HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12429 P 460 ~ - ~30-3'-3 U2LLzq P Lf GO Balpin and Sole Oood, wiUI Covtlnont agllnt Gl1Int.... Acto -Indlvtclual or CorpoI1ItJon CONSULT YOUR LAWYER BEFORE SIGNING THIS INSTRUMENT - THIS INSTRUMENT SHOULD BE USED BY LAWYERS ONLY THIS INDENTURE, made the BElWEEN ag~ day of December , Two Thousand Five THERESA FRANCOLINI, residing at 2 Hampton Harbor Lane Hampton Bays, New York 11946 party of the fil1ll part, and KONSTANTINOS SOTIROPOULOS and ZAHAROULA SOTIROPOULOS, his wife, residing at 33-60 154th Street Flushing, New York 11354 party of lhe I8COnd part. WITNESSETH, lhallhe party of 1he filSl part, in con8ldaration 01 Ten DoIIans Ind other VIllI8bJe conlld8l'll1lon paid by the party of \he .lICOnd part, dOll8 heI8by grent Ind 1'8188S1 unto \he party of \he second part, the heirs or SUCClItIIOI1I end a..igns of 1he party of the _d part forever, ALL that CllrtIIln plot, piece or parcel of lInd, with the building. end Improvements thentOll erected, situate, lyIng and being in East Marion, in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, being known and designated as and by Lot 13 as shown on a certain Kap entitled, "Map of Eest Marion Woods", filed in the Office of the Clerk of the County of Suffolk on June 7, 1989, as Kap No, 8759. Being and intended to be the same premiaes conveyed to the party of the first part by deed 8/7/92 and recorded 9/4/92 in Liber 11532 Page 31 in the Office of the Clerk of Suffolk County. TOGETHER with all right, tllle and '",,_I, If any, of the party of lhe Orst part In and to any .1r8e18 end road. Ibu\ting lhe lbove prsml&ss 10 the center In. thsrsof; TOGETHER with \he appurtenanClll and aU Ihe ..ate and rights of the party of tha 01111 part In and to said prsmi.....; TO HAVE AND TO HOLD tha prsmisea hersin granted unto Ihe party of the lIlICOnd part. Ihe heirs or IUccassoro and Il8/gna of the party of tha aecond part forever. AND \he party of the filSl pall' COVirliirili 1Ii1ii t/li' paitVQf lhe first part has not dons or auffersd anything whereby thl Slid premia. have been Incumbered in .riY"viij Whalevilr, exclipt;li\rorsuKl. AND Ihe party of the ftiilt part;.in compliance with Ssction,13:ofthe Lien Law, covenants that the Plrty of the first part will rsceive the con8Iderstlon for this converancs aiJd,wtll.hold.the.(ighl to receive such considllfllllon IS I bUst fund to be 1pp8ed firal for the purpoae of paying the cost of the improvement Ind will apply lhe same first to the payment of the cost of the Improvement before using any part of the lolal of the same for any other purpose. The word "party" shIll ba conab'Ued .. If ft INd "partiIS" whenever the unu of this indenturs so require.. IN WITNESS WHEREOF,lha party oftha first part haa duly execulad this dead Iha day and yaIr fil1ll above wriDen. IN PRESENCE OF: ~.. i..... ({hCL\4~" \. il.1. THERESA FRANCOLINI . USE ACKNOINI.SJGMENrFORM BELOWIMTHIN NEW YORK STAlE ONLY: StBle of N8w York, County of Suffolk )as.: On the 3t! dly of December In the year 2o..QL before me,the unelerligned. penIOIlely eppeerecl THERESA FRANCOLIN I peI'8OIIlIlly known \0 me or proved to me on the blIlIls of 8IIliIflldory evklence \0 be the InCllvlCIuBl(e) whoee neme(s) Ie (ere) aubecrlbeCI 10 the within lnatrumen\ end ecknowl8CIgedlo me lhBl helahllllhey lllCIICUlecI the aame in hlslherllheir capeclty(les), end lhBl by hllllherllhelr Iignelunt(l) on the Inltrument, the Indlvlmlel(I). or the pel8Ol"1 upon behalf of which the Individual(l) lIC\8CI. execuleClthe inltrument. VJ/JJd UNDA J. GDElZFRIED RlJTARY PUBLIC. STAn: OF NEW VDRIC NO. 8010842. SuIIolk = Term ExpIra July zo. ACKNOWLEDGMENT FORM FOR USE WITHIN NEW YORK STATE' OM. Y: (New York SubICIlbing W11n888 AcknowleClgment Certlflc:ate) Sl8Ie of New Yorlt, County of )11.: On the day 01 In lhe year 20_. before mo, the unCl8rlllgned, pel8Ol"1Blly eppeerecl , the IIUbsalbIng witn... 10 the foregoing Instrument. with whom I am peI'8OIIlIly ecqueintecl, who being by me duly swom, did depose and..y thai heIIlhlll\hey I8Ilde(s) In (if the piece of IlJSic/ence ;,/n a cIIy. Indude the aJreel end IItHI number, if any, lhet8of); thai helshellhey know(s) to be the Individuel cIacrtbeCIln and who executecl the foregoing inetrumen\; \het salel aubscriblng witness wes ple8BnllIIld sew BB1d execute the lime; end \het said wIlneas Blthe time aubecrlbed hllllherllhelr neme(s) 8S e witR888lherelo. NoI8ry Public BARGAIN & SALE DEED WITH COVENANTS AGAINST GRANTOR'S ACTS nu. ND THERESA FRANCOLINl TO KONSTANTINE SOTIIlOPOULOS end ZAIiA1lOULA SOTIROPOULOS USE ACICNOWtEDGMENTFORM BELOW WITHIN: NEW YORK STAlE ONLY: Stile of New York, County 01 )as.: On thcl dly of In the year 20_ before me. the undersigned. personeRy appeerecl , personeRy known 10 me or proved 10 me on the basil 01 IltiSfec:tory evidence \0 be the IndividU81(s) whose neme(s) Is (are) subcrtbecllo the within Instrument end ecknowledg8Cllo me thet helshellhey exeCU\eClthe lime in hlalhel1lhelr cepeclty(iea), end \het by hllllherllheir signe\ure(s) on the Instrument, the Indlvidual(I), or the pereon upon behalf of which the Individue~l) acted, executed the instrument. NoI8ry Public ACKNOWLEDGMENT FORM FOR USE OUTSIDE NEW YORK STATE' ONL Y: (Oul of Stete or Foreign G-.aI Aclfnowllldgemenl Cefli6ca19) ...............................................................................)18.: (C0mp/9/9 VBI1U8 willi 51el9. Country, PnwInce or MunlcJpeIity) On the dey 01 in the yeer 20_ before me, the unde.-gned. person.lly eppe.red . person811y known to me or proved 10 me on the besls of saUsfeclory evidence to be the lndIvIduel(l) whose name(l) is (8re) subscribed to tho within Instrument and acknowledged 10 me thai heIsheIIhey executed the lime in hislherllheir cepeclty(les), thai by hlslhllrllhelr Iigneture(l) on the instrument. the Individu81(S), or the person upon behelf of which the Indlviduel(l) ected, ~eculecI lhe inllnJment. end lhat such Individual mede such eppeareRC8 before the unelerligned In the ................................ ....of............ ................ .............. ..and the...... .............. .............. .of... ................ .......................... (Insert /he city Dr other poIIlic8J aubdivision and lhe lIete Dr country or o/her piece the aclrnow/edgmenl weB taken.) Notery Public: DiBtr1CI Sedlon Block Lot County or Town 1000 030.00 03.00 003.000 Suffolk/Southampton RECORD and RETURN BY MAIL TO: RUDO~PH H. BRUER, ESQ. 55000 MAIN ROAD P.O. BOX 1466 SOIlTHOLD. NEW YORK 11971 Ii 2 l Number 'If pages TORRENS ';' RECORDED 2006 J.. 09 10:08122 All Serial N CLERk OF SUFFtl.K COUNTY L ??oo12429 P 460 DTI (15-22357 Certificale N Prior Clf. N ~ !ked I Mortgage Instrument Pagel Filing Fee Deed I Mortgage Tax Slimp FEES Recording I Filing SllImp!l 4 Mortgage Amt. Handling TP.S84 ,,~ I. Basic Tax 2. Additional Tax Notation R.I'.T.S.A. < --0.:... Sub Total I~-( - 'In_ ;;.y Sub Total EA-52 17 (County) COIIU1L of lid. S CKL- SpecJAssil. Or Spec. I AcId. TOT. M'fG. TAX Dual Town Dual Counly_ Held for Apportionment _ 'fransferTax /~ .... EA-S217lSlale) Affidavit Cenified Copy Reg. Copy Other ~ J:< - Sub Total ;;u 1" ;3r7@/ Mansion '1'"" The pI'OJICIty covered by Ihis mortgage is or will be improved by a one or IWU family dwelling only. Vr:S or NO I r NO. see approprille tax elause on page N _oflhi. inslnlmenl. /J~'lr.O) 6 Community Preservation Fund Consideration Amount S 335.000.00 GRAND TOTAL s Resll'roperty Tax Service Agcnc:y VerifICation - . DisI. Section . D Ioek ~~ 1000-03000 0300 003000 ~ Lot ...... Slnmp CPF Tax Due s 5,200.00' .ddrcs Improved . Vacanll.and ,/ Dole Initials 7 SatisfactionStDiscJuu-geslRcleases LI~l rlV"""J ~ .....n "'_. RECORD a: RETURN TO: jt) RUDOLPH H. BRUER, ESQ.' 55000 MAIN ROAD P.O. BOX 1466 SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK 11971 TO TO TO 8 Title Company Information Co. Name' 'l'ill,,1/ e 9 Suffolk Count Recordin 'nus JllIl.'C Ii.mlls part of the atlal:hc:d Bargain and Sale Deed (SPEOFY 'IYPE OF INSlRUMl:Nr ) mude by: THERESA FRANCOLINl 'Ibc pret1Iiscs herein is situated in SUFFOI...K COUNIY. N~W YORK. TO KONSTANTINE SOTlROPOULOS and ZAHAROULA SOTIROPOULOS In the Township of In Ihc VII .lAGE or IIAMLET of SOUTHOLD EAST KARION IJOXES SlllKU 9 MUST BE WPED OR PRINIED IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDING OR FlUNG. (OVERI 11111111I111111 HIIIIIIIIIIIII~ III ~IIIIIIIII 111111I111111111I1111111 SUFFOLK COUNTY CLBRK RBCORDS OFFICE RBCORDING PAGE Type of Instrument. DBEDS/DDD Number of Pages. 3 Receipt Humber : 06-0001950 TRANSFER TAX NUMBBR: 05-22357 Recorded.. At: LIBBR: PAGE: 01/09/2006 10.08:22 AM D00012429 460 District. Section: Block: Lot: 1000 030.00 03.00 003.000 BXAMINED AND CHARGBD AS POLLOWS Deed. Amount: $335,000.00 Received the Pollowing Pees Por Above Instrument Ihr""'lpt Bxempt Page/Piling $9.00 NO Hanclling $5.00 NO COB $5.00 NO NYS SRCHG $15.00 NO BA-CTY $5.00 NO BA-STATB $165.00 NO TP-584 $5.00 NO Cert.Copies $0.00 NO RPT $30.00 NO SCTJI $0.00 NO Transfer tax $1,340.00 NO Camm.Pres $5,200.00 NO Pees Paid. $6,779.00 TRANSPBR TAX NUMBER: 05-22357 THIS PAGB IS A PART OP TUB INSTJlUMBNT THIS IS NOT A BILL , CT. _ Code 1'7,7.3.Rg r 1 21 1I'{f Iq: I ,~~Ol Q. o.te o.d R III a ded C4.P_1 C3._ PROPERlY INFORMAnON ,. "'-' I 2655 LGcatIDn s,.., -.. Rocky Point Road .IRLLI ... East Marion ..- I 11939 lIrc:oDl. Southold art OR ICMN 2. .... Nome SOTlROPOULOS LAII'~'~ KOIISTANTIIIE -.- SOTlROPOULOS LM'I'...... lCOMPMY ZAHAROULA ,......... 1T.. __fulu..T........lDbo_ I ..... ~__~_!Il_"''''''I. - 1 IRlLIT~IUIIIJ.T1'UITIMMI '''''' JMMf' I Cf>>llNIr ""'...- 4. ........ .... ......... '" . A..." ........... bo.J....... aD ... .... ,I I,.,""..... OR D ""nor.P..... &'=-1 - ...... lOR 1 1 2 ~. . . Ixl ,.". na ..- No_ PRAllCOLIIII LMTNNa/~ THERESA .-.r .... 1All11IIAIa/CQMPAIft' -- 7. as-. the bow below whIIIh moll __ _~,. ......... __ of..........-tr -* thlI tIrn. III... A~ a... O_'Iv _., B 2or3F......_1ioI ex_, v.... Land D _._...., v.... Land I SALE INFOIIMAnoN ~ 11. .... ConI~ ~ E~ AQrlcullu.., I ~ Communlly_ F _. J 1_" G ~ K ~~~.Ma H EftlMlinrnenl J AInu........ L ForeII REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT STATE OF NEW YORIl STAlE _OF REAL PIlC3PERTY 8ER\/ICES RP . 5217 ""'.7 ., JWJ ..,.",.. . STAll I . .. cca: lOnIr.Pon"'o___.~ OA.P,.",.. ___~E" 0 ...-.-....-- _....""T.._ 0 C. Pon:ol,-",,-Ior_ - Mop - 0 - _..._--......." I. OwnoIIhip T_ . Condominium L ~ ConIUuction on Vecant Lind - -..,~_ ..Agrtcutourol_ _ au.,... rDwId. dlll","e nodc:e indielling ....tho_.....~_"" o o o o ,.. Ch.Ir. _ _ ..... ale- _ -. _ _ .. - .. ta.....r.: 51.. a.twaan ~ Dr Fonner ReIarfviu .... ....... ReIIUCI campmM'. or P11l'bWr11ln Bullneu DIll or... ~ ,,_ 0 SoI_ l_ or _10 -.Asoncy or Londllllllnolltulion Oood T'/IlO .... w....., or .....In _ _ lSpoaIIy _I _orFr_orlMo_O.._Cllpocify_ SIgn- Chongo In "'-'Y _ T_ _. ond _ Dol .... of BuII~" ~ In s.a. PrIcII 0Ih0r Un....1 F...... -... _ I'rloo lSpodfy _ No... 11 - I 14 ... I 2005 , - '2._"'..../T_ 12 I ;).fJ I 2005 , ... - - ,3,3.5.0,0,0.0.01 , , 0 IOu" _ PI... _tho _..... ""Ill for","...- incIudinu ....__.. thill ..",.... INf ba In lho form of CMt't. 0Ihw praporty or SJIIOCk or the IlIUmpdon ~ mOlra..,a. or 0Ihw abUgltlanLl ",.... round lD 1M,........ daltMMnOIHIt. 11 FuU .... PlIoo '''-'''-'''- I . 0.0.0 , --"'...- . ASSESSMENT INRlRMAnON . IlollIlIlould l1li1_ "'" 1_ Finl' "............ Roll and Ta. Bill 'LV_"" '____10 ,5 II7.T__V_loI011_"'_' wNch L...,._.... ...., 18. "'-CIoN 13 , 1,1 I-LJ '1.___ L..-=t'l ~ 6\\'2-- III. T.. MopIdo..._C11/__II.....__.____...1donIIIIorCIII 1000 - 030.00 - 03.00 - 003.000 ; ; 5Jul/7tirL 1 5 O. 0 , ; I I CER11F1CAnON l I...ol)' .... oil "'... .... '" b.... . _.. .......... _I....... _110'" ..... '" IIIe" "-' \. ... _ ... 1 . "-"<I.... .... -.. ",_..-w.... _",_........ will....... _...... _'1.10- "'1M __..... _lD'" __.. ...."'____ BUYER BUYER'S ATTORNEY KONSTAllTIIIE SOTIIWPOUmr- K~.,,~-~IL~,~ O~~__ ~4- . ....IIIIMIUIII ~ BRUER -- :l '13 q .'.r__ I ~.c,'V.....f.j,.... ~ .,... WrPMW 631 -.... 2~b7 mpl2.ltilr\ ""'...- Nil ) ) ~1l 7 .. .. .... SELUiR THERESA FRAIICOLINI ~o.. ~!'4\A.c...J...~i --- la ~B/~ .... RUDOLPH H. -.- 765-1222 -- ...., NEW YORK STATE COPY