HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12419 P 921 . ...... ~I 24 jq f {,)JI 3~-2 -;( F";" 100: (3100) - BarpiOIlld Sol. Deed, .lIb C.v...... "pi... arID""'. Acu - ladlvi41111 or C.rponIIoIL ISio.l. ,b...) CONSULTYOUR LAWYI!R 1IEPORl! __ THIIINITRIIIIENl' - THIIINITRIIMENT lHOlA.D II! IIIIlD IY I.AWYERI ONLY. THIS INDENTURE, mode Ihe 1711- day of S ~ 7Ta rilljti.J 2005 Illd BETWEEN Henry H. G1111z18 & Daniel P. Sm8IIey, .. _In common. ntlidlng 81180 G111e1lll Drive. EesI Merlon. NY 11939 pony .r Ihe filii pan. .nd Henry H. G8lizle & Daniel P. SrneIIey... joint_Is with rtghl of ourvIvonIhIp. ntsIcIng 81180 GIIIlIlI8 Drive. EesI Merlon, NY 11939 pony.r...._ pan. WITNESSETH. 1hoI.... pony .r.... filiI port. in ....- .r.... dol.... Illd adler Ylluob1e.....--....id by.... pIIIy or.... _ pan. _ hereby ......Illd meue IDIIO .... pony or.... _ pan. .... hetn or" " ....... and -ips or.... pony or .... """"'" port form:r. ALL dill catWI phil. piKe or porcol or Iond. with the buildiDp and i....v._... thefton ereclOd.litua"'.lyinlllld beina in th., See Schedule "A" lI1l8c:hed hentID end mede . pert henIof 100mlER wiIh all ri..... IiIIe sad ~ ir..y. or.... pmyorthe fll1lport, in sad IIUlIY _1IId -obuaina the....... dacrihed.......... to the -lines1heRof: TOOETHER with .... appartnIIDl:eIllld ....... _Illd ri&bII ordle pony or.... ftr. port in Illd II> mid premillS; TO HAVS AND TO HOLD the premilel herein ..- _ .... pony of Ihe _ pan. the hein .r _ sad..... or the pony ord1o _ pan ~..... AND.... pony or the I\nI port.......... ..... .... pony or tho ft.. part hu IIlII _ or..1&ted onylbins wIleIeby the said premiJeo haw been 0IIl:lIIIlbend in ..y way wIIIlewr. 0llC0pI u IIiuaoid. AND.... ronY of.... filii pan. iD COIIIJlIiIla willi Section 13 of the Lien Law.................... pony fim """ wiU..<ei..lI1e COIISidenIion ror dds conveyonce and will hold die riaJtt II> nlCCIw....b _idoration. atnurlbnd to be applied f.... ror d10 purpose oI'payiDllI1e COItoflhe ;....v_...,' and win apply""""" lint IIlll1e..>_ orll1e c:ost orll1e Imp.o,emenl ber.... usi"lony port or die lOI:lI orllle ...... for OIl)' adler purpose. The _ "pony" .....1 be _ u ir it read '"ponin" whenever Ihe..... of Ibis indenlllR .. requi.... IN WITNESS WHEREOF, IlIe pony orll1e filii port hu cIuIy _this deod lI1e day UK! yar l\nIoboYO wri_. III ......"t'I! 01'; ~f/ Henry H. GlIIIzI8 U~'_J , - ~f~ , . . ._ Underwrtte No. 802-80G408 . IltIe Number MM0484S Schec:fule A Description Policy Number: Y 213650 PBg8 1 ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, situate, lying and being In the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, known and designated as Plot No. 31 on a certain map entiUed, -Map of Marlon Manor- and filed In the Office of the Clerk of the County of Suffolk on March 18, 1953 as Map No. 2038 said lot being more particularly bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the Westerly side of Gillette Drive distant 146.23 feet Southerly from the comer formed by the Intersect/on of the Westerly side of Gillette Drive and the Southerly side of Main Road (S.R. 25); RUNNING THENCE Southerly along the Westerly side of Gillette Drive, South 33 degrees 43 minutes 50 seconds East 102.88 feet to a point In the division line between Lots 31 and 30 on the aforesaid Map; THENCE along said division line, South 64 degrees 51 minutes 10 seconds West 120.00 feet to land now or formerly of Joseph Czerepowlcz: THENCE along said land North 25 degrees 08 minutes 50 seconds West 101.53 feet; THENCE North 84 degrees 51 mlnutas 10 seconds East 104.68 feet to the Westerly side of Gillette Drive, the point or place of BEGINNING. . . . .... .. . ... . __...__.____.1...... .......... _.___".. ... .._ _._ .. ." .. ...;. ~adg""'ort l8Dn In NewYatk 8llIllI State 01 New Yorl<. Counly 01 . sa: ~ \ On \he -1 day 01 S" . In \he year;)40( before me, \he underIlgned, IIy appeeNd }-It""') ~ ~G..111':A.. .. "'l:lQn"ol!.l '- S....'l.IIC.~ peIIIClIl8IIy known to me or proved to m. on \he baia of IllllisfKlOry -..,. to be \he indlvlduel(.) wIICllI8 1lIIme(.) 18 (...) 8Ub8cribed to the within inatrument end ~glId to me thet helehelthey 8XlICUted the ..me in hlelhllrllh.lr capeclly(lee), .nd lhlIt by hlelherllheir .Igneture(.) on the Inetrument. the Indlvtdlllll(.) or \he p81l1011 upon behalf 01 which the IncIvkllllll(.) 1ICIed. exealIed \he lnelrumenl lAllA'" 1 CAIIOllIllE -"NIIc. _01_" Ne.1Il453M a..-... '" ...... c:..w. ~~. AcIaIftIIldglment by Subacrlblng WIt..... Iek.n In New Yorll SIlIle Stele of New YorIc. Counly or On the dey 01 , In \he ynr the uncIlnIgnllll. penclIlIIlly .pp8lII'ed \he lubeaibIng ~ 10 \he lotegoing lnelrument. with whom I em pereonelly IICqUIIlnIed. who being by me duly IWIlm, dtd depose end IllY, IheI heIohellhey 1'll8Ide(.) in . before me, thel hMheIlhey U-(.I ID be \he Indlvtdulll deecribed In .nd who exealIed the roregoilllllnelrument; IheI Mid euboaIbIng wi"- wee pt8Hnt end _ ..lei _\he ..me; end IheI eeId wnr-lIIthe ..me Ume 8U~ hteIherI\heIr 1lIIme(1) .. . wItneee Iherelo. AdmOllll.dg_nl lek.n In IlewYorll8lllte State of New York, Counly 01 , sa: On \he day or , In \he ,.... \he underolgned. pereoneIIy lIppe8llld . before me. pereonelly known to me or proved 10 me on the bale or IlIlIeIlIClory evIdeoa 10 be the indlvklUIII(.) wIICllI8 1lIIme(.) Is (...) eubecrlbed to \he _ Inebunwd 8nd ~glId to me lhet helehellhey 8Ilecuted lhe ..me In hlelherllhelr capeclly(lee). end lhlIt by hlllher/lhelr elgneture(.1 on the lneltumenl, the Indlvkluel(.) or the peI8llR upon behalf or which \he 1ndIvld1lll1(.) 1ICIed, exealIed the Inslrwnent. AcllnlNll.dg.ment....... outelcle IlewYorll8lllte , ..: 'SIate or . County 01. '(or Ir-.t DleIrIcl of CoIumble, 18rrllory, "",...elan or Foreign Counlly) ..: On the day of , In the year the underIIgnllll. p8IIClIIlIIIy IIpplI8rlId I before me, pereonelly Ilnown to me or proved ID me on the bale or ..u~ __ to be \he 1ndIvtduel(.) wIICllI8 1lIIme(.) I. (erel eubIcrIblId ID \he within InItrun.- end -....... dged to me IheI heIeheIlhey 8IClICllI8d \he _ In hlllher/lhelr c:epecIly(Iee). end IheI by hltlhedlhelr lignelunl(.) on lie IneburMn~ the 1ndJvIcIueI(.1 or the plInm upon behalf 01 which the lndlvlcluaI(.) 1ICIed, executed the InI1rumenl. end IheI euch IndIvIcIll8l mecI. euch .ppeenlrlC8 before the uncIlnIgned in the (edd lhe cIIy or poIIk:el eubdlvltlon 8nd the NIB or country or other place the 1ICkl1ll.1.1lr.ement _leken). TIlle No.: DISTRICT 1000 seCTION 038.00 Henry H. GaIizIa & Daniel P. Smalley BLOCK 112.00 . LOT 002.000 TO COUNTY OR TOWN Nesaeu Henry H. Gelzla & Daniel P. Smalley RETURN BY MAD.. 10: I i MIneMI & D'AgoeUno, P.c. Distributed by AIln: Debre B. ScalD, Esq. 107 So. CenInII A_ A.R.S. Abstract, Ltd. V-, SlnIlIm, NY ZIp No. 11680 .. : 5 I !i , ~ f .. . ! . I I '. 3 Numblrotplpl TORRBNS '. . IlECOROEO 2005 Ibo 15 02:05:36 PM Edward P . RoIlai,. '. CLERK OF 5Uf'F(lJ( 'CO\IlTY L ??oo12419 . . P 921 OT~ 05-1~2 . ~I FiI" S1IIi.p. sm.JfII CenUIcaIe fII ~ . . . '. Prior Of. fII Deed I Mortpp iDItrumeDt Pip I F111na'~ HaaclUna TP.'''' Deed I Morlpae Tax Slimp I'BBS . .... 4 5 .- SUlITalaI 15= ~D.=- r7J- ~AIIIl. . I. BuIc Tax 2. AddIdoa1 Tax ':: s.W TOIII SplcJAaIt. Or . SplC./Add. _ TOT. Mro. TAX. _ Dual TO\flI Dual County_ .. Held ror'A~lk..:.wolllt /A Trwferrax'. . J'L- . . MaalIOlI'Tax. '_ ne Ill-r IrQ' ocr.ar.4 by IIdlIIIlOItpp III will bllrilproyed II)' . oal or two l'am clwelUnay;. orHO ItNO, "'1JlPI'lIPI'lIfl1lX cleuH oa Pili orlldll.....ll--4. , - - - - - , . Notatloa 8M2 17 (CouIity) BA.'217 (S1m) R.P. T.M Comm. or Ed. AtJIdavlt - Slimp DItlI I s~ - CertlOed CoP)' Rq. Copy - Other /6= SuhTrQJ ORAND TOTAL , '" l)e b~ C'~ ~C.t\ 1<. c:.. ~!:.... m;"....."o.. .d.~:A1'?~.\-i.....;) ,?e.. J 0, ::..,...-1-1--, c~~+....;." I .I4....e,..,.~~ V q, II ~ :s.\-...~ Cl, N"I. n '( II s.-g .:> s . ID.p.v.ed aeant Land - 'I'D -L 'I'D 'I'D InItIIIs 7 SaIilfactiOllllDisc:hlrpsJR.eleuea Lilt ProJlII'tY Owaen MUlinl Ad RECORDa: RftUM'toi 9 Suffolk Coun This pege fonDs put of'tbe -J1ed · Title Compa IDformatloD CO'-NIlDe J7.j..) ntle fII A Recordin & Endorsement P e :Dee.d (SJ'!:UI'YTYPE OF 1NS'IIWMENr) .lJ .. ... n "i H. <.s q. I ; z.; <L The premiaea hctem is "-'eel in "/Jon 'E'-.1 7. .5.......... U""'~ SUFFOLxCOUN'IY,NBWYORK. TO lD tile TOWJISbip of' 'SOU+- h 0 I d 1-1 P...,., 't A. C; <1,,1 i 7', G..- In the VlLI..A.QE . '/}o...... ',. 1 7. :"S rn <\...11 ~ or HAMLEr of . BOXES S niRu 9 MUST BE TYPPDORPRlNIED IN BI..ACKINK ONLYPRlOR. 10 RBC01U:INGOR.FILINO. lOWRl lDade by: . 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 1111111111111111111111111 SUJ.I'POLlt COUNTY CLBRlt RBCORDS OPPICB RBCORDZHG PAGB Type of Xnstrument. DBEDS/DDD NUmber of Pages, 4 Receipt NUmber : 05-0119202 TRAHSPBR TAX NUMBBR: 05-15052 Recorded. At. 11/15/2005 02.05.36 PM LIBBR: PAGB: D00012419 921 District. 1000 Section. Block, 038.00 02.00 1!YlUIINBD AND CHARGED AS WOLLOWS $0.00 Lot, 002.000 De.d Amount. Received the Following Fees For Above Instrument Bxempt Bx811 Page/Piling $12.00 NO Handling $5.00 NO COB $5.00 NO NYS SRCHG $15.00 NO :&:A-CTY $5.00 NO SA-STAT. $75.00 NO TP-584 $5.00 NO Cert.Copi.. $0.00 NO RPT $30.00 NO SCTII $0.00 NO TrlU1sfer tax $0.00 NO CCiaIaI.pre. $0.00 NO pe.s Paid $152.00 TRANSFBR TAX NUMBBR. 05-15052 THIS PAGB XS A PART OP TBB INSTROMBNT THIS IS NOT A BILL Bdward P. RoilIIaine County Clerk. Suffolk County , I"LI. 10. t!, !1. % -- //1 ,/ cz. ~ IlHd -- t.;fJ I I..., ~ I ~.-.11 C3._ I J. e? Lf.1, ~1C4.~I~,q, /, Ct. SWIS eo. REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT STAlE Of NEW YORI STAlE lOAN) Of Il!AI. PIlOPIIlTY 8EIIVICE8 RP - 5217 ItP-J,I:n ....JIn PROPERTY INFORMATION """"'1 a-tIon 190 Gillette Drive a'....' NoU6 2. ...,.. ....... Galida I East Marion ....... Henry H. ....-TIIAUI: I 11939 I ..- ....... ..... Southold QTfDIITlMN lAITlIMI'I!/COIIlP&II'I" Smalley I..MT__'~" Daniel P. r....NMC '" T.. r~""""TIXBIII"'lDbe"'" I ..... 11__ """,_111_ oIfurmI . - IAI'......'r:tJ/IINN'I ..MIMMA .,..., ..-.&11 AMI.~ I,.... ""'00- Il'orPl'eell OR D 'enofePercel ITAD ,.caw ..~ I Ix I ....... .... ,-'".,. IlH'TH Galida L""" L.ur......,~'i' ....... Smalley LAIT __/CDIIMtft' IORI AQIU' .a.Co I 1OnIy._..........I-.....,........ M. PIMrring BaIrd with Sl~~..1Iion Authority hiIlI 0 .. St't#Vilion ApprvvII_ RequiNd tor,.... D <<:.""...."-forSubdMl..._MlIp_ 0 .. ....... _ ......... of .. ...... ___011...._ Henry H. ..... IIMIL Daniel P. ....,...... ^[OnoF......_101 D Z...3FomiIy_ C ....ldanllll V..nt lind D __ioI v..... Lond I SALE INFORMATION I ". .... eomr_ ~ E~AgriI:ulllJr.1 F Com_ O ApIIlI..- 1I~/_nt ~ Communlly_ J 1_101 . PubliaSlrvice L F_ -...---.....,........ L 0wn0nhIp Typo 10 Candomlnlum .. New ConlItrueIIon on v.... LMId 'M. "'- L-.cI_ onAa__ ,. Buyor _... - --"II Ihol "" _ i11n on AgriIUftnI DIoIrIot o o o o 1. ca.dr. ... .. billow..... molt ........, ~ ... 11M at tt. P"IPM' .. the ..... of....: '2......"'_,T_ ID~ I~I IOS - .... Ye.. 10'J I~"" I uc,.- I - .... v_ 11. CMcIc _ _.... 01.... ......... _ .. - .. ID---= A Salle Eknwuan .....u.. or Formor ReIItIvoI II __RoI_Campo_..._InIlull_ <: One of lI'W Buyers II lliIo . Seller D IIuyor or SaIlor 10 _ Agoncy OIl.ond1ng I_ ii Dood 1Voo _ __ 0I1lorgoin .nd _ C~ _, f Silo of FrecUoNll or lAII tNn F.. I..... CSpec:Ify a.IowI G S1gnI-.. Chongo In ~ _ n..bIe _ _ Solo... H _oIBu11_"_,,__ I om. U...... F-. ~ _ _ 1SpocIlv_ J N... 11. Full .... PrIDa . ..0 .0.0 I , , . IF" Slllo Prloo i11ho.... ___ po", for dIo _ incIulIng po_ _\yo 11M pIymIftI may be in the form of CIIh" aIher property or goodl. or.... IllUmpdon 01 mortpgM or DIhIr obIigItIona.} ,.,... rvund", Iha IICIlINIt __..., ~L ,.. -..............- 1 0 0 0 I --.....- . . ~ . ASSESSMENT INFORMATION - Dehllhauld _th.ltltll Fintl_nt Rail .ncl T.. Bill 'LV_"" '____1 1:>. o..J 1'7.T__V_IaI.,.-.._,1 ..... ~"_.._Ih... tMen ; ; .5.&0.ul , ,I........a.. Id.1 .oH2lJ '1.___1 6o<.>+ho I d ....T......._,__lII....__._____..._1W1 Section 038.00. Block 02.00 I Lot 002.000 ~ CERTIFICATION I I nr1ll'y ... oil ..,... ..... olini'......... ........ .. IIdI _ ore ..... .... __ II. tho ..... "III)' boN"" ad WIoIl.... t ......- .... tho ......... of '"'f _Me - .. -.... ..... ...... .. MIIIJKt _ ~.... _..1....._.. 1M _ ..... -.. .. ............... ..... ........ .............. BUYER'S ATTo...-o( hl1 ,a:.., ~ fJ.,#.. .~I 1/7/D6 1UWL"1ICINA1~ 1M. --1~ .......1..-. l~ub~"'L ~wn. ~~~ 'S C CLI'ZA. ...,..L r'J')e..hr c.. ~~"va... ....'b\A-P,,:,~-j{1ie:"" s/" 1)>")1. -:J'fDO f.."f..1- ~oS- AIllACODf 1ILIPHOIII_ ~~cL... ~~ ~-,~IIJ. ~J\:tI" . '1/7J~ ARUIIIGtIIATUM . LMK I~~ IrA'It \13(.(; ..c_ NEW YORK STATE COPY