HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12423 P 85~-1-~ ~.. - - COVSUI,T YOUR IANh'F.R REFONk: SICK\IVG THIS INSTRUd16\T THIS INSTRU\li_rl' SHOULD RE US[D RY LAWYIiIiS 0.VL1'. RECORDING REQUESTED 13Y: LAW FIR,-i OF MARK S. L•GHRARI AND ASSOCIATES PLLC D1ST -1000 WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO SEC-059.00 SALVATORE RIBAUDO and MARIA P. RIBAUDO BLK -07.00 10 Esplanade Drive LOT-009.000 Patchogue, Ncw York 11772 THIS 1NDENTURE, made September 09, 2005. DETWF,EN L ~ ~ ~~~ MARIA RIBAUDO raiding at _ ~ 10 Esplanade Drive, Patchogue, Ncw York 11772 party of the first part, and P SALVATORE RIBAUDO and MARIA P. RIDAUDO, Trutees, or their successors in trust, under the RRiAUDO LIVING TRUST. dated Seprcmber 09, 2005 and any arrrendments thereto 10 Esplanade Drive, Patchogue, A'ew York 11772 party of the second pan, W17'NESSE7'H, that the party of the first part, in coroideration of ten dollars paid by the parry of the second part does hereby Remise, Release and Quitclaim unto the pony of the sernnd part, the heirs or suaasors and Designs of the party of the second part forever, ALL that certain plot, Piece or parcel of land, with the buildings and irtrprovanents thereon erected, situate, lying and being in the County of Suffolk. Snte otiVew York SEE LEGAL DESCRIPTION ON EXHIDII' A, ATTACHED HERETO. Said property known u: 2125 Kenneys Road, Southold, New York 11971 TOGETHER with all right, title and interest, if any, of the party of the fast pan in and to any streets and roads abutting the above decribcd premises m the center ling thcnrof; TOGETHER with the appurtenances and all the emtc and rights of the party of the first part in and to said premise: TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the premises herein granted unto the party of the second pan. the heirs or stxcaaors and Designs of tlrc party of the second pan forever. AND the perry of the first pan, in corr~liatice with Section 13 of the Lien Law, hereby covenants that the party of the first pan will receive the consideration for this conveyance and will hold the right to receive such consideration as a trust fund to be applied lust for the purpose of paying the cost of improvement and will apply the same first to the payment of the cost of the irrlprovement before using any pan of the mtal of the same for any other purpose. The word "party" shall be coretrucd u if it read "parties" whrnever the erase of this indenture so requires. IN~ W®®I~~TNESS WHEREOF, the pony of the fi/rst pan has duly executed this deed the day and yar first above written. ~~(jppR~lpp P.WDAUDO STATE OF NEW YORK) COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) SS On September 09, 2005, before me, the undersigned personally appeared MARIA P. RIDAUDO, personally kmrwn to me or proved to me on the buffs of satisfacmry evidence to be the individual whose rnme is subscribed to the within instrument and uknowkdged to me that ahc executed the sure in her capacity, and that by her signature on the +~m*+~~+~nt, the ir~ividual, nr the person upon behalf of ~~w~Jhic~hf~t~h/e~ir~dividml act~eldJ,l-exe~clu/~t~ne/d dre instrument. S- i turcofNo ubh'C SUSANRIBULLA 6ro Notary Public. State o1 New York No. Ot RlfaOt 9246 Oualitied in $uHOlk County --L/h Commissl0rt Expires February t,. ,~- Exhibit A 2125 Kenneys Road, Southold, Ncw York -1971 ALL that certain plat, piece or parcel of land, with the buildings and improvements thereon erected, situate, lying and bring at Southold, Town oCSouthold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, known and designated as lots numbered 18 and the southerly ono-third of Lot number 19 as shown on a certain map rntitled, "Map of Kennewood at Southold" and filed in the Office of the Clerk of the County of Suffolk on March 30,1954, as Map No. 2180, which said lot and part of lot when taken together are moro particularly bounded and described according to said map as follows:- BEGINNING at a point on the southwesterly side of Kenneys Road distant 739.12 feet southeasterly from the intersection oC the southeasterly side of Soundview Avenue and the southwesterly side of Kenneys Road as measured along the southwesterly side of Kenneys Road; RUNNING THENCE along the southwesterly side of Krnneys Road, South 42 degrees 16 minutes 50 sewnds East, 100.00 frrt to the southeasterly corner of lot number 18 on said map; RUNNING THENCE South 47 degrces 43 minutes 10 saonds West, 148.34 feet along the southeasterly side of lot number 18 to land now or formerly of Grattan; RUNNING THENCE northwesterly along said land of Grattan, North 41 degrees 49 minutes West 100.00 fort to land now or formerly of Beatrice J. Webb; RUNNING THENCE along said land, North 47 degrees 43 minutes 10 seconds East, 147.53 feet to the southwest side of Kenneys Road at the point or place of BEGINNING. Being and intended to be the same premises described on a certain deed dated January 13, 1998 and recorded in the Office of the Suffolk County Clerk on January 22, 1998 in Liber 11874 Page 302. s RECDRI~D Numhcr of page 2605 6ec 01 02:44:35 PN TORRENS Eduard P.Roaatrte ' CLEf~ OF Serial # SUFFOLK C~:i1TY L D00012423 Ccnific:ttc # P OD8 QTY OS-17432 Prior Ctf. # Decd / Mortgage Instrument Dyed /Mortgage Tax Stamp Recording /Filing Stamps 3 FEkS Page /Filing Fce Mortgage Amt. I. Basic Tax - li::ndling S• ~ 2. Additional Tax 'CI'-5g4 Sublittal SpccJAssit. Notation or EA-52 !7 (County) Sub Total Spee. /Add. _ EA-5217 (State) - It.l'.T.S.A. TOT. MTC. TAX _ Dunl Town Durl County tment H ld f A i or ppo ,._ e n Comm. of lid. S. 00 ~ • Transfer Tax ~ _. Affidavit __ • • Mansion T.tx _ l'he pmpeny covered by this murtgngc is Ccnifictl Cupy -- nr will be impnwed by u tme nr Iwo NYS Surcharge I5. 00 ' frntily dwelling only. Ibtal _ Sub YFS ur NO _,_ Other _ Grrnd Tinal ~~ If NO, sec appropriate tax clause un page /- of this instnnnent. 4 ~. ~ S~ on' ~ rr,, Btbc~' ~v ~y~py of ' ' ~~ 5 Commnaity Preearvatioa Ptimd Real Pmpr~~ Consideration Amount $ l'ax Servic 05 ~9 1000 05900 0700 009000 CPF Tax Due S Agency Vcrificatic F T S RCWH q Impmvexl_ 7&NOV-0 Vacant Latxl _-__ tS Satisfactions/utunr:gey~.~~..w ...........:..~_.- ingAddrcss TD R N '1' 0: R EC O R D 8t REI U ~ / / ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~/~ ~ \ /~~ ~ ~ (~~ -C/~ V y tG. r" I ' ~l.V vin TD . . C~_~lilX~`^ - - ~ TD ~ ~ ~1J~ ~ 0r ~~~ ^~'• /~ /,~ ,^u ~ ~ ~ ~^~'~L 7 Title Cnm an Inforroatit~ (..{.~ ` ~U' I~L.~`~J1 Co. Nano Title # ~T~his~pa~g`e~f~rms part of t~h^e anttached ~~ fit/ ltil~l ~X.~L.:( D,( ~- Olr INSTRUMENT) The premises herein is situated in SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YO~RK~. ~~ In the Township of ~_u~~C~ made by' 'I'O D e}- In the VILLAGE or HAD7LE'1' of BOXES 6 TIiRU g MUST RE TYPED OR PRINTED IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIUR TO RECORUINO OR FILING. • (ovrr) 3IIFFOLK COUNTY CLERK RECORDS OFFICE RECORDING PAGE Type of Instrument: DEEDS/DDD Recorded: 12/01/2005 Number of Pages: 3 At: 02:44:36 PM Receipt Number OS-0125006 TRANSFER TAX NUM88R: 05-17432 LIBER: D00012423 PAGE: 008 District: Sections Block: Lot: 1000 059.00 07.00 009.000 ESAMINED AND CHARGED AS FOLLOWS Deed Amount: $0.00 Received the Following Fees For Above Instrument Sxampt Rxempt Page/Filing $9.00 NO Handling $5.00 NO COE $5.00 NO NYS SRCHO $15.00 NO SA-CTY $5.00 NO EA-STATE $75.00 NO TP-SB4 $5.00 NO Cert.Copiea $0.00 NO RPT $30.00 NO SCTM $0.00 NO Transfer tax $0.00 NO Camm.Pres $0.00 NO Fees Paid $149.00 TRANSFER TAX NO'NIDSR: OS-17432 THI5 PAGE IS A PART OF TH8 INSTRUMENT THIS IS NOT A SILL Edward P.Romaiae County Clerk, Suffolk County PLEASE TYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRITING ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS: http:// www.orps.state.ny.us or PHONE (518) 473-7222 FOR COUNTY USE ONLY y 73 g~ REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT , , , cT. souls coa• / STATE OF NEW YORK I/~/I CZ Dat• ll••d R•twMad I / ~ / 1 / " S I - STATE BOARD OF REAL PNOPENfY SERVICES , ~~'" 7 p. Bosh I f ~ a Y, ~~ ~I a. P.B. I t~r D d ~ ~ I r RP - 5217 ~.~ -+ YPd211 aN.Vw 1. Property Loeelba t. Buyw I.~.IUi~'erL IU.~QII W1Gl.. MAXtB1 1 K1~~Q~~RISInJFW `MCIr ~t~ /yl I~LVif• W Nam. lnaT Nallr Y wrr wow H.Y1o R ; Nr t,A., L ri +lcl Tr1.o~ rl., ltd _~r~,f iy,~nr lei 1,YT' Qna( env unurolr-tt.~n `F~u~l~! a. Tax IMlcele wMn town To. BOb aro ro be wm BlllinB If other IMn truyer adMw qt Baran of lorrrd ""~"' lay ~~ 1~oiY1 hn0~ l Iwdil:w the aumMr d Awwnrent RW perwla trandamd on tlw died a d Parnls qt ^ Pert of • Parch 6. Dead Prea.rtr ~ X 1 I oR 8iw wrr wwx coos 6. Be•w Name 7. Chech the box below whkA mat ewurmly deaeribea 1M rna d Ow property !(tlo time d sale: A Om Famlry Rosidwtiel R Z w 7 Fanrlry flwidawY C RwklunWl Vaunt land D Non~Raeidential Vaunt Lorrd IOnh Y Pwt d • ParoaO Clretk w they apply: k Plamirr0 Board ieitll Suedlvldm AWroriry Ewiah ^ e& Subdivison Approval ww Rwuinul for Tnnafer ^ eC Parcel Approved far Suhdlvidon wIN LbD ProNded ^ a LC/ E A•rkuhural fz Commercial li Apwmlwd H Ewenainwm/AmuwmeM 1 Communlry Servke J InduaMel K PulYk Sorv¢o 1. ForeN 11. Sale Cemred Deb M /f_Dµany~ YW 1L Dwe d Sob I Tnndw ~ / V 1 / O~ ~ IAWh DaY Yoe 17. FuD Sele hln ~ B ~ 0 I s ~ • (Full SeN Price ie the tool emoum patl for tM praperry ircludinp penowl property. Thia payrwm may be In iM roan d cuh, aMr property or pooh, or IM ewumpdon d manpapae or dMr oWlOodow.l P/nwf round ro tlro noorwt wlyds da8or amount 1e. IMlub 1M ra•w d peraanal property Mehrdad b Ilea gala 16. rwr d Aewnrwrt Roo Fran U 7 whleh NlwmaDan 1e(4w^~r( L^` 1L Preperry CWe "i •' ~I-I-I fJtaeh 1M bww 6Now w Bralr aPdY• A Ownonhlp Typa V fadwnlNUm ^ B. Now Corwsrudion on Vatard land ^ t0A Property touted vvitturr w ApicWnrW D•bict ^ 108. Buyer nrorivad • dfaswraa rwtin irrd¢atirr0 ^ Uret dr paPertY k In m Apierrkunl OWrkt a mfxe p t[ww wnwtbrr w appllrl 8etwean iblwhwa w Forrrlpr ROlelirN N Batwoen Rolatsd Compwbe a F'artnen In Bueinsw L of tlw Buyers 4 alw a Seller D a SNIw b Oo~wmrnent Alpray w lanainB bWtullun Type net Wertanry or BwBaln arxl Sao lSperJly Below) P &b d Fr•etlonal a Lea Nan iw Meraat ISpaaIN Bclowl G SiOmrtrant Clrartpo In l+roWrtY Beluwwr Ta~abN Sbare end SoM Dot H Sek d Bualrww le Iwsutlod In Sale Prim 1 Odwr Unuwol Parson AffoeDnD Selo Prlu ISIweYY Belowl J Now ttrr--r..,,,~ ltt.~TC IAW / 1 ~~ t7. Tool Aeeeeead Wlw Id ar pwcNe b varwfwl I T. ~.O I ~ A ~ ~ 70. School Diatritt Nanr 2d. Taa NYp lderrTtllarb) // RoY 1denUFMlrel~lY mon Bw(rr fear. eQnetlr Yrwe wAtlr addlllare141emMwfyl I ~Ot~f~'DSq. (~ ~0 1 - d~0 I ~ 1- C~ I I CERTIFICATION 1 artlry• Zhu all d the Itenc d brformathw emend up Drt+ rumr are true and awtual Ihr 16e Owt d ory hoowledYr and 6dierl and 1 urrderalwd that Or muWgf d any wBIfW Acre xlaunned d r•aterlW BwY hen~4r w W srdlleat me b the proekbYLa d the wYtW Iow re41Fe b tM mddn8ltld ~ d Gabe Bednrrerea. BUYER ~ BUYER'S ATTORNEY -~ n q o- eweeewxaru rC Z atwar suave a rwsr awtruw caul :Y O+YOwx n r wmuc SELLEN 0 „eta Q.t,J o ~a,< ti'J G.1 rt I I ~' "-'~ ruwe wmt aa,• fo31 I 2~s- os~~ awacaa rnrrsow wwew NEW YORK STATE COPY