HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12542 P 650SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK RECORDS OFFICE RECORDING PAGE Tl~e of Instrument: DEEDS/DDD N,lm~er of Pages: 4 Receipt ~,--~er : 08-0019412 TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 07-20334 District: 1001 Deed Amount: Recorded: LIBER: PAGE: Section: Block: 003.00 04.00 EX~MINEDAND CHARGED AS FOLLOWS $0.00 Received the Following Fees For Above Instrument Exempt Page/Filing $12.00 NO Handling COE $5.00 NO NYS SRCHG EA-CTY $5.00 NO EA-STATE TP-584 $5.00 NO Notation Cert. Copies $0.00 NO RPT Transfer tax $0.00 NO Ce-~.Pres Fees Paid TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 07-20334 THIS PAGE IS A PART OF THE INSTRUMENT THIS IS NOT A BILL Judith A. Pascale County Clerk, Suffolk County 03/04/2008 11:50:34 ~ D00012542 65O Lot: 019.001 Exempt $5.00 NO $15.00 NO $75.00 NO $0.00 NO $30.00 NO $0.00 NO $152.00 S~rial # Ccflificat~ # RECORDED 2008 Mar 04 11:50:34.RH Judith. R. Pascale CLERK OF ~UFFOLK COUNTY L D00012542 P 650 DT# 07-20~'~4 I~e I Filio~ Fee TP-$84 Notation £A-'~2 17 (Connt~) R.ET.S.A. ~mm. of E~. A~vk Cmified C~ Mona~e Am~ 1. B~sic Tax 2. Additional Tax _ Sub Total ' Sub Total J Sl~cdAssit. .~ - ~ Spec./Add. _ / TOT. MTG. TAX 00 ! Dm] Town Dual Counl~' Hdd for Appo~ionmont -. ' ! Mansion Tax .... Sub Total or will I~ imp~v~i ~ n on~ or two family dv~llin8 only. Other GRAND TOTAL ~ -~' YES V or NO # ~ t ~i~ ins~ 0 ~ Comi~mtion Amount $ ~' ~) C) ........ _ R~CORD & RZTU]~I TO:. (OVER) · ~ forms pen of ~e attached ,.-~ ,'l .This ~aec fo~...~.-. ' .~. ~ ~ n ~ ,-, .~ " (s~cJ~ TV~e OF ~st-~ ~ L' ~ ~'~ A. S~O~,N~-~ ~ To ' . . in ~ ~L~G~ or ~T of . . ~ S ~RU P MU~ BE ~ED OR P~ED IN B~CK ~K ONLY 'P~OR t /oiq.ool Tills INDENTURE. made the 28th day of December . in the year 2007 BETWEEN Darlene M. Pacholk while reserving a legal life estate unto James L. Bnrrett nnd Deborah A. Barrett, each residing nt 638 Cnrpenter Street, Greenport, New York 11944 Party o1' the first pun, and Dnrlene M. Pncholk, residing nt 638 Carpenter Street, Greenport, New York 11944 Puny ,~1' Iht se.c. nnd part, WFI'N ES~E'I H, that thc parLy of the fi~L ~, in consideration often Dni]~ afl~ other valuable c~n~idcmfinn Paid by thc ~ny of the secnnd p=l. d~ he,by grant and ~lcusc unto the ~y o; thc ~cnnd ~n. the hei~ or suecc~mr~ find assigns of thc puny of thc s~ond pan louver, Al.I. that ec~dn piN, piece nr pan'el of land. with the building~ and impn)vement~ thereon cn.'cted..qluate, lying and being in the See Schedule A Attached TOGETHER with all righl, title and inlercst, if any. of the party of the first part of. in and tu any si fLeD, and mods ahulting thc above-de.,~cribed premi.~es tn Iht center lines Ihcreof: TOGETHER with ttle uppuncnanccs and ull the estate uml rights of Iht' pony of thc first pan in and to said premises: TO IIAYE AND TO HOLD thc prcntise.,, herein granted unto thc party of thc second pan, thc' heir*; or suece~son, und u~signs of lbo pony of thc second pan forever. AND the party nf the first Part cnvenant~ that the party (ff the first Part has not done or .,,uffcred anything wbercby the ',uid premi~c.~ have been incumbered in any way whatever, execpt u~ albre.,aid. AND the party ol'lbe first part, in contplianec with Section 13 nf tile Lien [.aw. covenant.,, that thc Party of thc first part will ~'eeivc thc consideration for Iht.,. conveyance and will bold the right to receive such con,,idcration a~ a Iru.,,i fund to be applied fir~,l for the purpo,,c of paying the cost of the improvcmcnl and will apply the ~mc firm lo the payment of the ct~t Ltl' the improvement before using any part of the tolal of the same for any other parpo~. The word "party" shall be construed as if it ~.ad "partic~" v, henever the .,,cn.,.e of thin indenture so ~'quims. IN WITNI'~$ WHEREOF. the Pan}' of Ihe first pan ha,, duly executed this deed thc day and year first above written. Deborah A. Barrett A CI~Y)#'I.F. IJG.ffF~%T FOI~I FOR USE WITilI,¥ NEW YORK .$~A IE ONLY: Stole ~ N~' Yo~ C(mnty ~ } On the day of in the year bclim: mc. dh., undt~ignnd, pc~dm',dly appeared the ,ubscrihin~ wiln~., to Ihe ibre~.oin~ in.%tmmem, with whom [ am pc[~,nally acquainted, who. being by mt* dui)' sworn, did dept~.e and say that h(dshc/thcy )side(s) in (if the p/act, of n.sidence is in u oil? inch~le the sm'el and sln,ef numlrer. i~ an): Ihereo. I) [hat he/she/they know(:, to bc the individual described in and who cxcculcd Ihc foregoing inslmmem: thru :,aid sub~,.'ribin§ wi Lne.,c', was pre, cnl und s~w said execule Iht .,~unc: mid rilal .'..aid witness 'aL rite .,)mc rime suh~crihcd hi,~r/lhcir name(.,,) a.,~ u wime.'~ Ihemlo. On ~ ~.)' Of in thc )'c~' ~fi~ mc, thc u~iff~. ~lv ap~ ~m~Fy~nown [~:~ ~pm~ to mc on me nast~ ul ~lmslaCto~' evi~nce ro ~ ~e individual(~t wh~ name(s) i* ~ ~u~fi~ to ~ within in~ment and ~'km*wl~g~ m me ~m he/she~hey execut~ ~he ~ in hi~erl~ir ca~ily(ie~k ~ ~at by hi~er~heir ~i~nam~l o~ ~ in~n~m. ~ individ~al{~}. ~r ~he ~mm ACIG¥OWI~I,R;MI.:,~'F I"I~VIM FOR U~ 0~1~ A'EW )'ORK ~I~ IE ONI. I~ ~ thc ~y of in the ye~ ~fu~ me. I~ undcmig~. ~lly ~'~ ~)nully km~'n to mc or prosed lo mc ~ ~ ~sis of ~risf~u~ evide~ lo ~ Ihe i~ivid~hs) wh~. name(~) Js (~) su~'fi~ Io ~ wi~in inseam ami ~knowl~g~ to me Ihal h~shd~)' ex~u~ · e ~me in hi~era~ir ca~i~yfies). Ihat ~' hi.r/I~ir signalu~l ~m ~he ins~m~m. Ihe i~ividuallsl, or ~he ~n u~n ~fof which ~he individualis) ~1~. exu:ul~ I~' inseam, u~ ~al such i~ivid~l ma~' nuch ap~a~e ~6~m ~ un~'~ig~ in ~e (Insert Ihe city or other I~dilic~l suhdirision trod the state or ~mntO' or .l ct c¼ o IeII)ELIT%' NATIONAl. TI'I'I.R OIN.~IIR:%NCE COMPANY 'c.:;,~,,.~,;~.,~, Fidelity '--~:,,.,~." SFX'rlON Rm~K 0 LOT 0~. oo/ RECORI )K1) A 7' R£OUE.~r OF Fiddity National Title Imurnnce Comlmny g59 Cc, ca .r S-X-. U TITLE IN'~HRANCE ~OM~AN¥ SCHEDULE A DES(~RIPTION OF PREMISES Title No.: CST-07-4684-S ~,T.T. that certain plot piece or parcel of land, situate, lying and being in the Village of Greenpon, Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, bounded and described as follows: On the North by land formerly ofAbraham Kaplan, 14:5 feet; On the East by land formerly of George G. Brown. :50 feet; On the South by land formerly of Mnty E. Tobin, 142 feet; and On the West by Carpenter Sm~-t, 50 feet, be the said dimensions more or less. DESCRIPTION i-l~ ~ G ~C ~