HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12409 P 838~~~ ~ °~°~~ S~.ysoao/6' ~nnn~ ~ ~~f~ `~ y 83 g Standard N.YBTU Form 5002 -Bargain and Sale Deed. with Covenant against Granmr's Acts-Individual or 1 Corporation (Single Shea[) CONSULT YOUR LAWYER BEFORE SIGNING THIS INSTRUMENT-THIS INSTRUMENT SIIOULD BE USED BV IAWYE1tSONLY. THIS INDF.N7'URF., made the ~J day of JULY, 2005 BETWEEN, %AUMAS CONTRACTING CORP. sttd GENDOT ASSOCIATES, INC. having its principal place of busioese at 2G3 Route 2SA, Wading Riser, New York 11792 and 446 Remsen Road, Wading River, New York 11792, reapectivcly, of dte first part. and, GENDOT MC. ~lwring its prircipal place of bmittcsa at 446 Rcrosen Road, 1Vating River, New York 11792 Pam of the second pan, WI'f1iE.SSETH, that the parry of the Tint part, in comidcrafion of ten dollars and other valttab~ consideration paid by the party of the second parr, does hereby grant and release unto the party of the second pan, the heirs or successnn and assigns of the pony of the second pan forever, Atl that certain plot, piece or poreel of land, with the buildings and improvenrnts thereon crated, situate, lying and being at Southold, Town of Southold, County of Suffolk State of New York, known and designated as end by the lot number 3 on a certain map entitled "Subdivision Map of Paoaic Devebptttent Corp. at ,F Southold, Town of Southold, Suffolk County. N.Y., April 3, 1997, Paonic Surveyor, P.C.", and filed in Otc S : Office of the Ckrk of the County of Suffolk on December 27, 2001 u Map Number 10723, which said lot is more particularly bounded and described as follows: ~UUU ~,-~: BEGINNING at a pout on the Easterly side of Oaklawn Avenue distant 375.00 feet southerly, when masurcd along the Fasurly side of OakLswv Avettre from the corner formed by the intersation of the Easterly side of Oaklawn Avenue and the Southerly side of ]emick lame; D'7O.OU RUNA'ING THENCE Nonh 66 degrees 36 minutes 10 saonds last, 350.00 feet; 6~ k' THENCE South 36 degrees 53 mintrtes 40 seconds East, 128.55 fat; 03'~ THENCE South 66 degrees 36 minutes 10 seconds West, 380.00 fat to the Easterly side of Oaklawn ~~ ~ Avenue; TIfEKCE North 23 degrtts 23 minutes SO seconds West along the Easterly side of Oaklawn Avcnre, 125.00 p22. ~V feet to the Point or place of BEGINNING. TOGETHER with all right, title and interest, if any, of tlu party of the firn purl in and to any streets and roads shooing the about dcacn'bcd premises to the ttnter lines thereof; TOGETHER with the app~~^~^,"^es and all the estate and rights of the party of the fiat pan in and to said premises; TO HAVIi AND TO HOLD the premises herein granted unto the pony of the second pan, the heir or succeason and assigns of the party of the second part forever. AND the party of the tint pan covcttams that the party of the lust pan has not done or suffered anything whereby the slid premises have bren erctunbercd in any way whatever, except as aforesaid. AND the party of the tint part, in compliance with Section 13 of the Lien Taw, covenants that the party of the first pan will rettive the comidemuon for this comroyarce and will hold the right to rettitc such consideration as a trust fund to be npplicd first for the purpme of paying the cost of the improvement and will apply the same firat to dte payment of the cost of the improvement before using my pan of the total of the same for any other purpose. 'fhe vronl "party' shall be construed a if it read "parties" wherever the acme of this iMlenNre so requires. IN WITNESS WIfERF.OF, the party of the first pan has duly exauted this deed the day and year lust above written. IN THE PRESENCE OF: %OU fS CONT ff•CORP. ~~.. BY: IN %OUMA , GENDOTASSOCIATE I~NC,~~ RA . SIMONF., PresTiknt .. • ~ ~~~ STA'!'E OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF SUFFOLK m: On the o~5 day of NLY in the yea 2005, before me, the underaigtx:d, a Nohry Public in and for said sate, personally appeared JOHN ZAUMAS , perronally known to nee or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the individtal(s) whose name(s) is (are) wbacribed to I}x within inatrurrrnl and acknowledged ro me that be/she/they execmcd the same in his/her/eheir eapuity(ies), and slut by his/herhheir aignsture(s) on the instrtuttrnt the individual(s), or the person upon behalf of which the individual(s) acted. executed the instrument. ~~ ~~ V~ N ARY PUBLIC NDTAIIY PUBLICS Blw d flan rbdt flo. 4717017.8uBa0t COIRIIy STATE OF NEW YORK ~~ ~:prw'kA7 al, IIO>3SP COUNTY OF SUFFOLK ss: On the 7/~day of JULY in the yea 2005, befog roe, the undersigned, s Notuy Public in and for mid state, personally appeared GERALD T. SIMONE , persomlly known tome or proved tome on the basis of satisfutory evidence to be the individwl(s) whose name(s) is (arc) subscribed m the within instrument and uknoakdgM to me dut he/she/they executed the some in his/her/their capaciry(ies), and that by his/her/their aignanue(a) on the instrumem, the individual(s), or the person upon behalf of which the indivdual(s) acted, executed the insmmnm. C '>i2 U NOTAR uBUc JFANfIE k VICAt! "10TH ~~ e, sew a w. red, ca""w.'°n t.xgraa°uK°g`-tAr sfCo"', au"1'?F BARGAIN AND SALE DEED WITH COVENANT AGAINST GRANTOR'S ACTS Title No. 'LOUMAS CONTRACTING CORP. and CENDOT ASSOCIA7'ES,1NC. TO GENDOT ffOMES, iNC. SECTION:070A0 BLOCK: 03.00 LOT :022300 COUNTY:SUFFOLK TOWN:SOUTHOLD RP.TUItti BY MAIL TO: Deao6 Di. Rdss. Eaq. P.O. Box 567 Wading Rlver, New Vark 11792 - ~ 1 2 Number of pages RECORDED 2005 Seo 16 04:34:35 PM TORRENS Eduard P.Roeaine CLERK OF Serialp SUFFOLK COUNTY L 000012409 Certificate # P 83B DT# OS-07137 Prior Ctf. # ~ , Deed .Mortgage Instrument Dtxd / Mortgage Tex Stamp Recording /Filing Stamps 3 FEES Page /Filing Fee Mortgage Amt. „_ I .Basic Tax _ Handling 5- ~ 2. Additional Tax - TR584 ~ - Sub Total - Spcc. / Assit. Notation ~ ~ ~ ~ or Spec /Add EA-5217 (County) Sub Total . . - l TOT. MTG. TAX _ L~ kiA-5217 (State) ~ Dual Town - Dual County - y ~ ' Held for Appointment - - R.I .T.S.A. Transfer Tax ~ - Comm. of Ed. 5. 0 ~ ' ~ ~ Mansion Tax - AlTidavit - • .,. • Tbe property covered by this motgage is or will be improved by a one or two Certified Copy family dwelling only. ~ YES or NO Reg. Copy Sub Total ~ ~ If N0. see appropriate tux clause on / `~ Other -~ - Grand Total __~ 9 PaBe # of this instn~r en~~ ' /~ l 4 District 1000 Senion 070.00 Block 03.00 Lart 022.300 5 Community Preservation Fund R"~ ~SU34791 1000 07000 0300 022003 Cansiderntion Amount S~~ ProPertY i P T S CPF Tax Due 5 Tax Service RRS A AgcncY F Improved Verificrtion ,/ ' Vacant Land 6 Satisfaction/Discharges/Release Liu Property Owners Mailing Address ~0 TD RECORD & RETURN TO: DENNIS M. RE1SS T'D P.O. BOX 567 WADING RIVER, NY 11792 ~ 7 Title Company In[ormatioa Co. Name PREFERRED ABSTRACT CORP. Tide # 524SOaQ/6 g Suffolk Court & Endorsement Pa This page forms pan of the attached UEED made by: (SPECIFY TYPE OF INSTRUMENT) ZOUMAS CONTRACTING CORP. & The prcmisis herein is situated in GENDOT ASSOCIATES, INC. SUFFOLK COUNTY. NEW YORK. TO - In tbe Township of SOT]THOLD GENDQT HOMES INC. In the VILLAGE or HAMLET of BOXES 6 THROUGH 8 MUST BE TYPED OR PRINTED IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDING OR FILING over) i iiii~i iim iiiii iiii iii SIIFFOLK COIINTY CLERIC RECORDS OFFICB RECORDING PAGE Type of Iast+~++*b^t: D8ED8/DDD Recorded: 09/16/2005 Number of Pagea: 3 Ats 04:34:35 PN Receipt Number s 05-0097581 TRANSFER TAR NW®ER: 05-07137 LISBR: D00012409 PAGE: 838 Dietriat: Section: Blocks Lot: 1000 070.00 03.00 022.003 8YA10~ AND CHARQED AS FOLLO~PS Deed Amouats $0.00 Received the Folloniag Fees For Abovs Iaatrumeat Sxempt Exempt Page/Filing $9.00 NO Haadliag $5.00 NO C08 $5.00 NO NYS 8RCH01 $15.00 NO 8A-CTY $5.00 NO 8A-8TAT8 $165.00 NO TP-584 $5.00 NO Cert.COpieB $0.00 NO RPT $30.00 NO BCTI[ $0.00 NO Transfer tax $0.00 NO Camm.Prea $0.00 NO Feea Paid $239.00 TRANBFER TA8 NDl~ERs 05-07137 THIB PAGE IS A PART 08 THE INBTRDNENT TRIS IS NOT A SILL Sdirard P.Ramaiae County Clerk, Suffolk County PLEASE TYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRITING ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS: httpy/ www.orps.tltate.ny.uR or PHONE (616) 473.7222 FOR COUNTY USE ONLY ~,. ~. .y 7 3 ~ 8 ~/ cz wu weld Recorded . / w ~. Booh . a /-~ o ~.. Pea l ~ ,~ ~. I ` - REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT IRATE OP NEW YORK >erATE WARD OF REI1L PROPFJ[IY tiERVICEB RP - 5277 l•a.tbn --a our u~l"r~-n t lluyr N.m. f. it Yidn:.b wMn lawn T.x BIM m b a tmK BilBrtp B apes thm bW.r ddnm Im Eottom d brrnl ~ u. •rra r .xr ~ I Addrw L I I I I xuru mien rare •. mrz atety L hrdk.t. tM mnrbw d Ar•..rrwn Roll p~s•Ir n-dw•d m the d.W I I p of Parab OR P.R d. Paul ~' o•.a I I S~ ttY mo'- x~'iiii~ X ` rte' OR ~nrnci G ti•YR Nrm IOrdy K Irrt d • Pra.B Onok r thry.ppllr. K PWnYp Bo.rd alm BrrEdNEkn AWlairy Ealrn ^ OZ SuhdaYim AliravY wr RoWirod for TnrM rG Prrl Apprmad M Srrhdivilarr rrOh Mp WoNded I GC~o~- ~s3xict.~eS lvtc_ I rza.r~ I 1. Clrak tlu boa allow •rirklr mrl .aaa.t.ly draibr TIM w d tln propwly d the Ilm• d .d.: fBndr dr. Eon. h•bw r tMy reply: L Orw4rip lyp• b Corrdarrirriun A Or r•nrby RrcNmW I L• AOrlwrburtl 1 Communhr Serval t Nmr CarrtrrrNon m rrw W W R !arlF•mlh R..ider•ial F CamrrlereYi 1 InduWkl ,OIL Pmp.ny lararod wWrr.n AOdp.tunl Dimkt C ddenO.l Vac.m land G Ap.nmmt R PuWk B.rvke ,O0. Buyx r.uiv.d ^ dhdopr. naln Er0lap+rrO ^ D NmAddpaW Vaumland H Enmrulnmsm/Amumm•m 1. fweR Wrt dM Orop.ttYhlnrApkWbrat ni.OiLt SALE INFOflMAT10N ((~~~ 10. Clmrh ar a men d tlrr. a.ndtlar r epptkabb b Uardr. 1,. B.I. Crrrtr.d OW ~ ~ .r, I ~ / ~S A S.N S.brmn IlolMirr w Fdrmv MI.tNr ~i °r R S.M Bdwwn F1•kmd Canprdn a PWrn In BuNnor C Or d tM Buy.n i. Wo. Bder 1Z. Dab d 8.k / Trm.Mr I ~ l I / L~ ~I D Suyr u Setl.r Et tiovmmart Apeney a L.rdnO ImMWon N-m O.y rev F. Deal Typ. roe Wnrarey ar B.pwr .rd B.Y (Ep•aBy B.lowl F thd. d fr.clkad a W then rw Ir•arau ISpeath ll.bw) ^~/ ~ G ~ ~~' In ProlreM1y Batvr••n T.nhh Stmr and S.k Ww ,7. FuB 8d. Prk• I 0 0 ! ! ( H Bd. d RrrErs. k IMud.d H RW Prk. • IFWI S.I. Pria's the ta.I.moum p.ld tar tlr. property Indudrp p.norW ProPOrlY• 1 OIMr UnuwY Frton AB.dinp S W Prior (SpadN Bakwl Thk p.ympK mry a In th.larm of oeeR dMr proprrty a paedr, m tM.rrmption d ) Nara martp.Or m mMr oWq.tkr! P!w nwnd ro ro. Hurt trEaN doMr.mmnt 1L Mdrb dl• v.hn d p•nmY pr•pprty hrehrd.d b tM rM ts. ve d A,.wrrrm Rau ham I (J . ~ I ,T. ToW Arrd rdm l« YI p.rrY M bmd.A I ...G a. G I aklar bdma.dan b' k~m ~ ~ ' / / ! ! y u t+•p.ry cr.• LsL~-IJ-U n. satod owlet N.m. L /fn ~i o l /1 I 30.7r ln+ N•dOMA.I / Rr 1d.rrerrrlN W man Brr l.ra, .tt.alr drm vdtlr addiei•n.l Id.rrWl.r1Y1 IIOo~-07d.do-03.ou-bz-z.3oy I 1 onllr/' i.t dl d t8e Kemr d hfarmdlm erered m tEE form eea terra pad aarr•et Ib lbe EW d rq Omwltlpe W he0e0 and 1 tmdvdrd Ih.t the moEiryl d mq aYPoI MEe ev4omt d mtled.l Bed heeds a®.lill[d m b the mavldopn d the road Mw reWlve b the mddrt and ~ d Bdr h,ehtmeple. BUYER I Bl1rER'S ATTORNEY c .arr unc P++ w m.. , / orrvr rows iron ep OOOe v.~oLr 5~ov+~~''i ~.or IQp.ss i ~en.;rs un xNre narrur ~s r I ~r~9- 4~z/i r.etvn rztarnrc wrr. NEW YORK STATE 1' .....,..-..,...To~1r~2ou~,aS a" Sy~o~.f~ald~/S'twlona. I I t lw.r..aerur...v ran rura