HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12409 P 361 U;2L;fcq ... P ~)GI 80-- )-1 SIIIndard N.Y.B.T.U. Fonn 8002 .1lo1gUl1IId Sole llMd. willi c-nont ogainIl Grl.""" Arb. - unllonn ~ Fonn 3210 CONSULT YOUR LAWYER BEFORE SIGNING THIS INS~.THISINSTRUIIENT SHOULD BE USED BY LAWYERS ONLY THIS INDENTURE, made lne.J )"Lday ~".? .,....1-'t.--;'2oo5 BETWEEN ROSEMARY HALLIGAN, residing at 302B Myrtle Street, Ashland, VA, 23005; KATHLEEN COUDEN, residing at 2560 Parediae Shores Road, Southold. NY, 11971; JEAN HACHMANN, residing at44 N. Vail Ave., Apt. 506, Arlington Heights. II.. 60005; JOHN J. DONNELLY, residing at 10 India Brook Lane. Randolph, NJ 07869; and JOSEPH S. DONNELLY.. residing at 18200 Foxcross Drive. Granger, IN, 46530, party of the first part, and ROSEMARY D. HALUGAN, residing at 302B Myrtle Street, Ashland. VA. 23055, as to an undivided thirty-six (36%) percent interest; KATHLEEN D. COUDEN, residing at 2560 Paradise Shores Road, Southold. NY. 11971, as to an undivided thirty-six (36%) percent interest; JEAN D. HACHMANN, residing at44 N. Vail Ave., Apt. 506. Arlington Heights. II., 60005, as to an undivided four (4%) percent Interest; and JOSEPH S. DONNELLY, residing at 18200 Foxcross Drive. Granger. IN. , as to an undivided twenty-four (24%) percent interest 46530 party of the second part, WITNESSETH. Inat tne party of Ine first part, in consideration of TEN and 00/100 ($10.00) dollars, and olner good and valuable consideration paid by Ine party of Ine second part, does hereby grent and reIea&e unto tne party of tne second part, the heirs or successors and assigns af the party 01 tne second part forever, elllheir right, lilIe and inlllreSt in end to: ALL that certain plot, piece DI' part:el rJ land, with the buildings and Improvements thereon erected, situate, lying and being at Paradise Shares, Bay VIew, In the Village and Tawn rJ Soulhold, SUffolk County, New yen, bounded and desalbed as follows: BEGINNING at a stake set on the Northerly Une or a certain 12 fool private raad awned by said party rJ the first part, said paint being 45.'18 feet Westerly alang said line rJ said private raad from the Westerly line rJ Lot Number 9, BIodc B, as shawn on -Map of Reydan Shores, Bay View, LI., N.Y." filed In the omce rJ the Clerk rJ SUffolk County; RUNNING lllENCE along said NorlherIy line rJ said 12 foot private raad, North 59 degrees '18 minutes 40 seconds West 46.09 feet to a stlIke; RUNNING lllENCE along other land or said party rJ the first part Narlh 19 degrees 53 minutes East 175.24 feet to ordinary high water mark of Peconlc Bay; RUNNING lllENCE along said Ordinary high water mark rJ PeconIC Bay South 45 degrees 30 minutes 20 seconds East 50 feet; RUNNING lllENCE alang other land of party of the first part, South 19 degrees 55 minutes 30 seconds West 162.68 feet to the paint or place of BEGINNING. BEING AND INTENDED TO BE the same premises conveyed to the party of the first part by deed dated 12/17/fMJ, recorded 12/31/fMJ In Uber 8938 page 213 and deed dated 12/15/81, recorded 11/15/81 In Uber 9677 page 128. TOGETHER with all right, tilIe end interest, if any. of the party of the first part In and to any streets and roads abutting the above described premises to Ine center lines thereof; TOGETHER wlIn the appurtenances and all the estate and rights of the party af the first part in and to said premises; TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the premises herein granted unto the party of the second part, the heirs DI' SucoesSllrs and assigns af the party af the second part fOl8Vet'. AND the party of the first part covenants that tne party of Ine first part has not dane or suffered anything whereby the said premisas have been encumbered in any way whatever, except as 8fDresald. . AND the party 01 the first part, in compliance with Section 13 of the Lien Law, covenants that the party of Ine first part will receive the consideratiOn far this conveyance and will hold the right to receive such consideration as a trust fund to be applied first for the purpose of paying the cast of the impravament and will apply the same ftrstto the payment of the cost of the Improvement before using any pert of the total of the same for any oI!1er purpose. The word "party" shall be construed as if ~ read "parties" when ever the sensa of this indenture sa requires. IN WITNESS WHEREOF. the party of the first part has duly executed this deed the dey end year first above wrilten. IN PRESENCE OF: ... fdm/MII_ .A _. _ Kathn,.. _ _ 9- Jean Hachmann ~/ -+=1 11 s 1Li~ - :::::,...".- -- TO BE USED ONt Y WHEN THE ACKNOWlEDGMENT IS MAnE OUTSIDE NEW YORK STATE State 01 N_ York, County 01 Suffolk, u: On the ~3,4. day 01 Au'iIlSt, in the year 2005 ROSEMARY HALLIGAN perIOI1lIUy known 10 me or proved 10 me on the bas" 01 &llli&l'1ICIOly evidence 10 ba the Incllvlduel(s) '"'- nlllll8(s) 1& (1IIlI) lUbec:rlbed 10 the wIlhin In&trument and ec:knowledged 10 me thet heI&heIlhey lIXlICUIed the ..me in hi&lherllheir cepec:ily(i..), 81 the! by hl&lherllhelr &ignature(s) on the in&trument, the Individual(s). or the penon upon behalf of which the IndMdual(s) 1ICted, executed the instrument. 11 11 _ . L L:, 1lftI-L ~ 'Ilk (Iig_ end oIIice oIlndividullllal!!nlladcn~ledlle"Mhll) NoleryNllic r'AROL. BES 1- - "SuFFOc..,co- ~ C) <:ir-l/J -Uf TO BE USED ONLY WHEN THE ACKNOWLEDGIlEJ'T .. MADE OUTSIDE NEW YORK STATE Stele (or Dlslltc:tofColumbia. TemlOry. or Foreign CountJy) 0I.:r11 II1QJ: S Csot Q) On the ? ~~ day 01 ~oJ'fIJ~ . in the yeer 2005 before me, the under&lgned, per&onally appeen JEAN HACHMANN J per&OIIaIIy known 10 me or proved 10 me on the ba&is 01 &etlsfectory evlclence 10 be the individual(a) '"'- name(s) is (ar IlUbllcrlbed 10 the within Inllrumenllnd ec:knowledged 10 me the! heleh8llhey 8lIIlCUI8cIthe IlIIT18 In h1l1herllheir ClpecIty(188), .. Ihet by hleIherIlheir algneture(s) on the in&lrumen!, the indlvlclue~s), or the pel80ll upon behalf of which the Individlll~s) acte executed the instrument. and lhellUch individual meda such lIpp88I'8I'IOII before the underllgned in the ,,.. l; ~\ In c.,O K C.,,,~+'t , (in&erllh& City other " IlUbdivilion) (end i_II ttte Q W or other pIeo& the ~1_18ker (ligneture end oIIice 01 individuell8klng ec:knowIedgemenl NoIeryPublic before me. the undlIr&igned, per&Cll18lly 8flII88" Hotery Public CIIIJlCW.IPL 'ID IUY -.,NID."." ..C ....01:1.._ TO BE USED ONLY WHEN THE ACKNOWLEDGMENT IS "AM OUTSIDE NEW YORK STATE Slele (or Disbicl of CoIumbie, Temtory, or Foreign CountJy) 01 Ne,wIa~,rS / On the (f/IfJ day of ~ M. In the year 2005 before me, the undersigned, p8I8O/l8lly eppean JOHN J. DONNELL""""" per&0n811y known ID me or proved 10 me on the basis 01 ..U&facIOry evidence to be the Indlvid~s) '"'- name(s) .. (81 &Ubec:rlbed to the within inllrUment and acknowledged to me lhel helehellhey lIXlICUIed the ..me In hi&lharllheir cepec:ily(iee), .. lhel by hi&lherllheir &ignalure(s) on the in8trumen~ the individual(s), or the p8IIOII upon behalf 01 which the individual(s) lIc:Ie t. {'S" '~i)o""':nit 1';;1 &UCh U1dividull ~ &Uch ~=befol8 the under&ignecl in the . :{i:rj'~:' ~~&;i's!__ ....'iJV t.'~-~~-- :~' ,.",V, (ligh8lllreend Of~~i) , <" ;it ,~ ~, DORIAN U. S111011ETT1 NoI8ry Public "<. NoJIrY Public NOTARY PII8UC Of NEW JliRSEY , " lit a \" ..I .' MY !:'Nu....... ElCI'IflEUPIl. 1"IDlO . .,..-., .~: TO BE USED ONLY WHEN THE AC:KNQWU;DGMENT 18 MADE OUTSIDE NEW YORK STATE Slete (or Diabicl of CoIumbie, Territory, or Foreign Counby) 01 Nev.;S' ers C1 On the r;Ht day of .. v;Dt:", in the yeer 2005 before me, the undalligned, p8I8O/l8lly eppeen JOSEPH S. DONNELiY'- - , per&0n811y known 10 me 0< proved to me on the ba&is of aaUafactory evidence to be the Indlvidual(s) whole nerne(s) Ie (al .ub&erlbed to the wfthln instrument and aclcnowtedged to me thet helehellhey lIXlICUIed the ..me in hi&lherllhelr Clpec:lty(Iee). 81 lhetlly hi&lher/lhe.r signaturals) on the In&trumen!, the individual(.), or the pellOll upon bahaIf 01 which the indIvidual(.) _ eXlla.lled the instrument, and e! &Uch individull meda &uch eppearance before undlll'8iuned in the ,- , .;:.' :! ~ \ ~~(_rt Ih& Pftl other polilic:illlUbdivilion) .. '!.T, .' ;: ," ,.." ,. r."I ..~_' _ IlOTARYlIORLvIll~ ,(;> 'OAte'ComrniMion Expiresill''''''''' PWuCOFlIEWM; .... (> '" ~J ~ SlPUlo._ D '. b ...y- o' 'f, 'J.lOo , ,i' I _. In ment _1aIcer .' . TO BE USED ONLY WHEN THE ACKNOWLEDGMENT 18 MADE IN NEW YORK STATE Ste.. of New Yorl<. Counlyof ~<iu<<",V On the ~ay of ~t in lhe year 2l1OS. belO1ll RIB, the underalgn8d, permnally lIppll8I8d KATHLEEN COUDEN ~Iy Ilnawn 10 me or pn>ved 10 me on lI1e b8Ila of 88Mf8dory lMdance 10 be lI1a individua~s) whole nam8(s) 18 (are) sub8ctlbed 10 the wIlhIn instrument and acknowladged 10 ma Ih8l heIaheIlh8y _lied the 88mB in hillher1lll8ir CBpac:/Iy(Ia), and lh8l by hlllhllrllheir lign8lure(s) on lI1a instrument, the IndIvtdU8l(s), or the peISOI1 upon ll8h8If 01 which r~:;~m~ (IItlnature and oIlic:e of individualtelcing lICknowIedgment) NoteryPubllc .2IBia:J ... - OllIE . - %-1 ?[-61 TO BE USED ONt V WHEN THE ACKNOWLEDGMENT IS MADE OUTRIDE NEW YORK STATE IS: Stele of N_ Yortc, County of Suffolk IS: On the cI8y of , in the year 2005 before me, tha unclerllgned. penonally IIPP88red personally - to me or proved to me on the buia of selW8ctory evidence 10 be lI1e individ~l) whole nam8(1) ill (are) subsaibed 10 the wfthln Inltrument end acknowledged to ma thll h8l8hellhey lIllIICUled lh8 urne in hlltlherllhelr C8Jl8CiIy(Ies), and lhlIt by hi.......llheIr 1ign8lure(1) on the inltrument, the indiWIual(I), or the parton upon beh8If of which lI1e individu8l(l) 8ded, lIllIICUled the Inllrument. (signllure and otIIce of indivlduell8king 8dcnowIedgmenl) Stele (or Dillricl 01 Columbia, Territory, or Foreign Country) of IS: On lI1e day 01 , In the year before me, the undel8igned, parIOI18lly eppeared perIOlI8l1y Ilnawn 10 me or proved to me on lh8 belis of IIlilf8c:lory evidence to be lI1a lndividual(l) whose nama(l) il (are) subsalbed to the wfthin inalrument end 8cknowleclged to me lhlIt heIlIIl8llhey lIllIICUled the _ in hilllherllheir Cllp8d\y(18I), and th8l by hillherllheir signature(l) on the inllrllmenl, the individua~I), or lI1a penon upon beh8If of which lIl8 IndividU8l(l) 8ded, executed the inllrumenl. end hI such IndlvtdU8l made IIUch BpP88rance beloreh underllgn8d In the In (Ind 1_lh8 ~ or Country or oIh8r pIaot lh8 8ckn00A" "", ...,1_ teken) (insert lh8 CIty or _ poIftJc:el subdivillion) (lignllura Ind ollic:e of IndIVidual telcing ec:I<no1, 1.~QeI1lInl) NoI8ry Public BARGAIN AND SALE DEED WITH COVENANT AGAINST GRANTOR'S ACTS SECTION BLOCK LOT COUNTY OR TOWN STREET ADDRESS TItle No. TO Recorded at Request of COMMONWEALTH LAND TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY I'AMWID FORM CIF NEW'YORK IIOMD OF TI1LE UNElER .._1 aw ~lId by o CommOn~~~!t~","".,,, CtAtMO.~""":.\I.TlII.M.UTlTl.E I~URA."-CcCUM'''NY I I ft II! ~ ~ ~ w & ! I I Number of JllIIos TORRENS "6' RECOIII)fII 2005 s.p 14 031~:56 P" Edward P.bai.... CLERK OF SUFFCU COl.JHTY L ??oo12409 P 361 01. 05-06755 Serial #I CertinC&le #I Prior Ctf. #I Deed I Mortp&e lDsInunenI Dood I MDrtpae Tax Stimp FBBS ReclDnIiD& I Filina SlImpl 4 Page I Filing Fee Handling TP-S84 --1- '3 Mortgage AmL I. BaIc Tax 2. Additional Tax Sub Tolal SpecJAssiL Or Spec. I AIIIJ. TOT. MTQ. TAX Dual Town Dual County_ Held for Apportionm~ " TrIIIsfer TIIx CJ2. ' 3' ~ Mansion Tax ' _ Tho property IlOvcred by thill mort&8&e ill or will be Improved by a one or two family dwoUIq ooIy. YES orNO_ /tl If NO, see IppI1IPrillle tax ~.. on page #I (.I6j _orlhislutnamem. '1~h -0 S- 61 Coaununi Preservation Fund C Slamp s Dale mprov Wickham, BreSSler, Gordon & Geesa, P.C. P.O. Box 1424 Mattituck, New York 11952 Vacant Land TO~ TO TO Initials Satlsf'actionsIDischargeslReleascs Lill Property-OWiie/i Mailmg JfJJ,I 7 RECORD .. RJ.TUaN 1'0: 9 Suffolk Coun 8 Title Company Information Co. Name Title. ': & Eridorsenient P e This page fOlmS part oftbe ~ Deed made by: Halligan, Caudan, Hachmann, Donnelly and Donnelly (:ftUI'f1YPBOF INSTRUMENT) , The prmises herein is silUBlM in SUFFOLKCOUNIY, NEW YORK. TO Halligan, Couden , Hachmann ~ Donnelly " In !be TClWIISbip of Southald In !be VIU.AOE or HAMLET of, BOXES S nm.U 9 MUST BE lYPFD oRPRIN1ED IN BU\CKINK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDING OR FILING. 11111111111111I1111111111 ~Ig IIIIIIIIII~IIIIIIIII I 1111111111 IW 1II11111 SUFFOLK C01lN'l"Y CLBRIC RECORDS OPPI:CB RBCORDI:NG PAGB Type of In.trument. DEBDS/DDD Number of Page.. 5 Receipt NUmber . 05-0096623 TRAHSJ'BR TAX HtJMBBR: 05-06755 Recorded: At. 09/14/2005 03.39.56 PM District. Section. Block. Lot: 1000 080.00 01.00 002.000 BXAIIIIIBD AND CHUGBD AS FOLLOWS Deed Amoun t . $158,000.00 Received the l'ollowing 1'... I'or Above Instrument Bxempt Bxempt Page/riling $15.00 NO Band.ling $5.00 NO COE $5.00 NO NYS 8RCKG $15.00 NO EA-CTY $5.00 NO EA.-STATE $75.00 NO TP-584 $5.00 NO Cert.Copie. $5.00 NO RP'1' $30.00 NO SCTK $0.00 NO Transfer tax $632.00 NO CoIaID.Pr.. $160.00 NO I'ee. Paid $952.00 LI:BBR: PAGE: D00012409 361 TRANSFER TAX NUMBER. 05-06755 THIS PAGE IS A PART 01' THE INSTRlDIBNT THIS IS NOT A BILL Edward P.Romaine County Clerk, Suffolk County ----- -- PLEASE TYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRITING ON FORM . INSTRUCTIONS: http://www.orps.Btale.ny.U8 or PHONE 15181 473-7222 FOR COUNTY USE ONLY C1.SWlSCoR 'S','l,J.;.'.rl 11 C2. DaM Doed R....docI I 0'11/ l ~{.- I IIonIh ... 1:3._1/,;)... Y,O.9'IC4.PoIIII .3.6./1 '" PROPERlY INFORMATION REAL PROPERTY TRANSfER REPORT eTATE OF NIW VOM &TATI! IIOAIIIl OF MAL -.nv 8EIMCU RP - 5217 IINJn ... JIft "=:I 2672 Paradiee Shores Road alllH"'" a~T""" ., ..... -- Southold ""'intlngan Couden ~ Donnelly IAI'.....'C'aMPNft' I Southold ...- Rosemary D. I Kathleen D. Jszr'lr.' I Joseph S. -- 111971 ..- 31. TM ...............TIX....tDbtMnl I -.. .-....__.._.....m1 -- LAIT 1MliI[, aM'\IWf HIII'-. IlIlIIT_JlAllGI_TfMM' CllYCIIIJ'nMlI atAIi "''''''' 4. ........... numblIr 01 A__ __I Roll....... ~...A...4 Oft .... .... 1 I 1.'_ OR 0....01....... A~ 0.. Fomlly_ B 2 or 3 Flmltr RIIidInhII C _.. v..... LInd D Non - ('Or.... VKlIM LInd I SALE INFORMATION I ..._-- IlInIy . - ... ...... _ u ...... oppIy: 1A-,,___AulharllyE-. 0 "'ubdlAllon ~.. Rlauftd far T....... 0 Ixl lORI" .2 0 I C._AppoooodIDr__Moo_ 0 I'tICWr RI.' ~H ACIlU Halligan Rosemary D. I. _ I Couden I Kathleen .... LIII\i.C1IiDin: J;:~-- L-DO~~ I John J. ~e Y Jm~S. 7._........___.... ....._...._......_......_.._ _....__._...... 8. ~Ip Typo 10 ConcIamI...... t. New ConIIruction on v.... lind ,.... "'- _ _In on ..........._ ---.---.. IMt .. PftII*tY '- In .. AafttuIIwII DiIIricr &. =...., I .... E ~ Agnouilur.. I' c:omm.cIoI Q - II ~/ArnullmDlll. I ~ Commun"Y_ J _, K Publk_ L '- o o o o -, 1 I ... - ~/t/, ... - ,.. 0-* _ .. .... 01.... .. ~ _ II ......... to .....r.: $010__...__ 8M .....1WIqd Cam~ or Panr., in Ek.-I.- 000.1...........10_._ &uy.r Dr &.I_ II CcMiINMlIl Auencv or Lending Inllilution ~ Typo ..._.... or 1Iorgo1n'" _ _Iv_ Sola 01_... Lou..... Fu _1SptcIfy _ s..- a.onuo In "'-'Y _ T_ S........ SoIo_ s.lD of EIuII.- Is IncI..-d In .... Prb 0Itl0< U......,__inQ _P,;COISpodfy 10_ Nona '........._/T_ I~' 1 - ,.. FuI Solo ..... .1,5,8, O. 0,0.0,01 , , . lFulI s.&a PrIcu It blO1lJ .mount paid for me prQlMlfty including po""'" property. - _.... bt In 11II loom 01...... _ _orgooclt, orllll.....m_.. monpg. or CKtNlf obligations,) ,.,.. rDfItId IQ the,..,.., wIroIe daIIw MIOIHIl. '.._....-.01_ I ,0,0 I prGperty ........ .. ... .... . ASSl:SSMENT INFORMATION. Do.. Ih.uld renoCllh. 11111I Flnol Aoo.__ RoD .nd To> Bill '8.V_oIa .....R08-D4/05117.T__V.........._In_1 whIIh 1nI_.w~.""" , . 4.2 .0 0 , '8. "'- CIott I 2.1 .0 I-U '8. _ _ _ I Southold ... ToxMop kIon_1I1 -_1111I....._......_____111 1000-080.00-01.00-002.000 .- r -, "'_Ilan........ _11IIo r..... _..... 0lId __ 110 .... ..... or OIIJ UNItdp.... ......... I -.......... ........... or ....-.dl. _~Io....-.......l8IIfltor....._ BUYER'S ATTORNI!V &..1/ -- S'JlUII11W1K11 ..-rT J.MII' Whir uu" t4c.4I9~ Ult,_ 6~/" -- ~~- r:..:J~ .- NEW YORK STATE COPY