HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12408 P 992 BARGAIN AND SALE DEED with covenants against grantor's acts CHRISTOPHER MILONAS and PEGGY MILONA~ to ANNAMARIA GERA~IMOU Section: 33 Block: 01 Lot: 14 County of: Suffolk RECORD AND RETURN TO: Theodore A. Stamas, Esq. One Old Country Road, Suite I 15 Catle Place, New York 11514 BARGAIN AND SALE DEED WITH COVENANT AGAINST GRANTOR'S ACTS (INDIVIDUAL OR CORPORATION) STANDARD NYBTU FORM 8007 CAUTIOX: Till."; A~;R E 1,2,1E.%'T SHOULD BE PREPARI~.D U~' A~; AT'I'OR,'q K%' AND RE1,1F.I~T.D I~' ATTORNE%'S FOR SELLER PURCIIA.qER BEFORE ~4(;N I.'~ -' THIS INDENTURE, made the 4a day of August. m'o thousand and five, befweeo Christopher Miloons and Peggy Milona$, having an address at 155 Manhasset Avenue, Manlmsset, New York 11030 party of the first parl. and Annamaria Gerasimou, residing at 57-25 East Hampton Blvd., Bayside, New Yod~ 11364 party of the second pan, W/TNESSETH, that the party of the first part, in consideration often dollars, iawfi21 mon~ of the United States, paid by the party of the second part. does hereby gnmt and release unto the party of the second pan, the heirs or sunceasors and assigns of the party oftha second part forever, .,ILL that c~aln plot, piece or parcel of land, with the buildings and improvements thereon erected. situate, lying and being in the SEE ATTACHED SCHEDULE A Being and intended to be the same premises described in Deed recorded in Book I 1638 page 442. TOGETHER with all right, title and interest, if any. of the party of the fu3t pan in and to any streets and ronda abutting the above desen'bed premises to the center lines thereof. TOGETHER with the appunmances and all the estate and righte of the party of the first part in and to said premises, TO H.4 VE AND TO HOlD the premises herein granted unto the party, of the second pan. the heirs or successors and assigns oftha party of the second part forever. AND the party of the first pan, covenants that the patty of the first part has not done or suffered anything whereby the said premises have been encumbered in any way whatever, ~cept as aforesaid ,4ND the party of the first pan, in compliance with Section 1.1 of the Lien Law, covenants that the party of the first pan will receive the consideration for this gary .eyance and will hold the right to ~-~..eive such consideration as a trust fund to be applied t'mt for the purpose of paying the cost ofthe improvement and will Page 1 of 3 SCltI~DULE A ~.DeseripOou) ..~LL that carrels pint, pie~ or It.orca] of laud, with the buil~Jnp end improvem~nU ~erenn erected, simms, lytug uud being la the Town of Southold, Coun~ of Su~Yelk uud Stet~ of New York, sbu'wu and des. lgne~cd es and by the Lot Numbered 116 un ·eertnin mup entitled, 'Map oK Easr,.ru Shores at Grco~port, Settles 4~',, :and flied in the Suf]oJk County Oerk~s Office on t;'7/]~66 under the Map N~i 4586 wbioh said lot Is more i~rtlcuierl), bounded end described as fo]bows: BEGINNING ut · point on ~he northerly side of Sound Drive where the divislou line between No. 1 ]6 and Lot 1 lS iateree~m she northm4? aids of' Sound Drive; RUNIq~qG TJEE~NCE Hnrlh Z4 degrees 14 minute~ 40 see. ands Writ along enid last mentioned d~vision 301.]8 fete to tbs ordlaeey high wmer mark or Long bland Soundl 'FIIENCF. North 48 degrees 00 []~iuute~ 00 seconds ]:sst slung laid blgb writer mark, lfi6.fl0 feet to tbs di~'islnn linc be~veen Lot No. 116 and Lot Ns. Il'7 is shown on the above mentioned Mop; T.I(~C~ South 24 degrees 10 minutes 10 recnud~, £nst lot mentioned division lin& .32".68 feet to the uoL. LtierJy side of Sound Drive; I'u]~HCE Soutb 56 degreco 30 minutes Z0 seconds West uthng the northerly side of Sound Drive ]00.00 ]cot to the point or place ufB£Gi]VN1NG. TOG'FTJ'/~R with a Right of Way from Middle Conn~ R~ud to the premises herein dsscribcd over tbs raids shown on the mop of "J£naMrn ,Shores at Greenporl, Section 2" filed g/10/elg&5 aa Primp /~o. 4~426. T()GETHXR with the ~gb% to uae the bench u described in deed dated 3/17/19~5; recorded 3/18/65 in Ltber S?16 cp 16 and ~be ~h~: of Way tbS, which aid ~gh~ of Way and the ~gbt alway bar.obeys mentioned n~ ~lh aubj~l ~ the uw o[tH other ewne~ of lam on nfl '~asfe~ Shores at ~renapofl" ~tJonJ berembc;ore or be~nfltr fll~ in thc Sa]folk Coun~ Clerk's office. SUBJECT to covcnonu 3nd rutrict~GaJ ¢OUlUlued in deed from H.,T..q. Laud and Development Corp. tn grantor herein dared ,/uue IQ, 1966, recorded in the Suffolk Couul3, Clerk's Office on J~ne I.~, I~66, in ~iber '~9'/2 of deeds at page SI 0 insohr ss they any now uffect suid premises, HE:lNG and Intended to be the soma premises conveyed IO the grunter herein ~ deed from Katherine £. Whelan dated Octeber ~. 1~0, ~co~ in the Suffolk Caun~ Clerk's O[~c Oc~bct 14s 19~0, in LObar 68~ o:r deeds at page SUg, apply Se sam~ first ~o the pa~t of the cost of the/mprov~ent before u~Jng any pan ofthe m~al of the same for any other purp~ The word "party" shall be construed ns if it read "parties" wha~.v~ the .~e of this imtemurc ~o requires. IN WITNF.,q$ WHEREOF, the party of the fir;t pan has duly executed thi~ deed the day and year first above writlen. PRESENCE OF: Page 2 o~ 3 : SS. On the 4~ day of'August, in the year 2005. before me, the undersi~ted, a Nolnry Public in and t'or the Slate, pe~onally appeared Christopher Milon~s and Peggy Milonas personally known to me or proved to me off the basis of'satisfactory evlda~ce to be the individuals whose names are subscribed to the within imlrumem and acknowledged to me thai they eAt'cured I~e SOrtie in their capacities, and they by their si~matures on the instrument, the individuals, or the person upon behalf of which the individuals acted, executcd the instrument. Public Page 3 of 3 N~imber of Serial # Certificate I'riur Cfi. 'I'ORI{ 'F_.NS Deed I IViodgnBe Illstlumeqt I'.l~.e / Fili.g fee . . I').qdli.g 5. 00 TP-.SH4 N.hdi.. EA-52 17 [Cum~ty) Sub Totnl EA-5217 (State) R.i~.'i'.$.^. Comm. of Ed. 5. ^llldavit Cerlified C.py NY$ Surchnrge Sub 'l'oLal Olhcr Grmfl Tu~ Deed / Uoq, nge Tu Sttpup' 8 6 ] Satid. cliotts/Discharges/Relenses Ust I%l~erty OwJmrS fviniliJtg Address RKCORIJ, dc RETURN 'J'O: Suffolk' C, 2005 5ep 13 Oh36s59 F~ F-dt~rd P. I~omaLne CLE~I( OF 51JFOU( L D00012408 P992 DT~I Recording / Filing Mortsngo AmL I. Bnsic 'J'ax 2. Additimlal Tnx Sub *lbtnl SpecJAssic or Slx~e./Add. 'ITJT. MTG. TAX Dual 'lbwn Dual Couuty . ,,...Lleld:fR...,~point ine]lt ~ .- i tm pmpc.y covered by Otis znuttgage is or will be intpmved by n mu: m' two trmnily dwelling only. or This im§c [OIlllS imrt or tile nttitdied t ilo . J. ll['Orllmfhql , CCc. Recordin & Endorsement Pa made by: (SPECIFY TYPE OF INSTRUMENT) Tlic pmuise~ herein is situated itt SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK, I llll II lll Ill IIIIllliillillil II Iii · ,~C:O]LD,S OZ~'Z~ ~eoe:L~[ ~iumbe~ ~ 05-00958?g TRAB'HFF, R TAXM~fBER: 05-06458 ReaoFded8 Att gectXonz BXoc~k8 033.00 81,200,000.00 09/:L3/200S 01s36858 ~M Reoe:Lve4 ~ Fo'l'lov:L~ IPeog IPor Above 'r-tmtzument COB $5.00 n-CrY 85.00 'z'P-584 $5.00 Z_oT $30.00 'X~ane£e~ fmc $4,800.00 C'-'--~.L)z'o. $21,000.00 TRANHFER TAX NT2HBER8 05-06458 D00012408 992 Lot l 014.000 HO Hmln4XL~g $5.00 BiO BYe SRCHO $15.00 ZiO n-STATE $75.00 NO Cort. Cop:Lea $ 0 · 00 ~C) BC'2M $0.00 ~0 ~anil'lo~ T&X $1:2,000.00 Feel Z'&t.d $37,958,00 'L'BZ8 PAQ~ ZB A PART OF "zms :ZNS~ TH3:S TH m:)T A BZLL ~h,m.z'4 1). XcuM.:Lne County CXerk, Bu£'f'olk Cmmty' pLEASE TYP~ OR PRESs FIRMLy WHEN WRmNG ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS: http~/w~v,orps.state.ny.u$ or PHONE (518) 473-7222 REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT s. Deed DI laon-ne,mmb~vaowLanO HI I F. mnaimml~m,,1, bi I r~n,t I s~ ,~r~B~ON I ,~ , ~, 0, o,,~, o, ~>, 0 , O I U. Dm~S~,ltm,~. I c~ / L.J /C:)~I RP- 5217 I II'~H.q I I JO, TU MIp IdmllJJffhll I IJuJl JdlllilrlJ~lJ Ill il'Kill Ihlll Imll, illldl IhlM with iddllMId Idllltjlj,jlj) BmR BUYER'S AllORNEY NEW YORK STATE COPY