HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12405 P 622 ", . Li ILlOS f G2~ S'~ ,-- \ ,qO- . . - . Y' . 3 ~ r 2 -I L-f CCNlULT YOUR LAWYER III!FOIlE SIGNING 1IlII1NinRu1lEIIT-1HII1NI1IIUII1NT IIlOULD IE UIED BY LAWYERlI ONLY ntI8INDENTURE, made the d./ day of July, 2005 BETWEEN RONALD WILSON and ANNE WILSON, hu8b8nd end wfe, both residing al 23 Dragonfly Orlve, Blutftan. SC 29909 party of the first part, and JOHN MALl.EY Ind VALERIE MALLEY, husband and wlfa, both residing at 4 Rape Caurt, Melville, NY 11747 party of the 88CDnd part, WITNESSETH, thai the party of the IlISt part, In con.ulerBllon of TEN and nol100ths (510.00) dollars paid by the party of the 88CDnd part. does hereby grIInt IInd relee8e 0010 the party of the eec:ond pert, the heirs Dr IUCC8BBDrB end e88/gns of the party of the lI8CCII1d part farevw, ALL that certain plot, ~ Dr plll1l8l of lind, with the bUildings IInd Improvements tharean llI8Clsd, Bltuate, lying end being In the SEE "SCHeDULE A" ANNEXED HERETO BEING AND INTENDED TO BE the sarna premlBes conveyed 10 the pertias of the fllSl part by deed made by HENRIETTA A. MCGARRY, RICHARD J. MCGARRY, ROBERT A. MCGARRY and ANNE WILSON delsd February 15, 1993 and rec:orded In the Suffolk County Clerk's OffIce en March 20, 1993 In Uber 11629 at Page 645. TOGETHER with all right, tlUe and Inlsrest, If any, of the party of the Ilrst part in and 10 eny slr8ets and roads abutting the above dBBCribed preml8BB 10 the C8n1sr lines thereof; TOGETHER with the appurt8lllll1C88 and all the astate and rights of the party of the first part In and 10 said premi8BB; TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the premlsas herein grenled unto the party of the lI8CCII1d part. the heirs Dr successors and 8BBigns of tha party of the eec:ond part forever. AND the party of the Ilrst part covenants that the party of the Ilrst part has not done or suffered anything whereby the BBid preml88B have been 811CUmb8red In eny way whatever,lIllClIpt as afarasaid. AND the party of the first part, In complillnce with Sectian 13 of the LIen Law, covenants thai the party of the Ilrst P,Brt wiU receive the consideration for IhlB COnvBYlI'- end wNI hold the right 10 receive such consideration as a Iruat fund 10 be applied first for the p~ of paying the cost of the Improvement end wUl apply the same first 10 the payment of the cost of the Improvement before using any part of the IOtel of the same far any other purpase. The ward "party" shall be construed as If it reed "parUes" whenever the IIlIIlBe of this indenture BD requires. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the party of the first part has duly BllllQlled this deed the day and year first ebave written. ~'< t2.---. td~ ANt!,E'WILSON " .- ............. ~.........1lD _~IIIJI~ , .. Schedule A eescrtpUon Underwriter No. LA82548 TItle Number 3411359 Page 1 ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, with the buildings and Improvements thereon erected, situate, lying and being In the Town of Southald, County of Suffolk and State of New York, known and designated as Lot No. 20 on a certain map entitled, "Map of Marion Manor", and filed In the Office of the Clerk of the County of Suffolk on March 18, 1 953, as Map No. 2038, being more particularly bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the Southwesterly side of Gillette Drive distant 1,313.18 feet Southeasterly, as measured along the Southwesterly side of Gillette Drive from the comer formed by the Intersection of the said Southwesterly side of Gillette and the Southeasterly side of Main Road (N.Y.S Route 25). Said point of beginning also being where the division of Lot Nos. 20 and 21 meets the said Southwesterly side of Gillette Drive; RUNNING THENCE along the Southwesterly side of Gillette Drive, South 25 degrees 08 minutes 50 seconds East 100 feet to the division line of Lot Nos. 19 and 20; THENCE along the division line of Lot Nos. 19 and 20, South 64 degrees 51 minutes 10 seconds West 100 feet; THENCE North 25 degrees 08 minutes 50 seconds West 100 feet to the division line of Lots Nos. 20 and 21; THENCE along division line of Lot Nos. 20 and 21 North 64 degrees 51 minutes 10 seconds East 100 feet to the Southwesterly side of Gillette Drive at the point or place of BEGINNING. , Representing COMMONWEALTH LAND TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY ... TO BE USED ONLY WHEN THE ACK~DGIIENT IS ~E IN NEW YORK STATE 61818 of New Yorlc. County of SuIIoIk N: On Ihecll"'-day of J~ In the year ZOOll before me. !he underIIlllBl, per80IIlIlly Bppeared RONALD WILSON _ ANNE WILSON ~ '"- III me or pllMld 10 me on the buIa of NlINcIc.y lI\1dBIlC>> 10 be the 1nd1vldua1(1) whoBB name(1) II (Bre) BUblcribed lD the within II'IIIIMnInIIrId acIcnowIecIgllllo me that heIIIIIIIhey .-uIIlI the _ In hlBllwllhllr c:apacltr(\II), and III hlB/herllhelr algnll1llre(l) on !he In............ ), or the pBIIOI1 upon behBIf of which I the I III\d UB IllIcI BCknowIedgment) NOTARYPUBUC . .....~ IIlIIIIr flIUt. .. ... YadI ....-m. SulIaIk c.ly ,... rr.Rs s."t....b. to,' ''d- StBIB of New York, County of N: On lhe day of . In the year bBIonI me. the LI1ll8IBIgned. pllIlIO/IlIIy appaarlll peraonaly '"- 10 me or proved 10 me on the buIa of ww...1llIy lIVIdanclIlD be lIIe IndIvIdUBl(I) whole name(l) 18 (are) IlIbec:rtbed 10 th8 within InIIlrIlment and ac:knowIecIgllllo me IhBI hBllheIIh8y .-uIIlI th8 _ In hl8lh1ll1thelr CIIp8I:IIy(IBB). and that by hllllhenlhBlr 1Ignalure(1) on lIIe InIIlrIlmenI. the 1ndMduB1(1). or the pBIIOI1 upon behaJI of which the IndMduBl(I) lIIMd, .-uIIlI thelnellumenl (8IgnaIure _ llIIIce of IndIvldUBllBIdnu acknowledgment) Stele (or DI8IrIcl of CoIumble. Ten11Oly. or Fol8lgn Counlly) of TO BE IIu:n ONLY WHEN THE ACKNDWLEDOIII!NT ""ANI OUTSIDE NEW YORK STATE On the day of In th8 year N: bet'onI me. the Underlllgnld, p&I8OIlely eppaal8d pIIfllOIlBIIy known 10 me or proved 10 me on the beeI8 of I8IIlIIacIoIy evtdenca 10 be the Inclvtdual(l) whose namB(l) Is (are) aublcrlled 10 the within In8Irument and lIdcnowledged 10 me IhIII h8IIhI/Ihey _dill the _ In hiIIMrItheIr CBplIc:Ity(Iea). _ IhIII by ~r Iignll1llre(l) on the lnllwument, lie 1ndIvIduBI(1). or th8 pBIIOI1 upon beheIf of whIdI the lndIvIdual(l) ac:lBd. _Ill the In8IrumBnI, Ind IhIII BUCh InchkIuaI mIIde IUCh applIlII'Bnce baIclIlIthe underllgnlll in the In (and inBerIlhe Slal80r CowIIIy or olher pIacB the lId<mwIIlIgmont wu laken) (I.-.llhe City or olher poIIIcaIlubdMolon) BARGAIN AND SALE DEED WITH COVENANT AGAINST GRANTOR'8 ACTS TItIa No. RONALD WILSON & ANNE WILSON TO JOHN MALLF.Y & VALERIE MALI.EY ITANDMDFo.I OF ..w'YORKmMlDOP'mLE UNDER~~.~ llioIIIIuIod by o Conuno~..!""M_"Y c:uw.ono....EALn! LAND nru 1"""""''lCll("'"''A''''' ~ " i ~ w ~ 2 ! I (IigI1IIunIlnd aIlicB 01 tndIvldUBIlBlcl'1l-.clgmenl) DISTRICT 1000 SECTION 038.00 BLoeK 02.00 LOT 014.000 COUNTY OR TOWN STREET ADDRESS Recorded at Request of COMMONWEALTH bAND TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY . The Nath8naon Law Firm LLP AI1n. Mark Nelhanaon. Eaq. 81 Hernpal&ed Awnue Lynbrook, NY 11583 Nun\ber of 1'1II_ . TORRENS Serial # Cenificare # . Prior Clf. # [12 , . 4 Deed / Mort&a&e Inslrllment Deed/ MorIpae Tax SlImp FEES Paae 1!'i1ing Fee Handling TP.'84 Nowion EA-'2 17 (CclWlly) EA.'217 (Slale) R.P.T.S.A Comm. of Edl. AITKlavil Cenified Copy Rea. Copy OIher s SIlImp DIlle J~_ ) )" ('- . _ SubTolal ,(" - ~ro 71 ,~ ~ _ SubTOlaI GRAND l'OTAL Initials 7 SatisfllClioosIDischaFgesIRelelSCs List Property OwnCI1 Mailing Add RF.cORD" RETURN TO: The Nathanson Law Firm LLP Attn. Mark Nathanson, Esq. 81 Hempstead.Avenue Lynbrook, NY 11563 9 8 1 REC(Il()E[I 2005 R.Jg 24 04102.01 PM Edward P.Romairw CLEIlK OF SUFFOLK COUNTY L ??oo12405 P622 DTI 1l5--m757 Rcc:otdina / Filing SlaIIIps Man... AmI. I. Ilasic Tax 2. Additional Tax Sub Total SpceJAssil D. Spec:./Add. TOT. MT(l. TAX Dual Town_ Dual County_ Ilclcl for Apponionmrnt 6TTT "'\ Transfer Tax I 0"1 v Mansion Tax The propel1Y covered by this mOl1&11C is or will be improved by lone or two family d....lling only. YES_or NO_ If NO, see appropriate lax clause on fl8Ie ~/ _orthis inllrument. , ~ -0 ":> 6 munity I'reservation Fund Co aId ration ^mount $...460..""0 00 S 6.?00.00 Improved X VICIni Lind TO -' () TO TO Title Company Information Co. NI Tille II Suffolk Count Recordin & Endorsement Pa e DEED (SI'EOI'Y TYPE OF INSJRUMENI' ) The premises hcn:in is situated in SUFFOLK COUNfY. NEW YORK. In the To\\11Ship of SOUTHOLD This JllIiC fOl11ll put of1he II1Ial:bed RONALD WILSON & ANNE WILSON TO JOHN MALLEY & VALERIE MALLEY In the VIUAOE or HAMLET of mod. by: EAST MARION OOXES .5 THRU 9 MUST BE 'IYI'ED OR PRINICO IN BLACK INK ONLY PIUOR TO RECORDING OR FILING. (OVERI IIII~IIIIIIIIIII~IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 111111111111111111111111 SUFPOLK COtJNTY CLZRlt RBCORDS OI'I'1:CK RBCORD1:NG PAGB Type of Iastrum8Dt: DBEDS/DOD Number of Pages: 4 Receipt Number : 05-0089143 TRANSPKR TAX NUMBER: 05-03757 Recorded: At. 08/24/2005 04.02.01 PM LIBKR: PAGB: D00012405 622 IIistrict. 1000 Section. Block. 038.00 02.00 EXAXINBD AND CKARGBII AS FOLLOWS $460.000.00 Lot. 014.000 IIeed Amouat. Received the Pol1owiag Pees For Above Iastrumeat b-.pt Bxempt page/piliag $12.00 NO HlIZldliDg $5.00 NO COB $5.00 NO NYS SRCBG $15.00 NO BA- corY $5.00 NO BA-STATB $75.00 NO TP-584 $5.00 NO Cert.Copies $0.00 NO RPT $30.00 NO SCTII $0.00 NO TrllDsfer tax $1.840.00 NO COIIII\.Pres $6.200.00 NO Pees Paid $8.192.00 TRANSpBR TAX NUMBER. 05-03757 THIS PAGB IS A PART 01' THB INSTRtnIBNT THIS IS NOT A BILL Bdward P.Romaiae Couaty Clerk. Suffolk Couaty . PLEASE TYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRITING ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS: http://www.orpa.atllle.ny.us or PHONE 15181 473.7222 FOil COUNtY USE ONLY 1.'7, 7..:5. g t, 'h cz, DIll. _ R..._ I. g ,';? 'i / t9~ ~ twr T.- el. _ I .),;?, lj,tJ,.s IlIA. "- STATEIlI'__ STATE IIOARIlIll' IlEAL _If__ PROPERTY INFORMATION '.-L .I~"" G111ette ()1ve LocoIIon ..,......... L SootI1old art' _laMI 2._ L Mo11L- -- .....- L Maney LM,......,CGiIMN'l' * REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT CT. _ Code RP - 5217 1142.17 ... >>'II East M8I'1on ....- 11939 ...- ..dl!ll Valerie ...,- I. Tu ...........fuIu"T..IiII_ta..... I ..... n___-CIl-d_ -- LMT,....,~ ...,..... L. .1M1T_.AICl....'.... gfYOIllCMfl1 . .'''11. ....... L=- I - ...."NlT Ixl ....... IORI 'ACIIIII' A-31 \OnIr........__..........." M.-..__~_E.- 0 ..1I!.........IIianApprollal.......tarT""*' 0 c._Appnwodfar____ 0 4. ....... ... ........ of .. .tl..... Rot ....... .._.A....M OIl tile ...... 1, .00Po_ OR D Polloi........ L_ L - Wil son Ronald ........ LMT.....'CGIMhY L Wil son 1mB ,......-.. I.MT.....,~ ,1. Dele of .... IT.......... ot I'" - "" I (If, '... -....--..........." ..~_Io~IUIlI I ~ CammuniIy Slmce L NIw CanIlIUGdon on V_nt unci J InduIIrlll 1M. Prap..ey ......... ..... en AgrIcuIhnJ DIItrIct II; l'ublll:_ _~_.__~ I. ForM! ......._10"'......__ ,.. a.- __......_ '"1-1......... 'IIO-...r. ^ I0Io__.."",__ B _____..-In- C One of the ..,.. . .110 . ...... D 8uvor Of 8e&Ier II Got..~. AQanGy or I.ending InIIkuIian Ii lIood Typo.... WorronlV or _... Sola ISpocIIy _ F Solo "'_......... Foe _15pocIfy_ Q iii. In.&J Olollgo In "'- _ T_"",.nd Solo IIIuo I' SoIo~_lolnol_In__ I 0lII0r ~ '- "-tng We _1SpociIy SoIowI J _ o o o o 7. CheGII. the bu .... whIIh ..- Mal"'" ....... the ... at tbe preperty .. ......... ", lair. A~ One F.mliY_101 B 2..3F__ C _ Yocont Lond o Non It......... VlCoInt UncI I SALE INFORMATION I ". .... CeIrnct... f.~ "'-01 F Cammon:IoI 0_ H EntMaInmont I AmullfMnt L.2l. I ll. I ~... 13.""__ .4.6,0.0, 0.0,0.01 , , . 'Full SoIo_II.._I_.... far....____. __ _ be In ....farmd___.._....-.npIlonol moftgIgII ClIf aIMr abIipIiDna.) ,.,... I'IJUftd 10 ". ....... .... ..... MlDUIIf. ...-...-..- I dh 0 0 I ........,....... ~ ..... . -- ~ . ASSESSMENT INFORMA11ON . 0.11 .hould .._ th. Iotool Flnll_mom RoII.ncI TI. 8111 ,.. ::.... ~-=-:=.... 10 , 4 I 17. TOIlII___ v.Mlaf.......1n ..........1 , , .S '1.41 .l)1 , 'II. "'-' ao. I 2. 1. Q..LJ ... _ _ __ I Oysterponds zo. T.... ..........." RII.........w ,. more ................................. ~ 1CXXl-038.00-02 .1>>-m4.1XXl I l CERTIFICATION I ,--,....."'..._"'...... .. ...-...IIdII_......................'-"'II\fb..._... ...~....I . ....._........... "''''_ ...._"'_1'Icl_.........._1II111r ..~.. "'1IIr_...._1II...-.........."'...._ !!Y!!!! 8UYEII'lI A~V ~il~ ..... '... ,~~C I R-I"-oS'" DAlI Nlthanson ...,- Myrk -- ..-.-- I~~ 516 568-aXXl -.... ........ ..... ~~~~ I~ ~raA --.::'" ~ ....... ~. :'J~ tILIlllI~. DAD NEW YORK STATE COPY