HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12422 P 366 . I L I d-.'id-A i f 300 . '" \' \1~!>~ .L\r . - \POO . '. <... . ' JlU.\'wn . 011J,)t) 'l:.\."" \" I '. O\.\.)~ L.\-". 4 0\1. \)\)\) '33- 1- { 3> \JDL 4&3 NY2OO5 - _....SlJcllood......c_ .....-.----..C............lSiIP_1 CONSULTYOUR LAWYER IEFOM IIIGN1NO TllIIINITMMENT-THIS INImIlIIIENT BHO.ULD II! lMED IY LAWYERS ONLY. 'rHIS INDENTURE, mnde !he 15th day of NovembeT . in !he year 2005 Bt:'rwEEN KAREN ANNE PRATT AND ELIZABETH ANN SCHELLHORN, AS TRUSTEES OF THE GEORGE A. PAVLIC IN AND MARY E. PAVLIC IN FAMILY TRUST DATED OCTOBER 13, 2003. 2500 Sound Drive, Graanport, New York 11944 , pony of !he filSl pan. and PARIS KONSTARTINIDIS, residing at 4625 190th Street, Flushing, New York 11358 pony of the second pan. WITNESSF.TH, thai the pony of !he firsl pan. in consideralion of Tl!N DOLLARS AND OTHER VALUABLE CONSIDERATION ($10.00) doll.". paid by the pany of\he M:C\>nd pan. doc:5IK:rehy grant and rek:a..., unlO the pany of the ""rood pan. the heirs or successors IIIIlI a.osign5 of the paIly of \he l'Cl:ond pall forever, ALL that cena;n plol. pica: or pwa:1 of land, wilh the buildings and improve"",nts thereon ~......'Ied, situale, lying and being in the *SEE SCHEDULE A ATTACHED HERETO AND HADE A PART HEREOF" BEING AND INTENDED TO BE the SRme premises conveyed to the party of the first part by Deed dated October 13, 2003 and filed in the Office of the Clerk of the County of Suffolk in Liber of Deeds 12283 at Page 14. TOGEnU!R wilh all righl,lide and intereSl. if any. oflhe parIy oflhe filSl pan in and 10 any slleelS IIIIlI mads abulling the above c1:sc:ribcd premises 10 lbe eenler line5 thereof; TOGETHER with the appurtenan.:es and all !he estale and righlS of !he party of the firsl pan in and 10 said premises; TO HAVE AND TO HOLl> tbe premilll:5 herein granled unlo!he parIy of the second pan. the hei", or S="rli!il\l'S and a...igns of the pany of lbe sccund pan fmever. AND lbe paIly of the fi"" pan CO\'erumL< thai the party of \he firsl pan has IlOI dune or ""ffered anything whe",by tbe said premi_ have been enc:umben:d in any way whalever. ""teplas afOfnllid. AND the pany of tbe first pan. in complianc:e with Section II of the Lien I.aw, covenanlS thai the party of lhc fim pall will m:ei,'e the consideratinn for Ihis COII\'eyanee and will hold the right 10 receive such cansidel'llion lIS a UUSl fund 10 be applied filSl for the purpose of paying lIu: cost of the improvemrnl and will apply lIu: !OII/M firsllO the paymenl of the COSI of !he impro''e"",nl before using any pan of the toUll or the s:une for any 01"'" purpose. 'The wurd "pany" shall be c:onsuued as if il read "panies" whene,,,, the ""nse of Ihis indenlure so requin.... IN WITNI<:SS WHEREOF. the pany or lbe filS! pan has duly execoted thi5lked the day and year firslallll\'e written. .... I(~I? -- IlAtA1l ~tt::tt:::. KAREN ANNE PRATT, AS TRUSTEE ~~If,-a....{J_ A.. ~I.(.(~ Et'I TH ANN SCHELLHORlll', AS TRUSTEE ~ - STATE OF NEW YORK, COUNTY OF Suffolk On.... 15th day pf Novembe r in.... ynr 2005. brfeft me. .... undmipcd. pc:ncmally .PI"'"ftd Karen Anne Pratt and Elizabeth Ann _"1 ~ellhor1!........ . ,....._.... y n 10 IDe or ....n......1O me on .... ImiJ of satisfol:tory ........., to be .... indiyiduol(l'''_ namc(s) is (...., subs<ribed to.... wilhm insuumenl..... Ie_I- odpd 10 me _ helshellhey ncadCd .... ..... in hislherllhcit o:apocitylinl. and .ha. by hislherllhoir siJnanln:(s) on Iho i.......mcn.. ,''' indiyiduolls~ or Iho po""'" an ......Ir or which the ,-- otary ~1oriA Gnvriel . NaIlIrJ Publi<.1IIa1o ..m".. 'indo No.Otr.N.:lIJ:l.I93 Qu:dillcd in Q....:ar.c..:.".~._ ~_!l:=c~24.:o:;,,' STATE OF , COUNTY OF On Iho day of in Iho ynr befon: me.1ho undcniped. . NOIItY Public in and ror soid 5_. po....-lIy appe..... .1'" subs<ribing wi..... '0'''' r_ing in.'IlnIIIICnI, with whoI\'Il 1m penK...lly acquainl<d. whn, being by me duly..."",. did depose and ..y .ha. heI.heJlhey resido(s) in orthe pia< ofraidea is ia.ci1y. iacblethe__ _..........[111)'. ~ _ helshellhey know(s) '" ... Iho individual described in and who ....ul<d lbe roregoin. in~l1UDa1l~ that Aid 5UbKribing witness was present and saw said rUCUlC the SlIme:'; 3nd IhaI: Aid wilncss AI the same lime subscritw:d hislherllbeir Nllne(.) DR a t,\'hneu thereto lodd...._..lflho__..........-NY_I .nd dw said .......ribing wit.... made IUCh 1IppeIIrII_ brfllR Iho undcniped in lhe 1_1he <i'l' ... _ poI,lieol_iiioa IIId .he 5....... CUll"",>, .......... pIaoo'" proof..... ......~ fIIurgatl1 unb hir IIrrb WI11I COVI'.:-IA,"IT "',^INST GRANTOR'S ACTS TITu! No. lJ.)(j.. '"\\0 ~ Karen Anne Pratt and Elizabeth-Xnn 5cDiIIfiorn as trustees of the George A. Pavlicin and Mary E. Pavlicin Tru~dated October 13, 2003 Paris KODstantinid1s Dillrihlftlloy stewart ;'"1".; ~tltle InllUl'BnC8 company ..... :MI)I!ASIGldST..IOdaFLOOR' NHWYOItX.NY 10011 (213) 922-0050 Fa t212)tlJ-llJ3 STATE OF On Iho day uf in Iho ye. Won: me. .... ulldolslpcd. perIOIIIlly .~ , . . penonally known IU me or """....19 me "" the boi. uf salisrllC\Cll')'''idence 10 be Iho individual{s) w_ IIIIIIO(S) is I....) _bed to.... within i......men& IDlIleknowl. odccd to me lhII hoIshcIlhoy _Iho ..... in hislherllheir " ClplCily! in). and _ by hislhelflheir .i.naIU1e(s) on Iho i......men~ Iho individuollsl. or .... perIllO 011 behalr or whic:h Iho indiYiduol(l'lU:\Cd, ...._.... i...........' 11IIId...!GIIawint i'.... _...... "l It......... _ NY 5....1 .nd _said sub5cribl.. wiwa made ....h IJIPClIrIIICe beron: .... undenigncd in.... ._....,._paIIioII..............s... _.-........-.............~ . STATE OF On Iho day 01 beleft me persmoIly came . COUNTY OF in !he year 10 me kllOWJl. whn. being hy me duly sworn. did cIepooe and ..y lhaI ... raidn II lhaI ... i. !he uf Ihc COIpUrlIli... described in and ..hich e=ul<d Iho r......... illllrllmen&: dull ... knows ."" seal uf said corpMlIiun: _!he _I amxed to said i.....menl is ....11 carpao"e seoJ; _ il .... 10 alii xed by orcIcror.... boord ofdi_ nrsaid .'OrpDrOIion. and I.... ... ligncd h name lhcmu by like orcIcr. ". St:L"nllN 033 . 00 S'.(X."!t 01.00 wr 013.000 COUl<FYnRT(lIl/o'H 1000 Southold ~A~ 2500 Sound Drive Greenport. New York 11944 Recorded II Rcq.... of STEWART 1T11.E" IU.'T1JRN BY MAli. TO: Patricia Koore. Esq. 51020 Kain Rllad Southold, New York 11971 .. WOLET ABSTRACT, LLC .. Agent for Old Republic Title InsuraDce Group SCHEDULE A (DescriptiOD) Title Number: WOIA63 ALL tbat certain plol, p1eee or pan:el 0' Iaad, with tbe buildlDp aDd improvemeDtJ thereoa erected, situate, lying and beiDgat GreeDport, TOWD 0' Sonthbold, County ofSuft'olk aDd State of New York. knOWD aDd designated as Lot No. 115, OD a certaiD map entitled, "Map of Eastern Sbores at Greenport, SedlOD .." aDd Rled In tbe Office oUbe ConDty of Suft'olk ou Marcb 7, 1966 .. Map No. "586. SAID premises beiDg knOWD .. 2SOO SouDd Drive, GreeDport, New York 11944. .'" ~/ ---- .' -----"'"'.~.,...v _ _. F -IlI""""""""""-- Schedule ^ Page 2 of 2 RECOlDEll 200s Hov 29 11: 34: 44 All El!ward p, Roaaine ClBK (J' SUFfOLK COUHTY L 000012422 P 366 DT. 05-16960 " , Number of PlIIe5 . TORRENS 4 Serial II Ccnificale II Prior Ctf. II Deed . Monsage 1IIlIIIWIICnl Deed I Mongage ,."" Slamp FEF.5 Reconling' Filing SlaR1l" 3 Page , Filing Fee Handling 5 JIlL Mongagc AmI. I. Rosie TIIX 2. Addilional Tax Sub Total Spl'C. , Assil. or TP-584 Notalion Other Grand T<llal Spec. , Add. TOT. MTG. TAX Dual 1bwn _ Dual Counly _ Held for Appoinlmenl TnlRsfer To' l.( (J() 0 . Mans' Tax ... EA-5217 (Counly) Sub TOIllI EA-5217ISlale) R.P.1:S.A. 2{) d) 1-' I Cormn. of F.d. 5...lllL Reg. Copy Sub Thlal \~ 1.. propeny coven:d by Ihis mUllluge is or will he improv<-d by a on" IIr IwO family dwelling only. YES or NO f NO, see lIppmprialC ofl -05 Affidavit Cenilied Copy 01.00 Block 5 Real Property Tu Service Agency .Verification ~ ~ - -. -- --'. .. ".. 1000 03300 0100 013000 Consideration A C1'F Tax Due Impro.ved __ ~ Vacant Land SatisfactionfDischargesfRelease List Properly Owners Mailing Address RECORD & RETURN TO: TD :..... ., TD~ TD~_ Patricia"Kocire~ 'Esq; : -.:'. ;:. 51020' Main' Road:' . .... Southold. New York 11971 ...... ." 7 11tle Company Inlof1J\llUon COMMONWEALTH Co, Name TItle II ~ Suffolk County Recording & Endorsement Page Thi. page forms pan of the uuached Bargain & Sale Deed Karen Anne Prat.t and Elizabeth Ann (SPF.cU'Y TYPE OF INSTRUMENT' Schellhorn Th .. L_.' .. :d . e pn:IDl5IS IKOIclD IS slluale In as ~ruB~ees Ot (ne ~eorge A. raVL1C1n . and Mary E. Pavl1cin Trust dated SUFFOI.KCOUNTY. NEW YORK. October 13, 2003TO Southold In I~ Township of Paris Konstantinidis In Ihe VII.l.AOI! m'nlchy: or HAM!.F." or Greenport BOXES 6 THROUGH 8 MUST BE TYPED OR PRINTED IN RLACK INK ONI.Y PRIOR 1U RECORDING OR FILING. (Il\'cr, . 1111111111111111111I 111111111111111111111111111111 1111111111111111111111111 SUPFOLK COUNTY CLERK BCORDS OPFICE BCORDING PAGE Type of J:nstrument: DBBDS/DDD HUmber of Page.: 4 Receipt Number : 05-0123789 TRANS PER TAX NUMBER: 05-16960 Recorded. At: 11/29/2005 11:34:44 AJI LIBER: PAGE: D00012422 366 District: Section: Block: Lot. 1000 033.00 01.00 013.000 I!1I'IUaHBD AlQ) CBARSBD AS POLLOWS Deed Amount. $999,990.00 Received the Po11owiDg Pees Por Above J:nstrumant B."-.qpt Rv-.qpt Page/Piling $12. DO NO Blmd1ing $5.00 NO COB $5.00 NO IIrS SRCHS $15.00 NO BA-CTY $5.00 NO D.-STATB $75.00 NO TP-584 $5.00 NO Cert. Copies $0.00 NO RPT $30.00 NO SCTJI $0.00 NO Transfer tax $4,000.00 NO C~.Pre. $16,999.80 NO Pee. Paid $21,151.80 TRAHSPBR TAX HUKBBR: 05-16960 THJ:S PASB J:S A PART OP TaB J:NSTRlDIDT THJ:S ZS HOT A BJ:LL Bdward P. Ramaine County Clerk, Suffolk County . . PLEASE TYPE OR PRESS RRMlY WHEN WRmNG ONFORM~----- ----- -- . - - INSTRUCTIONS: http:// WWW.OfPII.II18te.ny.UB Of PHONE (618) 473-7222 REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT FOR COUN1Y USE ONLY K?, '? /p'g, il CZ:D..._R...._ 1.11:. I~ C3._I/,~, ~~...(IC4."-tI.1 PROPERlY INFORMATION Cl. &WlS~ I,!)S-I .- ,.::J.~.~I IITAn OF _ YllRK IITAn _ OF RIAL ...on..,. IIEIMCEII RP - 5217 lINIn ... JIn 1.=, 2500 I'IEI:T ,..... Sound Drive IJIIIII'T__ cnyDltIUWIII ~nllt'''nlt1 ~"'D_npn..." YW 2.~ - Konstant1nidis I.M'...../~ Paris -- ...,......,CGIIP&N't ......- 3. T.. ~ .... futuro Ta. ... .,.to be..u: ...,. ___buyor_lal_orlormll - ~rY)(l., LMT WI aM'Atoy ....TWW .-r-..'",-,,"" __..... an Oil TVWII STA1I! ZP_ 1OnIw' '"" "'. _ - ............. ... Pllming Bon with SlllJdi.-.n AuthoriIy E.. 0 41._App_I_lIoquftdforT_ D "~I II II ........,.. rROHrmT X DU'ltI OR lIQtIi. 4C.hreDlApprovodforSUbclvlllonWCh....pProvldlld 0 - KAREN ANNE PRATT AND ELIZABETH AKIl SCHELLHORN AS TRUSTEES OF TIlE GEORGE A. PAVLIC III .._ I AND MARY E. PAVLIC III FAMILY TRUST DATED OCTOBER 13. 200l I ...... LAS'...... ICIDIIW"MV' ,.,.... 1 I, af P... ~ 0 P.rt of . P.rcel ............. ...... aI a _.1 ___00__ LAI1I1A111CI~ ....,-- A~O"FomIlV_ H 2D1"F.mlly~1 C _........ LoIId D Non - .. ... v...,. Und I SALE INFORMATION I 11.__- Ii~~" I' Common:ioI G Apon.... H ErartllnrMnll AmUlefMnl I ~ CommunIIy_ J tnduIIrill K ......._ I. _ -...--............. .. OwnerttIlp Type iI CondominilMft .. New ean.trucdon on VKanI Land -Prapony'-- ..--,- ... Buvor.-. -.. - "*-"0 _...._"in....-roIDlo1ria o o o o 7.__....____ .....___al..._oI__al_ 1I.a.do_..............._JIII __ Fr- .. tD""""-: 10 I 31 IIlIIlII'l I:Mf' I 05 'N' 12. Dele of .... I Tr...... 11 ..... /15 ..., I 05 - ^ B C D E F G II I J X Sail Bltwwn ~ or fanrIM' ......Jva. Solo _ _eom",_Of Po.......'n l_ One DIU. Buyer. iI..., . Seller IIuyor Of _, II _...... Agoncy Ofl.oncinu __ Dood T_ _ w.rronty Of Borp;n .1Id _1Spoclfy_ ... af Fr..... or ... thin f_ InI1nIIISpecify a.uw. Sig_ 0._,. "-"" _ T_ _.1Id Sol. Dol Silo af Bu'" it Included In Sill Price Other UnulUlll Faaors AfflCllng Sill Price (Specify BIIowJ - ,ggg. ,gilD. .0,01 , , . (Fun SItI Pre. .. the taIIl .moum PIllet tor thI propMy including pet'IORIII plQplrty. The ~ rMW' .. in tho form of c:.h. aI"'r prIIPWty Dr gDDdl. or the IDUmpdon of mol18lSJll Of DdIer~) ",..,. round III ". "..,., """* dollar ~ ,..___al_ I .0.0.0 I ....-rIY ......... In .... .... . A6SE&&MENT INFORMAll0N . Dolo ohauld rofIocIlh.IOlOOl F'n.'_m.m RoIl.nd Tox Bill 11. FuI .... Price I ,.. V... at a llJnMt RaIl from I whIDh W\...~~.... ...... I 17.T...._.....laI......In_1 ~ ; ; ,o.",-"a.. 12 1 0 I-U ,..___1 Gr.."pn'l"l" ..T......_I__II......__.____.....- 141 1000 Oll.OO I I CERTIFICATION I I ~....,.. or.... _or...... ..... _..IMI filrm ............ _,.........ormy "-........ beIIoIl.... J ........................... aI", ..... .... _ or_lIooI_ .......... _10.... R~1d or.... _ low _10 '110........ .... ..... or fIN __ !!m!! BUYER"& ATTllIlNEV ~-'..--- pa~~~antin1d1s 01.00 013.000 111-15-05 .... Hoare Patricia -- ...,- 631 765-4330 "I.?5 01lUT_ 19~ J~rM'" II T IAI" _cox "L......_~ Flush111Jl I NY I 11358 'yea..,.... ioTA'" ...COIII ~"Jctd~q-. ,L~<.,,~. ~ k i~~ ~ (?M;(ft-15-05 KAm~PRATT. as trustee .... NEW YORK STATE COPY