HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12411 P 898 ;rf- .0 ''1~' \ LJ2Lfll f <6~ ~ I ~ <68 -(0.-/3,35 ~;~:ttMOS30~ I I CONSULT YOUR LAWYER BEFORE SIGNING THIS INSTRUMENT-THIS INSTRUMENT SHOULD BE USED BY LAWYERS ONLY THIS INDENTURE, made the \ 1.- day of September 2005 BETWEEN ~igilt~d~&~ Ue~~IIIIfjk.VJ~~~ party of the first part. and Jame~~C~madelis and Patricia Cosmadelis, husband and wiCe, 565" ,-dt4i- ~ ~ A/r,J. II" 7/ party of the second part, . (J WITNESSETH,thatthe party of the first part, in consideration of Four Hundred Twenty Five Thoussnd snd 00/100 ($425,000.00) dollars paid by the party of the second part. does hsreby grant and release unto the party of the second part. the heirs or successors and assigns of the party of the second part forever. ALL thet certain plot. piece or parcel of land. with the buildings and improvements thereon erectad. sltuate. lying and being in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, baing shown snd designated as Lot No. 33 on s certsin map entitled, '~p of Angel Shores situste at Bsyview, Town of Southold" which map was filed on 08/23/95 in the OfCice of the Clerk~of Suffolk County as Map' No. 9729. .su~ tK~~ ~I..ul ~ ~ ~. {/A..~fIAII- ~i Being the ssme premises conveyed to Kristin Laoudis by Deed from Theodore Lsoudis and Angela P. Laoudis dated 02/09/00 and recorded 03/15/00 in' LiQer 12027 psge 846. '- TOGETHER with all right, lilie and Interest, ~ any, of the party of the first part In and to any streets and roads abutting the above described premises to tha center lines theraof: TOGETHER with the appurtenances and all the estate and rights of the party of the first part In and to said premises: TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the premises herein grantad unto the party of the second part. the helrs or 8UCC88sors and a88lgns of the party of the second part forever. AND the party of the first part covenants thetthe party of the first part has not done or suffered anylhlng whereby the said premises heve been encumbered In any way whatever. except as aforesaid. AND the party of the first part, In compliance with Section 13 of the Lien Law. covenants that the party of the first part will receive the consideration for this conveyance and will hold the right to recelve such consideration as a llUst fund to be applied first for the purpose of paying the cost of the improvement and will apply the same first to the payment of the cost of the improvement before using any part of the totel of the same for any other purpose. The word "party" shell be conslrued as ~ ~ reed "parties" when ever the sense of lhls Indenture so requires. . IN WITNESS WHEREOF. the party of the first part has duly executed this deed the dey and year first above wrlllen. IN PRESENCE OF: >r \c-L * SL :;:-; Kristin Laoudis l<E'JO KAVOUKLIS . S P\JBUC OF NEW JERSEY ! tlO1ARY S Qll "'PIRES $EPl. 13,2l)Q11 IAYCO\AN1S I .... ". Slnlanl N.Y.B.T.U. Form 8002-lIargaIn and 5aIe OIled. w1.h CcMIWIl8Ul*1a1 Clronla'I Ado- uniform Acknowledgment FDnn 3290 .. ----- ,- - 'm. 16, 2305 12: 3~PM " CLT!C R!mH~AD No.m p, 2 .' ...- No! RHD_lI64 SCHEDULE A - DI!SCIUPTION AMENDED DO/ll1/05 AU. tIllt C8ItIln plot, pltlCl! or pucel 01' lind, situate, Iytng Ind being in tile Town of Sauthold, County or Sulroll< and State or New Yorl<. being shown Ind dllSlgnlt8d u Lot No. 33 on a _In "'-P entitled, "Map of Angel Shores situate et BIlyview, TllWIl 01 SOuthold" which ITlIIP wulllld on 0il/23l95 In the om.. 01' the Certe or SuI'l'olk CountY as MlIp No. 9729; Aid lot being bounded and dascribed as folIOWll: BEGINNING at a point on the ..stelly lIde 01' Four Winds Court distant lOuthwty 341.25 feet from the extreme SClUtherly end of the curve tIlat connects the 1OUtIler1y side of Avenue or T,.. with the elsterly lIIde of Four Winds Court; RUNNING THENCE North 81 d-V'" 59 mlnutu 00 SllalnclS Eat, 138.81 r.t; THIiNCE SOuth 58 degrees 01 minute 20 IeCOnds Eut. 176.58 feet to tile wenerty lIde of Little Peconlc Bay L.11e; THB<<:E South 36 degrees 29 minutes 30 HCllnds West. along Aid westerly llde or I.JttIe PeClOnlc Bay Lione, 125.73 reet; THIiNCE North 73 degrees 40 minutBs 21 seconds West. 235.37 feet to the easterly lide or Four Winds Court; THENCE North 16 degrees 19 mlnutea 39 HCOnds East along the eallterly Side of Four Winds Court. 26.00 feet; THENCE nortl1erly and still alOng said easterly side or Four Winds Court along an Irc or a curve bearing to the IeIl: hIVing a r.dIUl of 200.00 feet a dllltence or 84.98 feet to the point or place or BEGINNING. Certiflcallo of l1d. . ,.,~ L TO BE UIED ONLY WHEN THI! ACKNDWLmIGMmIT 18 MADe IN NEW YORK STATE SI8I8 Of New Vorll, County Of On the cs.y Of In \he yesr before me, \he undersigned. pelllOftlllly app8IIred ~Iy known to me or proved to me on Ihe besIII Of UIIIfaclDjy eWIence to be the lncIMdual(l) whole name(l) II (ant) IUblcrlbed III \he within InIlrum8nI and 8CkmwIedged to me IheI hlI/MllIIhey 8llIlQlled the _ In hltlh_.....~ Cllpec:1t)'(leI). and \hel by hIIIhel1IheIr 1ignelure(1) on the Instrument, \he 1nd1wtduel(1), or the pereon upon beh81f Of which \he Indlvldua~l) _, 8llIlQlled \he Instrument. n; SI8I8 Of New York. Counly Of On \he cs.y Of In the yesr beforv me, the undersigned. pel'lOnelly 8Pp8IIl8d penonelly known to me or proved to me on the belli Of IlIIIsfeclory evldenCII to be the Indlvldual(l) whole neme(l) II (lIRl) IUbIc:tlbed to the within Inltnnnent end edlIlow1Bdged to me lh8I hellhWlhey ellBclIllld \he ..me In hlllhertlhelr c:&pIICi\y(leI). end lhlIl by hillher/lhelr IlgnBlunl(l) on the Inlllrumenl, \he Indlvldual(l), or \he person upon behalf Of which the indiviclua~l) 8CIed. execuIed the instrumenl. n: (Blgn8tu18 and oIIIce Of IndIvfdUllllaklng acIcrKMIedgment) ... (s1gnetu18 end oIIIce of Indlvldual laking ec:Ia llIWIlIdgmenl). BARGAIN AND SALE DEED WITH COVENANT AGAINST GRANTOR'S ACTS TO BE USED ONLY WHEN mE ACKunwI ~CIIIENT. MADE OUTSIDE NEW YORK STATE SI8I11 (or D1l11rtc1of Columble,TenIlDry,orFClnIIgnCountry) of New Jersey, County of Pt~ IS: On \he I 2- cs.y of September In Ihe yesr 2005 before me, the undenlgned. peI'IOftIlly a~ Kristin LeoudiB pereonelly known to me or proved to me on \he bel. of I8lIIIf8clDry evId_ to be the 1nd1vldua1(1) whole neme(l) Is (arv) IUbalbed to \he within Instrument end eclCIICl,;!ldl/Bd to me lheI helshellhey 8llIlQlled Ihe _In hllIherIIheIr caplICIIy(leI). lInd lheI by hl8lMl1lhelr lIIgnelurll(l) on \he 11lIlrument. the Indlvldual(.). or the penon upon behelf 01 which the Indlvldual(l) _. 8llIlQlled \he Inllllument. end lheI such individual made such apptIlIIIInCII beforv the und..lgned In the ~~ C.Q"~ In ....~ ~!--I (1nBerIlhB Cftyar_ poIIllcel subdrvielon) (Ind Insert IheSlele arCountry arother p1.celhB sckJlOW1BIQ,l8nlweB "ken) ~ ~ \::....:: (slgnslul1l end _ rJf Ind_llaking 1ICIuIawJl!dIIm~ ..un VA'''''UKUS ,'<l/.,!il~' SK",.yu ",",vu l' ~""...... ". '.- NlJTARYPIlBLlCO~llEWJERSc-Y ."'" ~ .....-\ , ". . MY COIIMISSIOII EXPIHES SEPT. 13, 2O!lllf ~r"" 0::" 0 ' . / :- ~;. i: J - - 9-1'!r 0 II t (J ~ () i ;:. _ _ SECTION 088.00 ','" "'~ ~ _.f: BLOCK 06 00 ~:" <I ........ LOT 01i.035 ....~. r;' ..':- COUNTY OR TOWN County cif':Suffolk STREET ADDRESS 425 Four Winde Court Town' of Southold Recorded 81 Requeet of COMMONWEALTH lAND TInE INSURANCE COMPANV TO Till. No. REl\JRN BY MAIL TO: In'AlIDMD ~ OfF NEW 'YORK IOARD Of' nn.E UNDERnlUldtI CIslrtblAed by 11~~ Q,...._....dh LInd,......... CaInpInr __ TIU .__unOF IlECOIlIIINO llFPICE . - " Number of pages q. TORRENS Serial II Certificate 1# Prior Clf. II Deed / Mortgage In511umenl Deed / Mllr\gllge Tax SiamI' FEES 3 Page / Filing F<< Handling TP-584 1;;\\ , 5. ..Q!L S- NOIIItion - SA-52 17 \County) , ;~ _ Sub Total SA-5217 (Slale) ~ ~ R.P.T.S.A. ~::2f) u...,J Comm. of lid. .5. IX) ;n Affidavit I" Cenified Copy NYS Sun:huge 15...00.... SuhTt1llll ?I~ ;;1L-Q. Other Gmnd Total Section () ~ Lot 613. ~ 5 eo_UDity PnlMrvatloa I'aDd t $ L\:~CO~. & Endorsement Pa Real Property Tax Service Agency Verification 6 Sati5factionsIDischurge.'l/ReleWles U5I Property 0wncrR Mailing Address UCO~~60Y~~' ~7 11171 SutTolk Count Record 8 Thi. page form5 pan of the nllaChed ~o'Cd;~ a'~ RECORDED 2005 Sep 29 01109146 PH Edward P.~lnt CLERK OF 5lFFOLK COONTY L 000012411 p S98 DTII 05-00776 Recording / Filing Stumps Mortpge Amt. I. Basic Tax 2. Additional Tax Sub Total SpecJAssit. or Spec./Add. TOT. MTG. TAX Dual Town _ Dual County _ Held for Appllin\ment Tmn5fer Tax / 7 Of) ./XL Mansion Tax The property c:oveml by this mortgage is or will be improved by n me or two family dwelling only. YES or NO Tax Due TO TO 10 TO , IlllIIIeby: (SPECIFY TYPE 01' INSTRUMENTl The premises hclllin i5 situated in SUFFOLK COUNTY. NEW y~ InlheTownshipof c_ ~.J'..I ~I In the VILLAGE C' Ii A 1"'/ or HAMlEI'of c--'fJ c<L~ BOXES 6 THRU 8 MUST BE TYPED OR PRINTED IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDING OR FlUNG. UJ~ ~M5 (over) I ~I~IIIIIIIIIIII~~ 1III1I1 ~IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIII~II~IIII~ I11I SUJ'FOLlt COUNTY C'LEU RBCORDS ORICK RBCORDING PAGE Type of In.t~t: DBBDS/DDD Numbe~ of Page.: ... Receipt Numbe~ : 05-0102023 TRANSFBR TAX NUMBBR: 05-08776 Reco~cled: At. 09/2B/2005 01:09:.46 PM LIBER: PAGE: D00012411 898 Deed Amo\IDt. Section: OBB.OO 1I!vJUlIIIBD AIm $425,000.00 Block: 06.00 CKARQIID AS Lot: 013.035 Di.t~ict: 1000 POLLOWS Received the Following Pee. Po~ Above Instrument Bxempt ....."""Pt Page/Piling $12.00 NO lI_dling $5.00 NO COB $5.00 NO BYS SRCHG $15.00 NO BA-CTY $5.00 NO !lA-STATJ: $165.00 NO TP-5B4 $5.00 NO C.~t.Copie. $0.00 NO RPT $30.00 NO SCTII $0.00 NO T~an.fe~ tax $1,700.00 NO ComaI.P~e. $7,000.00 NO F... Paid $8,942.00 TRANSPER TAX NtJIIBBR. 05-0B776 THIS PAGB IS A PART 01' TD DlSTRmIIDlT THIS IS NOT A BILL Bdwa~d P.Romain. CO\IDty Clerk, Suffolk CO\IDty PlEASE TVPrOR PRESS FIRM['iTWHENWRlTlNG 0fII fORM INSTRUCTIONS: http:// www.orps.staIlI.ny.ul or PHONE 15181 473-7222 FOR COUNlY USE ONLY Cl.'- Code I~~ J,~g,rl cz. - - H..._ 1 ((f 'dl gU::~!1 C3._ 1,/...2...,(1; /, /lcu...1 , s1. f.511 PROPERTY IN'OHMAnON * REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT STAlE Of__ STAlE _ Of MAL _IITY 8EIMCE8 RP . 5217 .....as''''''''' ,. -I 125 I Fov Windl Court l..rouUon nIIn,..,.., I'IlU:T-' . L.m~Town o~ Southold an _ ,;..,., I FB&~il ,....., LU , w.LAGI' 111971 _COllI Co8ll8clelil LAl'TllMll/crtIIINItY 3. Ta 1ndcIII........ T.. Bill 1111 tD be ... I _ 1____11I_.."""'1. - ~ Patricie ,., MMII 7J. LAIT__,t'OIIPAH't ..., .... .1'IIII'.....IINDIl'lIIU.IMMII. em' GII,... . ITAft lPcaIIi; I.="" 1 .... .RD'ftPlfT Ixl . ..... IORI --. . 1OnIr.-...---_.....,. CA. Pllnning 8DInI wMI ~~~;n ~ bID 0 ....... J ~AppnMI_R1IQundIorT""'" 0 4C. PWODI Approwfl for It lI#JiIion wIIh MIp PIovidDd 0 .......... 1M""""" of .. ..... w....... .--A...4 on 1M deed o 1 I 'of '"cel, OR 0 ,.,. of . P.~I ..- - Laoudis Kristin ,........ L..Ur"",COIII'Nft' lAIT NMII'~ .IWT..... 11._"_/T_ 1 07 I 23 I 05 - "'" .. nC! I ~ In~ - .. -...---............,. .. 0wll0n/lIp Typo Io~... 1 ~ Cammunlly Slrvkt .. NIw COlli. . . an v... lAnd J _.. 1M. "'-"L-* _.. ..........._ K I'ulIIicSo_ ___.__1_ I. F.... _...._101......--_ 1L CIIIIk _ or .... of _ -. _ _.......... ..-..r: ,\ --_..-- a ..10___....-...__ C _.....__Io_.1oI1Or o _.._Io00....,.,..........LanclngI_ E ~T_'" __.. Sorsoln ond _1&pocIIy __ " _.. Fr_.. '-.....,.. _l8poaily_ (j -.,-.. ChoI9In "'-'Y _ T_ _ond -- II _"_Iol_in__ I Olhor U_ __ -... _ ......ISpodIy__ J - o o o o 7. ChedI the ... .... whIah .... -- "'................. UN of IN property ~ 1M -- fJI ale: A~ Ono'"mlly_'" n 2 or J Flml" ReIidInIiII C _1I\io1_UrKI D _1_urKI I SALE INFORMAlION I ...--..... E~AgrlaulluroJ I' Com_ C; _ H ~"""/Amu_ 13. Pull.... PrIll. ....2.5,0.0,0,0,01 , , . lfull SlIe PrIDe illhlloIaI amaunl pMllor .... ptopIIRY including ptfIOMl pnIpMtY. _ _.... bo in'" 10.. 01_ _ _.. goadI,..",. _prOD. 01 rnorIIIIN or __ .....I~) ,.... fOUltd to ".......................c. ,..-..-......- 1 .0 ,01 __in..._ . ASSESSMENT INFORMAlION . Dota ohould ..n... 'h. 1_ Fino' ~_..- Rolllnd T.. III 17.T...._v_,........-In_I. .. .........__1 ~~'4 , 1.'>.0. '6 , ....v_of. _.I"" wNcII ..,_........... ,..-- IlI.T.._......-1ol 1""_01 1I__f_._____, I/(),()-O - IJff - O~_'>( ~ O:S\il on ... .... .... .......... a.ard 118....... III 11I)'" . ... .... heIIrf'I_. .....A.......d .... Ihfftllllllal ...... _... .. .... ....... ... .... vr... __ auvsra ATTORNEY -- - '1A~j': C~.~_.".J l,AIf.... ~, iiiiiI' ....." -'4._ rftJ.:.fft6 );.~\d. ""'..- ~.~~ NEW YORK STATE COpy mw! ...... ""1