HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12412 P 564 L ! ;.)1-1) ,~~ Ii iirli '("( 7 t 1 ? / c i.' - A - .), / II ,_N.Y.aT.U.FcrmllDll2-llllgUl8lld_~_C.UII""II"1I1iIlllGronlar'a~niIonn_' . ':.._, CONSULT YOUR LAWYER IEFORI! IIGIIIIIG TlllIIIITRIIIlENT-THIS INITRlIIIBIT 8HCIULD II! lIIED BY LAWYERS ONLY 1lfIS'INDENTURE, made!he 20"' day of Sep\8mber. 2005 BETWEEN SANDRA W. CORCORAN 108 Broad street GI'lI8IlpOrt. New Villi< 11944 ? party of !he ftrst part, and j)- (oof ;. OoJ...oo J. O~.oo J;-. oJ.K'OOO CAROL NEARY AN]> 140 Hewlett SlnIel Merrick, New VOIl< 11566 Ib ;ril,AJT TENItN.S Wi'rtl- ~lJ(r.J tJi:A SlJ~,lIlo1~tt..~H' I' '~Tl./C.,~ ""~ItA..'i ''Ie d.:-..J/,i!TI S'r. 1'1 E"1t. ~IC f( 1"" . t. "("iF" party of !he Mllllnd part, . wmIESSETH. lhalthe party of the IIrst part, in lllII1IIkIeralI of TEN 1$10.00). doIIar8 paid by \he party 01 the second part, does hereby grant and r-.. unto the party of the aecond part, the hen or 11/-' nolS and -.lgnl of the party of the second part 1oreoIer, AlL that c:ertain plot, piece or pan:el 01 land. with the buildings and Imjlruveme,da thereon el8l8d, llilulllll, lying end being ~ the VIIage of Gnlenport, Town of Soulhold, County of SUtraIk end SflIle of New Vorlc, bounded and de&a ibed as foIows: NOIlherIy bY land now or fonnelly of PembellDn: EaslBrIy by IBOO now or t'onneIIy of Beehlllr 150 f8el; SouIherIy by Broad Street 95l'8e1; and WasIerIy by IancI now llI' fannetty of M11111150 I'8et, IIllIAI pldculllrly bounded and described lIl! t'oUow8: BEGINNING at a point on the NorlherIy side 01 Broad SlnIel dlsl8nt 60.00 feel Easl8rly from the comer fanned by !he intenseclion of the Northerly side 01 BnlBd street and the WeIl8Ity side of FIrst Street; RUNNING lliENCE South 83 degrees 06 minullBs WlIlll eIang the NorIherty.ide of 8I08d street 95.23 feet; THENCE North 6 degrees 35 minulas 10 sec:onde West 152.03 f8et; THENCE North &4 deg_ 22 minullBs 20 seconds East 90.04 feel; '!'HENCE South 8 degrees 48 rninullBs 40 seconds East 150.00 feel to the Nollhet1y .ide of Broad Street to the IlOint or place of BEGINNING. HEING AND INTENDED TO BE the _ prsmiea conveyed in LlberlReeI116011, Page 310. lWD prern_ _ known and deeignated . DiIIlrlct 1001. SeclIon 002.00. Block 05.00 IIIld Lotll28.00,. TOOETlfER wiIh all right, title and Intel'lllll of the party 01 the fiIBI part In end to 8Ily lIlI'IIIItII and roeda IIIIuD1g Ihe IIbave c:Iasaibed 11I811 . -- to the cenlllr IInas thenIof. TOGETHER wiIh the appurlllnallCllll end .. the lIIIlate and righlll of the party of the first part In and to AId premllIas. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the prernlsas hlllllln granl8cl unto the party 01 the second part, the heirs or 1M" -'8I1d aelgne of the party of \he second partfol8wr. ,~D the party of the Iirsl part CllII\81Ia that the party of the finIl part has not done or lIIIffenld anything whenIby tII1e lIlIid PlIIlI, '111 have been encwnbered in any way whalIMlr, .-plas efonleald. ,V.D the party of the IirII part, in compliance with SeclJon 13 of the Lien Law, OlMlI18ntlIlhat the party of the IiIBl part wiD I'lIC8iIIe the CDnlIlderatIon far III. CXIIlJ8y8l1C& 8IId wi! hold the right to I'lIC8iIIe euch coneIderatIon as a lrum fiJnd to be BIlPI*I for \he PUlpOll8 of ~ the 00lIt of the ~ IIIld wtI apply the _ IlnIlto the payment of the emt of the 1l11pRMlm8nl befln uelng nay part of the lDteI oIlhe _ far any other putpClU. 1he word 'party" ehall be construed as If ill8llcl "partias' whellIlVlIr the sense of lhI5 incIenlure 10 requires. IN wmIESS WHEREOF, the part of the finst part has duly _'oted th. deed the day and Y8lIr fiIBI above wrftten. IN PRESENCE OF -k/zA. ?n (ntf}.d/h- SANDRA W. CORCORAN TO BE USED ONLY WIlEN THE ACKNOWLEDGMENT IS MADE IN NEW YORK STATE StIlle of New Vark, CcIurq 01 SlAIIk 118: SlIIle 01_ Volle, Ccu1Iy of SUlIllIk ..: Orl lhe~ ., 01 ,,,,,, ,.... In the ~ 2005 On ... dIIy of in lhe weer belin me. lhe ........._ ~1aOo~ Illo-ed bel'ant me, lhe ~ peqandy "PI*11Id SANDRA W. CORCORAN pe.-.IIy IaDMIIll me II' pnlIIMd III me an the Il8Iis of .....,.uy IaDMIIll me II' pnMId III me an ...... of ...... · , lMdeIlCIllll be lhe ........oal(l)...... .. -. I ,evldence III be ...lndIvldu8I(e)...... II8IM(lII Ie _I"~~~l' Ill.. wIIIlIn InIIILInInI end lIIIm8(el 18 (-I eubeaIbecIllIlhe wIIhIn ~ IIIld . 8clinau' L ~Ill _lheI~l w....._1n .......lllIgldlllllllllhllthllllllllllh8yeNCIllld...umeln "'_10'" 'll \(IeI).1IIld hlelhe.1lIleio e/gnIIlIn(el ~~, IIIld lIIlIl br llle.t\ej1V.. lignllbn(e) anlhelrlellunBt.IM II' 1M penICllI upan behalf of an the .......... 1Ie1ndlvldu8l(e) II'the penICllI upan behalf of wIlidl.. e) wNch the lndldlUI(elllCllld, .-eI""" lhelnetlulnn. (III....... llig_,und_ar_I8IdngIlle...IIOtI' ~,-1Il :=':_'<'lIk .., NlIocnVAIIJaDI!ll ~ o.-~--COI"'Y ill . .. EJqlIIea ,,108/Cill 0..1..- TO BE USED ONLY WIlEN THE ACIOInWII'nftIII........ IS MADE OUTSIDE NEW YORK STATE St... (II' 0IeIItct of CaIurnbi8, TenIIDrJ. or FGnlIgn Counry) 01 On the clllyof In the ,... b8b8 me. ... LIIlIenIIgrled. peIDIdy IIpp8lII8d pe,rIlIIl8IIy IcncIiIm lID me or pIOlIIId lID me an the .... or ....,""~'Y evldllllDlIlD IIllthe Indlvldual(.1 whcslIlllIIl1lI(.) Ie (-I 8Ulb8cri1llld lID the wIlhin In8trument and 8DknowtlIdgecI lD me Ih8I IIeIaI1lIIIIIlI IIXlICUtIId the lIIIIlIlI In hisIherIlhel. DIIp8CIty(IIe), 8IId lhel by hl8lhelllhlllr a1gnalww(.) on thlIlnalrument, the Indlvldual(.). or IhlI pencn upon behIII of which thel indMduBI(.) 8ClIId, -=- d8d the InItrument, 8IId 1h818UCh indMdu8J mede 8UCh ,-lIIlDlIlIllb8 thlI underslgneclln thel 1~-IIIeca,.._...-"'lW'_~ In_ (end"-lIlle.......CaunIIy.._pllcellll_'" . ~._4__' llignollllunhlbar_lIIdng _. ' \, .-011 B"RGAlN MD SALE DIlED WITH COVENANI'S AGAINST GRANTOR'S ACTS SECTION BLOCK LOT Tille No. COUNTY OR TOWN SouIbold COUNTY OR TOWN STRIlET ADDRESS S.~RA W. CORCORAN TO C.~OLNEARY RET!JRN BY MAIL TO: . Cianciulli, Keng & Panos PC Attn: James Panos, Esq. 773 Hempstead Tpke. Uniondale, NY 11553-0246 J [SAFE HARBOR TITLE AGENCY 1529 MaIn Slreet Pert JIIlr8nIcn. NY 11777 (I_lIlIII_....-......' --., 11 .21 . Number of 'Nlges ~ TORRENS Serial # Cenilicale ~ I'riUl'Or. # ., RECORDED 2005 Oct 03 02,25:09 PI'! Edward P.ROIIaine ClERK OF SUFFOlJ( COUNTY L ??oo12412 P :564 on 05-09289 Deed. MOrl&"ge 1n.'INmcnl Deed I Mongage Tax Stamp Recording I Filing Smml's I 2J FEES I'uge IFil ing Fee lIun~ling 5. ..lKL TI'-5H4 Nulntion EA-5217 (Cuunty) Suh Totol EA- 52 17 (SlUle) 3000 R.P.T.S.A. COl11m. (lrELI. 5. .ll!L AfIi~uvil Ccni[je~ CoJPy Reg. CUI'Y Sub 1\,(al GrundTOl:lI~ cf Olher 4 fj":1..00 .~.L" DO P""a S",'uun U1ncl< .. . I.n '" .' ~D 050~1 1001 00200 0500 028000 p1'S RSMI A ~ Ikal 1'lUperly Tax Sen'ice Agency Vcriliculilln 61 SalisraeliunlDischorge"'Rcle....e Lisl Propeny Owners Mailing A~~re<s RECORD & RETURN TO, ,rr;;'" PAf'JOS f.~. '7 7 ~ tle P,f 5 ~,,) 'tfke '!J..N;OIl.':) C}l.p.{e I p-y. I/SS3 ~ongngc AmI. l. Bnsie Tax 2. Addilional Tox Sub l' 01U1 Spec. I Assil. or Spec. I Add. TOT. MTG. TAX Dual Town _ Duul Counly _ Held for Al'l'oinlme~-;r;:-_ Trnn..ferTax ~ ~ Mansiun Tax TIle properlY cnvc~ by Ihis IlIUlgllge is or will be improved by U (llle ur two ramily ,Iwelling only. YF_~ ur NO I r :-10, see appropriule lux c1uuse on page 1# nr Ihis instrument 5 Community Preservalion I~und Consi $ f,OO.OOO . 53, ct:O. - Impmwd 1< Vaeanl Lund 1'D_.I0 1'1) TD Cll.Name 1ille II TIuffolk County Recording & Endorsement Page ~~eJ (SPECIFY TYPE OF INSTRUMENT) 7 Thb p:lgL~ forllls p.1.n of the anachcd _ _(!D(L(l,l) ILI4 I. > m"de hy: The prcnlisi!ii herein is "ituated in TO SUFFOl.K COUNTY, NEW YORK. In lh. Town_hip of SOl. f/... (') Ln/ In lhe .VILLAGE Jjp~ or HAMLl:ff or C ~ffp pofJr OOXJ:,<; 6 THROUGH 8 MUST IE TYPED OR~F.D IN BI.ACK I~K ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDING OR FILING. (uver) 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 111111111111111I111111111 SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK RECORDS OFFICE RECORDING PAGE Type of :Instrument: DKBDS/DDD Number of Pages. 3 Receipt Number . 05-0103708 TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 05-09289 Recorded. At. 10/03/3005 02.25:09 PII LIBI!:R: PAGE: D00012412 564 District. 1001 Section. 002.00 BXAM:INED AND $600,000.00 Block. 05.00 CHARGBD AS LotI 028.000 FOLLOWS Deed Amount: Received the Following Fee. For Above :Instrument Exempt Bxempt Page/Filing $9.00 NO Handling $5.00 NO COB $5.00 NO NYS SRCHG $15.00 NO EA-CTY $5.00 NO EA-STATB $75.00 NO TP-584 $5.00 NO Cert.Copies $0.00 NO RPT $30.00 NO SCTK $0.00 NO Tran.fer tax $2.400.00 NO COJIIID. Pre. $9.000.00 NO Fees Paid $11.549.00 TRANSFER TAX NUMBER. 05-09289 TH:IS PAGB :IS A PART 01' THB :INSTRtlMBNT TH:IS :IS NOT A B:ILL Bdward P.Romaine County Clerk. Suffolk County 18. 7. .3, ~JJ. .11 CZ. 0.1. 1_ R_ded I I. f) / ..3 / () ~ IIIonIll o.y y_ C3._ I. j. ~'-I.' ,o{lC4.P_..s PROPERTY INFORMATION * REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT Cl. SWIS C_ STA'IE OF NEW YORK STA'IE BOARD OF REAL PROPERlY SERVICIS RP . 5217 KNI11l..."" "-L ~ ..L'2:!. I /3~1f- L S/)v'T1+0L. ').. crrvOll TCMN .p. L N=ft~ 'I LQT NNIII./~Ntt L ....~~~y ~rL6-""'1 2. ...... N.... 6-.t-EeN Pt>~T \'I.lAGI CA-~L- / HIlsr....... fJ Itr;(../ (...1 it- V f1IIITNMIII: I II!iU .1. T.. Ind.. wt.. fubn Ta. BIll ..,.10 bllIInI L ....... " nther thin bu.,... ICIchD eM tloDom of form) . Addn.. LAIr I'MMl/ICOW'MY H!IIiINAlIlE L 5T1l1n ....." oUCl f11IIIT NAW' 4. IndIa8t8 tbll number 01 A_ ._4 Roll peroll, tr......... 011 the deed cnv...,- a'AI' ..- ..=... I - 'MJNT.ftT Ixl .."" lOR I 'Aau .3 ..;1.1 SA-/lJJ> .e.,4 ,AI ./ Pl.':''''''' - ,llnIy.........__.dlIy- &A. PIIMIng Board wllh Subdlvtlion Authorlty ExiIIa 0 48. Subdivillon Approval .. RIQuirId for Trl"" 0 C. PInlII Approved for SubclVllion with Mlp Pnwi-*l 0 J I, of Parcell OR 0 P.1t of II Pan:ol ..- No... L COl.L!..lJlUrN LAIINAMl/~ L LMT NAMI, COMP'.vn' ....,... 7. ChecIc eM bo. below wldc:h Ino.t 1ICCUr~ .tern_... .,.. of 1M pro...,ty .-: t...... 01 "'c A~O"F"";"_ / E~ Agrlcu....oJ I ~ Commun;oy_ R 2or3FomIy_ F Com..._ J lnd"""'" C "OIII~ntlll VlClnt LInd G Aplrtment K Public SorvIco D Non-RelIdenliII V'c.nI Lind H EnteJUllnment I AmllMlTIGnt L Forut I SALE INFORMA~ 1'..... Contr.... Da. Ch_ the__ billow -tta-v ~ L Own.rahip Type .. Condominium I. NlIw Construcdan on V_nt land ItA. Praputy LacaIod ........ _IOu... lkrict ..... Bww raved . cIIdoIuro nudcu IndIr:mng U'IIl ... prapenv AI In III Agrk:ullurll DiIIrlcI o o o o 12. o.t. of s... , Tr'lrwf... 22 q / l"l / Crl OIJ YMr tl. a.cII OM or men ell __ _......_ ......... to ...r.r. ........ / J-O / OSI. Door v_ ^ B C D F. I' G H 1 J SaIl BMween Aalillivu or Formar IWmNes S111a s.tw.en RMIIKI Compeni. or Plrtners In au...... Onoalth._Is_.SaI.... Buyar Of SeDer Ie GoYlIrnment I9ncY or l...Mding ~tudon Deed ~ not Wllr.lIlY or Barga6n and ~ ISpKHy Below. Sill of FracdonIl or ~ tMn F.. Im.~ ISpedfy BeIowI Significant Chlnae In Property BelwNn T..bIo s.u. and Solo Dates .. of Busineu IIlndudl1d In s.. A1c. om. U........ -. _no Solo ""co '_110 Bolowl No.. 13. FuII.....''r'Ice ,b , /) ,/) , D ,D ,D, n . 0 I ,/ , , . (full SaIl Price Is tn. tobIl amount peId tor the propMy including I*sonAI PfDI*1Y. ThiI PI.,...,. rMy be in IN form of eMIt. other propllty or goodI. or 1M II8WnpUon of mortpgil or athIr obIigMiontJ ".... rouMIO IIIe tIMRIIf ..,..... ....um. '4.I-.Ih._.._"", I ~ 0,0 I praperty ....... In 1M .... . ASSESSMENT INFORMATION. lIoto .hould ..fleclIh.11I011 Final_on! Ro'lond T.. Bill ,..v_.....__Ral_IO I ' I which I.rmatktn tekIn I 17. TCIhI ...... V....laf ell ..... tr....., " ; '.._CIo. ~-U ,..___1 ~lVfJD~T , .4 g'tJ 01 , ZO. Tu M... I'.......... I Ra& ""'-1" CI maN thin four. .u.ch aa-t wIIh addIIIanalldMIt_ltJl 100 I - 002... Db - 0,( Z>O - O.l-~ ~ I I CERTlFICATIl)N I ratII'y ..... :III II till! he.. vlW....... l'fttrrnl GD ddI ...... ..... II1Iie and C"G1"ftld (ID lilt b..a or my ImowInIpr ..... beIIeI).-I I ~ Iballlll' ......... ot..y wlIllII......_ "'___ .11 oubJrd... 1011Io ""'-"11Io ....I..w_..............ond ...",_...._ llYn!! BUYER'S ATTORNEY s ~Nllc::. ,-- ~Afp~ RHO....... 11t'IIiI~WI"'1IALI1 6.l~ ~LrI'ttON!NU_" art'DIITCJtIfN ~ ..- SELLER NEW YORK STATE COPY ~~}tn ~~tU~ I q ~20-os .."