HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12431 P 336 . )00/-7,1-)-3D . U 2431 f33(P CONSULT YOUR LAWYER IIEFClRE SIGNING THIS IlITRUIIENT.THIS...TRUIIENT SHOULD IE USED BY I.AWYERII ONLY . . , . , " THIS' INDENTURE. made the ~of ~C';2ilo5 BETWEEN WAYNE SCHOBER and CHERYL A. KENNEDY. as tenants by the entirely as to a fifty (50%) pen:ent inlerBSt, both raslding 81 11 FoxcroII Road. RockYIIle Centre, NY 11670; CHRISTOPHER B. KENNEDY, as to a twenty-five (25'11.) percent intel'lllll. raslding 81 104 Willow Brook Drtve, Way\Bnd. MA 01n8-51oo; and KEVIN J. KENNEDY and JENNIFER KENNEDY, as tenants by the enUrety, as to a twenty- five (25'11.) intel'lllll. both rasldlng 81 70 Mine Avenue, Unft 8, Rockvilla Centre, NY 11570. with the percentage Interests held as tenants in common party of the first part, and WAYNE SCHOBER and CHERYL A. KENNDEY, as tenents by the entirety as to a fifty (50'11.) percent Interest, both residing 81 11 Foxcrofl Road, Rackvllle Centre. NY 11570; and CHRISTOPHER B. KENNEDY, as to a fifty (50'11.) percent Interest. residing 81 104 Willow Brook Drive. Weyland, MA 01 n8-51 00, with the percenl8ge Interests held as tenants In common party of the second part, WITNESSETH, th8lthe party of tha first part, In consideration of TEN end na/10Oths ($10.00) dollars paid by the party of the second pert, doea hlll'llby grsnt and releBS8 unto the party of the second part, the heirs or SUCC88801'8 and a88lgns of the party of the second part forever, ALL that 0IlI181n plot, plllClll or pal'08l of land, with the buildings and improvements thereon erected, situate, lying and being In the SEE "SCHEDULE An ANNEXED HERETO AND MADE A PART HEREOF TOGETHER WITH a 1/34'" undivided fractional InlerBSt In the common elements of the Condominium hlll'llBfler describad as the 88ITIe is deflnad In the Declaration of Condominium hereinafter referred to. SAID PREMISES are known as and by the street BddI'BS8 30 Oyster Point, Greenport, NY BEING AND INTENDED TO BE the 88ma preml_ conveyed to the parties of the first part by deed from ROBERT L. McCARROLL and MICHAEL KRUG dated February 13, 2001 and recorded In the Suffolk County Cler1<'s 0IlIce on , TOGETHER with all right, IiIIa and Interest, If any, of the party of the first part in and to any streets and roads abutting the lIbove de8crlbad premises to the center Unas thereof; TOGETHER with the appurtenances and all the estete end rights of the party of the first pert In and to 881d premises; TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the premi_ herein granted unto the party of the second part, the hairs or SUCC88S01l1 and assigns of the party of the second part forever. AND the party of the first part covenants'lh8I the party of the first part has not dona or suffered anything whereby the 88id premises h8Vll been encumbered In any way whBl8Vllr, except as aforesaid, AND the party of the first part, in compliance with Section 13 of the Uen Law, covenants that the party of the first part wlllrecelve the consideration for this conveyance and will hold the right to raceIve such conslderetlon as a trust fund to ba applied first for the purpose of paying the cost of the improvament end will apply the same first to tha payment of the cost of the Improvement before using any part of the totel of the same for any other purpose. The word "party" shall be conetruad as if It read "parties' when_ the 88n88 of this Indenture 80 requires. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the party of the flrst part h88 duly executed this daad the day and year first above wrttten. ,~a W="~ . "1.. CHRIST HERB. K N!DY SCHEDULE "A" ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, situate, lying and being a part of a Condominium, in the Incorporated Village of Gtccn9urt, Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and Slale of New York, known and designated as Unit 30 together with 1I341h undivided fractional interest in the common clements of the Condominium hereinafter described as the same is defined in the Declaration of Condominium hereinafter referred to. The real property above described is a Unit shown on the plans of a Condominium prepared and c.crtified and filed in the Office of the ClcrIt of the County of Suffolk on the 101fi day of November, 1986 lIS Map No. 146, defined in the Declaration of Condominium entitled, Oyster Point Condominium by Oyster Point Associates under Article 9-b ofthe New York Real Property Law dated October 8, 1986 and recorded in the Office of the Clerk of the County of Suffolk on November 10, 1986 in Liber 10164 of conveyances at page 431 covering the property lherein described. The land area of the property is bounded and described as follows: ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, situate, lying and being a part of a Condominium in the Incorpol'Blal Village ofGrcenport, Town ofSouthold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, more particularly bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a monument on the easterly line of Fifth Street, said point being distant 250 feet southerly as measured along the easterly side of Firth Street from the comer fonned by the intersection of the easterly line of Fifth Street with the southerly line ofC1arlc Street; RUNNING THENCE from said point or place of beginning along land now or formerly ofSatkoski South 82 degrees 41 minutes 10 seconds East 166.15 fect to land now or formerly of Ellen Birenbaum and Mary Jean Roman; THENCE along land last mentioned the following two (2) courses and distances: 1. South 7 degrees 17 minutes 40 seconds West 36 feet; 2. South 82 degrees 41 minutes 10 seconds East 166.1 5 rectto the westerly line of Fourth Street; THENCE South 7 degrees 17 minutes 30 seconds West along the westerly side of Fourth Street 220.81 feet to the ordinary high water mark ofGrccnport Harbor; THENCE along the ordinary high water mark ofGrccnport Harbor the following thinecn (13) tie-line courses and distances: I. South 34 degrees 45 minutes 00 seconds West. 22.49 fect; . 2. South 25 degrees 27 minutes 00 scconds West 69.00 feel; 3. South 24 degrees 46 minutes 00 seconds West 67.00 feet; 4. South 17 degrees 14 minules 00 5CCOIIds West 65.00 feet; 5. South 12 degrees 35 minutes 00 seconds West 79.00 fect; 6. South 14 degrees 28 minutes 00 seconds West 87.16 feet; 7. South 61 degrees 06 minutes 00 scconds East 14.51 feet; 8. South 38 degrees 14 minutes 00 seconds West 5.00 feet; 9. South 62 degrees 24 minulesoo seconds West 24.14 feet; 10. South 26 degrees 06 minules 00 seconds Wcst17.35 feet; II. South 33 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds WCSl45.42 feet; 12. North 61 degrees 32 minutes 00 seconds West 18.26 feet; ] 3. South 7 degrees 03 minules 00 seconds West 105.24 fcetto a monument and land of the Incorporated Village ofGrccnponj THENCE Nonh 82 degrees 42 minutes 00 seconds West along the last mentioned land 242.71 feet to the easterly side of Fifth Street; THENCE North 7 degrees 18 minutes 00 seconds East along the easterly side of Fifth Street 559.50 fcelto land now or formerly ofEUzabeth Meyer; THENCE along the last mentioned land the following three (3) course and distances: I. South 82 degrees 41 minutes 10 seconds East 166.16 feet; 2. North 07 degrees 17 minules 40 seconds East 50.00 feet; 3. North 82 degrees 41 minutes 10 seconds Wcst166.16 feet to the easterly side of Fifth Street; THENCE North 7 degrees 18 minutes 00 seconds East along the easterly side of Fifth Street 200.00 feet to the point or place ofBEGlNNlNG. . TO BE USED ONt Y WHEN TIE ACKNOWLEDGMENT.S MAnE IN NEW YORK STATE Slats of NeW y~, eourdy of N~ .:: SlIIl8 of New Yor1c. County of 'YJ4" -." - as: On ~:r} d.t of ~ in lIle yelIf 2005 On the d day of tJ ~ In the year 2005 before me. the uncIerBIgnecl. penIOIIaIIv.,lW~lIE before;.(;;. the uncI8rs1gned. pel'lOlllllly eppeared KEVIN J. SCHOBER and CHERYl A. KENNEDyt ~"&'l.1f',J:fEOV KENNEDY lIIId JENNIFER KENNEDY pBlIOII8l1y known to me or proved to me on the II8IIa of pelW1ely k_ to me or proved to me on the basis of ...u..feclDI y evIdenl:e 10 be !he Indivlclull(a) wnoee name(a) Is 88IIIfaclD<y lWIcIence to be lh8 lndMdu8I(a) who8e name(a) III (ere) 8Ub8crtbed to lIl8 wIthln In8lrumenl and ackllowledged to (are) IIIIb8cIIbed 10 the within lneburnent and eckllowtedged 10 me lhel h8/1hellhey executed the IIlIIII8 In hllrlherllhelr me thlll hlIIeh8llh8y lIX8CUl8d the .... In hllllherfthelr capeclly(l_). end thel by h1ll/herllheir 8Ignalure(a) on the caplIdly(Iee), and lhel by hlllhedlhelr llignelure(a) on lIHt IneInlmenL the IndMdulIl(s). or lIle person upon behalf of which lnelrumenl. lIle Indivldual(s), or the person upon lMIh8ll of which lIle lIa). executed lIle In8lrument. dual(s) 8Cl8d, executed slrumenl. (elgneture end office of individual teklng 8CknowIedgment) ARY PUBLIC .wET .._ ~ NIIc,,,,""'1llIk *01.... '"' -- -In.-. CaunJr Cl....1 . ,,,,''''17.~ ~ - rliA-NNe:lOl &Nco TO BE USED ONLY WHEN THE ACKNOWLEDGMENT IS MADE OUTSIDE NEW YORK STATE silIte (or DlelrIcl 01 Columbia. TerrilOry. or Foreign Counlry) 01 MIIS8lIChIl88llB ..: Onthe K' dayof ~ .J. J:l:.yeer~.the ~1g~~lIpIllIlIred CHRISTOPHER B. KENNEDY -c. ,,-+ ''G pet8OI1lIIy known to me or p~ ~ the baeiII of utIl11aclDry ~ lIHt Indivicl la) wnoee neme(s) Is (are) aubeCltbed to the within Inslrumenl andllClcncN.lB~ged 10 me thel heI8/IlIIlhey lIX8CUl8d the 88IIllIIn hWharllhelr capaclly(l_). and lhel by h1a1her1lheir 8Ignalure(a) on tha In8IrumenL the IndlvldUBl(s). or the person upon behslf of which the indlvldual(s) acted, exac:ul8d 1h81na1rument, and 1/181 auch individual made auch appearance before the undersigned In the ~ " In.'-- h,_ ~~h~ . .. ~. - 1bdIvlIIan) .(and_tha or or_ lheacluoo'.~_takonl ... .' en.....t d:Ir =",... & tX. - - --.ID..c..... "-"'--. .,' '".' ...._~.... J '--~'4 .. ........~-....Tr...' t2<L I!L .~t.... ",W~ ~IO"" :......,.. -:..;.:,;gr.~::,roLr ~- :::=..~:" ~I ~~to.~,== oJ!CI*" ~. ,~:",'!h<.:~~I. .... IlIIIlIIlIIIIIl8II . lalclng ~mentl , '-..' '. .. -: ~II. AND SALE DEED .' wmt COVENANT AGAINST GRANTOR'S ACTS TItIIND. WAYNE SCHOBER. CHERYl A. KENNEDY. CHRISTOPHER B. KENNEDY. KEVIN J. KENNEDY & JENNIFER KENNEDY TO WAYNE SCHOBER. CHERYL A. KENNEDY" CHRISTOPHER O. KENNI!DY DISTRICT 1000 SECTION 007.01 BLOCK 01.00 LOT 030.000 COUNlY OR TOWN STREET ADDRESS Recorded at Request of COMMONWEALTH LAND Tm.E INSURANCE COMPANY 11I'__ OP _'lDllK1OMD0P1lTU! lIKA..._,... lliIIIIluIod by o Conno~~__..~_ J. KEVIN MCLAUGHUN. ESQ. P.O. BOll 1210 SOUthoId, NY 11971 cu.._'WIlAl.1lllANuTnU INSU....NCECOMrANY I I ~ ~ iii .. I II i" I ", J . . ..1-.. ,I .; RECORDE:[l 2006 Jan 19 10:53:24 All . - .. Number of pqes TORRENS Serial II ClERK OF SUFFOLK COlIITY L 000012431 P 336 OTl 05-23840 Cenifil:lllell Prior Of. II Deed, Mortgage Inllrumenl Deed I Mortpae TIX S1amp FEES Rccordina' Filing Stamps 4 PIIp , Filing Fee HMdling TP-SI4 Monpp AmL --}-- I. ll8sic TIX 2. AcldilioMI TIX Nowion / , Sub Tolal EA-S2 17 (County) .) Sub ToIal . /- EA-'217 (Slale) ....:J.L- ~ -:JD Other rf. _ Sub Talal ORAND TOTAL _Id-( / In rtk SpecJl\ssiL Or Spec.! Add. TOT. MTO. TAX Dual Town Dual Cwnl)'_ lIek! ror Apponionmenl TrBlllfcr TIX J. Ill} . - Mansion TIX _ The propelty covered by Ihis monpge is or will be improved by a one or Iwo ramily dwellin& only. YES I orNO I r NO. see approprillle I8X clause on page ~ _oflhis ins\nl 'It...... () j'"O oJ 6 Communit I'rescrv lion Fund 1~1ft) . CI'F TalC Due S 0.00 Improved X Comm. of Ed. Affidavit S <KL- R.P.T.S.A. Certified Copy Reg. Copy l Real Property Tax Servil:C Afpw:y Verification Dis\. Section, .. __ _ ~.~ 1.0\ 05044434 1001 00701 0100 030000 pTS DIlle RJME A .. Inililds. 1/1"S . -;1 Satisf~iiiiisiDischargesiRel_s List PropertY 'Owneri'Mallini 'AcId ..:J RECORD'" RETURN TO: J. KEYIN MCLAUGHLIN, ESQ. P.O. Box 1210 Southold, NY 11971 Slemp VIcanl Land TO TO TO 9 a Title Company InformatioD Co. Name Tille II Suffolk Coun Recordin & Endorsement Pa e 'This page forms part of the atl8l:hed Deed mad. by: (SPECIFY TYPE OF INS1'RUMENT) WAYNE SCHOBER, CHERLY A. KENNEDY, CHRISTOPHER B. 'Ibc . 1.....-0_. . cd' prenuses ''''"0"0" IS Sltusl In KENNEDY, KEY IN J. KENNEDY & JENNIFER KENNEDY SUFFOI.K (X)UNIY, NEW YORK. SOUTHOLD In the Township of In the VILLAGe or HAMLET of TO WAYNE SCHOBER, CHERLY A. KENNEDY and GREENPORT CHRISTOPHER R. K~NN~nv BOXES 5 n IRU 9 MUST BE lYPED OR PRINI1:D IN BLACK INK <Jon. Y 1>R10R TO RECORDING OK FlUNG. lOVER) 1111111111111111111111111 ~HIII~II III II11I11 1111 111m III SUFFOLK COUNTY CLBRIC RBCORDS OPPICB RBCORDING PAGB Type of XD.trument. DBEDS/DDD NUmb.r of Page.: 5 Receipt NUmber : 06-0005831 TRAHSPER TAX NUMBER: 05-23840 Recorded: At. 01/19/2006 10.53.24 AM Districts 1001 LIBER: PAGE: D00012431 336 D..d AmoWlt: S.ctiOD. 007.01 BXAMXNBD AND $75,000.00 Block. 01.00 CJINWBJ) AS Lot. 030.000 FOLLOWS R.c.iv.d the" Fo11owizag F... For Above XnBtrumezat ""'-wqp~ z....."""Pt Palil'./Pi1izag $15.00 NO HaDdlizag $5.00 NO COE $5.00 NO NYS SRCHG $15.00 NO :&:A-cn $5.00 NO :&:A-STATE $75.00 NO TP-584 $5.00 NO C.rt.Copi.s $0.00 NO RPT $30.00 NO SC'l"M $0.00 NO Trazasf.r tax $300.00 NO COIIIIII.Pre. $0.00 NO ..... Paid $455.00 'l'RAHSI'BR TAX NtDIBBRs 05-23840 THXS PAGB :IS A PART OF THB XNSTRtlIIIDIT TRXS XS HOT A BXLL FOR COONTY USE ONLY C1. __ CoM I Lf.. 7.3 .. f/.. ~ . II ca. -. Deed B ".... I I , ( tf,tJ r, I ..... Dey Y.., 1:1. _ I /. d/,.t/,..3, U C4. .....1 ~ 6. b. PROPERTY INFORMATION PLEASE TYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHeN WRITING'ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS: http:// WWW.Ofpe.B18te.ny.UB Of PHONE 15181 473-7222 REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT BrA11IlII'__ BrATlIIllARD lII' -.. ....0.-,. IEIMCIB RP B 5217 .I'o.I.!I,a..J/ItI "~....I :I) -- 5'~T..... Qtster Point I'TRIn__ z.~ - Southold C1~ LMi~ Kennedy j__L ... ~lA. ...,- Orlstopher B. 11m. l.AI1'~'~ ..., -- 3. T.. __fuanT.........bo_ I -.. n____lII_.IIIIorm1. - I .'''1:1 ....-"A'lID.._...... LMT""c:aMWf'I' ..-, 1M.: ClT'f'CIII._ IT.\T'I ........ 4. .......... ___ of a_ __Ill .... ....... ._....~ ... .... ... I IoIP..- 011 0 .....",.P...I llInIr. - "'. PoNoQ _ . ..., ...." LDood I Ixl ::-" SctI&rfll!IJ DlPIN ..-. - - I LAST NAIll I CQIINIIft' I Old . -- a o 41. a. ...,1tIiDn ApprIMI_......1red tor T..... 0 I 4C._~....,.~-._,_Mool_ 0 Wayne ~1 A. "J.tr'" B. u.. fIIIIII*Ig 8DInI wIIh t L - ,,*R AuIharIIy ExID ...,- 7. ChecII ... bu ...... wNch .... ~ ~e..I."""""... of till properly at .... d.... .. .... A~ ON F.mily_1 H 2or3F..,..,... 4W C ......ntl.ll VlClnt LMd D Non_I_Lond I SALE INFORMATION I ..._-- F.~AgrIculluo''' 1'- c; __ II 1......__1__ I ~ Coono-*Y....... J Induarill K Publlc:_ L _ -...- _....,..... L OrlMwItllp TW- II Cau&..IIInU'n .. New Co.... ICdan on V.-. Land '1IA._~_...Ag_"'_ ,.. ...._.__i_... I1Ioo.... _................ _ I!!l o o o - , N/A , ..... ,.. a.dI_.......... L....1I _ .." aBo.I-.-......: - ---..-- ___ComponIoo.._In_ OM DIU. Buwon 10 _. _ Buyer or Seller II Co...._._1I Agncy or Lending IrIIIituIIan Daod Typo ... W....... .. 1IoIp1. ond _lSpoclIy _I "IoDlF_I..~"",.Fw_Illl>ocfIY_ SIgnI_ Chongo In PlaponIy _ T._ __ _"10 !lob _DlIIuoI_IoI_I...Io_ Olhor~_-'_PrIc:oIlll>ocflY_ - 'Z._"_/T_ 10 ,08 ,05 ..... a., v__ .1.....-- . .,0,0.01 , , . lFuII _ _ 10....... _ poId..... _1nchocI1"II.......I_. _ __ '"" bo I. IN""'" DI_ _ _......... or "'"......... DI ~..... or cIIher ArI~~_J .....1fI4IIId.... __............ 11._"'_"''''- I .0,0 I --....- . ASSESSMENT INFORMATION. D.I1I-.1d _1Ile _ Flnol "-mInt RalI.1Id T.. Bill ...y-",' .-<1--,0. 411l.T__V_IoI........_1 wIIIeh ......""".... ... ; , 2 .7 .6 .9 I , 'I. "'- a.. 14 .1. 1HL ..___I Greellpol't oM. T_.... ~ - I..'..... ............ n-...... tour~.............. J.' nll.......I.... I 1lXXl-007 .01-01.lX)..{I:II.1XXI 1 I CERTIFICATION I ICII1II)".....orlllo_.,...... . _..IIdI___...._""..._or~........ " "'_"'1 '.- .........-......' 01011)' ___01_'" __..~ ...... _......._01Il1o_ In _ ..ar........ .."'__ BUYER BUYIIl'S AlTlRIEY .l.~' 't..,.... ..J.t I ..~~"'" Rt......l ~l1n -- KeYin ...,- ~cC\: ."..,.... W" MIIJ ~ql\PCL'!.~ t-li cnv 011,.... ."11 \\ .....- 631 -.... I 765-aIlS -- ...... IIS"70 ....... BLII!! NEW YORK STATE copy