HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12428 P 856 ,;~ ~- L 11).1 ;!K, " ps, Sip .' · . 1"'04 ),l:ur ~f) J 1-1000.0 !)I :;,1"- lOP{) See: 0:13. CD BlvcJt: : (M.CO I-Ot: ()Ofp. (D)' 3<6'- 2-er rx'Hi'f-oS5 NY IllS -1taq:Un =md Snl&! Ilftod .ilh CII'rnanI :&pOlin'" (irOlllh.... :\Cllro bltJl\1dwaJ 1X'('Npllr.&lit.'1' ,SiRlk fIhert) IfliYHT\i lUll.'!) , 'U:IISt'I," \'flUB I..\W\'U BI!Fl)BRllIC:-II:-I(; TillS IS!lTBU)tKN1'. TIIIlC 1:Io1ITll1;)IJ(NT SIIUUIJJ at: 111":11 II\' I.\W\'F.R.~ IISI,\' .,..., t::- D b IS INOt;Nl'IIRI'~ mOlk lite .;i , d:oy of ecem er Ot:TWF.F.N .Iohn M. Campbell and Loretta :\t, Campbell residing at SOO Gillette Drive F~ Marlon NY 11939 . in the )"a, Z005 _enl'lIte Ii""JIOn, 411d John Campbell and Karen A. Campbell res.ldlng at 3561 Amherst Drive WantaKh NY 11793 , ny "I' Ih. ...,.,nd (IlIn. ITNFa'iSETH.lllall"" pany 01'1"" fi"'t pwI. in cIIlIsiderulion ofT"" Dolla", 4nd (ube, e.luable ",mido':lli,," paid by ,h. ny nrlhc """"lfId pnn. dues hereby J!rulll aud relcu"C unlC) lhe rurty orlbe 5CC(111lI part. Ihe- he-irK ur SUc.1:Cssuni and wnd.nlC of IlIe 113I1y ..I' lite "",nnd pun fo",.c,. AU. thai L'Cn.1i1l plos. piL'o:".... (IlI1I.'l:1..f1i1nd. with the Iluildillpand improeemeoL'lhomll crccu:d. siI1lOl..lyiDJllmd being in 1110 Sre Sehedule ^ ror Legal Description Being Intended to be the same premises eon\'eyed to the party or the first, part by a deed rrom Peter Blank aad Peter BJank, Jr. dated January 13. 1963, and n.~orded January ZII., 1963 In the Suffolk Counly Clerk's Ornee In Uber 5Z99 PaRr 485 Xii_TIlER wilh.1I righl.litle.nd in..",.., ihny, "rlho (IlIny "fthe Ii.... pan ..f. in and 'n Wly "reel< al.\ ",,,We "hulling Ihe '.........ribed "",mise, ,,, ,ho L"nler lin... 111&.'1\."1'; TOGt:r'II.:R wilh the ""pU'""'."".... and alllhe ""Ia'. and righlll Ill' the ny ..rn.. 1i",1 (IlIn in and I.. ""id "",mi...; TO IIA Vt: .\NI) TO 1101..1) the I""lIIi.... herein gr..lled ulllo the puny ..flho: '~lnd pun. lhe heirs..' .Ul.............. a.d ....i~JU; "I' the puny ..I' Ihe ....'\lIId pan Ii.re,'." NO lhe puny ..r th. li151 pun ""venalllA lhat lbe puny uf lhe Ii"t (IlIn h.. not d""" .., .ulTered anylhillg whereby the Anid fC'mi~ have ~n incumhered in amy wuy whul("~tr. t"xcepI II.' uful'e!Caid. ND lite JIlIfty ..rll..lirst ""n. in complianL" with Sc:..1iun 13 or the !.ie. I.uw. ."'cuunlll Ulat lhe puny urlhe fi"'t purt will ",i,'C the <un,ider.tinllli"lhi, <"nveyan.. ...., will h..I" U.. righllO re<ci\'e SUl'h oo""idcralilm a. ,.Imsl I'll." III he """lied 1M for ,he pu""",,, of paying the ....I uf the impru.ement .... will ...ply lbe ...me li",ltut"" pal'ment uf Iho .It'll ..I' lho' 1I1pn.J\'C."nK:'nl befure llHinU. any pun o( Ihe utlu.1 uf the JUIllr fur iU1y alher purp.I,"IC. It word hp:zrty" !llhall be c,'UJUilrued as if il rr:uJ "'pani&:!I" \\'henc\'t'r the: sen~ nf Ihili. il1lk:nlure 5U I'C\llIil"L~. IN WITl'iI'~'i.'i WIII::RI';OF. lhe panl' ..rth.lin.t pan I... duly e,o,uled IhiA...."'" the day anti 1"ur li"l aOO,,, wrillL'n, I'" PRtJiK:-IC;P. OF: ~ 11/27/2005 13:29 FAX 8323233 U~L TITLE AGEHc\' IiII 002/000 Schedule A Description ". J;1lIe Numller ex.a00z.tG4.058 Page 1 All that lot or parcel of land, situate, lying and being at East Marlon, Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, known and designated as Plot 27 on a certain map entilled "Map of Marton Manor, snualed at East Marlon, Town of Southold, StIfolk County, New York, surveyed November 25, 1952 by Otto W. Van TuyI & Son, licensed surveyors, In Greenport, N.Y., owned and developed by Peter S1ank& Son, East Williston, L.I., N.Y.", and flied In the office of the Clerk of the Co\,lnty ofSurrolk on March 18, 1953 as Map #2038. Being further bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the westerly side of Gillette Drive distant 648.91 feet southerly from the comer formed -by the Intersection of the southerly side of Main Road (State Road 251 and the westerly side of Gillette Drive: RUNNING THENCE along the westerly side of Gillette Drive South 25 degreell 08 minules 50 seconde East 100.00 feet; THENCE South 64 degrees 61 minutes 10 seconds West 120.00 feet; THENCE North 25 degrees 08 minutes 60 seconds West 1oo.~ feet; . THENCE North 64 degrees 51 minutes 10 seconds East 120.00 feet to a point on the westerly side fA Gillette DrIve being the point or place of BEGINNING. .' '. . . .. .. USF.ACf1N!'WI.6II(lt.fF.NI' nJIIM RIiIDWII'/J7/IN Nnw YIM<<.\"7"Al!!ONI.I'; SIlIII'ufNl'IoVorll.Cuunlyor SUFFOLK I IlL: On the~d:n.r..r Oeeember in the year 2005 bc:f"o,e me. the 1IIIIIersi....,.J. p"""""lIy llJ1II08II!d John M. Campbell and Loretta M. Campbell . "".......Iy knowo to me or """.... 10 nle .WI 110: basi. of llIIIi.rIL1l"Y .vi"'""" 1<1 he I.... individlllk'. W.....IIIU'IC(.' i. U.."I........Tihcd II. the wi.hin il1llrumenl and IICklklWk.'<I&<d Ia me 111111 I1cIshcIIhoy "....."Ied the """10 in hi.lh.d,hei, capocilylielll. unci lhal by hWhodlllCi, .ignalun:(.) on the ill5lru,ncnt. the individuall.L at the pmo>n upun hehalr <lr wh.,h the individual(sl...1.... .""""Ied the in.""',1lOIII. ~c.~- 'h..__ KATHLEEN ClARK /.1_ "1~_ AQ NolllryPublic.SIIUlOIN_YorII 'f' ,;1<1 V I No.01Ct!i047514 Oullil,ecl,n S..HoIk County , CoII'Imission Eapi'.~~ol Ar:""Y'"'I.IiIIGI/"''''TF,1/W FIlii USF.~/!W tl1li. STA1I1U/t.1.1": IN,.." 1".Hi ."'rIu..,iNlI~ WllIIf'.t.1 It"'IIf"''lftlfI''H'H' c.i-rtiflNlr'J SWlcorNowYorl<,Counl)'oI' Ios.: Onthe _~ ~the~ heron: RIC.lhe undm;ipN, potIOIIlIlly lIflIlCllICII , lhe lIUbscribing wi\IICM II' .he r""'llDina ill5lru"""lL with whom I am """"",,lIy acquuink:d. wlK. ""irqI by me duly swom, did d&."J'llIlC unci ..y that hc/lhcllhey n:sidc:(.) in (if'h"Ii,,,,',,., rtsiJtl.:" is in" ,'iIy. inrl..d. ,," slrttl "'.1$1,....'_1"". ifllll)'. """,,~: Ihat """"",^hcy know(.) to hc the inilividulll ......Tihcd in IInd whu e...."...... the Iillqloillg inOlrunlent; tho! ",jd .uhoc:rihing wi!..... .... ......... and SlIW ""jd ....."Ie the """"" and thut suid wi..... .1 the IDnle Iimt: ...bscrihcd hi.<Ihedlhci, IWlne(S) ... a wil.... thcreIu. IIARl;AL"l" SAUl DY.I'J' "'mil r.lJ\'Jil""nl AlI.~'IIANn.''''AC:T'' TIIl.F.No. John M. Campbell and Lorella M. Campbell TO John Campbell and Karen A. Campbell jo'III1(1.IT\' NATIONAL 'frru: 1:Io'SUKANCK . COMPANY 01' NKW YORK b.n.........uWI'-:1I bW~4- /oidtllity -k)/rW-" ............w..,..,,.,.\nIIrr,_ I I I l!i . ~ i .. ~ ~ '" USF.~CIl"I{()WU1DGMF.HrH_ HHlJIII'U'mllK N/lW 1"HtIl.\"7"A 1I10,V/,y, Slall!oI'NcwYorl<,(:ountyol' On the cloy of in .he year bob.. me,the uncloTxijplCd, """""",lIy appc:llllll 1""",,,,,,lIy Icnt>l>n Ia 1110 "' pnlvcd Ia me '111 Ihe ha.oi. (lr oaIi.r""Il"Y ...w....... II. be: lbe incIi,idwaI(K' whuse ..m.(o) ill I"""","""rihcd lU Ihe within in!ll",mcnl and lIl:lcnowledgcd u. DI" lhal hc/,;hc/thcy "....."Ied the 5llRIC in hi<lhcrllhei, ........i1y(ie5L and .hat by hislherltheir .ipaJu,q,o) 1m the in.'IInm""L the indi,;dual(.~ '" "'" """,,'n upon bc:hulr or which Ihe individuak........... e...."..,.I.he in.<I",,,,,,"', ,...: /l('Ko\YIWI.F.IItISlF.NT ,.~_ Hili U..,. 0Imu11l! NEU' Y,_ .'irATIi UNI,', I''''' ,,(.VItIII"'" Flm.. r".",,., ArilltlWh>f",."., C"nr!","f" ........., ,..,....,.." .. ,'..,.. ,...,..,.., ., .. '.' ,.... fe,,,,,,.,, VI'IUM'..iIt .0.". (,;If(III"', I'ftrrtw,. tW MuliritllrJilrl On Ihe day Dr in the year belie me.lhe und""dgned. penmally lIJlIIl'III1'li """""",lIy known U. me or pnlvaI II' me on the baoio or KUd.r......"Y ...idenct: u. be the individull(s) whose ..1II.(.I..I....I...bscrihcd Ia the within in.<l",menl and aelcnowledpd II' me lbul ho:Ishdlhey """",,led the ...... in bislhcmhcir <lIfXI"1lY(ieI), lhat by hislhctt thtir ...,.....~.) un lhe inSlnlnlCl1l.lhe individual,"), '"the penon upun hehalr .,r whid. lhe individual~ol....lCd. cxcculed the ill5UUmerll. ond IhnlllUCh individual II...... such .pp'.r......., herore the undellliyntd in the (/nsrn 11,,. iii.'" ar IJI~r /ro!i,;C'CrI,ruh.li,'isi"" dlUl "II' ""dlr II' ..,qUI'I)' "' ,~"", pi",... "'" ,riJ."dtdtl"....., "'IS tuUn), DISl'RIC.... 1000 S"c:r~lN 038.00 Dl.IlCK 01.00 LOT 006.00 COUI<1'Y OIl TOWN SulTolk, Sauthold H/iUINII/il)Ar Hf:QUP.lIT'1f" Rt:TlJRN Br .IAI~ ru Lawrence ... Kotlk, Esq. Brady"Kleln. Weissman. LLP SOl Fifth Avenue 19th Fir. New York, NY 10017 Number of pages TORRENS RECORilED . 2006 Jan 04 02:09:06 PI1 Serial II CerlificaIo II CLERk OF SUFFOLI< COIJI.ITV L ,000012428 pa~ DTtI 05-2113S4 Prior Ctf. II Deed . Mortpae InsaumeIIt Deecl/I>lOl:gage Tu SlaIIIp FEES Recordin& I Fl1iII& SlIIIIp& 3 Paae , FiIiDa Pee HaDd!ing , JIlL TP-584 (" Mortp&e AmL I.. Buic Tu '2. Addidoaal Tu Sub Tora! ' Spec:' Auil. Notation - )". . -),7 EA-5217 (County) Sub '!'orai ....:.. /" EA-5217 (Stare) )?tY: R.P.T.S.A. Comm. of Ed. '.m.. AmDm~ )~ 0ertified Copy Reg. Copy Sub Tola1 Other /~ CJnDd Toral or Real Property TaxS~ Ageocy Vcrificmoa , Spec. I AiId. , TOT. MTG TAX DuI1 Towa _ Dull Couaty _ He1cIf<<~~L 0c0Q... MIIIsioa Tu . '. no plOpeIty covered by dlillIIOlp&e is or will. be improved by a one or two family cIvieniq ODly. . YES or NO '. IfNP. RC appropriate taX c1auae 00 pqe t oftbis iallJuIIIeIIL Prelervatio.n Fund AauKmt S 61H. hM./Ji Due $ 'K M-tJ .liO Improved -, . - - . .---- - - Vle8DtLand _ 6 . . SlritfReliolllDiscbaapllRe Lilt Property ownCn MaiIiJI<< Addnu ~RD & RBTURN TO: k fA) 1'<... u..- fl., /co of, J~ Ii"~ t" Cf/J an.. ~ I li.(l:" f., W .cu~N,.I(" J. .(;.(,.,.f Sol f;,M ~~J 11~PItJ/)... . N{Ik.,.. {Dr k/ . AJ{ 1~()17 TO ./0 , TO TO TO (it .,. ~{I - oS' Recording & Endorsement Page ~.~ made by: (sricJpy TYPE OF INSTRUMENT) Tbe prcmiIls heIeia is lituated ill SUFPOLK ('OUNTY. NEW YORK. lD lbo ToWlllbip of )0.. ~ Ia rhe VILLAGE ex HAMlEI' of 7 8 Suffolk Coun This P&IC fom1s part of the atlal:hed Or. Mp I.cA-I BOXES II THROUGH 8 MUST BE TYPED OR PRINTED.IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR T6 RECORDING OR ~1NG , '. . ~ ~ IIIIIIIIIIIIIII~ 111I11111 ~IIIIIIIIIIIIIII" 111I 11111111_ 1111111111 SUFPOLK COUNTY CLERK RBCORDS OFFICE RECORDING PAGE Type of IDstrument. DBBDS/DDD NUmber of Page.: 4 Receipt HUmber : 06-0000749 TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 05-21884 Recorded. At. 01/04/2006 02.09.06 PM LIBER: PAGE: D00012428 856 District. SectioD' Block. loot. 1000 038.00 02.00 006.000 ll!y:qaNBD AIm CHARGBD AS i'OI.I.OWS Deed AIIIouut. $500,000.00 Received the Po11owing Fees Por Above IDstrument Bxempt Exempt Page/FiliDg $12.00 NO Handling $5.00 NO COB $5.00 NO NYS SRCHG $15.00 NO BA-CTY $5.00 NO BA-STATB $75.00 NO TP-584 $5.00 NO Cert.Copie. $5.00 NO RPT $30.00 NO SCTK $0.00 NO Transfer tax $2,000.00 NO CQIIIIII.Pre. $7,000.00 NO Fees Paid $9,157.00 TRANSPER TAX NUMBBR. 05-21884 THIS PAGB IS A PART OF THB INSTRtJIIBNT THIS IS NOT A BII.I. ". PlEASE TYPE OR PRElijS FIRMLY WHENWRmN<f Olil"Of(M~ . INSTRUCTIONS: http://www.orps.st8te.ny.u8 or PHONE (618) 473-7222 FOR COUJIIlY USE ONLY C1.__ REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT 1~~,J.~,9,9'1 * ' I- ez. Det8 _ R..._ I 011 t?Y I t!?~ I MOmII Dey v_ el. _ I/..l ,~,J , flU .....1 , $, r;~ I ,.' PROPERTY INFORMATION STAll! OF _ YOM STAll! _ OF IlEAL PROI'EIII'Y__ RP - 5217 IINJn .. J/In ""'-"1 500 I 61u.EiTE ..-, I~, N\ ~ ~1a..Y'\~n 1.= I ~~W'Ll ~~~LL DR\\IE -- 1.fi..3i.J d~t.J _r_ KAIQEN -- -A. S. T.. 1ndIGD..... lulu.. T. Bill.. ID bI' ... I ...... . _.......... _.. __ "'1ormI , -- LMI' ....., COMNNV -- &':::""'1 - .....''111 'Ixl ..... Illlll 'ACJII'I' .01 .11 "ATI! lIP QXlt tonIy. Part "'. _ _ _.... opply: 4A.1'IInrina___-..e.. D 41L50__......-_IIIcPo.II..T_ D C._,-",,-far_wllllMop_ D .....r..--.AJrDIIIIIIIT_ crrv..._ J I . 01 Po..... OR 0 Part 01. Po...1 ......... lhellUlllller of a___.... Roll....... ~........ on the died ...... - &f'~LL ~~N /VI. A~OnoF__.. 8 2 or 3 Family """""'.1 C 1InI__ VOCO.. Lond I) N__nt...... I SALE INFORMATION I ". .... Contnco _ CArY'l~1'=11 \..ORE"tT"A /V'l. LAST ...../~ ..... JIlUa 7. CO'" 1M.... _ __.... _otoIy _ 1M _ aI.... _ ......_ aI_ _... ___.........." .. Ownarshlp T_ II Qlndomlnlum .. _ c:onoa..-. OIl -. Lond _"""""~_n.._"'_ "__'_II_~ ........._"In.nAg_..llIoIriol F. ~ Agrlcul,urll ~ Communlly Sorvlco F Commerdll J IndulD'lll G Aplnmlnt . Publlc_ H E_n...../Am_ L F..... D D D D 12._"'_/~ ~ I ~ IO~t.r ~~2J ;" 1'2. I ~I 06 I - ... - ,........._........_........ .... L...........r.; SlID BelwIon RII8dves Of Former Rel.w. SIlo _ _ Camponlol or PoMlH'lln IluIInou One of tM au,.. II 1110 1 Selllr I..... or SoIIor;, _..... Agonor or Llnding __ Oood Typo not Wornnly .. 1111II1n _ 8110 ISpadly -. """'F_or'-_Foo_~-' Slgnl_' Olongt In "'- _ T_ _ _ SIlo 01 &.Ie 01 Bull".. f. InaIYdm In ... PrIca Olhor UnuIuII F_ _ng .... PrIco 1SpocIfy_ No.. II.FuII__ 5,O.a,C>,o.O, 0 , 0 I , , . . IFuI SIlo PrIco II... _.._nt poid for... _Inaludlng --'_. ThiI peymlnt InIY be In .... form of cnh,. adItr IM'GPIRY or IIOQCII, or the.....mpdan 01 martpgll or ather obfIp&lonLl ,... found ID rite.......,..... M'tGIIIIf. ..... ...... till ....... at........ I . It . 0 I --.....- . ASSESSMENT INfORMATION. DellI _lei ...... lhe 1_ F1nol_ ~I ond ToxllA ,..v_",.-- ----10. fi"17.T__V_IaI.._In_1 whIdI"_.._~.... . . , , . '" "I.S01 , ,.. ",-,,- 12..\ .Q-LJ ____-:.., D"c"~TFa. ~t\J D 5C.l-tC"ll"'lI _T............ - 101'...._..___.____......._ . SEe. 038.00 L.OT SLOC-\(. Oz..OO D\~. '(X)~ ... ... r.... ... _... _,..... .... <l III)' .............IaIIIII).... r _ ~.......-.... wID..~ d..... _.," <llllf _ low _..... -........... <l_ .......__ IUYER'8 A~IIlIEY l<on\<. ,-- LAoWRI'=IoJCE -- . 2..1 2. .....- ~4~-5ROO -- CfIY 011 srA '-CGDI C7f'~.~eurl~lt./ ~,/.. iii I \ ~J'aO\~ ./ 1/fI!Wo~ .. . NEW YORK STATE COPY