HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12404 P 266 t {~~9- LcD l L2 qO~r ~ 2\olo CONSULT YOUR LAWYER BEFORE 8IONINO THIS IN8TRUMENT .THISINITRUIII!NT IllOULD BE USED BY LAWYERS ONLY THIS INDENTURE, made the 8th day of AuguSI, 2005 BETWEEN CATHOLIC CHARITIES OF THE DIOCESE OF ROCKVlLLE CENTRE, u SUtussorby merger of Catholic Charltlas Manlal Health Cenla... Inc., and SL Anthony's Guidance Clinic Inc. by Certlflceta of Merger datad 3/21198, 90 Cherry Lana, Hlcksvllle, N_ York 11801 '. petty of the first part, and JOHN MOGLIA, rnIdlngat 10 Poplar Street, Sayvllle, ~ Yo~ t1182 and TIMOTHY MOGLIA. residing at 12 Cadarftalcls Lana, Wnthampton, NY 11877 . ",. .'" 1l..J..Io oF s...-.'~ 'i '. perty of the second part,lL5 J-:,~ ... :,;; ::r.:: - -...,. ::', WITNESSETH, that the petty C!f~1r.i '~rt;.~~~ideraIion of Two Hundred and ~lrty-l;lve Thousand (5235,000.00) dollll/'S pakl by the party of the second part, does hereby grant and ialease unto the party of the sac:ond part, the heirs or SUCCllllSOl'S and assigns of the petty of the second pert forever, ALL thet certain plot, piece or parcel of lend, situate, lying end belng et Bayvlew, Il8IIr Southold, ,Town of Soulhold, County of SUffolk, State of New York, bounded and dllllCribed 88 follows: BEGINNING at e point marked by e concre18 monument slthe Inl8nsection of the eelll8rly liRa of e privale road known as IIIctorIe Roed with the southerly line of a pr1ve18 road known as Ed'e Road (which point is North 29 degrees 57 mlnu18s 20 seconds East, e dlatance of 332.00 feat from a point merked by a monument on the northerly line of Main BayvIew Roed sills Intersection with the ee8l8rly liRa of the aforesakl private road known as VICIorIa Road); RUNNING THENCE along the southarly line of Ed's Roed, South 80 degrees 02 mlnul8& 40 II8Cllflds East, a distance of 110.00 feat to land heretofore convayed by Edward Nldds to Jack Richards, and th8l'llllfl8r by Richards to Mako; THENCE along saki land heretofore conveyed to Richards and now or formerly of Mako, South 29 degreas 57 minutes 20 seconds West, a dlal8nce of 186.00 feet; THENCE along tha norlharty line of land now or formerly ofWaltars and parellel to EcI's Road, North 60 degreea 02 minutes 40 seconds Wast, e distance of 110.00 feet to the easterly line of Victoria Road; . . .0\ ,...'1 .' . '. . THENCE along VICtoria Roed, North 29 degrees 57 minutes 20 seconds East, a distance of 186.00 feet to the point or~of~~~a . TOGETHER with the right 10 the use, in common with others, of the aforesaid VICIoria Roed end Ed's Road, for Ingress and egress to and from Main Bayvlew Roed. ',' ",' , " . . .' .::::, ") ~ ; '...1 : ... f . " 1...,r.I.1 Being and Intended 10 be the same premises as desaibed In deed made by Muriel Carter Shevlin as Execulrlx of the Last WYI and Testament of Cecilia Mako recorded August 25,1989 in Uber 10918 cp 95. TOGETHER with all right, liUe end Interest, If eny, of the party of the first part in and to any streets and roads abutUng the above desc;ribed premiaes to the center linea thenIof; TOGETHER with the appurtenances and all the esl8l8 and rights of the party of the first pert in and to seid premi_; TO HAVE AND TO HOlD the premises herein grented unto the petty of the second part, the heirs or successors and assigns of the party of the second part forever. AND the party of the first pert covenanla lhaIthe party of the fInlt part has not done or suffered anything whereby the saki premises have been encumbered in any way whatever, except as aforesaid. AND the perly of the first part, in cornpUance with SecUon 13 Df the Lien Law, covenants that the petty of the first pert will receive the conskIeratlon for this conveyance end wiU hoklthe right 10 receive such consideration as a trust fund to be applied fIrSt for the purpose of paying the cosl of the Improvement end will apply the same first 10 the payment of the cost of the improvement before using any part of the total of the same for any other purpose. The word "party" shall be construed as If k read "parUes" when ever the sense of this Indenture so requires. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the perty of the first pert hes dulyexecul8d this deed the day and yeerfirstabovewrillen. IN PRESENCE OF: CATHOLIC CHARITIES OF THE DIOCESE OF ROCKVILLE CENTRE &m By: Edwin M. Kennedy, Chief ,. /ir'l2lll)8. T.U. Form IlOO2 - a.rg.Jn ond ..... Doad, with COwInonl_ GnlnIOr'l _ _ Unllotm Adcnawlodgmon' I.Q BE USED ONLY WHEN THE AI. SIaI8 of New York, County of Na888U sa; On the 8th day of Auguat In the year 2005 before me, the underwlgned. pal80nally appeared edwin M. Kennedy pal80nally known to me or pro\/8d to me on the bas. of sa1IsflIclory 8\/Id8llCB to be the Individualls) whose name(s) Is (are) subsatbed 10 the within Instrurnanl and llCknoMadged 10 me that hellIha/lIIay.lCllCUllld the _In hillller1lhelr capacIty(IH). and that by hlslh"" r Iignature(8) on th. Instrument, th. Individua ). upon b8ha1fof which the Indlvldual(8) acted. I sa; -, SIaI8 of New York. County of On 111. day of In the year before me, the undersigned, parBOnally appeared paI80nally known to me or pro\/8d to m. on the basis of 88lI8facIDry evtdenos to be Ih8 IndIvIdUal(8) whose name(s) Is (aral 8Ub8crIbad 10 Ih8 within Instrurnant and acIcnowI8dged 10 me lI1at h8l8hellhey -- .....111. sam. In h1s1herllhelr capadty(Ias), and Ih8l by hl8IherIIheIr Iign8lure(81 on the instrument, the IndlvldU8l(8). or th. paI80n upon behalf of which the Indivldual(81 acted. .- <led the InStrument . ' . . : _ (Iig~ and off!ce of IndMduallllJcing acknowledgment) olllca of Individual taldng IICknowl.............' '; /.' ,....' ..,.". . .', ---"'11:;0 WIl/UloN" " A7i.../-SA. '-IJ~ ....,PlUc.SlIItaf......~ f'A /'lb. o/LW1)Io??Od-. ~=~~ ~ .t\J~~ ~.- '. gum",,). sa: 9oIolIoe- ~ dlIpIt- E;>XP' rola; loll IR'. I beforeme,lI1e undersigned, parBOnaUyappeared pal80nelly known 10 me or proved to me on the basi8 of salisf8ctory evidence 10 be Ihe Indlvldual(s) whose name(8) . (arel sublcrlbad 10 the within In8IIUm8nl and acknowledged 10 me that helsheIthay 8X8CUled lI1a _ In hlslherllhalr capeclty(lasl, and Ih8l by h1s1her/lhe1r 81gnalure(sl on the InstrumenL the 1ndIvIdU8J(81, or Ihe parBOn upon behalf of which Ihslndlvldua/(s) acted, execul8d the Instrument, and thetauch individual made 8uch appeanmca before the und8r8igned In th. In (onserllhe City or other political subdlvlslon) land i.-llha hie or CounIry or oIhar IUca tile ~ldgmenl_ "ken) ~~SACTS TltI.No. ~,.~ 06 ''l'tQ&'\-\DlOOD STAN_l'ORIIllF NEW~ OF1ITLE UNIlIIRV._..... COJIIIIIOftIIML'I1I LMD 1'lTu I...-..c:E CCNlPAm" (signalu.. and aIlice oIlndMdual taking ackoowledgmsnt) , I)s+ 1000 SB:11OIiII 078.00 DISTRICT 1000 BlOCK 09.00 LOT 088.000 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK 100 ED'S ROAD 5OUTHOLD, NY 11782 Recorded at RaqUB8t of Paul A. Camini6, Esq. 53345 MaIn Road, P.O. Box 846 d, NY 11971 \ " I , " Number of pages :!; TORRENS RECORDED 2005 Ik.og 17 11:22:23 All EMrd P.RoNine . CI..E/Il( OF SUFFOLK COUHTY L DOOOI2404 P 266 Dr. 05-02677 Serial # CenificllIe # Prior Clf. # Deed , Mortgage lDsuument 3 Deed , Mortgage Tax Stamp FEES Rc:cording 'Filing Stamps 30 - Mortgage Anl!. I. Busic Tax 2. Additionll! Tax Sub Thtn1 SpccJAssit. or Spcc./Add. TOT. MTG. TAX Dull! Town _ Dual County _ Held for Appoint~ TransferTax' -z~Q"_ Mansion 'Ii covered by this mortgage is improved by a one or two elling only. or NO Page: , Filing Fee Handling TP-S84 S.~ NOl8tion EA-S2 17 (County) EA-S217 (Sl:Ile) R.P.T.S.A. Sub Total Comm. of Ed. S. 00 Affidavit Cenilied Copy NYS Surcharge Other IS. 00 Sub 1btaI GrandT~~ The or will f.unily d YES IfNO.lieC: page # ppropriaIe IIIX clause on of this instrument. .-.-...... .~f":\. atlon Fwul Real Propeny T811 Service Agency Verification Consideration Amoun CPF Tax Due S Improved II SarisfactionlliDisehargelliReleascs List Propeny Ownc:rs Mailing AcIdn:ss RECORD & RETIJRN TO: Vacant Land ..".- TD 10 f 8 "Y<UA-l l\. ~~I'\-i I f:~~ " . 5'!:>'b<f5" tJ4t~ Rd. ~.Oj()xJC/b S~,I"I. ~.". llQ'11 7 Title Com Uot l CoNe l lillc:# {) -1 Suffolk Count Recordin & Endorsement Pa e This page forms pan of the atl:lched ~'''''ClI~ d- ScJLlk.d ~ (SPECIFY TYPE OF INSTRUMBN1') . ,\ rJ. 1[; 1JioEt~ TD TO ". made: by: The premises herein is situated in SUFFOLK COUNTY. NEW YORK. In the: Township of In the VILLAGE or HAMLET of BOXES 41 THRU 8 MUST BF. TYPED OR PRINTED IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR 1'0 RECORDING OR PILING. , LeA. ~~ (0_) IIII~IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 11111111111111111111111 SUFPOLK COUNTY CLERK RECORDS OPPICE RBCORDIlfG PAGE Type of :Instrument. DBBDS/DDD Number of Pages. 3 Receipt Number . 05-0085891 TRANSPER TAX NUMBER: 05-02677 Recorded. At. 08/17/2005 11.22.23 AM LIBBR: PAGE: D00012404 266 Di.trict. 1000 Section. 078.00 BXAII:INBD AND $235,000.00 Block. 09.00 C'HARGBJ) AS Lot. 068.000 FOLLOWS Deed Amount. Received the Pollowing Pee. Por Above :Instrument Jbr""'lpt Ex8lllpt Page/Piling $9.00 HO Handling $5.00 NO COB $5.00 HO NYS SJitCBG $15.00 HO BA- CTY $5.00 HO BA-STATB $165.00 HO 'l'P-584 $5.00 HO Cert.Copie. $0.00 NO RP'1' $30.00 HO SC'l'K $0.00 HO Transfer tax $940.00 HO CClIIIIIl.Pre. $3.200.00 HO I'e.s Paid $4.379.00 'l'RANSI'BR TAX NUJlBBR. 05-02677 '1'HJ:S PAGB :IS A PART 01' '1'BB :INSTRUMBIlT TBJ:S IS NOT A B:ILL Bdward P.Romaine County Clerk. Suffolk County ) --._-~--~-- Cl. SWIS Code srAIE Of' NEW YORIl srAlE IIOARD Of' IlEAL PIIlIPER1Y IIEIMCE8 a._ PROPERTY INFORMAlION RP . 5217 ...,21111n JM 1.,,-, Locollon 100 ........-. Ed's Road .INIIltoA...... !':nllthnld ""'...- ..... Southold 11782 ..- 2-Buyer - M'1~ LAIT,.,... , John ....,- MOlllia LAIT.....,CONPM"t' 3. Tn nctica...... fI.Iure T.. Bill.. to be." _. a____,._..._' -- ....1...... Timothy LAIT...../~ ,.TMIII .'IMI'.....IIAIID~T IMMI' 4. ........ tIHt ......... of A ....11I: RaIl ..... ._........ DII .... .... I I , of PIrcIII OR D Pen of e Perce! ""'...- I I "tn: D'CIJDl 5. =..v I .... rllClNTFUT Ixl aLPlH 'OR I . . .-c.. .iJ1 lOnIy.,....._-.._....." 4A. PtInnIng Boerd wiIh ...'" IIion Aurhorily ExIItI 0 "'~__"-"'T_ 0 oc.___S''br!'_._Mop_ 0 ....... - I "~~/~";";~".~r';'h~~n;:~~f :yil*~ I I Ulr...../c;gv'Wn' .....IMIM- 7. Check the.... below which mod .......,....... the 11M of the PNI*CY M: .... tfme eI..... II.FuII__ ~ ? ':I ~r::; . n ,n I n I 0 I I) I , , . IFul1 Bele Price illhIIlOIIlemount P111d for tho P'opIIty indudinu pellOl\ll propIr1y. Thi, ~ mey be in IbI bm of Ulh. other PfOPII1Y or goodL or the IIIWnption of mortglQll Of odw DbtigadonlJ ",.,.. 10Imd 10 rial,.,..,...,.,. doIWlIIIIOIIM. -...----....." & Owner..... TWI" 10 CondoonIrium "~ .......1"".1 I ~ CommunIty _ & _ Canou_ on V....1Mld F Calnmon:lol J _II _Praporty ~_... ...w....1lloIncI () ....nllllm K _Sorvlco "'IIU'/Ir_.-._-... H E...,.lnmem I Arn.....mona L FClfGII IhIIIfIo prapedy. In .. AgricuIIaI DiIIrict 1L a...II_. ,.... III __ ........_ _..........1nnIIer: A !WI ........ fWdvu or Folmer ReIMfvM 8 .... ...... RcMIod eom,.n.. or hrtnIn In BuI~ C _......_II_.SoI.. o &uv- 01 ..... II Covernmn Agency or Lending InItitu&ian (; Dood T_ _ w...noy or 110",,1.... Solo 1_110_ F Solo 01 F_ or IaIIhM Foe _1SjIodfy_ o Sig_ Olongo"",- _ T.uble __... Solo 0... H 8oIool_IIInoI.-..__ Olhor UnuouoI_ _II _ PrIce ISpocIly _) ..... o o o o A~ One F.rnlly_ II :2 or 3 Femll, RoIIdomilll C _IV__.... I) Nan Aalldendel V.... Land I SALE INFORMAnON I ,,. .... CoRner o.te 04 / 21 - ""' /2005 y- ,2. Dme of .... IT.......... 08/08 - ""' /2005 .... 1"_"'_"_ I .0,0 I ......., InIlIucIed In ... .... . ASSESSMENT INFORMATION. DIbI Ihould roIIlCt the 1_ Finel_ont IlolI.nd To. Bill 'L Property ca... i3.LL.u 11.___1 4. 7 3 5'tQS" i I .~ I '" V.,CJI A__ -~n&1IDI1Nm I ~ I . U I 17.T...._V_,...._.._ _.......111Io.._ ~b \l7N oL\LJ 2ll. T"__I 1 110I_11I_'."""____"""""1011 DiRt 1DDD, Sec. 7R. 8lk 9 LDt 68 I . I I CERTIFICATION I I <WIlly _ oJ ..... ........- ....... DO .... '- 1ft _... _ ,.. ........ .., "'1 .............1xrIIon .... '_.' .............. "''''' ---"'-..... _.m......_..... _w'" ..,...._... -..IIleIlllldail......"'......_ !!l!mll BUYER'S ATTORNEY ~Rminiti .....- Paul 'N'" STIlU' .....11 631 -- 765-5900 n,II.I"NOIIlI_M Savville .......- NY "A" 11782 ..- re NEW YORK STATE COpy