HomeMy WebLinkAboutConsolidation of districts 5&7s'"'"b ~ ~ ~'1 6: ~ ~n-..o-r~o-yr~-~-~ --}~ ~~a-~-~,~-rn-D-r,.wz ~?_x -t-B 'y y. ( V (~ 'Z7 r-a~~-Yid-a-- ~,~., ~~_-~-~-~-:~--~'~v -~~-, ~-~~_-q~~~/x / - /~'~-'q ~-~-•~Y, ry ram ~ ~~' ~ ~a'„'7"d' rr~ /h> d ~~ JYr7u '~ r~~ yly / 0„w~'-'Lv~Y~ 'Y/ ~ '-- t~~-~-~-~~na~ Flu w~~.,~~ , ~~,,~ ~~,~~,-y~ --a-~-~ ' ~- ~-~--, ~ ~~ -~ ~`.,,, .~•?'ry~~l.J~ --,~ ~~ .q ~'~ ~~ L `--- ~~~ ~r ~ ~ ~~~ ~~ a,~ m~ ~ ~ -~ ~~~ i ~"~'~"~ ~~`~-°~`'"~ --~ rte-,-~v /~ ' °~` -~`~'~ ~ pay / ~ - s a ~ v f, ~ -a-v-rr~-- ~'~~.-~-~-,~,' rya-~--~ ~ "~° ,- _ -n-~ ~ ~'~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~' .-r , .. r._. THE UNIVERSITY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OE EDUCATION OFFICE OF THE DISTRICT SUPERINTENDENT First Dkbict of SnBolk County HARRY B. WARD, DISTRICT SDPERINTENDENT orPlce: 887 OLD COUNTRY ROAD (ROUTE fej RIVERHEAD, NEW YORK 11901 TEEEPHOxE: 727-3616 June JQ, 1970 Mr. Albert R. Richmond, Clerk Town of Southold Main Road Southold, New York Dear Mr. Richmond: ~. ASSISTANT SUPERINTENDENTS VINCENT F. KING PHILIP A. PETERS STANLEY W. KROUSE, JR. Enclosed please find a copy of an Order consolidating former Union Free School District No. 5, Town of Southold (Southold) and former Common School District No. 7, Town of Southold (Peconic). Attached to the order are the following documents. 1. One copy of the Order of the Commissioner of Education approving the combined meeting of the districts to vote on the consolidation question. 2. A copy of Proof of Publication of the notice of the meeting. 3. A copy of the Affidavit of Posting of the notice in former Union Free School District No. 5. 4. A copy of the Affidavit of Posting of the notice in former Common School District No. 7. 5. A copy of the minutes of the consolidation meeting indicating the vote on the question. 6. A copy of an Affidavit of Filing. Please note that the new district is hereby designated as Consolidated Union Free School District No. 5, Town of Southold, County of Suffoll~, and that the Order of Consolidation becomes effective as of July 1, 1970. Very truly yours, ,~r~~ Harry B. Ward HBW/h Enclosures cc: Southold Town Board of Assessors I ORDER OF CGNSOLIDATION I ~; IN THE NUTTER of the j CONSOLIDATION OF UNION FREE SCHCOL 'j DISTRICT N0. 5, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, COUNTY OF SUFFOLK, STATE OF NEW YORK i I ~ and ~' CON@i0N SCHOOL DISTRICT N0. 7, li ~ tOS,iN OF SOUTHOLD, COUNTY OF SUFFOLK, ;STATE OF NEW YORK i~ ~i Upon the petition for consolidation by electors of Union Free 'School District No. 5, Town of Southold, county of Suffolk, state of New York land the petition for consolidation by electors of Common School District No. 7, 'Town of Southold, county of Suffolk, state of New York, and upon the order Ilof the Commissioner of Education, dated May 25, 1970, approving the vote ~~~on consolidation, and upon the notice of joint meeting of electors of Union 'Free School District No. 5, Town of Southold, county of Suffolk, state of New !I York and Common School District No. 7, Town of Southold, county of Suffolk, state of New York, and upon the affidavit of publication of notice of said ',I joint meeting, and upon the minutes of said joint meeting, held June 25, 1970, ~-,..cluding record therein of the vote on the resolution adopted, and pursuant to Section 1513 of the Education Law of the State of New York, I, Harry B. Ward, District Superintendent of Schools of the First Supervisory District, Suffolk jCounty, New York, having determined that the vote in Union Free School District No,.1 5~, Town of Southold, county of Suffolk, state of New York was /t~[O YES NO 3 VOID and the vote in Common School District No. 7, Tororn of Southold, county of Suffolk, state of New York was ~~ YES ~ NO I~~ VOID, do hereby I ORDER that Union Free School District No. 5, Town of Southold, county of Suffolk, state of Neca York, and Common School District No. 7, ,Town of Southold, county of Suffolk, state of New York, be, and the same hereby are, consolidated, and I do further ORDER that the number of the new consolidated district be, and 'the same hereby is, Consolidated Union Free School District No. 5, Town of Southold, county of Suffolk, state of New York, and I do further I ORDER that the said consolidation of the two above-named districts shall take effect as of July 1, 1970. District Superintendent First Supervisory District Suffolk,County, New York Dated at R' erhead, w York this ~ day of 1970. ~vY~ ~r YYY ~V- 1FVyyM ~i~ p, ~~,;5. K r // ~,` ` ~r t iii liE 1lATT Gi'Z of the Consolidation of Common School District No. 7 of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, and Union - Free School. District No. 5 of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County. It appearing that ten or more of the electors residing in Common School District No. 7 of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, and ten or more of the electors residing in Union Free School District No. 5 of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, have petitioned their respec- tive trustees that a meeting be held for the purpose of determining whether such districts shall be consolidated as a union :free school district; and It further appearing that the .Board of Trustees of Common School District No.,7 of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, and the Board of Education of Union Free School District No. 5 of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, have submitted such proposed consolidation to the Com- missioner of Education for his approval, as required by the provisions of section 1511 of the Education Law, as last amended by chapter 700 of the Laws of 1952; Now, after due consideration, it appearing for the best educational interests of the children of such districts that they be consolidated, IT IS ORDERED that the consolidation of Common School District No. 7 of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, and Union Free School District No. 5 of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, be and it is hereby approved. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I, Ewald B. Nyquist, __ Commissioner of Education of the State of New York, for and on behalf of the _ State Education Department, do hereunto SEAL set my hand and affix the seal of the State Education Department, at the City of Albany, this 25th day of May 1970. s/EWALD B. NYQUIST Commissioner of Education COPY NOTICE of A conlslraeD COUNTY OF SUFFOLK jjj DISTRICT nIEETING. UN[ON } 55: False scxooL DISTRICT No. STATE OF NEW YORK ` 5, TOWN OF SOLiTHOLD ANll CO.IIDION SCIi00L DISTRICT NO. 7. TOWN OF SOUTHOLD. LEGAL NOTICE Notice is hereby given chat a C. Whitney Booth, Jr., being duly sworn, says meeting of the inhabitants of common school District No. 7, that he is the Editor, of THE LONG ISLAND Toxa of Southold (Peconic) and TRAVELER - MATTITUCK WATCHMAN, a public news- Union Free School District No. 5, of the Town of southotd (south- paper printed at Southold, in Suffolk County; and that olds, -Suffolk County, New York, qualuiea to vote ai'school meet- the notice of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been ings in said districts, will be held ublished in said Lon Island Traveler-Mattituck Watch- at Southold, New. York on the P 9 25th day of -.Jund 1970, at 7:30 // -~ / o'clock P. M., for< the fouowing man once each week for ..:... .~ ~~~r...l..:,~./. weeks puYposes: ~ ~%// 1. To vote on the following suCCessiVely, commencing on the ..............~ ~G ...................... question: "Shall Common School Dls-, r--- trict Number 7, Town of day of ..... .,,~fi~~r.. ......., b9 .,1~.. Southold. County of Suffolk (Peconic), and Umon Free ~ ~ School District Number 5, Town of Southold. County of ............................................ ................... ........... Suffolk' (Southold), be con- .. solidated by the establish- ment of a Union Free School District therein, in accord- Z~ ence with the provisions of sections 15111 through 1513 of Sworn to before me this ...................... day of the New York State Educa- tion Law1" ..... :~i.Ti.~........, 19~a~. 2. In the event of an aHfrma- tive vote on the above question, to determine the number of members which shall constitute the Board of Education of the newly established Union Free / ~.~ ~~J 4 ..'''''')))~~ School Distrlct, said number Lo •"" 7y` """'^ be not less than three, nor more Notary Pub // than nine, and to elect such a Board in accordance with the provisions of Section 1702 of the New York State Education Law. ADELE PPYN! Polls forthe receipt of ballots Notary Public, State of New YoTR upon the question will be kept Residigg in Suilolk County open between the hpurs of 7:45 No. 52-3041000 o'clock P. M, and 8:45 o'clock Commission Expires March 30, 1911 P. M. In the event of an affirm- ative vote on the question, the remaining matters shove set , forth will then be considered. BY ORDER OF THE BOARD. OF EDUCATION. IINION ' ,FREE SCHOOL DISTRICT , NO. 5, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, , SUFFOLK COUNTY, AND THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES,. COMMON SCHOOL DIS- ' TRICT NO. 7, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK.. ~ Dated: June 1, 1970 Clement J. Thompson Clerk, Union Free school Distrlct No. 5, ., Town of Southold (MraJ Elizabeth Vi11A ,. Clerk, Common School . • DlsMct No. 7, Town of Southold .. 9'I'-4, li. 18 BOARD OF EDUCATION SOUTHOLD HIGH SCHOOL SOUTHOLD, N. Y. OF7~ICti OH CLR Bii TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: June 15, 1970 Public notices announcing the vote on consolidation of UFSD #5, Town of Southold, and Common School District #7, Town of Southold, have been posted in the following locations in District #5; United States Post Office Southold Pharmacy Mobil (Grig's) Service Station Bohacks Grocery Southold Fire House ;} ~ ~, Clement J. Thompson, District Clerk UFSD #5, Southold, N.Y. <- PECONIC SCHOOL PECONIC, N. Y. 11958 June 17, 1970 TO ~,•II;OI4 IT i`,AY COIdCP.Rt;: Ple~.se be advised that public notices rega.rdinp the vote on consolidati^n of tlnion IY~ee School :District Y1o. $, Toam o£ Southold, and Comm :n School District No. 7, Town of Southold, hive been Hosted in the following locations in Peconi.c: United States Fost Office Pe conic School Little Conner Store Vail Motors Pace Auto Shop ) ~~~~~ ~~' 1~~~ IIizabeth M. Villa, Clerk Common School District i`io. 7 Si'i.GL~i. LISTRLGT P1EL'IiJG, JGiJi's Zi>, 1if7"o 2resida::e '..'llliam t.. C.rigoais o Union free Sctwol uistrict ico. 5 convened a si~ecial point ~oeetin~ m: ccscli~ation it: file ~outl:old Iii.;li School auditorium at 7:31 I'.it., 'i~iur~day, Suns 2~, L570, lur official cull of tine meeting; a: hub- iisi:ed it: ~ le„al notice was read nud coafirn:ed by affiuavit, Aiso read were qualifications fcr voting iu a school district electiou. d. G. Tarry, Jr. moved to -gave William F1, Grigonis serve as yertnanent chsir- wan of tHa meetins; Johu itayp seconded; carried by voice vote and there LeinC no other noi~dnatioas the Cler;c caas instructed to enter one £avorable ballot for ;lilliau ii, i;rigonis as permanent cl:ainnan. 3. F, hickey nominated Clement J. Y~ompsou to serve as Glerk of the r;eeting; I4rs. J. k. Rich seconded; carried by voice vote; no outer nominations beinL offered 1t was moved that uomiuations be closed and one favorable ballot be cast for Clement J. Thompson as Clerk of the meetin;;. J. li, Rich moved. and `Donald crederick oecouded that Beverly Bennett, iaeaz~or Cclatka, Bessie Larreuicre, Joan Horton, pda Iiorton and licryle Sioou serve as clerks and/or tellers for the evening. !lotion carried by voice vote and R. G. Terry, Jr., Notary Public, administorod Che oath of office to those aypointed, As no nracadaral questions were rrai.aud, it was movod by J. F. Ilickoy av.i seconded by Robert Trubenbach that voting on file question proeoed. '1'ha olaction workers inspectud Cha votiug maehlnca and recorded all uuu2bers prior to uulocklnf; I.y Donald Frederick who sorvod ae official euntodian of voting roachiues. e:acit voter signed s book of registry bufore voting and each district voted separately on the gnastiou. At 8144 1'.hi. the chair announced that if all who wished to vote had done so, the polls would be closed at 8145 P.I~t. The voYdug tutchines were lock- ed and canvassed and the results announced as folio»r>>: District if7(Peconic) cast Se ballots distributed as follower Yes (for consolidation) 42; no 11; blank 3. District tI5(Soutltold) cast lII4 ballots; yes 140; no 41; blant: 3. The Chair announced the tnllies and proceeded to Che organization of a Board of Education for fire new R • + • V ~ ! • . ~ ,; 1;,trct, It wan ;,~oveu ~:,• ;;iizabet:r Sir:on CiraC the new 1.oard be cowl-osed of :.:~r.:ours. ~he1r i>eiu;, sonic indication of ctixer opinions the Chair ask<cd fur a s,.cr: ~f naud5 ru,d the ioll clots counted llii as in favor of an t; ner;ber Lo.,rc:; L7 o,~;,useu, .'s c:on:ina.tiors mere bei;u; discussed tt:e cuesfion of lcns,tu of terms+ ':'as raised ru,d tare discus;siou on the matter resultcci in a motion uy Sidney ;;re~::e t;rat n 3 year tern for i:oard mer:ti:era bc: adot,ted; Harold ieau,,t secou6ed the u;otlo:x, A count of ;rruuis by tae tellers showed 11 iu favor of ti,e L'reese n~otloxt and vireur.ily everyone else (approxir•ately 19U) opposed, Sdre.J. it. Rich offered a siatu of nou~.ineea for consideratioa, Aa tixe positions, uarus and terms wcru ~totesed, e~ci, was written on a large chalkboard for all to sees and was as folloca: ul, 1 year tern:, uxpirirg G/3G/71 -- William Ji, Gri;otxia ;Il, c year teru•, expiring G/3U/72 -- I:eith 4;, Gowan if:3, ! yaexr torn, uxpiriu G/3U/73 -- Jotux Sie~on w4, ;, year tern, expirln d/30/73 -- Cler.~ut.J. Thompson d5, 4 year term, expiring b/3~/74 - t;alter C, Williatne ~u, 4 year term, uxl,iriu; L/:3U/74 -- Alfred li. Coldsc,itu u 7, S year ter>.:, exhiriug v/3U/75 -- h. uuane iiort-on ;fo, ~ year tenr., cupirin;: 0/30/75 -- Ci,ester L1. ilickarson finis composiCe nomix:ation uaviut.>, bean seconded by '1, U, iionty;or.,ery and Garl Yetror:•slei (and others) tire ballot was installed i:. t ixa vofin l; machines whic~ r hnd been zeset and ex:xmiuerl and all present proceeded to vote as one district, At ~:4;i the Chair muxounced tixat if there waa no one in line at 9s45 P.'4. tlxe polls would ire closed. A canvass of the vote showed the following resultss 1 year, iiilliac, l., Gri;;onis, expiring 4/3U/71 - 114 votes 2 year, ,.eitir ;i, Gowan, ext~iriu~ G/30/71 - iU8 votav 3 year, Join :;inrou, expirin;; ti/3u/73 - 11'2 votes 3 year, Clement J. lirompaon, expiring G/30/73 - 112 votes 4 year, halter G, t;illierrs, expiring 6/30/74 - lIl votes ~ 4 year, Alfred ia, Goldsmith, exyiring G/30/74 - 1015 votes .. r . . M v 1 ~ • ~ ~ ~ . .' 5 year, i:. uuane i,vrton, expiring b/3~/75 - 11L votes S year, Chester :~. uickerson, exr~iring 6/3U/75 - 11U voter;' i:e r„aci:iue counters and results were attested to by the election officials and Cuoce !persons reu;ainiug in tLe auditorium joined iu a rouud of applause in t:ppruciation of the service of I:obezt L. Hyatt and James H. inch, Jr. who were: ::ut ceudiuatcs for election to the new Honrd. The Chair thanked the tellers and clcrkc, Assistant Superintendent Philip A. Peters, Counsel R. G. Terry, Jr. mid all who contributed to tha eveainge events and declared theapecial meeting ou cunsoiidatiou adjourned. Clene~iompeoa, Clerk of the tieetin~ j i. AFFIDAVIT OP FILING STATE OF NEW YORK ) ss.: CCUNTY OF SUFFOLK ) HP.tZRY B. S~]ARD, being duly sworn, deposes and says that he is the District Superintendent of Schools of the First Supervisory District, Suffol:c County, New Yoric, and that on the ~~ day o~ 1970, he filed copies o~ an Order of Consolidation of Union ree School District No. ~, tower of Southold, county of Suffolk, state of New York, and Coruuon School District No. 7, tocm of Southold, county of Suffolk, state of Neva York, as listed below: 1 copy with the Clerk of the Town of Southold 2 copies with the Co:ranissioner of Education 1 copy with the Clerk of Consolidated Union Free School District No. 5, Totm of Southold 1 copy in the Office of t're District Superintendent of Schools, First Supervisory District, Suffolk County. ~~r Subscr}ibe~dy and sworn to before me, this 4y" `day of ~ 970 ~~:~ Notary Public KATHLEEN hi~~, Nva Yark Notary Pubiic. State Qual, in Suffolk Cn. flk's. R,~. 527988640 Term Exp'ros March 30, ....~.7~ ~~0 / . i ~,~ ~~U~~ ~~