml 11I1 nlIIIU~ 11111111111111111111111111111111 111II nlllWllW 1111 SUFFOLK COUNTY CL:&:Rlt RBCORDS OPPle:&: RBCORDING PAGB Type of :Inetrument I DBBDS/mm NUmber of page., 7 Receipt NUmber . 05-0094545 TRAHSI'BR TAX HUMBBR: 05-05867 Recorded. At. 09/09/2005 10.04,34 AM LIBBR: PAGB: D00012408 264 Deed Amount 1 Section. 113.00 .YI\K:IIIBD AIIID $0.00 Block. 07.00 CJ'''RGBD AS Lot. 019.026 District. 1000 ~LLOWS Received the l'ollowing I'ee. For Above :Instrument Bx8lllpt b""lpt page/Filing $21.00 NO Jl&ndling $5.00 NO COB $5.00 NO IlYS SllCHG $15.00 NO BA- CTY $5.00 NO BA-STATB $75.00 NO TP-584 $5.00 NO Cert.Copies $0.00 NO RPT $30.00 NO SCTN $0.00 NO TraD.fer tax $0.00 NO CCIIIIIII.Pres $0.00 NO I'ee. Paid $161.00 TRANSI'BR TAX NUMBBR. 05-05867 TJl:IS PAGE :IS A PART 01' TKB D1'STRtlKBlIIT TH:IS :IS NOT A B:ILL Bdward P. Romaine County Clerk. SUffolk County ._~_.~---- .- -- ~-~~~~-- - _n____ U PLEASE lYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRITING ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS: http://www.Drps.lt8te.n~.ul or PHONE (518) 473.7222 FOR COUNTY USE ONLY Cl. SWI& ~ I ~?, '?,5J',g,crl I ~I q,,1/~_rT it cz. I)ag DHd HI. dad C3._k PROPERTYINFOR~TM)N 1'~1 4130 -"II'IIIITNU'lIIPfI HAttituck OI"..1t;IllIII lIerS8n Avenull .....- ...- REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT STATE OF NEW YllIII< STAlE _ OF RIAL fRlIPElITY a_ RP - 5217 .N1I1....."" ...- z. ..... -- Pinder Associates LLC, e Naw York limite liability company I. I '"' NMIl LAIII""~ -- S. Tu lndIcMt.... ....re '....11'010 ba IDI1l I ..... 11___-I_-oflvnnl - LAIT N,M& I COIIPAN'f ....It.AIHo s,1IIU'-.......IIIiIIi'.... CIIVGII~ -~ 11. ChIllI. _....... III..... - .. _.......... to....-..: A ....1atwoIn ReIMivoI or Fomw RoIMiwoI .... BItwIIn Related CQtnpIII'" or ~ in ..... Orlll at 1M BIIV'IR II... a Sell.- _or_IoClco_,.,_.~or_- Daed Typo ... _.... or ....... ... Sola ISpoolly BeIowI _ofF,_orLoa_Ftlo__tllpocIly_, SlgnI_~,,__T_bIo_"'_lloIiIO _of_IoInd_"_Pric>> 0Ih0r u.......I F_ _lllI_ Pric>> 1SpocIfy- - .. ............... of a neat Roll ~ 1lo_..A..,1d 01'1...... lJ . 01 PeI'CllII OR 0 Part or a r-.cal '-=.., I .... .3D.w -- 10111 Ixl HlQlNl'Flil _III Pindar Associates ....,..... '-- -- LAIT MAUll CQMNoHW' LM',..../~ ...,..... 7. Check tile boll below..... n..a... ....,....... 'M UN at the property M thlI II... allIlIe: A~Ono FomIIy-'" B Z 01' :I Family RalldtrWaI C' ....._01 V..... Lond o Noll R...dwltill Vecant Llind I SALE INFORMATION I TT.__lIoIll F.~...rlculOlI'l . I' eom_ G /\po""""" H El'URllnment I AmuIafMnt I ~ c.n-.tIy- J Ind_ " Public_ I. For.. I ""' I You ...... 1Z.lIoIoof_/T_ 8 I 30 ...... ""' I 05 y.., , ,,0 ,0,0 I I I 0 IFuII Solo..... Ie........ .-ntpoldlorlho _. - ........1_. _........ may be.....!ann of-. _ _or.-,..... ___ of morq.... or OCher obIlpdonsJ ...... round to rill ,.,.. .... ."., amounI. ...=-=~= I ,0 ~O.OI ASSESSMENT INFORMATION - Dolo .hould ,_Iho _ F1no'_mo.. Roll ond Tox Bill 13. Full .... ...... alAn; __""01'____""" 4A.I'IonnIngBoonl____- 0 ..._AppowoI__...rorT_ 0 c._......-ror_-Moo- 0 -...----- .. Owno_ Typo Ie C<IMaonInlum .. N.w' c:on.an.aIan an V-.l Land 'llA."'-"'__""'__ ,aa__.__Ind'COIIno IhM lhI property illn M AgrllUlurll 0IIIricI o o o o I 38.001 I ".V_of. --- fl!il{j 11.T...._V_lGloll....-.._1 , . . T,-:::'-'7 ~?I-U _____I '/?J~t::~.1 20. T.. Map ~ '''' ...........1.,) 11'........ four. ..... ..- with.......... ~I Section 113.00 " :, 1 Bln~k 07.00 Lot 019.026 I CERnFlCA110N I I cor1Il) .... 08 01 ,he ...... or __........ .., lldlror. .. \nit .... -- '10....... 01 "" .............. boIIoI)..... --.-.... .... ....-.. .rlOll)' ...1_ _... _ ...... ....... ......... ......... ---....... - low ........ 10 !he --.c... .....r.... .....-.... ~ !l!D!! BUYER'B ATTORNEY _~r . - g-.3tl-t), 'FBifer Leslie --- ~ ....- -- 4130 ....,.- Berg8n Avenue . I""" NMII..... MUrI 516 HAttituck ~:"~J ......- SIAn ...- c(? ...a 0-- OJ .... 746-8000 -..... ..--..- NEW YORK STATE COPY