HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12390 P 249 NO N.Y.S. TIWlSFEll. TAX REQUIRED L /lSQO r J Lfi 110-1-5 .. r'unn ICtHJ:! fQ/IJCJJ . ~OM -. Karptn mJ s.~ Dre.L with CcwrnIru......... GrwIIor'I At.:bo-Iatividual or COI'pPI'IhOn. (~.......U tall.ta.Tw.....LAWWD..._-.---T'I'IIII_.._ .,..-...-__ .........__.,.... ..._.-.w. '--. THIS INDE"'TURE. made lhe BETWEEN CHARLES A. New York 11935 27th clay"f May BRAtl'l'IGAM. residing . 2005 .... at 675 West Road, Cutchogue, pan)'ofthcfir>lpan.lOO IT'S MY WAY. LLC, a New York limited liability company w1th ottice and principal place of business at C/O C. Brautigam, 675 Nest Road, P.O. Box 1246, Cutchogue, New York 11935 pany "f lhe .a:oOO pan. WITNF.s.liETH. Ihlllh. pony "f lhe fim pan. in ~"llIISidcr.lion of ten dollm unci Ol~... V11luabl. consiclo:ration paid by lho pany nf Ih. ....,ood pan. doe. ~hy JlIlIIIland ",lease unto lhe plllty of Ihe srcond pIIrt, !he hoil'$ or 'UCCCIIOI'S and ....ir.n~ ur lho pwty of lhe lICCand pwt rllflOYllr. ALL Ihal ccnuin plul. pi= or pllI\,,1 of land. ",ilb the buiJdin[ll' and in.provem.nl' Ihcn.'OO .n....,.... siluDle. lying and "eing in the at Cutchogue, Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, being more particularly bounded and described as follows: ~ BEGINNING at a point on the southerly side of Nest Road said point being a distance of 757.26 feet measured in a westerly direction along the southerly side of West Road from Pequash Avenue, running thance South 260 24' 30" East along land now or tOJ:1l1erly of Brautigam 278.5 feet to a point on Peconic Bay, thence South 600 59' 30. West along said Bay 19.51 feet to a point on land now or formerly of Lister, thence North 260 24' 30. West along last mentioned land 280.0 feet to a point on West Road; thence North 6!;.~ " 22' 40. East along said Road 19.50 feet to the point or place of BEGINNING. SUBJECT to easements affecting said premises. BEING AND INTENDED TO BE tha same premises as conveyed by deed dated August 11, 1993 and recorded in Suffolk County Clerk's Office on October 13, 1993 in Liber 11647, Page BB5. II "' TOGETJI~H with all ri~llI. .illt" .mJ iIlICn!'~t. if any. of Ih~ party "r the first pun. in und tu any "tre~b. and RladK ahullinllh~ ab",'.-d~,,'ribtd premi.e, h' Ih. ..nter Ii"". Ih.reof; TOGIlTIIER wilh Iho appun.non... and alllh~ ."Iale and ri~h.. "" Ih. puny ur lho Ii.... pun in and Iu ,aid p.omi.~" TU HAVE A"I) TO HOI.O Ihe premi.., her.in ~rnnlcd unto Ihl: party of [hI: ...~CCllJtI pari. lh~ h~ir5 ur ~U("('C'lt"'i1r" and uJilsi,:,"\ u( Ihl:' party (If rhe &ccontl run forever. Ar\D the (luny III' Ih~ Ii"t purl ':u\'tnant... Ihat lhe puny ilf th.: first p.1M ha~ nul tI,ll1t ur "utTered anYlhinp. whC'n:'tly the !laid pn=-misc,'" huvr been ,,-nculnbc:rcc.l in .:1n)' wuy whlllC'\'cr. c~"'cpt "Ji1 aforc"'aic.l. ANI) the pilrty nl' Ihe Iir"l PUrl. in cnmpliance \\'ilh SCl.'rinn I.lllt" the Li~n Law. ....uvcnanb rh':lllhe party (If Ih~ first pan "..ill rcc...ei\"c Ihe clln...iderDtilln fur Ihi"" conveyancc alld will hi..ld thl: ri,ht hl reech'c ..uch c(Jn~idcr. uli"n a. a Iru.l fund I" be appli.d !ir.. ""r Ih. purp".e..f puyinr. Ih~ ""S1 ..f rh. impru"emenl and will upply the same firM tu the (la}'menl of the cu...t of (he impmvcmc:nt before using any part tlf the lutal of the !'lamc (c.lr uny lither purpu...c. . The wnrd "parlf' ...hull be cnn..trucLl u\ if il reUll "panic,," ""hcne\'tr the "~nM~ \1f Ihis inul.'nture ,,,, requil\..... IN WITN":SS WH";REOF. Ihe pany "r Iho fir.. purl ha. duly ,,~"ul..llh.. d.ed Ih. day und y~ar liN uhuw writle.., h PW.I:''''''tTUt-: Charles A. Brauti m A~--< _ i :I II Ack.-leclg.._ ....... In NewYllrlc _ Slate of New York, County of Suffolk On the 27 thclay of Hay , In lhe ~r 2005, bekn me, Ihe underalgned, peraoneDy """"ered Charles A. BrautlRam . per.onany ImOWn 10 me or p..- 10 me on Iha ba.l. 01 ..UaIacIOry llVIdence 10 be the Indlvlduel(a) whOM lIIIIn8(a) Ie (are) aubacrIbed \0 the wllhln 1_ and adIo~ \0 me Ihal heI.hllllhey executed the .ame In hlalherllhelr capeclty(I..), end thai by hla/herllheir .Ignalure(al on Ihe InaIrumanI, the Indlvldual(.) or the penon upon behad 01 wI*=h lhe lndIvIdual(.) lICIlld, _ed the Innumenl. ~~..1J..-J Notery Public IIMWMIlIMKIl .-yNlll._at.... IID~'.''''- c.... I . .....OILII~ii1~ AcImowI.dgernent by SUll8crlbIng WIl.._ taJcan In New YlIrIc _ Sla,e 01 New York, County 0/ On lhe day of . In Ihe year the undersigned. personally appeared , before me, the aubecrtbIng wIImta 10 the IonIgoIng InBlrum.nt. wlIh whom , am personalty acqualnled, who being by me cIuIy awom. did depoBs end say, IhaI hBlahsllhsy reakIe(.) In lheI h&'IhsIlhey knlIw(.) 10 be Ihe individual deacrlbed In end who ~ Ihe IonIgoIng InIIrurMnl; 1ha1 ..Id .ubacrtblng wlIneaa ... present and ... Rid e..cule Ihe ..ma: and Ihat ..Id wltne.. ellhe .eme lime auba.. Ibad hlalher/lhelr narne(.).. e wi"- the_ TIlle No.: CHARLES A. BRAUTIGAM TO IT'S MY WAY, LLC Distributed by ChIcago ntle Insurance CompllllY I I I!I R ~ I , I Ada..Ied~._.l""ln ,..YarIr.... , ..: . Stele 0/ New York, County of . n: On Ihe day 0/ . In the yeer !he uncI_gned, personally appeared I belal1l me. per.onally known 10 me or proved 10 me on Ihe bee'. of 88IIBfeclory e.ldellce \0 be Ihe IndIvIcIueI(.) whOM name(.) Ie (ere) eubBctlbed \0 the within InBlrumenl and eclalO..1edged \0 m. Ihat helahllllhay ...culed Ihe Am. In hlalherllhelr capeclly(I"I, and lhel by hlalherllhalr Blgneture(.) on Ihe InatrumenI, \he1ndMduel(.) or the pemon upon bsheII 01 which the lndMdual(.) 8Cl8d, ~ the ntrumanL "'*-I.dg._taken oul8lde _YorII_ . .1: . Sla.. 01 . County 0/ . ..: . (or inlier! DlllrtcI 0/ Columbia, Terrllory, Po_on or Foreign Country) On lhe day of . In th. year the undersigned, personally appeared . beta,. me. personally known 10 me or proved 10 me on IhB be.l. 01 ....,eclOry evidence 10 be the Indivkluel(a) whOM nerne(.) Is (are) .ubacrtbecI \0 the wfthin Insl"",*" and eclalOlIIl.dged 10 me Ihat hBl.heilhey executed Ihe .ame In hllllherllhelr capaclly(lel), Ihal by hi./herltheir .Ignalure(.) on Ihe 1nalrumsnI, the IrIcIMlIuaI(.) or the ponon upon bahaa of which lhe lndMdua~.) acl8d, _led \he InBInIrnenI, and Ihat BUCh Individual made IUCh appeerencs bsIor8 the undersigned In the (add tha ctly or pollllcel aubdlvlalon and the _ or country or other place the .cknowtedg.menl ... lakenl. SECTION BLOCK LOT COUNTY OR TOWN RETURN BY IIAtL 10: LAlllI: & FOLTS, ESQS. P.O. BOX 973 CUTCBOGUE, NY 11935 ZIp No. . .~;:.. Number of paaes lORRENS 3 Deed / Monpge Tu Sramp FIlES RECORDED 2llO:l Jun 01 ~: 49: 05 PII Edward P. ROlYine ClERK ~ SUFFOlK COUNT\' L OllOOI23!/O P 249 Oft 04-43134 Recording / Filing Stamps Serial' Certificale . Prior Of. . 0I:ed / Mona. InslrUmrnl 4 110.00 07.00 Section Block 005.000 Lot Man.. Ami. I. Basic 1llx 2. Additional Tax Sub Total Spcc:JAssiL Of Spec./Add. TOT. MM. TAX Dual Town _ Dual Counly _ Held fOf AppoinlmeDl -r-, Transfef Thx V Mansion Tax The propcny covered by Ibis mortgage is or will be illlplOVed by a one or IWO family dwellinll only. YES or NO If NO. see approprialc IlIX clause on pallc . of Ibis inslrumcm. ... .-- -,;r7-~ Cenificd Copy NYS SurchlllJC 0Iher GI'lIIIlI TOIaI rJ/~ d 3tf - ;.,{. IS. 00 SubTolaJ Real Propel Thx Service Asency I Verificalior 11000 0700 005000 5 Commwdty Plt..rvatloa Fand Consideration Amount $ - 0 - CPF Tax Due $ - 0 - Improved VacWlI Land X 6 Salisfaclions/Dlscharps/RcJeases UsI Property Owners MailiBll Addrelcs RECORD" RETURN TO: LARK AllD :FOLTS, ESQS. P.O. BOX 973 CUTCHOGUE, NY 11935 TO 10 TO TO 7 Co ame llde * Title Com HIA HIA Infonnation Suffolk Count Recordin & Endorsement Pa e This page forms part of !be lIIIachcd deed made by: (SPECIFY TYPE OF INSTRUMENT) CHARLES A. BRAUTIGAM The premises herein is silUaled in SUFFOLK COUNTY. NEW YORK. TO IT'S MY WAY, LLC In .he Township of Southold In !be VILLAGE or HAMI-IIT of Cutcho&ue BOXES 611fRU 8 MUST BE TYPED OR PRINTeD IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDING OR FILING. (over) 1111mlll~ 11111111111111111111111 IHI I glD 1IIImllllllllll SUFPOLX COtmTY CLBU RECORDS OPll'ICB RECORDING PAGB Type of :l:nstZ'WIIeDt I DBBDS/DI)D NUmber of Pages. 3 Recaipt HUmber I 05-0058934 TRANSPBR TAX HUMBER: 04-43134 Recordedl Atl 06/01/2005 02149105 PI( District. 1000 SectiOD. Blockl 110.00 07.00 RYII.JIDIBI) AND <'IIUCilBD AS :roL1oOIfS $0.00 LIBBR: PMB: D00012390 249 Loti 005.000 Deed AIIIountl Received the Following Fees For Above In.trument Bxempt Bxempt Page/Filing $9.00 NO HlIDdJ.ing $5.00 NO COB $5.00 NO RYS BRCHQ $15.00 NO SA-crY $5.00 NO SA-STATB $165.00 NO TP-584 $5.00 NO Cert.Copie. $0.00 NO RPT $30.00 NO SC'l'II $0.00 NO TrllDBfer tax $0.00 NO ComIII. Pre. $0.00 NO Fae. Paid $239.00 TRANSFBR TAX NtJXBBRI 04-43134 TlttS PMB IS A PART OF THB INS'l"RtlMBNT THIS IS NOT A B:l:101o Bdward P.Romaine County Clark, Suffolk County ,.. ~........ flU- ....IL-.......... tD 'INIIIIIr. ^ lIlllo__..rorn.rRol_ B lIllIo _ _ Compo...... __......_ C 0n00l1ho_...1oo._ o "-.._.._.....r~""I_ R Iloool T,...... __.......... ond lIll..lSpocIIy -. F _"'_.._.........1_-"'_ G ~CIlongoln "'-'v_T__.... lIllIo_ II lIllIoat_..Incl_.lIllIoPltco I Cldlot u..... _ -.g _ Prfco lSpocIIy_ J Hana Transfer to limited liability "o...,1l.It 'f . . CZ. D.bI DMd RaUl ded * CI._ I 1,23 q]jC4.,,- PROPERTY INFORMATION ,.=, 985 .[-.&1 __ West Road _IRKr .... Southold an GIIIIMIf CutchoRUe ""MiI' 1._ ..... It's My Way, LLC \All.... IS ..ur .... .... LM1'--="~ -- J. T_ ........ fuIu,. T_ .. 111I10" .. I -. W__......._III_oI_l. Br.:'~ - ~AIli~,_ ~~~. .1 1,01_ 011 0 ,...01._ ..-...-",. - Hal'" ._.A.....4 _.. .... .. =.... I - , 0111 -i .1 3 , Ixl _1fUl' "". ..- ..... Brautigam uar......' In" Charlea A. ""1oM"!ii LAIT.....,~ .....- 7. CMI* tIw boa ......... .... -- ...1.............. _ of........." ........ vi lIIlIr. ^~ Ono FomIly_ B 2..3~_1 C _"V__~ I) _._IV__"nd , SAI.E IHFORMAnON I . ". .. c:oner.t ... E~ AI-. F Cam_ G Aponmorn II _, Am.o..._. I ~ CanununlIy So_ J -.. K __ L _ N/A, ..., , - - 05 , 27 , 05 - ..., - '1._01_'_ , ~ ,- ,0 -; 0 , 0 1 , . IFuH .... Prb.. _lDIIIlmOUnt PlId lor.... propIfty Indudlng ....... prapIIty. Th..__bola....""mol___..._.rlho_oI _.._011I1_ __ro"'"_____. '''-'''-01- I N/A 0 0 I --.....- " ~ ' ASSESSMENT INFORMATlO'" - DIllI.....uld NIIocl tho 1_ FIno! _m,nt Roll ond Tox Bill .3....__ ''':::..'''~~.. .......:-10.4 117.T....__"".._.._, RP - 5217 ar-A17 .... N'n liW Charl... A. __T .... 'tllT"~ 11~ 1CIoIy'-"'.--.....- .,.~lk.-Iwllfte.......iIIoAAuIhorilyExilll 0 4It.&u___.........Ior_ 0 C. PMaI ApprCMld lor lubllullion...... PIowidtd 0 -...--.....- & 0wn0IwhIp T,.... Candam''''''''' &__an_~ 1M. "'-IV ~ _.. .........._ ,,,__.__,,--. ......._IoIn....._llIolrtCI o o o o . V.F.S.D. 2 0 0 1 1& _.... 692 1 . , I-U ____I . Mattituck-Cutchogue , 211. T...............IoI/_.........WII__....._____ 110 - 7 - 5 I O~'27/05 ..It membel' 631 1IINrT_ ....1'... WID"""I -- Cutchogue ....,..- NY IT,,, 11935 .- ~~~ ~~~A. Brautigam r,5/27 105 ..,. Mary Lou -- 734-6807 -- NEW YORK STATE COPY