HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12435 P 274 , :" \YCB:~ . 1(0. 8N9 .. .. .". (uni~imn :\Ck.) L/J435' f 27'f f 66f-Lf-4-g' -tur.dml N. V.B.r.L", F.,m 100'. -.E,""IIOI'I o..'_INmlluat.. c..p'olIII011 lSwqltShIll) TIIUMINf IMOUW II _ .., LAWYIII ONLY. CO.nULT YOu. LAwn. I_I.,IGNING TMIIINI~INT-TMIS_, '11t1S !NDEN'I\IRE, made the l i~' da)' 01 5~'" ,in the year' J a-qu 5" BETWEEN ZOHTE PENDERGRASS, 8S sxscutor of the suviving tenant by the antiret)' of R.C. -- residant of Suffolk County on ,j ""nc.. .llllillf\11fxxlflC will of RUBY PENDERGRASS. PENDERGRASS, who diad aa a O/S .;;>Go3 , ....lIIIII'WllI>.lIIIIIt- III1afx ,-.xx x~. Iv party ollbe first. part, and ZOHTE PENDERGRASS, residing at 411 6th Avenua, Greenport. NY 11944 and Wands Scott, residing at the Bayviaw Correctional Facility, 550 West 20th Street, New York, NY 10011 , IJarl)' of the second part, I WrrNESSETH. thai I~ parl~ oll~e /irs! part. by virlue of Ihe power and aUlhorily liven in and b)' said Iasl will and leslamer.l, and ,n conSlderallon of doll.... ten d paid by tbe parry 01 tbe second part. does hereby Irani an .relase unlo Ihe parI)' ollbe second part. the heirs or s\lcceslOrs and assicn. 01 the party 01 the second part forever I AU Ihal .,;rtain plol. pie<e or pam.1 01 land. wilh the buildinlts and in11,,'0.-enlents Ihereon ere<led. silu.te, Iyinl and heinl in th. County of Su~folk. City of Greenport, commonly known as 411 6th Aven~e, Greenport, NY 11944, being more fully shown and described on the "Schedulle A" attached hereto and made a part hereof. I TOGETHER with .11 riehl, litle and inlerest, il an)', of the party 01 Ihe /int JlIIrt in .nd to ..ny streets and roads &bullinl the .biwt described premi... to the .ent... lines Ihereof; TOGETHER with the .pPUrtenan<es, and allO .11 Ihe ..Iate whicb the said dKtdenI had at the time of de<edent's death in ..id r.rem.ses, and also lhe e.18te the...in. which Ihe parry of the first part has Dr h.. power to c:onvey or dispclle 0 , whether individ- u.:IlI~', Dr b~' virtue of said will or otherwise: TO HAVE AND TO HOLD ,he premises herein Ilranled unto lhe parly ollhe stc:oII!I pan, the hein or sueeesson .nd sui1"5 01 the party oflbe second part forever. A:lrD lhe pany of the firsl ran c:ovenants lhat the party of lhe first part bas not done or suBered any thine whereby the ..id premi... have been incumbored in any way whatever. ext~ u aforesaid. AND ,he party of .the first part, in compliance with Section 13 of the Lien Law, c:ovenanll thaI tho party of tbe lirst parI will re<eive the con.ideralion for this COIl.eyaac:e .nd will hold the richt to rave such <ansid- oralion as a lrusl lund to he appli'" /int lor the purpose of .JIIl)'inll the <OSt 01 the improvement and will .pply the ..me first 10 tho paymenl of the cost of th~ imr""....'e..r. hefo.. ....ine anj' flo1rt ;)1 the l"tal of liIe same ior any GIber purpose. The word "party" shall he c:onstrued as il il read "partie." whenever the .en.. 01 this indenture 10 requires. IN WI'I1Q;S5 WHEREOF, the party of the /inl part bas duly exeeuted this deed the day and year /irst above wrillen. . . Is I"..::'F,.SCE OF: 888. Executor I EXHmlT"A" Application Number: 1371806 TaxID Number: 801-44-8.801-44-8 Grantee Names: R.C. PENDERGRASS RUBIE M. PENDERGRASS Property Address: 411 6d1 Ave GREENPORT NY 11944 Legal DeKriptiUD ALL THAT CERTAIN PLOT, PIECE OR PARCEL OF LAND, WITH THE BUILDINGS AND IMPROVEMEf\o;TS THEREON ERECTED, SITUATE, LYING AND BEING IN THE VILLAGE OF GREENPORT, TOWN OF SOUTH OLD, SUFFOLK COUNlY, NEW YORK, KNOWN AND DESIGNATED AS LOT NO. 40 ON A CETAIN MAP ENTITLED, SUBDIVlSION MAP, PART OF THE ESTATE OF THOMAS F. PRICE, SR.. WHICH MAP IS MADE BY OTTO W. VAN TtNL, DATED NOVEMBER 29111, 1927, AND FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE CLERK OF SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK ON 12/12/27 AS MAP NO. 851. . I ~ :, '. STA~EOrNEW\'ORK) ) .., COUNT\' or Suffolk) On Ihe _ dIy or in lb. JOIII'._ Wan: me,lbe unden:iped. personally appeared ?..nnt-. PGn...'PY_._ . penonally known 10 me ar proved 10 me ..lire .... lllilliellll)' evidenee 10 be lire indiYldual(l) whOle lWIIO(.) il (lie) IIIlIIcribed 10 lhe willlill i_1IId ICbDWIodpd 10 me IIlIl hellhellhey,' . .xeculed lIle ...... in hWhcrhhoir ......ir,(lnj, IIIlIIhII by hillherltheir lipature(.) on lire inllrumln~ lIle indiYld1ll1(1j, or lIle pollOn upon behllr or which the Indtvldllll(l) lICIed, exllCll\ed Ihe illllrlllllenl. . STATE OF NEW YORK) . ) ..' COUNT\' or ) On lhe _ cloy or in lb. ynr berore me. Ill. undehIiped, JIIIIOllllly oppelled --' penoallly known 10 me or proved 10 me em Ill. bul. or laIislio:toly evidence 10 be lhe tndlvidull(.) ""-1IIIIIe(') ill (n)lUbleribed 10 lhe within illllnmlealllld ICknowledpd 10 me Ihll helshellhey ex_led lhe ..... i. billhodlheir capocity("'),1IId ....1 by billherf1heir Iipann(.) em lb, inllnl-'I. the Indivjdu.I(II, or I~. JIIIIO.n upon bohoJrorwhich rhe indivldull(.) ocled. exoculed Ibe . Instrumenl. SIp.tun ..d 0IIIee 01 lodlvldo.1 taklo. .eu..............1 SIp.tun ud 0fI\n 01 IDdIYld..'luldo. .ekoDWI.......1 I . r.r .okoowl.......... Iuken ID Now Yo'" Slul.. .. Sl.~.. DIotrIel 01 Colo.", T.~rtlory. haealo.. or r.nlp CO..lry ) 11.' On Ibe _ d.y or in Ihe JOIII' _ before me, lire undeniped, .....lIy IppeI/ld penonllly known I. me... proved 10 me OD Ihe buill ol_rlOlOry eYId.....1o be Ihe IDdIYldual(.) whole oamo(.) II (n) IUblcribed 101M ..irhin IlIIlrumenlllld ocknowIedpd 10 me IhIl heflhelthoy a_led lhe lime in hillhlll'lheir c:apacity(lnl, IhIl by hlslherltheir si....lUre(l) OIIlhe inslrumen~ lhe Individllll(.), or the perIOII .pon behallolwhlch lhe indivldull(.) ..led, execuled lhe iDllnllllln~ IIIlIthlllU.h individual mad. ouch IpplIlanCe ber_1he undeniped in rho . (InHn rho .ily or orher polill..1 ' subdivision ODd Ibe III1e or counlly or olber pl..e th. ..knowled....nl ..ullken). SIp.tare .Dd 0IIke.1 Indlvld..llakJ.. .."............1 .. F.r ......o..IedI...lllakoo ouUld. 01 New Y.... S1u1e. eXttUlot'. artll SECTION ILeICK LOT COUNTY OR TOWN TITLe No. TO -.. AIIlI:q_.r Plnl A__nllll_ ComPOII)' alN... YOlk ..roUl DY NAIL TO, IYIoNDAID IIOIM 01 NIW 'fOIl IGAU Of ftRl UNIIIWII.IID OiI_H,., Fir,t AmtriClln TitIl/uKra,," COIllJl/Jllg of N,ID Hlrk ~ z;, No. . If: - . . STATE OF TEXAS j1yJL ) )SS.: ), COUNTY OF o . On the LL day of ./I j; -. in the year=rorc me, the undersigned penonaIly appean:d ZONTI PENDERGRASS, personally known to me or proved to me on the basis of satisfBCtory evidence to be the individual(s) whose name(s) is (arc) subseribcd to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that helshe/theyl executed the same in hislherltheir capacity(ies), that by hislherlthcir siana1un:(s) on the instrument, the individua1(s), or the person upon behalf ofwbich the individua1(s) acted, execukld the instrument, . thJt such individual made such appearance before the undersigned in the City of /t:I.JL and State of Texas. IIMIAA.CCLlII I 1I'Illll'- ,.- .....10,_ . I~ '-I~ . Notary Pul;lic ~. - .. --.,..~ . ~._...... ." _.?":-,;' :: ~~.:. L.It..~...t.'" ..:....-..~ ~ ~ ~ .. .. RECORDED 2006 Feb 09 091~126 IlP1 .~.... ,.-.J Number of pIIp:s TORRENS CL.<"RK OF SIJFFW: COUHTY L ??oo12435 p 274 DTI 0:5-26936 Serial # Certificate # Prior Ctf. # Deed I Mongage IlIlllnnnent 3 Deed / Mortgage Tax Stamp Fr,r.s Recording / Filing StamJlll Page / Filing Fee Handling S. J!!L MOItIBlIC Amt. I. Basic TlIl!. 2. Additional Tax Sub Total SpeeJAlsil. TP-S84 Notation (Ir EA-S2 17 (County) EA-S2l7 (Statel -R.P.T.S.A. Comm. of F.d. Affidavit Certified Copy NYS Surc:h:uJe Other Sub Thtal Grand Thtal 15'~/ ~ Spec./AdeI. TOT. MTG. TAX Dual 'nlwn _ Dual County _ Held for Appointment _ _ Transfer Tax - 0 _ Mansion TlIl!. The property L"O\Iered by this mortgage is or will be improved by a onc or two family dwelling only. YES or NO If NO. IleC appropriate tax clause ~ page # of this ins II S. 00 $) IS. J!!L Sub Total -.. 0400 008000 ""\ I I I I 5 Cc:a__n.llty .....rvattoa FaDd Consideration Amount $-K" , I Real Ptopcrt: Tall Service " Agency Verification 05014579 1001 00400 ; I (~~-q-o<o "j lR SMI A) aq6.l!L~ -- CPF Tax Due $ / Improved Val:ant Land TO J~ , 6 SatisfactionslDillCluqeslRelea.'1e5 List Propeny Owners Mailing Ad&ln::ss RECORD '" RETURN TO: S'l'^'e.N\OIt S~t.e\Il~N'\\ jNC., C)~~~ ~A~{ A-iDtt' 'PL,.~ I SunE b A"D{f, N. t 111"11~- OILJ' TO TO 7 Title Com IDformation Co. Name Title # Suffolk Count Recordin l)~EO (SPECIFY TYPE OF INSTRUMENT) & Endorsement Pa e This page fOl'lllll part of the attaclh:d mad.: by: 'P~o.m{.,RA~ The premises herein is situated in SUJlFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK. In the Township of In the VILLAGE or HAMLET of BOXES' THRU . MUST BE TYPED OR PRINTED IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDING OR FILING. r- (o,,?' TO '?E.NDfiRloll.M< Jw. ~f 111111 111111111 11m IIII Ilia II IIIIIIIII~ IIII III~IIIIIIIIIIIIIII SUPFOLlt COUNTY CLBRlt RECORDS Oll'FJ:CB RECORDJ:HG PAGE Type of Ins~rumen~: DEBDS/DDD Humber of Pages: 5 Receip~ Number : 06-0014062 TRANSFBR TAX NUMBBR: 05-26936 Recorded: A~. 02/09/2006 09:59.26 AM LJ:BER: PAGE: D00012435 274 District. 1001 Section: Block: 004.00 04.00 BXAJaNlm AND CHARGED AS POLLOWS $0.00 Lo~. 008.000 Deed Amount: Received ~he Following Pees Por Above Ins~rumen~ Bxempt Exempt Page/Piling $15.00 NO Handling $5.00 NO COB $5.00 NO NYS SRCHG $15.00 NO BA-CTY $5.00 NO BA-STATB $75.00 NO TP-584 $5.00 NO Cer~.Copies $0.00 NO RPT $30.00 NO SCTM $0.00 NO Transfer ~ax $0.00 NO CClIIIIIIl.Pres $0.00 NO rees Paid $155.00 TRANSI'BR TAX NUMBER: 05-26936 THIS PAGE IS A PART OF TBB INSTROMBNT THIS IS NOT A BILL , PLEASE TYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRmNG ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS: http:// www.orps.lItIIte.ny.us or PHONE (518) 473-7222 FOR COUNTY UiE ONLY C1.8Wl8 CoM V L{, '1 ~ .5', (), II 'CZ,__R"'''' I 4.' ~ ,t!}1 0._1 I. dl. t.f,3''!''~Po",:(.7..i, PROPERTY INFORMATION ,.=: 'til...;.. I 14f:.&tL . ~~ /JD!::.+- ~..._ I 2.= I 1~~jflL~\' I ~~~-" REAL PROPERTY lRANSFER REPORT STAn IIF _ YORK STAn _IIF-...--..__ RP - 5217 u.n.,.. JM ~ot~ LJ~J.~ --- III!ff : I. Tn ___T.........IlI_ I ..... N__......._.._allannI. -- IMT......'CIlIIIIWIY ...,.-.. ITlII:I:r ........,.,.,...,..... ""'...- \J 'of P...I. OR D P8rt of . hreal aTA... ZO'CllOII '0 ....... .... ........ af a_ _ Roll........ b_~w" DIll........ llIoIrl_al._--_"""" 4A.-,__Io<M>__iIyE.- 0 . fL ...--....., AppnMI_ ........tar,.,..,. 0 41:._-..-...,.....__ _- 0 ..:::.... I I X I lOR I .. \ .0 I ..; If.~~ J~jt?~-~_ . t.:U.. _l.oJl""" ~ . /:, A ~ 'i.IJ {r. -+-- I? - -b. . ~ I ~ 7. ChIck... .... below which ......~ ..........-......,........-rtY.. the'" III ..Ill: A~- '~Ag....hU... I ~ c-n1lYs.:v- II Z.rZ_Iy_ I' Cam~ J_ C _II V.... Land G....... 11:"'- So.- I> N.._........V....Lond II _1_ L ForOII I SALE INFORMATION I ".--- -..----"""" .. 0wn0r0hIp T_ .. Candom',*,m .. New CoIwruGCIDII an V-.t lINI ,lIA. "'-'" ~ _.. AgrIcu....11lIIlril:I ,..............---.. ""'..._..In......-_ o o o o '2._"_/T_ '1'I1If Iky I~ /~ ,.. a.II: _ or....... __ _ - - - .. ........-.r: , y- /~ 'I.FuII__ . . .cD. (I .01 , , . IFull_FricoIl........._............._Ino:IudIng_.I_. Thll_ _Ill In.... _"'...... _ _..--...'" -......... aI 1'IlOI1I1II- Dr oIMr obI....iDMJ ,.,..,. t'OfIIWIlD ..,.."...............,. ,..-..-.....- I ~ 0 0 I ...-.--....- . ' ~-' - - ASSESSMENT INFORMATION. llII8 _lei _1I111otoo1 Flnol_"nl RDlllnd TI. Bill ,.. V... af.... :_.1......... L.C2& 17. T........... y.......... ..............,.. , ..... ........ . lIMn ~ ~ .'.:to.a , ,I._au. 18. l.OI-LJ ,..___ ~t"t"~(""\~tr+ C-~ 2O.YuMop_I_1do. - .11....__.____..._1 I L..\~N"> - 64".Ob-C>()~'.l')()O I I CERTIFICATION I ......, "'"" . or... _ or ....._... _ ..IMI_ _ ...... __',.. .... _ or.., ............ _..... ...... ~ dIo1 the __ "0111--- ..-...-....lIIIlIod _...110 __,' ~ or... ...._...................or__ IY!II! 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