HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12417 P 271~: .any 9 ~~ ~i;~~~7 ~ ~~I ' ~i5t /Oo0 ~G D~S•vD ,~jJ~ Dl. oD c.vr 033.u~D _ HAS - 350 ~5 ~ ~-~ - _~3 NY OOS - Bsrsaio sod Sak Dad airh Cmerrnt spinrl Gfapla'i Aers Individual a Grpariaa (Singe Street) tNYBTU 80021 CONSULT YOUR LAWYER BEFORE SIGNING TI11S In147•RIIMFM. THIS I+l4rRUMeT1'1' SHOULD BE IIS® BY LA WYERS OILY THIS INDENTURE, made the ~ 2th day of Auqust , in the year 2005 Bf!!'WEEN JAMES DEMILT, residing at 72 Nassau Stroet, Islip TertRCe, New Yurk l 1752 party of the first part, and PRESTAN HOP4F,S, INC, .oflicus at595 Route 25A.1'.O. Dox 743. Miller Place, New York, 1171x4 party of the second pan, WITNESSE7'H, that the party of the first port inconsideration of Ten Dollars raid other valuable ronsiduation paid by the party of the second pan, does hereby grant and release unto the pony of the sa:ond part, the heirs or sucaxsors and assigns of the party of the second pan forever, ALL that certain pld, pica or parcel of lond, with the buildings and improvements thereon erected. situate, lying and being in the nt Southold, Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, known and designnted at Lot 27 on a certain Map entitled "Map of Wcst Creek estates, property ttf Ernest E. and Harold W. Wilberg, situate at Sauthuld, Suffolk County, New• York," made by Otto 1V. Vnn Tuyl loon surveys completed Januan• 28, 1963 and filed in Suffolk County Clerk's Office trn August 19.1963 as Wrap no. 384R. (SEE ATTACHED SCHEDULE "A" for metes R`>^'~niids~dgacEiption. ) ~~~ jam. • BEING and intended to be the same premises conveyed to the•Gr°BntorYby dteHYecor~ed March 23, 2005, in Libcr 12378. cp 208. TOGETHER with all right, title and intercsL if arty, of the party of the Grst pan of, in and to any streets and madr abutting thr above.described premises to the center lines thereof: TOGETHER with the appurtenances and all the estate and rights of the pony of the first part in and to said premises; TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the premises herein grrnted unto the parry of the second pan, the heirs or successors and assigns of the party of the second part forcw;r. AND the party of the first pan rovenaNx that the party of the first pan has not done or suffered anything whereby the said premises have been incumbered in any way whatever. except as e(orcsaid. AND the parry of the first.part, in Compliance with Section 13 of the Lien taw, rovenrnu that the parry of the first pan wtll receive the consideration foi.this conveyance and will hold the right to receive such conxidcrrtitm as a trust fund to be applied first for the purpose of paying the cost of the improvement and will apply the same first W the payment of the cast of the tmpmvement before using ony'part of the total of the same for any other purpose. The ward "parry" shall be construed as if it read "parties" whenever the sense of this indenture so requires. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the patty of the first pan has duly executed this deed the day and yeor tint above written. IN PRESE~CB OF: L E DF.MIL ' yU$~OB,IYOOa 1T:J8 FAI ~OOJJOOB Schedule A Description Title Number AL&31Sa-a Pape 1 ALL that certain plot, pkjoe or parcel of land situate lying and beir~ at Southold, Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, known and designated es Lot 27 on a certain Map entifled, `Map of Went Creak Estates, property of Emest E, and Harold W. Wilberg, stuate at Southold, Suffolk County, New York", made by Otto W. Van Tuyl, from surveys completed January 28, 1883 and filed in the Suffolk Courtly Cleric's OfRce on August 19, 1963 as Map No. 3848 which lot is more partlculady bounded and described es follows: BEGINNING at the comer formed by the irttersectlon of the NortheMy side of Glenn Road (Grissom Lane) and the westerly side of Hdlow Lane; RUNNING THENCE along the northerly side of Glenn Road the folbwing two courses and distahoes: 1) North 80 degrees 30 minutes 00 seconds Went 152.72 feet; 2) South 87 degn3es 30 minutes 00 seconds West 84.18 feet to the diviabn line between bt'27 and lot 28; RUNNING THENCE along said division Ilne North 01 degrees 50 minutes 00 seconds East 157.03 feat to the division line between lot 8 and lot 27; RUNNING THENCE along said division Ilne South 71 degrees 42 minutes 20 seconds East, 178.10 foal to the westerly aide of Sleepy Holkrw Lana RUNNING THENCE along the westerly side of Sleepy Hollow Lans South 28 degrees 17 mituEes 40 seconds East 138.71 feat to the northerly side of Glenn Road and the point and place of BEGINNING. US6ACa710W1800a)EM'FOAMB6q.OwWfI7/1NNEwYORYSTA7SOM,Y.• SlateofNewYorft,Countyof Suffolk }ss.: qr ~1 2 ~yof August in the year 2005 before me, dre undersigned, personally aPPwed James Demilt personally known to me or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the individual(s) whose natttc(s) is (ate) subscribed to the within inanvmau and acknowled~ad to me that hehltehlrey excused the same in his/lruldtev capacrty(iea), and that by hisArerhheir signanue(s) an the instrument, dte individual(s), ar the person upon behalf of which the individual(s) sated, executed the instrument. Nobly R+W~ Std W Nw WAa Na Ot DRRW6BY t)ualMlad N Bulblk Cout01 Commkalon fibrptM 0~ 80. fk~~ N RY PUBLIC ACXNON7FOGkEYIFORM FOR USEW?NWNEW YOItRSTATEONLY.- /Nnr York Saareri6lag Wirnrn Arkmwttdarenr trrrifiearr/ State of New York, Coutrq• of ) ~,: On the day of in the year befam me, the undersigned. personally oppearcd the wbscribing witness to the foregoing inswment, with whom I am personally acquainted, who, bring by me duly sworn, did depose and say dut hdsltddtey reside(s) in (if rhs pfan of nsidexce is in aciry, incGafe the stoat andstnetnwnlxr, ijaay, thereon: tIm hdaheNrey know(s) to be the individual described in and who executal dre forcgaing inswnr«rt: dut said subscribing witness was present and saw said execute the same; and that said witness at dte same time subscribed hisRrerRlreir name(s) as a witness thereto. fi. f UsEACgvowl~DGI/EA7FORM R6lgwxmlrNNBtrYauu:SIATEdvcK Stateof New York, County of } ~„ 6efate me, the utderri8tred. personally appeared in the year personally known to me or proved ao me on the basis of satisfactory evidence m 6e the individual(s) whose owne(r) is (orc) subscribed to the within iruwment and acknowledged to ore that he/sltddtey exauted ~ the name in hisAterhlteir cupacity(ies), and thm by hisrttrrhhev signattue(s) on the instrument. the individual(s), or the person upon behalf of which the individual(s) acted executed the instrument AclwOwt~DCMBNTFoRMFOR UsROU7smENEwYatRSTAtEONC}•; /One aJSmn er Faeian Central Aer6mwredaarm Cenrlrearl ..................................................)ss.: (Cawplrrr Vmar wdr Smr, Canntry, Prwina a Manreipaliry) On the day of in ~ Year before me, the undersigned. persomlly aPPearcd personally known to me ar proved to me m the bac;c of satisfactory evidence to be the individual(s) whose name(s) is (are) subscribed to the within irtswment std acknow to me Drat Y executed du same is hirJlxr/t)reir capaci res), that by hisllter/ their srg~uuaare(s) on the inswmrnt, the individ s), or the person upon behal of f wtdch the individual(s) acted, ezecutsd dte instrument, and drat such individual made such appeaona before the undersigned in the (!Wren the cin~ or abet politiml sabdivision and rht sate or cowttrv or other port the aclowwledi(ment xnrtaken). . ~CS ~ 3~So.S ~wrarne o sa~wcES nac RONKONKOMA ANY~1~1779 BARCAII @ SALE DEED Wn11GOVE1:AVrs AN1WaraannreR'a •Crs T7r/t' No. DEMILT TO D(sTRta 1000 SP.crtoN 078.00 BLOCK 01.Op LoT 033.000 COUNIY OR TOWN PRESTAN HOMESr INC. FYDELITY NATIONAL'MLE iKSURANCF. COI1iPANY OF NF.N YORK i rncosraarm lWa C~...rai.d.l!i FkdCGty.~' r..a..'' rr.rr x.. r.s tr. w ma m..w, RECORDEDATREQUESfOF Fklellty Natkmal TNk Irouranee Company of New York REIURNBYMAlL7b W 0 `~ ! 5 ,, ~ °' ' m .. e w a ;. i I]-0tat (v~l 1 z Numlw of page, I 7YIRHN,N Serial M Certifieste N _ Prior Gf. g Rl:colz~o 2005 Oci 2ii 01:24:50 PM • €dward P.Ronaine CLERK OF ' SUFFOLK COUNTY L D00012417 F 271 0T# OS-12%9 __ Used f Atnrtgage luslrument ~ Deed / lfortgaga 7La Seamp ~ lieeording / Filing Stamps . ltge /Filing Fee _~~_ C Handling ~ J TP-584 _.~ Nomticn L•A-52 17 (Grmttyl EA-5217 (Smte) S/~ J Sub'fotal ~~ R.I'.7'.S.A. Comm. of Ed. .~ S 00 ' Affidavit I ' • Cenifial Cnpy Reg. Copy • Other Sub'1'oWl ~~Si i ~'~' ~S_ URANDTO7AL ____1~~ 033000 . 0~3 ~Z 1000 07800 0100 .ot G Sta P T S i Da I to A Ini... _ 7 Ratt..rcuunsllrlaCliargevnerw.~.__ ' ..t illlugAUdreu 1tI:CORU & RL'1'URN TO: ~ / f~,_~~.t.y ''~71.t'lJttCA~r~ J ~ v ~ / r "71„-`r e Mortgage Amt. 1. Basic Tax , 2. Additiunal'I'ax ~. Sub't'otal SpecJAasit. Or ' Spec)Add. _ TO1'. MTG. TALC Dual Town __ Duel County __. field for Appuriionmrnt Trenafer'Cux _~~_ Matision.Tax : _ Tlta propcny courted by thin mortgage is or will;ha improved by a one or.lwo family dwelling only. YES _~or~ NO If N0, txe appropriate tax c on page 8 _7 of Wia insWm l: ~ %q7_ Improval ~__ Vacant Land_ 'I'D _~ TD -'-- C:o. Name' AFFIRMATIVE 't'itle fl A LS - ~ . 9 Su:':ror.K CovN~'Y liRCOl+urrvc dlc ~ND!OttSL+INY.tV'C PACs: Tltis page fornu l+ari of Orc altacltal ~ _ __,_ made by: (Sl'ECIFYTYFE OF INS'fRUMENTj , ~~"'ti'~`~ ., The permises hrrrin is situated in - ,SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK. /^~/` - Tu `~• _. - In thc'1'ownalup of ~ ~ . InOtcVILLAGEur11AMLLTof~ TNOr~ 1tOXR5 S'1'111tU 9 iHUSf UR'1'1'FED Olt 1'ItlN7'RD fN DI.ACIC iNK ONLY FRIOIt 7'O ItKCURUING OR FILING. • rovtiley i iiiiiii iiii iiiii iiiii iiiii iii iii iiiii iiiii iiii iii i iiiiii viii iiiii iui iiii 3IIFFOLR COIINTY CLERK RECORDS OFFICE RECORDING PADS Type of Iaatrumeat: DEEDS/DDD Recorded: 10/28/2005 Number of Pagees 4 Ats 01:24:50 P1L Receipt Number s OS-0113735 TRANSFER TA8 NO!NBER: 05-12969 LIBSR: D00012417 PAGE: 271 District: 8ectioa: Block: Lot: 1000 078.00 01.00 033.000 BEAMINSD AND CHARGED AS 80LLONS Dead Amouats $375,000.00 Received the 8ollozriag Fees 8or Above Iaetrumeat 8xempt Exempt Page/Filing $12.00 NO Eaadliag $5.00 NO C08 $5.00 NO NYS SRCHG $15.00 NO EA-CTY $5.00 NO EA-STATB $165.00 NO TP-584 $5.00 NO Cert.Copies $0.00 NO RPT $30.00 NO SCTla $0.00 NO Transfer tax $1,500.00 NO Co~.Prea $6,000.00 NO Feae Paid $7,742.00 TRANSFER TAE NDNBER: OS-12969 TBIS PAGE IS A PART 08 TH8 INSTRDNSN'P TRIB I9 NOT A BILL Edgard P.ROmaiae County Clark, Suffolk County PLEASE TYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRITING ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS: hltp:// tiyww.otps.tttBte.ny.us or PHONE 1518) 473-7222 FOR COUNTY USE ONLY ~,. BWIB ~. 3• ~' cz. O.b offer ReerdW I ~~/ y p~ Q S/ ~ ~ tor. Buel~ I. ~. a? _ ~(I . ~l cs. Pepe ~~ REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT BTATE OF NEW YORK RATE BOMD OF RK IROFtsIIY 891VICE6 RP - 5217 tr. as +• hro.tY l 2575 I Glenn Road +~~^ snrrr xano arirr ew I I Southold I Southold 1119 r ism w x•Bwa I Prestan Homes, Inc. I I Name wlrrrtawxr nnn wrre I,er I I A Tr Mob dre hihee Tr Bxb ro b tr ens BIYq Ratlw thr botar addnrWhremdlamll uar~t~»r I ~~ I Addrer I Ilrr ball wa1T11eR eaut I n reaNl -fly IN O~Af l bdkab Ote numhar d Aarrmrt K1rey B Ferf d. HtarO Otari r Otar tpplr• Roll paneb nerMrad en rb dead I I . of Parcels OR ^ Part d/. P/ucr Y f1rNiV Bond wNi S~l6rirbr IWhorAY Edm ^ t: D.ad . C ~ ~. sddir6lan Mporr wr Bquind br TnMr ^ 8 I ieoxr an I X ~~~ oR I ? I ore PueM Appered+a &edr'elon eTw Mw therm ^ aB.B.. I Demilt I James I ~~ uarxurrt:ov~rr rr xue 1 wrwuo:~meww I iaur ere I 7. Cheri Dn hr holew wbNt nas eewretNy draM Mo ur d tlr propsq q du tlhno d eels: Ouek Ub bear brow r+h-P iP+K i Owrrnhip typo Y Caidominhan ^ A Ow Family Rbidandat t AQIpAwr i (:anmunily Suvlra a New Centruoion m Vrad land ^ B x a a Family ReNrfel F CaansdY J ~ hlmrdr 10A. ProputY Looted wBhb n r Olarlet ^ C Reeidrtir Vabd LaM (J Awnmw K Ptblie ia vw fa& Buyr nrMd ^ dkeeuo no[ir hdradtq ^ D NaMlerdreiY used Lsw H Falslahetrd J Amwemom t. Feral tlet dw prewny b b r Aydothund Nrnla SALE INFORMATION ~ ts. Cltaeh etr a teete d itrre mtdtloto r eppBshle b atrrr. t1. 8do Centror Deb I 07~1~05 I ' A Seb Belwwi RNnlvr a Former Relrhme ems B Bab Between Rrsed Compnlw w fMhire b Buis (: Oro of Mo Borne b eYO .SNIT lx. Deb d BW I Trenaler D Buhr or SNIw's fiousmbd Ayarey a larwinB hlalibtlen ++°'a` ~ rer E Deed 7yw rot Wrredy or Bnsaht atw liNa (Spedh Brow) F Sorb d Fmtenal a Lar Man rr hKeter IBPadN BNowl G rJpntnrd ~ ti Frawny Batrwan TarhN Bubb and tIW Derr tor. nor s.b Prlr I 3 .7 5 . Q o . Q 0 0 I • N Bab d BIIrdY I. Inducted In SW Prke (Full Sw Prka b ltr totr omoud wid ter dnr prowrty NdudlnB penmal Ytepetry• I Odor Unwrl Fewon ARrtlrq sorb Prioa 1BpedM Brats Thle wYmnd mry a In Ma Tam d Cart otter ptepnty a BeodL a lM aebmpllat d J Naw morlBepr a odor oMlBriare.l Plow maw b tlb rrea rMeb ddbr mount tor. hrdlrb tM wir d p.eorl properly Yehrdad b Ob aeb Bill t0. rr d Abarnrr RoB Eetn ~'~ I tt Taw Aw..ed vw la.B prrb 1n bsr.ri I 1 0 0 0 I wtiN hienrretion taken . f f u thaporly CYr l 3. 1 . 1 1-LJ +a Brhed olehkx El.rw I Southold I x0. Tr BBep NantlRerl4 I ttr b.ntlBarly BI more Mrr lerr, ebeeh eh.r wIM oddllenr bertdBerlrl 1000-078.00-01.033.000 1 ary thr r d IYe bras d Idorram. nyertd m MY Poem ar later rd nerst tb Db hw d pq Loewler4e sow heBeO rd 1 oede.amd thr the skiyl d sry er~Yd h8e rabrwd d e•lerlel BeY bade rrN nd~a1 ere b the rrwidernif fhr _ ed Inr neYlre b l4 sakleK od IBIS d sYS bre®r+rr. BUYER ~ ~~ errra aor as rtk 59s I R-~ mss/ sttm euterr sneer e.r urrw ara BUYER'S ATfORNkY Grundfast Michael - .aer near I nnr eue 631 I 724-7600 wrn moor rrannrs rarso 171~i~.a. ~[t+ I / I 1/~l.~G r GTPrroen att. OLODi r SELLER ~ 1 Sl~i ~n~ rn NEW YORK STATE COPY