HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12398 P 189 I?g-~-I?:'.I~ , BARGAIN AND SALE DEED WITH COVENANT AGAINST GRANTOR'S I I J. ?> ~ l( ACTS (INDIVIDUAL OR CORPORATION) 'p ! M STANDARD NYBTU FORM 8007 t'AUTION: TillS AOREEMEJI.'T SHOULD BE PREPAKf.IIII\' AN ATTORNEY A"'D REVIEWEIl U\' ATTOKlIF.VS FOR SELLER AND PURCIIASf.K IJEPORE SlOS\N(J. THIS INDENTURE, made theJ' June, 2005, benveeD KJ,"N M. GER......AN AND PEGGY A. GERMAN. of 1620 WATER TERRACE SOUTHOLD. NY 11971 party oflbe lirst pari. and D.K.S. UMITED PARTNERSHIP. C/O DANTE AIELLO. 76 S. MONTGOMERY A VENUE, SAY SHORE. NY 11706 parly of the second p:m, ""TNESSETH,lhallbe party of the first part, in consideration of SIX HUNDRED FORTY.FIVE THOUSA~ AND 001100 (5 645,000.00) dollars. lawful money of the United States, paid by lbe party of the S&.'cond pari, docs hereby grant and release unto the pany of the !lCCond part, the heirs or successors and assigns of the pany of Ihe second part forever. QI~t- / 1000 .4.U lhat certain plot, piece or parcel of land. with t"" buildings and improvements thereon erected, sitUD\c. lying and being in the )~;" ~ O~,OO 11,1 SCHEDULE A. ATTACHED HERETO (deserlpdoD of premises) BEING AND INTEJliDED TO BE the same premiscs conv.:ycd to the grantors herein by deed dated March 22,1999 and recorded March 30,1999 in Libcr 11954 page: 361 in the Office ofthc Clerk oflhe County of Suffolk TOGETIIER with all right. title and int."TCSl, if any. oftbe party of the lirst pari in and to any slrccls and roads abuuing the above described prcmi&eS to the center lines thereof, I' ~DD. Tf!GJ:.THER with the appurtenances and alllhe estalC and rights of the party of the firs! pari in and to o ". said premises. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the premises herein granted unto the parly ofthc second part, the heirs or J,U successors and assigns of the pany of the second pari forever. ____ .4ND the party of the fin;t part, covcnanLs that the pany of the first part has not done or soffCR.-d anything ~ ~ when:by the said premises have been encumbered in any way whateVer, except as afon:said. IlO/,( AND the party of the first part, in compliance with Section \J of the Lien Law, covenanls thatthc party I of the lirst pari will receive lbe consideration for this conveyance and will hold the right to receive such consideration as a trusl fund 10 be applied first for the purpose of paying the cost of the improvemenl and will apply the same lirst to the paym.'lI1 of the cost of the improvement before using any part of the total of the same for any other purpose. The word "party" shall be construed as if it read "parties. whenever the SCI1SC of Ihis indenture so requIres. IN ""TNESS WHIiREOF, the party of the fin;t part has duly executed this deed the day and year first abo\'c written. IN PRESENCE OF: ,-<... A,/- KEN M. GERMAN ~ /ttf!!.,- PEGG A. GERMAN "'YSDA _.ia1 Real r.... Formi ...lladloc:a"t9lOO1 .1. c.pyriahl C.poon"Ilove'-' Acknowledgmenl by a Person Willrin New York Slate (RPL ~ 309-a) . t'. ~ STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF SUFFOLK ) ) IS.: ) On Ibe)J day of JlD1c. 200S. before me, tl1e undersigned, personally appeored KEN M. GERMAN AND PEGGY A. GERMAN. personally known to me 01' proved 10 me on tbe basis of satisfactory e\'idence to be the individual(sl wbose namcls) is (are) subscribed 10 tl1e witl1in instrument and acknowledged 10 me tballhey executed the same in !heir capecity(ies), and thai by !heir signalUre{s) on the instrument, lhe individUllI(s), or 1M person upon bebalfof wbicb the individual(s) acled, exeeuled 1M instrument. . (signal 'WIWAM D. MOORE' Nalary Public, ~ DI New '/bit No. 4832728 0u8I1f1ed In SufIaIt CouIl\y Ct..... IDnExpnsJellUllry31.~ ~" /. '/7 i' O'd. /'Ill., ~ : II II. ~9'sr /DfJ/J ko~H, ~R III./. krJ /.-op h1f 1},lr II t.~: /.j..,/,'1,.., .:ErE, Is, 'I.k"."" HEAlDt>i. )'l!'YUJ'1lW . ~ . ~ /IJ# 61tAhN ".1).. 1'/~).4 CtMf/6N 1',,-, /V-I. 1/f"Je I'd ~/. ()~ Ii-' t"IT~/1 ~ . . Il:VSBA Residcno\) R... Elm.. Forms on I lotDoc," (9100) Copyrish' cOplOn" De..I""""", -2. . '. . . I SCHEDULE "AI> (CONTINUED) ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of land with the buildings and improvements thereon erected situate, lying and being at Bayview, in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, known and designated as and by Lot No. 13 as shown on a certain map entitled, "Map of Angel Shores" and filed in the Office of the Clerk of the County of Suffolk on August 23, 1995 as Map No. 9729, said lot is more particularly bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the southeasterly side of Water Terrace, a tie distance of 316.00 feet southerly from the extreme southerly end of the arc of a curve which COlUlects the southerly side of Main Bayview Road with the southeasterly side of Water Terrace; RUNNING THENCE north 66 degrees 10 minutes 50 seconds east, 200.00 feet; THENCE south 23 degrees 49 minutes 10 seconds west, 158.76 feet; THENCE north 61 degrees 12 minutes 15 seconds west, 202.08 feet to thc southeasterly side of Water Terrace; lHENCE along the southeasterly side of Water Terrace, the following two courses and distances: 1) along the arc of a curve bearing to the left having a radius 0 f3 50.00 feet, a distance of 30.40 feet; 2) north 23 degrees 49 minutes, 10 seconds cast 110.87 feet to the point or place of BEGINNING. SAID PREMISES BEING KNOWN BY THE STREET ADDRESS: 1620 WATER TERRA,CE, GREENPORT, NEW YORK DISTRICT: 1000 SECTION: 088.00 BLOCK: 06.00 LOT: 013.015 -.4.~. . ", . ~ .. ~ , .' Number of pages TORRENS Serial # Certilieale 1# Prior Ctf. 1# Deed . Mortgage Inmumcnt Deed I Mortgage Tax SllImp FEES 3 p..age I Filing Fee Handling S. ..lllL TP-584 ~OIalion EA-5:!17 I.County) Sub TOIll! EA-52 I 7 (Stale) ~- R.P.T.S.A. Comm. of Ed. 5. ..QO_ Aflid3vil Certiliw Copy Reg. Copy Sub TOIllI ~l_ Gr.md TOIIlI tSa ' Other 4 DiSlri~ Real Property Tax Servic Ag,mcy . . V~rifi"..ali<.'tn .., Aft ,_" 1000 08800 0600 013015 013.01!l !l 6 SalisfoctionIDischal'j,oesIRclea.'iC List Property OWllerli Mailing Addrcs5 RECORD &: RETURN TO: ATfN: WILLIAM B.IFE, ESQ. BERKMAN, HENOCH. PETERSON &: PEDDY 100 GARDEN CITY PLAZA GARDEN CITY NY 1I!l30 I RECORDED 2005 Jul 18 11:33:13 All Edward P. Roaaine CLERK IF 5l.fFllU( COOHTY L DlmI2398 PI8!I DTI 04-49432 Recording I Filing Stnmp5 tl Mortgage Amt. I. Bosie Tax 2. Additional 1Ux Sub Total Spec. I A5sil. or Spo:c. I Add. TOT. MTG. TAX Dunl Town _ Duul CounlY _ Held for Appointment ptj Trnnsfer . /JS ."_ Mn on lax property covered by this mOlgage il or will be impl'llvcd by a line ur lwe Cumily dwelling only. YES or NO IC . fee apprupriale lax clau,,", on page' uf thi~ instrument. / . .z. ~O') Con5idenuion A S 645.000.00 S 9.900.00 Improved CPF Tux Due Vacant Lund TO .1 Ood TO _ _ TO~ 7 Title Company lofonnalloD Co. Nome BIG APPLE ABSTRACT "" . TItle 1# BA Z!J65S 8 Suffolk County Recording & Endorsement Page Thi5 page forms part of !he alluchcd DEED (SPECIFY TYPE OF INSTRUMENT) mad.: by: KEN M. GERMAN AND P[C,.GV A. GERMAN The premisis herein is shunted in TO D~S LIMITED PARTNERSHIP SUFFOI.K COUNTY. NEW YORK. In the Township of SOlJTHOLD In the VILLAGE or H,\MLET of SQlJTHOLD RO'lCI'S Ii TlUlOIIr.J.1 II Y1IST RI' 'I'VI'I'O OR PRI'\iTI'n '" RI A("K INK ONI Y PRIOR TO Rl'f"ORnlNr. OR I'll INr. 1 1111111 1111 11m 11111111111111111111 IIIIIII~ III~IIIII~ 1I111111111 StJPFOLlt COUNTY CLBRlt RBCORDS OPP:I:CB RBCORD:IBG PAGE Type of Xnstrument. DEBDS/DDD Numbe~ of Page.. 4 Receipt Numbe~ . 05-00740B6 TRANS PER TAX HOMBBR: 04-49432 Record.ed. At. 07/1B/2005 11.33.13 AM L:I:BBR: PAGB: D00012398 189 Deed Amount. Section. Block. OBB.OO 06.00 ,"ya.KINBD AND CHAllGBD AS FOIoLONS $645.000.00 Lot. 013.015 Dist~ict. 1000 Received the Following Fees Fo~ Above xn.trumant b""'lpt BxB1llpt Page/Filing $12.00 NO Handling $5.00 NO COB $5.00 NO mes SRCBG $15.00 NO BA-CTY $5.00 NO !lA-STATE $75.00 NO TP-5B4 $5.00 NO C.~t.Copi.s $0.00 NO RPT $30.00 NO SCTII $0.00 NO T~an.f.~ tax $2.5BO.OO NO CCIIIIIII.P~e. $9.900.00 NO Fees Paid $12.632.00 TRANSFER TAX NUMBER. 04-49432 THXS PAGB XS A PART 01' THE XNSTRtlJIBIlT THXS XS NOT A BXLL Bdwa~d P.Romaine County C1e~k. Suffolk County lit REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT I~ ,?, -:J,~,1',rl C2.DnI_R... - V' /.1 P.,["""I CI. _ I../,' ~,..)' ~~ cu... PROPERTY INFORMATION ,. "'-" ,1620 Water Terrace Loudon ITllItT""- ITJIIP ~ I SouthaLl . I ......- . D r 2._ I.IH....""----.~~~ LIMITED PARTNERSHIP ,... LMT....,~ ....,IIIMA C1. SWII ~ 111'''''' Of _ VOIUl II1'A1I __ Of IlEAL .........'v IIEIMCE8 RP - 5217 ......., an 3In I 119Jj .. LMJfMllt/~'" -- I. T.. lndicIII......fuluNT............. I ..... i_.....~_.._.._. - LMINlUII.ICCIM'lUCY -- .1'MII......1IIIO llllaT ..... em' CIIlQMII . 1 1.01......'.011 0 ...~0I........ I I .6m .CIXlt ..- I . "'-" - ....0'''''' Ixl """ 10111 'III:ICI" .6.91 1lIoIv1_"'__.__ ...._Ina...n1.....__EldIIo 0 ...... L->I.., AIIPM-...... forT..... 0 Co.... ApprcMd b' 1I.1h4IIan wIIh" PravIdId 0 .. ........ .... ....... fill .. . ......... - . ..4 OIl....... ..- Homo GIWWl LMr.....'~_ 1ft' GEIlHAN LMT_,_~_. ~!:. PEGGY A. ....- A~ 0.. FIOliy_ II Z"'3F.mlly_' C _v..... Und I.) NOR - .. ,AlII VICIM lMd I SALE INFORMATION I ". .... c.ntrMt: .,... E~~" ~Communlly_ F c..._.~. J IrIctuItNI G __ . PuIIIIo_ H E_'...._ L F_ -....----- .. ewn..IIlp Type II CondOMIfWm .. ,.~... ~I - on VlCll'llloMtd -",-",~_..Ag-- ---.--- .dwpnlplltyllln_'F .........DIm'iaI o o o o 7. c:a-Iltt. boa ..... ..... ..... - .W"...... the ..., 1M ........, .. ... ..... l1li ..... '2._oI_,T_ 3 I 23 / 051 - "'" - b I ).., / 05 - "'" v. ,1. CMIII_. __....... _ -. _....................r.: ^ ___.._RoI_ B ___eom_....._InIlull_ C 0lIl.....-.10_._ D _.._IoGa._"'_''''''''''-dnlII_ 1\ Oood TW>o'" __..........- .... C8lIodIY- F _oI_..~_foo_lSpoalIy_ G Slgnll\DIIlIOltngoin"'-"t_T____O" H .. of ..... illnaIuCIId in .... PrIeD I OlhIr__AhDlgIloIo_t!lflociIY_' J _ .6,4,510.0.0,0,01 , , . . __PrIcoIl...._........plldlar... _..........__. _........... _ bo in........ "'_ __....... """_pilon'" _.._obIlgodlllllJ __.,....____. ,..-..-..- I. ,. 0 o. 0 I ......... ......... .. 1M ...., , ~ I ASSESSMENT N'ORMATION -1lIIII....ulcl_,... 1_ Fino! _mont Rall.nd T.. BlIll ,..v_... I__pi< .05 I ".T__V_IoI.........._1 -.....-.........- . . ..._a... I 2. 1, q-tlJ 11.__~ I 0 xc.;;ry IILT.._.....-lDIf_-...-lWlII'JaI--.-----1 e.,~ SlIer. 4/1t '-fX . I 1000-088.00-06.00-013.015 I I 11. FIll .... .... ~ , 2. 7. O. 0 I , ". I " I CElmFltATlON I I Cft'lIIy ....."'IIIo_"'__..Ihk_... ___"ollloloOll "'..,............... _...,........ . _...-... "'-.---"'-.....-............... -.," "'...-....-.......-.,.-...."'-- D/C l !Yn!! BUYER'B ATTOIIIIIEY LtBited Partnership lIP( UJJMI\! u: lfe Will18.ID B. ...r_ _r_ S. ntgomary Ava. Ivvh1!tl......-uxlala ,,........ WTI'IUPI . 516 -- 222-6200 Tll...... ..-.. Bay Shore IlY ClIYClII'I'DMr ITA. 11706 ..- .. ( l BY&!! ./>-Jk' NEW YORK STATE COPY ~A -- Ken M. German s-