HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12409 P 839- . YTl ,. l~~ybq ~ ~ Standard N.YBTU Form 8002 -Bargain and Ssle Deed. with Covenant against Graotw's AcWladividual or Corporation (Singh: Sheet) CONSULT YOUR LAWYER BEFORE SIGNING 7'NIS INSTRUM1IENT-THIS INSTRUFIENTSIIOULD BE USED BV LAWYERS ONLY. 'PHIS LIDENTURE, made the /J day of AUGUST, 2005 BETWEEN. GENUOT ~~ ,INC., having its principal pktce of bwirtcsa at 446 Remus Road, Wading River, New York 11792 party of the fist part, and, ///_~ 1}tswrff ~w MICHAEL INNAMORATO aced LILIAN DIAZatboth residing at 39g Herricks Road, JanreaporL New York ' /~,/ 11947 pony of the xwrd pan, WITNESSETtI, that the patty of the tint pan, in rnwidention oC ten dol4n end other vehabk wnsideration paid by the party of the second part, dos hereby grant end rekxx unto the pony of the second pan, tbt hero or successon and assigw of the party of the ucond part forever, All that cemin plot, Piece or parcel of land, with the buildings ud irteprovemenu thereon erected, sitwte, lying and bring at Southold. Town of Southold, County of Suffolk State oC New York knorvrt and designated as end by the lot number 3 on a ceruin map entitled, "Subdivision Mep of Peconic Devektpmcm Corp. at Southold. Town of Southold, Suffolk County, N.Y, Apri13, 1997, Pcconic Surveyors, P.C.", and fi4d in the Office of the Clerk of the County of Suffolk an December 27, 2001 as Mop Number 10723, which acid bt is stare panicululy bounded and described w follows: BEGINNING at a point on the Cuterly side of OakLwn Averuc distant 375.00 feet southerly, when measured along the Eostcrly side of Oaklawn Avenue from the coma fortrcd by the intersection of the C•astcrly aide of Oaklawn Avenue and Ore Southerly side of 7emick Lane; RUNNING THENCE Noah 66 degrees 36 minutes 10 accords East, 350.00 fat; THENCE South 36 dcgrca 53 minutes 40 seconds East, 128.55 Ccet; THENCE South 66 degrcca 36 minutes 10 secmrds West, 380.00 feet to the Easterly side of Oaklawn Atrnue; 'THENCE North 23 degrees 23 minutes SO seconds War abag the Casterly side of Oaklawn Avenue, 125.00 feet to the point or pLue of BEGINNING. 'TOGETHER with all right, title and interest, if any, of the puty of the fine put in and to arty stints and roads abutting the above described premises to dre cenrcr lutes thereof TOGETHER with the appunensnca and all the esute end rights of the parry of the first pan in and to said premises; TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the premiss herein granted unm the puny of the second pan, the hero or streccsson and assigns of the parry of the second port forcer. AND the parry of the Cost pan covenants that the parry of the fast port has not done or suffered anything whcrcby the said premises have 6eea encumbored in any way whatever, escape as aforcaaid. AND the party of the tint pan, in compliance witlt Section I3 of the Lien law, covenants that the parry of the tint pan will receive the cowidrntion for this conveyance and will hold the right to receive such considention as a trust fund to be applied tint for the purpose of paying the cast of the improvement and will apply the same tint ro the paymem of the cwt of the impro~xrrcm before using any pan of the tool of the same firs any other purpou. The word "pony' ahatl be cowhuM a if it read "parries" wherteter the sense of this irdcmure so requires. IN NTTNESS WHEREOF, the parry of dx lust pan bu ddy tutored this deed the day and yar tint above wriuen. IN THE PRESENCE OF: G-.~. .` F.RAI.U 7'. ONE. Presidem . •:.. STATE OF NE~V YORK COUNTY OF SUFTOLK ss: On the ~/ day of AUGUST in the year 2005, before me, the underoigned, o Notary Fublic in and for said sate, personally appeared GERALD T. SIMONE ,personally ktrowo m me w proved to me oa the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the individual(s) whose name(s) is (are) subacribtd to the wiWin instrument and acknowledged to mr that he/she/they executed the sear iu hisAter/their copacity(ies). and tMr by hislhtr/tlKir aignture(s) on the instrument, the individual(s), or the peroon upon behalf of which the individtul(s) acted, executed the instrument. BAR(:AIT AND SALE DEED WITH COVENANT ACAiNST GRANTOR'S ACTS Title No. SECTION:070.00 BLOCK: 03.00 LOT :022300 COUNTY: SUFFOLK TOWN:SOUTHOLD GEVDOT HOMES, iNC. TO MICHAEL INNA1110RAT0 sad I.ILiAN DIAZ RE7'L'Rl1 BY D(AIL TO: Patrkk Buse, Esq. 2805 Veteran Memorial Ilwy State 17 Ronkonkoma, New York 11729 ' 1 z ~ RECORDED Number o[ pages 21105 Sep 16 04:30: 35 PM TORRENS Edward P.Ranaine ~~ ~ ~~ ~~ Serial # L D00012409 Certificate # P $39 DT# 05-07138 Prior Ctf. # Dad .Mortgage lnstroment Dced /Mortgage Tax Stamp Recording /Fling Stamps 3 FEES Page /Fling Fee Mtrrtgagc Amt. _ I. Basic Tax Handling 5. ~. _ ~, Additional Tax _ TP-Sg4 ~ Sub Torn _ Spec. / Assit. Notation a ~ ar EA-5217 (County) ,~_ Sub Total Spec. /Add. _ '~J~ TOT. MTQ TAX _ EA-3217 (Stale) 'n/ Dual Tuwn _ Dual Camty _ R.P.1:S.A. Held for Appointment T f Tl ~' rans cr tx _ Comm. of Ed. 5. ~ ~ Mmsiun Tax Affidavit • .~ • ~" The properly covered by this motgage is or will be improved by a one or two Certified Copy family dwelling only. ~ ) (~ YES or NO Reg. Copy ) ~ _ Sub Total or•.~ If NO, sa oppropriatc tax clause on Other / Grsnd Total Page # of this instrument. ~( 'D. 4 Districtl Section 070.00 Blxk 03.00 Ltx 022.300 5 Communlt Ptrservatlon Fund ~~ 0,5034792 iooo 07000 0300 oasoo3 Consideration Amount s Property Tax Service P T S . CPF'lhx Due S 77D0 A$encY R~ A Improved / Verification ~ $~ , i .. Vacant Land 6 SstisfactioNDiscl:argeslRekase List Property Owners Mailing Address ~ RECORD & RETURN TO: iv ~ PATRICK BUSSE.ESQ. TD 2&15 VETERANS MEMORIAL HIGHWAY STE.17 TD RONKONKOMA. NY 11729 7 Title Company llnfotv-ation Co. Narne PREFERRED ABSTRACT CORP. Title # 52450201tS 1 S ~ Suffolk County Recording & Endorsement Page This page fortes part of the attached SEED made by; (SPECIFY TYPE OF INSTRUMENT) GENDOT HOMES INC. The premisis herein is situated in SUFFOLK COUNTY. NEW YORK. TO In the Township oC $OI)THOLD MICHAEL INNAMOItATO & .I .IAN In the VILLAGE D1AZ or IiAMLET of BOXES 6 THROUGH B MUST BE TYPED OR PRINTED IN BLACK INK ONLY PRtnR rn ar?rnRntntr. nQ err rn:r. SIIFFOL~ COIINTY CLBRK RSCORDS OFFICB &SCORDING PAGE Type of Iaetrumeat: D88nS/DDD Recorded: 09/16/2005 Nssmbar of Pages: 3 At: 04:34 :35 PM Receipt Ns~ber : OS-0097581 T3tANSFBR TA8 DiOD~SR: 05-07138 LI88&: D00012409 PAGE: 839 District: 8ectioa: Block: Lot: 1000 070.00 03.00 092.003 BSANINSD AND CHA RdBO AS 80LLOiPB Deed Amounts $535,000.00 Received the 8ollosring Feea 8or Abovs Inetrumeat Sxea~pt Sxempt Pegs/Filing $9.00 NO Haadliag $5.00 NO C08 $5.00 NO NYS SRCB(i $15.00 NO ~-~ 55.00 NO 8A-STAYS $75.00 NO TP-SS4 $5.00 NO Csrt.Copies $0.00 NO RPT $30.00 NO SCTM $0.00 NO Tsaaafer tax $2,140.00 NO Camm.Pree $7,700.00 NO Fees Paid $9,989.00 TRANSFSR TAY NO'l~SR: OS-07138 TRIS PADS I8 A PART OF T88 INSTRDDDII~1'P THIS IS NOT A BILL 8dward P.Rasmiae Couaty Clsrk, Suffolk Couaty PLEASE TYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRITING ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS: http:// www.orps.state.ny.ut or PHONE (518) 473-7222 FOR COUNTY USE ONLY yy y n C7. SWIB Coda ~ J O a Cs JT^t^ D^^d R^oord^d ~ lP ~S p. Book I ~ G. p^B^ ~~ REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT sTATe a NEW raRR STA71E BOARD OF REAL FB0E9RY B91111LT:8 RP - 5217 ,. Laatlan : ~w I -1- h n a m o y-G~"F~ I ~~ t c Yy a z~ ~ I Nrna un ^eouea.^^. rA ~ ^u. I ~. a'z. I l ~ ~ i aJ-1 I r.u.^,^^ i Ta^ N&^m when dove Te^ BIa ere m W red BBErp R auw drle NlYer ^ddnel^ 1n Oaomn d faM I I I Atldrn^ aeeeermer^xv ewerwwe I_ i I ~ I a. udw.ee elr mxnber d Ase^^emaet Rat p.o^N er.rd.r..d es the de^d l I r d pare^a OR ~ wn d ^ p^rod 6 DaW ~Y BW B teller N^m^ X ORS I roe+r B M d ^ P^roat Oh^d ~ u.E M416 K PWminB Bond+.iN Su66.elm AuBwhy FaJet^ H Sukdriemn Appranl wr RepuNel far Tr^rotr 7. Clledl BM ball bal^m,Mkak rno^! ^eea^edy dMOmf Ik^ YM d W^ prop^ny d tlr Bme M edr. CIr^d dle 6o^M 6^ieey M tk^y ^pply: a oanMehip T4o^ a Omdwnkilon ^ A One Femar Rnmentlet C ABricda^^I 1 Communlry Berrila & 1Nw Caiabw:tion an vacant l^ld B S a 9 Family Raeldentltl 1' Canerard^I J e IrMlsulal 1Bk, palwty Imged ayNn n AploAnael pyrip ^ C R^eNmWl Venn land G AP^rhnn^ 'A'lIL-~JII Fuklk Savice ua Balms ncMwd ^ ririowa ndke krlWUlq ^ D Non•R^eldenWl Vrr^ lnM H Em.nelmnem! Amuwm^m L Farwt tlW dr plopsriy a N ^n Apiakund Bath SALE INFORMATIDN ,B. LL^ek aer a men d Umee aendYUn tl eppla^kN b tr^rlder. +,. B.N Caatr^d D^u ff D A Sra Bskraul Raadya a Fomw R^lran^ YO1R eY °" B Seta B^tw^^n RaNnd Canlp^nae a P^rtn^n N Bueinew r C on. d dw Buy^n r aao ^ 8aIW ,s Deb d B^N I Trrdw ~JJ D Buys a BN4r 4 Gowrrmna ABnq a Lendhp kotltaion roam alp res g Deed Type nd Wen^ray a W ry^In and 6^a lSDeaih B^Nwl F S^N d Fe^L,imW a Lea m^n F^^ Ntir ISpedhr 8elowl ,,. lidl sr. Jyka I . S. 3 , S, O. D.O . o o I G siBlillwu alenB. N ~aedr Bdw.^n T^nhl^ some ^ud sw D.« E E e H swaBuarrrrdud.dNSwRo ffull Selo fMoe a Yw mtel amouN p^id fa tM prapeny krAldep lan^nel Frop^rly. 1 Oma Uneur^I F^ela^ AMI.Yup SW prim lSpodh Bek^vl Thb peym^m may b it dta farm d e^eh atleer pmwrM a Boole, a dr eawapdan d J Nar moaBepw a atlrr obEBetlmsJ INeee round m du rorat whole dolor emow^. 1L kNela tly odor d p^rerrl Prollarey kwArded N Bea a^N ,.. vw d Arrrrwrd RoY ban p ~ ,y. T.e~ A...d,,.N. ml dl p.ed, N e~.l, ~ . ~, S G . o I wk~kdarrrrtlenLk^n +B ~ap•ro ta... I~~-U ,B Bdeod owa, Nwn I S H ~o !~ I na re Mao ednoB^rNl y Rot la.dB.rw M ma. Berl ra., de^de ea.d wNh ^dalbad Id.rWled.U L10@0-.70.D0^ b3.o0-OZ2. ~ I J amh mr r d ule ram d ioraortloo eaeeyed an tYe B^ot ^n ore ^od owner fm Ow 6ei^ d t^r Newdedlle ^nd 6dd1 ^od I u^den^od tk.l eke emddnB d ^rq +W W Olae mNeeonl d erterW M MeeN wB mpl^l7 m^ m Ne uroyWaeu d Me earl b raNYye m me miNB ^od O~ d iia Nwe~mlr BW p ~~ ~ i ~ ` i ^uwl eoaenaa ,. 'a-1 ~S I ~~~ 6Aru~1 Y~ enuralnwe sawr^wawrawu C~N r . ?eJ.nC. ~/~v' ~ ~ (~ ro~,(~(T 5 i n, one 171135! 1 PG~e'IC1~ uo ^er wrr oar 1031 I 6Y~- S~7Do ara aaae euewera ^l.ml NEW YORK STATE COPY I I I u^r ^.^et remr -.. .